Authorised agents for sales and service of Fordson tractors in 1922

Who were the early dealers of Fordson tractors in Scotland? 

By 1922 there was already an extensive network of dealers of Fordson tractors in Scotland. These were found throughout Scotland, but especially in the eastern counties where the largest extent of cultivated land. A number of them were already agents for agricultural implements and machines while others sold cars or were motor garages with experience of working with motor engines. For example, The Harper Motor Company described itself as Ford Motor Car dealers in 1920. Henry Alexander & Co., described itself as a motor engineer and garage. Harry K. Brown, was at Crown Garage, and a motor garage. Thomas Fairgrieve & Sons, described themselves as millwrights and engineers in 1925. 

In the early 1920s authorised agents for sales and service included:

The Harper Motor Co., Ltd, Holburn Junction, Aberdeen 
J. Harper & Sons, Blairgowrie 
Frew & Company Ltd, The Fordson Service Depot, Princes Street, Perth 
A McKercher, automobile engineer, The Ford Service Depot, Aberfeldy 
Henderson Bros, service dealers, Stirling and Auchterarder 
Thos Cuthbert & Son, Ward Road, Dundee 
A Simpson & Son, authorised Ford dealers, Commerce Street, Montrose 
H. K. Brown, authorised Ford and Fordson dealer, Raith Motor Works, Nicol Street, Kirkcaldy 

Alexander & Co., Nottingham Place (off Leith Street), Edinburgh 
Henry Alexander &Co., authorised Ford and Fordson dealers, Nottingham Place (off Leith Street), Edinburgh, and at Station Road, Peebles 
Forrest & Scott, Carluke Motor Garage 
James Martin Limited, Kirkintilloch 
J. & D. Waddell, 16 Kingston Road, Kilsyth 
D. R. Gordon, authorised Ford dealer, Bathgate 
Thomas Fairgrieve & Sons, authorised Ford dealers, Stow 
The Border Motor Co., Galashiels 
Croall & Croall, Tower Garage, Hawick 
T. Fairgrieve & Sons, Stow 
W. R. Tullock & Son, authorised Ford & Fordson dealers, Ayre Garage, Kirkwall
William Dunnet, Son & Coy, Thurso

How many of these names do you recollect as Fordson and Ford tractor dealers in later years?


Mr MacGregor of Banff: or Mr McGregor of Harrison, McGregor and Co (later Guest)

A number of Scottish agricultural implement and machine makers made their way to England to work in the industry. Some of them like David Greig, Harvieston, Kincardineshire, played important roles in major companies such as John Fowler & Co (Leeds) Ltd. Another major figure was Alexander McGregor of Keith, Banffshire.

The Banffshire journal and general advertiser of 14 September 1909 sets out Alexander MacGregor’s story through its obituary. It is quoted at length:

“Death of successful son of Keith The late Mr Alexander McGregor, agricultural engineerMany friends in the North, and a large number of the farming community throughout the country will hear with regret of the death of Mr Alex McGregor, of Messrs Harrison, McGregor & Co., Albion Iron Works, Leigh. Lancashire. Which took place on Tuesday morning. Mr McGregor was in his 74th year. He had been more or less an invalid since he had a paralytic seizure fifteen years ago last Christmas eve, but that did not prevent him paving regular visits to the Albion works until a more recent date, when his health became worse.Mr McGregor was born in Keith on December 3, 1836, and was seventh son of the late Mr Peter McGregor. Born in humble surroundings, he attended the Keith School, but it was not until he commenced work as a youth that he began to show traces of that inventive genius which was to serve him in such good stead later in life. When a comparatively young man, he invented the adjustable and expanding breast ridging plough, which was such a great advance upon the ordinary plough that, he had taken the precaution of patenting it, he would have made a fortune out of it. He was brought up in his father’s business, and became a partner in the firm of Messrs McGregor & Son, blacksmiths and general engineers, mid Street, Keith. The business was sold in 1866 to Messrs Auchinachie & Simpson, and, leaving Keith, Mr McGregor entered into partnership with Mr Humphries at Aberdeen, and they commenced business as plough makers, agricultural implement manufacturers, millwrights and engineers. A disolution of partnership took place, and both Mr McGregor and Mr Humphries migrated to England, where their talents were afforded fuller scope. For some little time Mr McGregor was with Messrs Ransome, the well-known agricultural machinists of Ipswich, but subsequently went to work for Messrs J. & F. Howard, agricultural implement makers of Bedford, where his late partner, Mr Humphries, occupied a position of the manager of a department. It was whilst Mr McGregor was with Messrs Howard that he attracted the notice of Mr Reuben Sims, the then managing director of Messrs Picksley, Sims, & Company, Butts Foundry. Mr Sims offered Mr McGregor good terms to go to Leigh and superintended the manufacture of rakes and other agricultural implements. Mr McGregor accepted the offer, and went to Leigh in the spring of 1867.

That was the stepping stone to a career that was destined to have a great effect upon Mr McGregor’s future, and upon the history of the Lancashire town of Leigh. For about six years he faithfully served Messrs Picksley, Sims & Co., as a foreman. At that time the firm had a small place in Albion Street, which was chiefly used as a warehouse. Mr McGregor, the late Mr Henry Harrison, father of the present Mayor of Leigh, and of Mr T. D. Harrison, the general manager of the Albion Ironworks, resolved to start in business on their own account, along with Mr George Rich. Negotiations were opened with Pickley, Sims & Co., and in February, 1873, that firm sold the three enterprising gentlemen the Albion Foundry. The firm of Messrs Harrison, McGregor & Co., gradually built up a splendid name. The improvements made in mowing and reaping machines and other agricultural implements were so excellent that from a small beginning with about fifty workpeople they increased in leaps and bounds until they became a firm of world-wide repute. Mr Alexander McGregor exercised his inventive genius to the full on behalf of his own firm, and among agriculturists his name became a household word, his fame and that of the firm extending throughout Europe and America. In America, France, and Germany the firm built up a great reputation, the present Mayor of Leigh contributing largely to its success, while his elder brother, Mr T. D. Harrison, also did splendid work on behalf of the firm. The Company were also singularly fortunate in securing as the works manager Mr McGregor’s younger brother Robert, a man of great skill and untiring perseverance. Leigh owes a great deal to the Albion Ironworks, for from employing about 50 men in 1873, it increased so largely that upwards of 1200 hands are employed, the firm being probably the largest manufacturers of agricultural machines in Great Britain. So successful was the Albion Ironworks that the older firm of Messrs Picksley, Sims & Co., could not compete with the new rival, and gradually sank out of existence, the works being closed some years ago and the bulk of the work-people securing employment at the Albion. When in December 1891 the firm of Messrs Harrison, McGregor & Company was converted into a Limited Liability Company, Mr Alexander McGregor was appointed managing director, and held that position until his death. Mr McGregor was twice married. His first wife was Miss Anna Foxcroft, of Leigh, who died about 35 years ago, leaving one son, Alexander, who is now in Canada. His second wife, who survives him, was Miss Emma Murray, of Manchester, and their children are Frank, Peter, William, Minnie, Bessie, Eleanor, and Constance.

As to his general characteristics Mr McGregor was not only an eminently practical man, but he was blessed with great foresight and tenacity of purpose. He had the faculty of commanding the admiration of his workpeople, and they worked untiringly, knowing that Mr McGregor would thoroughly appreciate what they did. In his younger days he was a most energetic walker, and his mind was centred in his business. He had few sporting instincts. His greatest happiness was in developing his works. Politics he did not care for, and he eschewed the, as far as possible. Several high honours would have been conferred upon him had he cared to accept them, but his inclination did not lie in that direction. For a great many years he was a member of the Independent Order of Oddfellows. Genial and generous to a degree, with a courtly and kindly disposition, he made many staunch friends, and he had no sturdier backers than his own workpeople, who recognised and fully appreciated his genius. He is dead, but his work will live after him, and the town of Leigh will never be able to pay the debt of gratitude it owes to him.

The funeral took place at the Leigh Cemetery on Thursday. The deceased’s late residence is not far from the cemetery, and consequently the demonstration of respect that would have been shown in the town had the cartage passed through the chief streets, were not possible. However, the flag at the Liberal Club was at half-mast. The floral tributes were very numerous, and at the funeral there was a large company of mourners.”

Quite a man!


Mr Ross of Barclay, Ross & Hutchison, Aberdeen

n 1914 Barclay, Ross & Tough conducted its business from Balmoral Buildings, 67-71 Green, Aberdeen, and at Craigshaw, Aberdeen. It was two addresses that became closely known with its successor Barclay, Ross & Hutchison Ltd in 1920. 

The business continued in operation until 1 July 1929 when it was taken over by Scottish Agricultural Industries Ltd. In 1933 it advertised in the North British Agriculturist as Barclay, Ross & Hutchison Ltd, associated with Scottish Agricultural Industries Ltd”. In that year it exhibited at the Highland Show the “S.A.I. chemical dresser for all seeds”. 

One of the founding figures of the business was Robert R. Ross. He continued to be associated with the business until he retired on 1 July 1929. The Aberdeen evening express, provides an account of his work in an obituary of 22 May 1940. It is worth quoting at length: 

“Late Mr R. R. Ross
Agriculturists and business men throughout the North of Scotland will learn with regret of the death yesterday, at his residence in Hardgate, of Mr Robert R. Ross, a member of the firm of Messrs Barclay, Ross, and Hutchison, seedsman, and implement makers, Aberdeen. Mr Ross was eighty years of age.
Mr Ross was for many years secretary of the Royal Northern Agricultural Society. In that capacity he helped greatly to increase the membership, and in several directions he was responsible for widening the usefulness and influence of the Society. 
A man of tremendous energy and initiative, Mr Ross played an important part in the development of the agricultural industry in the North-east. 
His firm was kept invariably in the forefront in producing up-to-date machinery and other labour-saving equipment necessary for successful farming. 

Mr Ross joined, in the closing year of last century, the firm established by Mr Morrison Barclay in 1871. He retired from business eleven years ago when the firm was taken over by the Scottish Agricultural Industries Ltd. He, however, remained a director of the company up to the time of his death. 
Courteous, genial, and obliging, he enjoyed a great popularity.
When a young man Mr Ross was a member of the Aberdeen Rifle Volunteers and attended the Wet Review in 1881. He was a member of the Aberdeen Wet Review Veterans’ Association. 

Mr Ross is survived by two daughters and by one son, who is in New Zealand. Two of his sons were killed in the last war.”


The implement department of the Ayrshire Agricultural Association Show in 1882

he Ayr Show of the Ayrshire Agricultural Association was one of the most important agricultural shows for implements and machines in Scotland. The most important one was the Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland.

The Ayr Show as important not only for local makers but also those coming from further afield, especially in Glasgow and Edinburgh. It was also attended by some of the major English makers such as John Fowler & Co., Leeds.

The west of Scotland newspapers, including the Ayrshire newspapers and the Glasgow herald published extensive accounts on what was exhibited at the show. The agricultural newspapers such as the North British agriculturist also published accounts.

An informative account of the implement department at the 1882 show was published in the Glasgow herald of 26 April 1882. It provides context to the display, including numbers of exhibits, trends between the years (1882 was at the start of a long agricultural depression), changes to the awards system for implement makers as well as what was on display. It is worth quoting at length for the amount of detail it provides:

“Although the exhibition of implements is one of the most interesting to farmers as connected with the cultivation of their land, it has never had much attraction for the general public, and the attendance yesterday, though not smaller than on any previous year, could not be said to show any advance. Those who passed up and down the yard were almost all farmers who had an eye for the practical, and were either on the outlook for some particular implement, or were scanning the different stands in the search after new inventions. For the past few years there has been gradual decrease in the entries in this department, but this is easily accounted for when the depressed state of agriculture is considered, and the inability of the farmer to do more than purchase what was actually required to carry on farming operations. In 1879 the implement entries were 931, in 1880 they were 816; and last year 786; while this year there is a further reduction, and the number now stands at 748. No doubt this is caused by the withdrawal of many of those exhibitors who dealt in fancy articles, and who chose such gatherings as splendid opportunities for doing a goodly stroke of business. Whether they have been disappointed in their expectations we cannot tell, but the fact remains the same, and the display, so far as the real merits of the exhibition are concerned, is none the poorer for their absence.

Another feature in implements for the past few years in the absence of all novelties. That some of the makers are busy on new implements we knew, but the times are not such as to hasten the production of these, and hence those placed in the yard yesterday were, with one or two exceptions, well-known and tried machines with minute alterations which have been suggested by practical experience. Another thing which strikes the visitor is the absence of some of the well-known English makers, who are allowing their goods to be brought before the farmers through their own agents. There is still another matter which affects makers more particularly, and that is the issue of medals to exhibits. In deference to the wishes of the makers the association decided to give no such awards, and this was carried out for a year or two, but when the committee came to draw up the premium list this year, it was stated that a desire had been expressed that some medal should be given for special new inventions. This was agreed to, and accordingly the notice was appended. This came under the notice of the committee of the Scottish Implement Engineers’ Association, and strong remonstrations were then made that this was really taking a step backwards, and losing the ground which had been already gained. These were duly considered by the committee of the Ayr show, to whom it was explained that the engineers wished trials to which, if desired, medals or prizes might be attached, but that they had no desire for medals without trials. It was further asked, if the committee decided to go in for trials that they give three years’ notice of the implements to be so tested, so that every opportunity might be given for the production of the best implement. After full deliberation, it was agreed to depart from the announcement made in the premium list; and at the same time, we believe, a feeling was expressed that they might enter on the new field of testing implements by another year. This decision satisfied the members, and prevented what at one time threatened to bring about a rupture of those friendly relations which have always subsisted between the Ayrshire association and the implement makers.

Coming to look at the exhibits as laid out, the largest display is that of Messrs Alexander Jack & Sons, of Maybole. This firm has made a name for itself for the manufacture of the Buckeye reapers and mowers, but this year they have introduced a new feature, and have brought out a potato digger, for which they augur great success. In carts and lorries they stand almost foremost, and as usual a large number of these are on the ground. Close beside this stand is the broadcast sowing machine of Mr Thomas Turnbull, of Castlebank, Dumfries. It is on the well-known principle illustrated by Mr Benjamin Reid, of Aberdeen, and is placed on a swivel to assist removal from field to field. Adjoining this is a large stand filled by Mr Jas P. Cathcart, of Glasgow and Ayr. It is filled with a collection of useful agricultural implements, chief among which are several of Mr Walter Wood’s enclosed gear two-horse mower. One fault with this machine was the short knife bar. In this machine a longer bar has been put in, and there is also added an improved reaper attachment. It was expected that this firm would exhibit one of their sheaf-binders, but as the Highland Society have offered a special premium for these machines it has been decided to keep it back till that time, so that all the improvements suggested by experiments may be added. Mr Cathcart also exhibited Gray’s pulverising plough, which looks a useful implement, and one likely to perform well the task for which it is designed. There is also in this stand one of Black’s improved box churns with a perforated division, which is said to greatly quicken the process. The inventor says, that “the peculiar construction of the breaker throws the milk with great force through the perforation, breaks up and extracts every particle of butter in a remarkably short time, and in a manner quite unequalled by any former invention.”

At the end of the field, among machinery in motion, is one of Messrs Jeffery & Blackstone’s new stone mills for grinding and kibbling, exhibited by Mr Robert Wallace of Whitletts, and driven by one of Messrs J. & T. Young’s engines. These grinding mills are fitted with stones instead of iron grinders, and being mounted on a horizontal spindle are thus made to run a vertical direction. The makers contend that it can be driven at double the speed of the ordinary mills, and there can be no doubt that it was performing excellent work yesterday. Messrs W. N. Nicholson & Son, Newark-on-Trent, show an improved Gardner single-action turnip-cutter, which is fitted with a patent arrangement said to insure the last piece being cut. Passing along to the stand of Mr Thomas Hunter, of Maybole, we find a very large collection of implements, among which is noticeable the well-known turnip-topping and tailing machine. There is also a new machine which has been tried once. It is called a “Dunlop three-drill plough”. When preparing the land for potatoes with a single plough, one of the horses passes along one of the furrows, and, by making deep indentations in the bottom, destroys the surface for planting, and often leads to irregularities and blanks. With this implement the horses walk in front of the ground to be turned up, and in this way an even bottom is left for the seed potato. It is calculated that one pair of horses can go over about nine or ten acres a-day with the machine. Mr Dunlop, who has assisted Mr Hunter with the invention, has tried the machine, and he is satisfied that it will save a good deal of labour, and prove very effectual.

Not far from this stand is another novelty exhibited by Mr Thomas Reid, Monkton Miln. It is described as a “Patent combined machine or implement that will open three drills at once for farmyard manure, or open two drills, sow light manure, and cover at same time eight acres a-day. Turnip or other seeds can be sown at same time-all with one pair of horses. Also, plant potatoes, whole or cut, and cultivate and raise root crops.” It has two drills in front, with manure boxes above. As the machine moves it causes a central roller to revolve, and this carries the manure down and allows it to fall to the ground. Then the three mould boards follow, and cover up the manure, and behind these again are placed three turnip sowers, thus performing three operations at once. The inventor also claims that by removing the manure boxes and substituting potato planters he can accomplish a large amount of work with little expenditure of horse-power. So far the machine has not been thoroughly tested, and though the theory is good it would be unwise to speak too confidently of its merits. Messrs John Wallace & Sons, Glasgow, have a goodly representation of their machines on the ground. This firm was the pioneer in potato diggers, and their machine has stood every test applied to it, and has been so successful that not a few of those being manufactured are practically on the same principle. Their reapers have also undergone some minute alteration, which improve their usefulness. Messrs Wallace also showed an Anglo-American chilled plough, for cross ploughing red land or stubble. This implement is remarkably simple and light, and the English makers have improved on the American model by broadening the front wheel and lowering it slightly, so as to meet the irregularities of the land. The other stands are well worthy of a visit, but they contain no novelties, though filled with implements which have been long usefully employed on many farms.”

An informative account of a great display.


Another look at the “Highland” of ninety years ago

Newspapers in Scotland carried extensive accounts of the Highland Show. These included extensive accounts of the implement stands, the new implements, the livestock displayed and the award winners. Because of the extent of the implement yard, accounts of it tended to be extensive, though the amount of space devoted to each stand was brief. They provide useful information for the historian today of agricultural implements and machines. Often they provide information in the absence of other sources. We have posted an account of the Highland Show in Inverness from The Scotsman. It set out what attracted its reporter.

Today, we include an account from the Aberdeen free press of 25 July 1892. This includes an extensive account on the development of mechanisation in the nineteenth century as well as key implements and machines. It refers to ones that were particularly important for the farmers in the north.

The account states:

“HAS Inverness 1892

Since the last show of the Highland Society was held at Inverness, great improvements have been effected on implements and machinery. Inventors never appear to tire of trying to bring out something new, as is well proved by the large number of patents that are applied for every day of the year; and when they find it impossible to invent new machines, many of them tax their brains to the utmost to improve in detail those that are in existence. In this latter respect abundant evidence is given at the Inverness show, a large amount of brain-power having been expended in taking advantage of the laws of nature towards improving and perfecting in the smaller details the implements and machinery used for agricultural purposes. In the minds of those who have often visited the Highland Society’s shows, and whose recollections can travel back well on to half a century of years, what an enormous contrast is presented! In those days the first sound that would have greeter the ear of many a farmer when he got early out of bed in a winter’s morning would have been, perhaps, the constant thud and whack of the flail from the surrounding barns of the smaller farmers and crofters; and if he had peered into the barns of the larger farmers about four or five o’clock in the morning, more than likely he would have found the farm servants busily engaged either in threshing or in dressing the corn by an old creaking fanner or “winnoster”, which might have been heard for a long distance off. The light by which the work would have been done would have been found to stand out in strong contrast again that of modern days, a “wick” made out of rushes and burning in “train” oil being considered a great improvement on the old and troublesome for sticks. The threshing mills, too, in those days were clumsy enough, and hard to drag, as the horses could well have testified, and the other implements of the farm were usually more unwieldy. The climax of science was considered to be reached when the skilled millwright was called in to do his part in putting in a mill. From small beginnings in the direction of improvement great progress has been made during the last twenty-five years, for even during that comparatively short period the most of the really useful modern agricultural implements have been brought forward and perfected. Reaping machines, when they were first seen, were almost laughed at, and the men who bought them were looked upon by a good many as faddists, and objections by the hundred were presented as to their ever coming into use. But what changes days and years can produce. The reaper and binder, which may not be looked upon as one of the greatest wonders on the farm, was looked upon but a very few years ago as a machine which might possibly be adapted to cut down the wheat of the prairie lands, but it looked like an idle dream to suppose that it could ever come into ordinary use. Last year a large number of farmers were “converted”, as the public trials which took place at various centres over the country the binders amid twisted corn performed their work in many cases better than the man with his scythe could do, and it was almost a debateable point if it could not even compete with many of the back or side-delivery reapers. The old objection, too, was also almost overborne that a pair of good hardy horses could not pull the machine, as it was acknowledged by many that they could do so with ease and without almost turning “a hair”. The other objection as to price is being gradually removed, as the scale of being lowered, and the weight of many of the machines has in many cases now descended to about half a ton.

On entering the gate, the first thing that will appeal to the eye and greet the ear will be the immense array of labour saving implements and the roar of machinery performing work, from driving sewing machines, to threshing and grinding mills, will all alike demonstrate that progress of a very marked character is being made. As showing in marked contrast side by side the rate of progress made, a mill may be seen at work near the entrance gate driven by a powerful engine grinding grain, while in a recess of the machine the electric light flashes out its brilliant light as if trying to compete with a still more powerful luminary overhead. A rapid survey of the showyard will show that inventors are striving hard to put “steam” itself as a motive agent in the background, as gas and electricity are not only now strong competitors where only a few horse power is required, but an engine is shown on the ground of about ten horse power, which is driven by petroleum, the oil being first heated then exploded like gas. Descending the scale to details, the improvements that have been effected on all kinds of machines are legion, and all tending in the direction of lightening labour and of making the work more easily and effectively performed. The hook has given place to the reaper and binder, the flail to the “tiny” threshing machine, the “rashen” wick to petroleum, gas, or the electric light, and all round abundant evidence is afforded that, great as the improvements are, the end of the century will only usher in another age which will be “yet much more wonderful”. Among those in the dim and distant future, as concentrating almost within itself one of the potentialities, electricity will more than likely play an important part, while the explosive forces-the tides, the waves, and the waterfalls-will be put in harness and compelled to do their quota of work.

Messrs G. W. Murray & Co, Banff Foundry, Banff, at their stand, no. 25, show a large and varied assortment of agricultural implements. The Company are agents for the celebrated Toronto steel binder, which ahs gained for itself an excellent reputation in the past as a machine which will cut all conditions of crop, and give purchasers entire satisfaction. It is light in draught, and easily within the power of two horses. In practice it is a machine which requires little repairs, as it is made of malleable iron and steel. They also show their famed Victory Reaper, which has been well known for many years over Scotland, and this season several important improvements have been effected. The demand has been so great this season that unless farmers place their orders early they will run the risk of being disappointed. The firm also call special attention to their one horse reapers, which will be found very suitable for small farmers in the north, as they are light in draught and quite within the power of a single horse, or if two horses are available they can be attached if desired. They exhibit a good selection of drill and swing ploughs of various patterns for one and two horses. The drill ploughs have steel boards, and the workmanship if the whole is highly finished. They also show one and two horse chain pumps, corn bruisers of various sizes, and last, but not lease, their celebrated Victory knife grinder, which can be driven by hand or foot. They also show several hand, horse, and water- power threshing mills of their own manufacture, which they warrant to do the work in a satisfactory manner. Murray’s turnip-sower, potato planter, and their new three-tined grubber are likely to attract attention. They also act as agents for the sale of Massey, Harris, & Co’s “Sharp” hay rake, of which it is stayed forty thousand have been made, and the demand for them this season in the north has been exceptional, owing to their ability and cheapness.

Stand no. 33 is occupied by George Sellar and Son, Huntly, with an exhibit of their implements. Part of their stand was shown at Aberdeen, and was fully described by us in our report of the Royal Northern Society’s Show. The chief feature of the stand is their display of ploughs, which are shown in every variety, with mould boards varying in length from 4 feet to 2 feet in length. The introduction of Anglo-American ploughs had the effect of shaking the confidence of farmers in ploughs with long boards, and the demand has now settled down for a good, strong, swing plough, with a medium length of board, as represented by their no. 27. This is a plow which can be turned to all sorts and conditions of work, is light in draught, and does not leave the furrow slice too cohesive and plastered up. The long boards, such as no. 29, have been relegated to ploughing matches. Two samples of steel grubbers are shewn-made of steel throughout. The advantage of steel in the construction of grubbers is that when the implement strikes a stone, steel will, although bent, spring bank into its original position, while iron, on the other hand, remains bent. The grubber thus getting off the truth, gradually gets worse until it has to be refitted again by the blacksmith. The harrow made by this form are also of steel, without any bolts in them. The turnip sower which they exhibit seems to have been in some measure remodelled. It looks much more compact and in every way lighted. The rollers are self-shifting, to any size of drill, and the seed can be seen passing from the seed boxes into the pipes, so that no mistake can occur with the seed stopping. The Johnston binder is also shown on this stand, which, along with the others, require to be thoroughly tested before their good qualities can be confirmed. Altogether this stand is attractive, and ought to command some attention.

Thomas Gibson & Son, Bainfield Ironworks, Edinburgh, at stand no. 39, have a large space allotted to them, and their entries, numbering 135 in all, occupy several pages of the catalogue. The goods are all of their own manufacture, and in a number of the articles shown they claim originality in construction and design. One of the principal features in this stand is the new patent channel iron fence, with wood top-rail, the latter making the fence much more visible for hunting, and less dangerous on the side of public roadways than ordinary iron fences. They also exhibit a tripod tree guard, invented by Mr A. A. McLeod, park superintendent, Edinburgh. The tree is surrounded inside the guard by close wire-mesh netting, seven inches in diameter, making the guard entirely rabbit-proof. The price is very moderate. They also show a new and improved con rick stand, with improving air-bossing, an arrangement which would enable farmers to take in their crops when wet, and it is also of the greatest advantage in respect that in wet seasons the grain of fodder won’t heat, this being prevented by the free access of air to the stack.

The Bisset back-delivery reaper have for years been well to the front of the north, and at stand no. 5 Messrs J. Bisset & Sons, Blairgowrie, show a good collection of their “Speedwell” self-acting, back-delivery reaper. They also show their Bisset Binder, which was described at the Aberdeen show, the principal features of which is that there is no “canvass” required, the grain being conveyed on an endless spiked chain.


The first motors and motor tractors at the Highland Show of 1904

The Highland Show was an important forum for the display of agricultural implements and machines. This included the introduction of new implements and machines such as mowers, reapers, binders, traction engines, tractors and so forth.

The Highland Show in 1924 was held at Perth, in the Perth Show District, one of the 8 show districts. The Perthshire advertiser looked back at the show held in Perth in 1904 when it had been last held there. It noted that this was the first show “where motors and motor tractors were first seen”.

Let’s see how it referred to that show of 1924 and the upcoming one of 1924 in an article from 2 February 1924: “Owing to circumstances which are well known, the Highland and Agricultural Society’s annual show was held in the county town of Fife in 1912, when, in its ordinary rotation, it would otherwise have been held at Perth.

The great national show to be held on the South Inch, Perth, on 15, 16, 17, and 18 July, ought therefore, to be invested with more than ordinary interest, as no fewer than twenty years have elapsed since the great exhibition was formerly held at this centre.Perth is recognised as one of the most convenient, as well as being one of the most lucrative, centres at which this show is held. It is of interest also to recall that the secretary of the Highland Society, Mr John Stirton, MA, is a Perthshire man, belonging to a well-known farming family in the Stanley-Bankfoot district, where a brother, Mr William Stirton, to day carries on the family tradition. Many of the outstanding directors of the Highland and Agricultural Society have been Perthshire proprietors and farmers, and the show held at Perth have always been marked by unusual enterprise and excellent organisation.

The show this year will be the tenth held by the Society at Perth, the first of whose shows was held at Edinburgh on Thursday, 26th December, 1822. At the first venture the premiums amounted to 10 guineas all told, 5 guineas for first and 2nd prizes for pairs of oxen of the Shorthorn breed not exceeding four years; of the Aberdeenshire breed not exceeding three years; and of the Angus, Fife, Galloway, and West Highland breed not under four years. At the coming show in July the prize list amounts to between £5000 and £6000. From the “Transactions” of the Highland and Agricultural Society we read that “The Society has had few more successful shows than that which took place at Perth on the 19th, 20th, 21st, and 22nd July, 1904. The South Inch, given free with a supply of water by the city of Perth, formed an ideal showyard in every way.

First appearance of motor tractors

Nowadays the implement section of the Highland is an immense exposition in itself. It was at the Highland Show in July, 1896, that the first exhibition was given of a road motor seen in Scotland. Then at Perth, at the 1904 show, an equally notable feature was the first show yard appearance in Scotland of motors designed for field work. A writer of the day says:-“There would seem to be little room for doubt that motors have come to stay”. He was a shrewd observer of events. The motor tractors exhibited in July underwent practical field trials in September. In the showyard the motors were exhibited hauling reaping machines and waggons, and “their appearance excited much interest and favourable comment among visitors. It may, indeed, be said that the ease with which the motors were worked and manouvered in the parade ring tended to remove any unfavourable impression that may have existed in the minds of those who have been reluctant to contemplate the introduction of mechanical haulage other than at present in vogue for field work. In these days of keen competition it is more than ever necessary that work of all kinds should be executed as quickly and as cheaply as possible, and, in the agricultural motor, even in its present stage, there appears to be a machine which will assist towards the desired end.”

The practical trials of the motors in the cutting of corn and ploughed land took place at the late Mr W. S. Ferguson’s farm of Pictonshill, near Perth, on September 15th, 1904, “in the presence of a fairly large company of deeply interested agriculturists”. The motors tested were “The Ivel” and “The Scott”. Since then, of course, motor tractor implements have undergone nothing short of a revolution, but these early motors made a big impression at the time, and the improvements that have taken place may be said to have been built upon the foundations which in these early days were well and truly laid.

A criticism of the work done in 1904, which appears in the “Highland Transactions”, states that: “The motors were under perfect control, and considerable admiration was expressed at the ease with which they stopped and started during the cutting. In fact, in this respect, they seemed superior to horses. The exhibitors of the two motors supplied the following data as to the total cost per acre and the time required for performing the work. Mowing 6d to 1/9 per acre; 15 to 30 mins time required per acreReaping 1/ to 1/9 per acre; 30 mins time required per acrePloughing 4/ to 5/ 1 11/2 hrs to 2hrs time required per acreCultivating 1/6 to 4/ per acre; ¾ hrs to 1 ¼ hrs time required per acre.

The report concludes: “Taking the trials as a whole, they were in every way a success, and in recognition of the substantial progress which the makers had made in bringing out a thoroughly useful agricultural motor, the Committee awarded one of the Highland and Agricultural Society’s gold medals to each of the two exhibitors.” The Highland and Agricultural Society is to be congratulated on the encouragement it has invariably given inventions and manufacturers of agricultural implements to carry on the good work of reducing farm labour costs.”


What was new at the Highland Show ninety years ago?

The 1932 show of the Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland was held in the Inverness Show District, in Inverness. The Scotsman reported the display of implements and machines in its issue of 21 June 1932. This included the manufactures from the Scottish makers. It is worth quoting at length to show what was available for the agriculturist in 1932 at a time of economic difficulty when mechanisation had been making inroads into agriculture.

“Inverness Highland Show

The highland capital yesterday presented a bustling and animated appearance, the town being crowded with visitors for the Highland and Agricultural Society’s Show, which opens to-day. The hotels are fully occupied, and there has been. Great run on available accommodation in private houses, while large numbers have overflowed to the neighbouring towns. The sky was overcast in the morning; the early part of the day was dull and cool; but in the afternoon the sun shone brightly, and the weather prospects are very promising. Although there is not such an extensive show of implements as at Edinburgh last year, there is an attractive exhibition of all that is useful on the farm. Considering the distance of Inverness from the more important centres of commercial and manufacturing industries in the South, the display is very satisfactory, and is greater than in any previous Inverness Show.

Thoroughly comprehensiveIn the implement yard exhibitors were fully occupied yesterday getting their stands in order, The comprehensive character and number of exhibits comprised in the section well upholds the traditions of the Society. There are 245 stands, with 1926 exhibits representing practically every department of commerce catering for those engaged in the cultivation of land, or in the breeding and feeding of live stock. The yard has been so arranged by Professor Stanfield, M.InstC.E., Edinburgh, the Society’s consulting engineer, and the various kinds of exhibits have been so grouped that the visitor may make a round of inspection in the most convenient and quickest way.

Only four implements were shown at the first Inverness Show in 1831. They were six times that number in 1839, 59 in 1846, 231 in 1856, and 707 in 1865; but they reached four figures in 1874. Nine years later they numbered 1280, and in 1892 they were 1383. Still mounting up, the number was 1463 in 1901, and ten years later 1513. In 1923 the entries were 1778; and on this occasion, as already noted, the total is 1926. The principal Scottish implement makers are represented in the Show, and the leading English firms are also forward. The exhibits demonstrate the perfection to which the agricultural engineer has brought farm machinery, and visitors of a practical mind will find much of interest and instruction in their inspection. All manner of farm implements are embraced within the comprehensive display which is laid out to good advantage on the showground. Manufacturers from many parts of the country are represented in the vast collection, and nothing which is of the least use to the agriculturist in the pursuit of his calling has been overlooked. The display, while it is of the greatest interest to the practical farmer, will also be a source of much attraction to the members of the general purpose.

Sowing and cultivating machinery is to be found in variety on stand no. 87, occupied by J. L. & J. Ballach, Gorgie Implement Works, Edinburgh. Included in the assortment is the patent universal expanding disc drill scarifier, for drills from 18 to 30 inches wide. Fitted with patent hoeing attachments, this machine gained the H. and A. S. silver medal at the 1927 show at Edinburgh. Several specimens of the new champion turnip sower are also forward together with broadcast manure distributors, combined turnip and manufacture sowers, potato sowers, sorters, horse hoes, ball-bearing grinders. Thomas Sherriff & Co., West Barns, Dunbar, are at stand no. 81, with a display of their popular implements. One of these is the combined turnip and beet sower and hoer, which sows four rows on the flat from 18 to 26 inches apart. It was awarded the Society’s silver medal at the Edinburgh Show, 1927. Grain and seed drills, steel frame broadcast seed sowers, drills for peas and beans, land measures, and a new improved land measuring wheel or sheep drains, &c, are also on view.

Tractors and transport

Notable among the motor exhibits are those seen at stand no. 131. There Henry Alexander & Co., Nottingham Place, Edinburgh, have an interesting and varied display, including an agricultural Fordson tractor fitted with a hay mower, a three-furrow Oliver plough, an Elwick cultivator with ridging bodies and Miller non-slip wheels. There is also an Enfield lawn mower, which is claimed to be the cheapest machine of its kind on the market. The Ford 8hp Tudor saloon on view is the new model that is being manufactured at Dagenham, and in which much public interest is being shown. Other exhibits are Ford two-ton and one-ton trucks, a Ford forward control truck capable of carrying two and a half tons, and a Ford forward control three-purpose truck. The Morris Commercial Cars (Ltd), Birmingham, are exhibiting through their local agents, Macrae & Dick (Ltd), at stand no. 135, a wide range of vehicles. Exhibits of special interest to farmers and stockbreeders include a tow-ton farm and estate lorry. It is designed with a loading ramp to carry cattle, or it can be used as an ordinary lorry for general farm work. A three-ton cattle truck, which is also on view, is fitted with an upper deck for carrying sheep or pigs. This deck is removable, and there are low ramps at the rear and sides for loading cattle.

At stand no. 77 William Kinross & Sons, 37 Port Street, Stirling, are displaying a selection of milk lorries, some with iron tyres, and others rubber tyred. The latter type of lorry is being used by an increasing number of dairymen. Spring carts and floats are also shown at this stand.

Dairy outfitters

G. D. L. Swann & Son, dairy engineers and outfitters, 32-36 Abercorn Street, Glasgow, are at stand no. 64, where they display a range of bottle-filling as well as washing machines, varying in capacity from one suiting a dairyman handling 20 gallons a day to one distributing 1000 gallons. The firm fit up dairies for graded milk at the farm or for a town depot. Messrs Swann present a great assortment of bottles, discs, caps, cases, seamless milk cans, delivery barrows, &c. All the goods on view are entirely of British manufacture, while tanks, pails, luggies, carrying cans, &c, are all made in the firm’s Glasgow works. Latest in poultry houses.

Cowiesons (Ltd), 3 Charles Street, St Rollox, Glasgow, are well-known for their poultry houses and appliances, summer houses, tool sheds, and such like structures, specimens of which are displayed at stand no. 178. Their “Caledonia” poultry house is the last word in regard to these houses, and it is proving immensely popular with breeders all over the country. The revolving summer house on view is an attractive structure, of great lasting qualities, and attractively finished. A visit to the stand will prove time well spent, as there is much of interest to be seen. Poultry breeders will find many exhibits of interest at stand no. 176, occupied by G. Sutherland & Sons, Premier Works, Forres, who make a speciality of poultry houses and appliances. The firm also make allotment huts and garden shelters, and a selection of these are also on view. Robert Miller (Denny) (Ltd), Bonnybridge, are showing various models of their make of poultry houses at stand no. 179.”

Do recognise any of the implements and machines or names of their makers?


Macdonald Brothers, Portsoy

One of the names that was well-known in Portsoy, Banffshire and the north-east of Scotland from the. 1870s until well through the twentieth century was the MacDonald Brothers of Lochside Engineering Works, Roseacre Street.

They were already making agricultural implements and machines in 1878. Their early manufactures included harrows and turnip lifters. By 1885 they had started to make back delivery reapers; they continued to make these until the early twentieth century. They had a number of models. In 1890 one of them was the Princess, a one horse self-acting back delivery reaper. Another two from 1894 were the Portsoy self-acting back delivery reaper and the Simplex self-acting back delivery reaper.

The brothers were agricultural implement makers, mechanical engineers, millwrights and smiths. When cars became more common place they became motor engineers. They were a forward-looking business, advertising in the national agricultural press – the North British Agriculturist – and exhibited at the Highland Show from 1879 until at least 1928. They largely exhibited in the Inverness and Aberdeen shows, the area of their largest customer base.

They entered their implements for trails and new implements at the Highland Show. These included a turnip lifter at the trials in 1881. In 1885 they entered ploughs, grubbers and harrows for trial. A decade later they entered a further turnip lifter; in 1899, a further manure distributer. They won £10 first prize for a turnip lifter in 1895. Behind the business were the brothers James and Alexander Macdonald. They died within a few years of one another in 1913 and 1916. Their obituaries provide information on their lives, their business and their activities:

Baillie James Macdonald, Portsoy (died March 1913)The Aberdeen press and journal notes: “Baillie James Macdonald, Portsoy, died early yesterday morning after a brief illness. He had been a well-known figure in the business life of Portsoy for about 35 years, and was a general favourite. In all things pertaining to the good of the town, he took a leading part. In the work of other Boards as well as the Town Council he took a very keen interest. It is now 35 years since he and his brother, Mr Alexander Macdonald, started the firm in Portsoy of Macdonald Bros, engineers and implement makers, which has to-day a wide reputation. Mr Macdonald was a Liberal I politics, and for some years he held office as president of the Banffshire Liberal Association. For many years he was also president of the local association. He was a devoted member of the East U.F. Church, and for a number of years acted as one of the managers.”

Mr Alexander Macdonald, Portsoy (died January 1916) The Aberdeen press and journal note: It will be learned with deep regret that Mr Alexander Macdonald, engineer and agricultural implement maker, died suddenly yesterday at his residence, 22 Durn Road. He has been at work as usual, but was seized with a pain in the back, and thought it advisable to go home. Serious symptoms manifested themselves, and he passed away at half-past one o’clock. Mr Macdonald was well-known throughout a wide circle, especially among agriculturists, and was a general favourite with all classes, and his death will call forth many expressions of deep regret. He took a great interest in all things pertaining to the good of the town and district. For a number of years he has been a member of Fordyce School Board and Fordyce Parish Council, and in all public movements took an intelligent part. It is now 38 years since he and his brother, the late Baillie Macdonald, started business in Portsoy as engineers and implement makers-a business which to-day may be said to have a world wide reputation.

The Aberdeen press and journal, also provided an account of the funeral of Alexander Macdonald: The funeral took place yesterday to Portsoy Cemetery of the late Mr Alex Macdonald, of Messrs Macdonald Brothers, engineers and agricultural implement makers, Portsoy. There was a large attendance of the general public representative of town and district, also many from a distance, deceased having been well known throughout a wide area. The coffin, of polished oak, was covered with a number of beautiful wreaths. The workmen of the firm walked on each side of the hearse; and following the chief mourners came the boys of the senior department of Portsoy School, in charge of Mr Wm Maclean, the headmaster; then the members of Fordyce School Board, Fordyce Parish Council, and Portsoy Town Council, and general public. As a mark of respect, shops were closed and blinds drawn all along the line of route. At the cemetery the remains were carried by the workmen to the side of the grave. The services were conducted by the Rev Wm Browne.

The Princess reaper from 1890 was photographed at the Strathnairn Farmers Association Working Vintage Rally & Display, September 2013.


Norwegian harrows – a legacy on some farms in the mid twentieth century

A really effective new soil pulveriser was introduced into Scotland in the early 1840s. This was the Norwegian harrow. Its function was to reduce large clods into very small ones by means of a number of lines of rays or tines, leaving the land “perfectly light and lose, whilst the clod-crushing roller gives to it firmness and consistence.”.

This implement, on an “entirely novel construction”, was introduced by George Edward Frere, FRS, of Edinburgh, from Norway. He had it constructed, with some changes, by Richard Stratton, Bristol. He entered it for the Royal Agricultural Society Meeting at Shrewsbury in 1845 where the judges awarded to him a premium of 10L for his harrow. By 1858 Norwegian harrows were being made by a number of Scottish implement and machine makers. In that year they included James Kirkwood, Tranent, who sold one at £8 10s, and Peter McGregor & Son, Keith, at £8 15s. Kirkwood became a renowned maker of these harrows, winning a number of premiums for them from the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland.

By 1864 the number of makers of these harrows had increased. They also included: John Barrowman & Co., Saline, Fife, David Young, Hassington, Coldstream, Robert Peddie & Co., 132 George Street, Edinburgh, William Kirkwood, Duddingston Mills, Edinburgh, and Kemp, Murray & Nicholson, Stirling. The one made by that latter maker was described as a “Norwegian harrow, or clod crusher”.

These harrows were still being made into the 1880s. Makers continued to include William Elder, Tweedsmouth Implement Works, Berwick on Tweed, and Kemp & Nicholson, Stirling. After that date there are few references to these harrows.

A number of sets of Norwegian harrows continued to be found at displenishing sales in the mid twentieth century. They appear to have lasted longest in areas such as East Lothian and Perthshire, though their presence at sales does not meant that they were continuing to be used until that late dates.

The farms were leading ones, with large acreages, where potatoes and other root crops were grown. They also had an extensive range of implements and machines, including leading types and makes.

The farms that had Norwegian harrows at their displenishing sales included:

West Fenton, East Lothian (surplus to requirements) (from The Scotsman, 25 January 1939)

6 box carts, 2 long carts, 2 cart frames, “Massey Harris” binder, double driller and manure sower, turnip sowing machine, “Hoosier” grain drill, 3 “Ransome” I.R.D.CV.P 4 M” ploughs, 2 sowing ploughs, 4 drill ploughs, 7 drill grubbers, 2 “Hunter” hoes, “Ransome” planet drill cultivator, “Martin” cultivator, barley brake, 5 sets English harrows, 2 sets spring toothed harrows, Parmitter harrows, 2 Norwegian harrows, heavy “Cambridge” roller, plain roller, “Wallave” mower, horse rake, hay collector, sheep turnip cutter, chaff cutter for power, cake breaker, 2 pumps, 3 iron stack stance &c Also 5 sets cart and plough harness.

Tofthill, Glencarse (from Dundee courier, 7 November 1939)Implements-6 coup carts (2 rubber tyre), 6 corn carts, cattle float, 2 hay bogies, water cart, horse fork, 2 Massey Harris binders, 1 McCormick binder and tractor plough (power drive), 1 mower, 2 hors e rakes, Hoosier driller, McCormick driller, double driller, International manure distributor, Jack manure distributor, Newlands cultivator, 2 turnip barrows, grass seed machine, Cambridge roller, Wallace potato digger, Ransome potato digger, Camno sheep turnip cutter and engine, International tractor, tractor bogey, set 4 tractor harrows, and trees, tractor discer, 2 scarifiers, hay collector, 3 drill grubbers, 3 Hunter hoes, chain harrows, 4 set iron harrows, 2 drag harrows, set circular harrows, Norwegian harrows, 4 horse grubber, 3 ploughs, Oliver plough, 4 furring up ploughs, two bar roller, three bar roller, shafted roller, 2 steelyard and weights, turnip slicers, four wheel barrow, hash barrow, barn trolley, cake breaker, 2 blocks and tackle, 8 cattle troughs, 16 sheep turnip troughs, 35 sheep feeding troughs, sheep feed bin, sheep haik, 2 corn bins, 17 sheep nets, 150 net stakes, 280 potato boxes, 2 saw benches and saws, blacksmith’s forge, iron cutting machine, bench and tools, 30 gallon paraffin tank, oil cabinet, steel barrel, slipe on wheels, barn fanners, cart jack, iron and wooden stathels, cattle bands, sheep dipper, 3 henhouses, hen coops, Acto mower and garden tools, barn, byre, and stable utensils including 4 sets cart and plough harness, odd harness &c. Also a quantity of kitchen furniture and dairy utensils.

Byres, Longniddry (from The Scotsman 1939)

Farm implements – 7 coup carts on wheels, 5 long carts on wheels, 3 long cart bodies, spring van, governess car, 4 “Ransome” ploughs, 2 “Ransome” double furrow ploughs, “Ransome” reversable plough, 3 drill ploughs, rig marker, 6 drill grubbers, 2 “Hunter” hoes, “Finlayson” grubber, 2 barley brakes, 4 sets English harrows, Norwegian harrow, 2 sets drill harrows, set “Parmitter” harrows, 3 metal rollers, Cambridge roller, Cambridge drill roller, 1 drill scarifier, double driller and manure sower, manure distributor, turnip seed sowing machine, grass seed sowing machine, 3 “Massey Harris” binders, 2 reapers, 2 hay collectors, 2 horse rakes, tumbling rake, horse hay fork, triangle rick lifter, “Blackstone” swathe turner, charlock sprayer, stack props, “Eclipse” potato sorter, 200 potato boxes, firetray troughs, set barn weights, cart weighbridge with cattle cage, 2 sets potato weights, set barn fanners, 10 iron stack stathels (16 feet), wheelbarrow, garden roller, garden seat, 2 lawn mowers, tennis posts, 100 egg “Heatson” incubator, 100 egg “ironclaad” incubator, 200 chick “Sawyer” rearer, 4 “Pioneer” hovers, 9 folding houses, 4 chicken runs, 12 hen coops, poultry feeders, scrap iron, graips, forks, spades, shovels, hoes, and other small barn and stable utensils.Also portable “Clayton & Shuttleworth” threshing mill, with “Hornsby” bunder, “Ruston” power hay baler, “Sanderson” tractor, “Martin” tractor cultivator, petrol turnip cutter and a quantity of household furniture.

Over Hailes, Haddington, sale on 25 November 1950 (from The Scotsman, 15 November 1950)

Farm implements- 9 short carts on wheels, 3 long carts on wheels, 4 “Massey Harris” binders (2 with tractor hitch), 3 “Wallace” reapers, 2 “Sherriff” grain drills (one with tractor hitch), ‘Sherriff” grass seed barrow, ‘Sherriff” three drill manure sower, “Sherriff” turnip seed sowing machine, “Wallace” double driller and manure sower, “Massey Harris” manure sower, “Ideal” manure sower, “Ballach” drill scarifier, 2 metal rollers, 3 drill rollers Cambridge heavy roller, 2 horse rakes, 2 hay bogies, horse hay fork, hay collector, 4 “Ransome” ploughs, 4 double moulded ploughs, 3 heavy drill grubbers, “Newlands” cultivator, “Planet junior” cultivator, 2 “Hunter” hoes, “openesl” hoe, 4 sets English harrows, 2 sets saddle harrows, set Parmitter harrows, set grass seed harrows (18 feet), Norwegian harrow, 2 “Blackstone” potato diggers (one with tractor hitch)(, “Cooch” potato dresser with 1 ½ hp “Petter” engine, “Ness” potato dresser, sack lifter, wheelbarrow, 2 sack barrows, straw barrow, 2 sack steelyards and weights, set barn fanners, ladders, steel stack bosses, sheep wire nets, sheep net stobs, 2 sheep turnip cutters, cattle turnip slicer, 15 sheep turnip boxes, sheep cake boxes, galvanised cake bins, flakes, 2 sheep hay hecks on wheels, wire potato baskets, paraffin tanks, water troughs, mells and piercers, endless chain, vice, anvil, henhouse, 2 chicken brooders, graips, forks, shovels, hoes, scythes, and other small barn and stable utensils &c. Tractors and tractor implements2 “Fordson” tractors (one with rubbers), “International H” tractor on rubbers, “Dechmont” trailer, 2 “International” ploughs (2 and 3 furrow), “Ransome Dauntless’ cultivator, “Massey Harris” disc harrows, set spring toothed harrows, “Denny” roller, 2 spare rear rubber tyres. Also 3 sets cart and plough harness, 3 stacks ryegrass hay.

The set of Norwegian harrows was photographed at the Fife Vintage Machinery rally, June 2014.


Fordson tractors at displenishing sales in 1922

In a previous post we looked at the adverts for Fordson tractors in 1922. While these were aimed at farmers purchasing new tractors, there were a number of second-hand ones around. Some of these were available at displenishing sales across the country.

Newspaper articles of displenishing sales that record Fordson tractors being sold reveal what farms Fordson tractors were being used at as well as the range of implements and machines that were being used on them.

Some of the farms such as Clinterty, Bucksburn, Aberdeenshire, had a wide array of implements and machines, also highlighting that they were highly mechanised. Some of them had implements and machines by leading makers. Clinterty had 2 bindings by Deering and McCormick as well as a 3-tined grubber and a double-furrow plough by Sellar. Brownhill, Slains had numerous ones: a McCormick binder, an Albion mower, Massey-Harris drill sower, a Reid & Leys manure distributor, and a Sellar turnip sower. Rumgally, Cupar, had Masset-Harris ploughs, Oliver tractor ploughs, Newlands tractor cultivator, Bisset binder, Bisset mower, Deering mower, Martin cultivator, Kidd potato planter as well as others. They were also leading farms in their districts. Boon, Lauder, Berwickshire, had been tenanted by Dr Shirra Gibb, author of a Farmer’s 50 years in Lauderdale (1927). As well as the Fordson tractor, they were also using a range of implements and machiens for horse power.

The following are the sales notices of the implements on farms that were using Fordson tractors in 1922:

Clinterty, Bucksburn, Aberdeenshire (recorded in Aberdeen press and journal, 4 May 1922)

Implements-4 box carts with tops, wood cart, 2 stone box carts (without wheels), lorry (1-ton), 4 wheeled, 2 binders (Deering and McCormick), mower, Jack, hay collector, 2 metal rollers, stone roller, 2 turnip sowers, 2 sets link harrows, 4 sets iron harrows, 2 spring-toothed harrows, broadcast sowing machine, 2 turnip shims, small drill plough, 2 D.M. ploughs, 3 M.P. ploughs, potato digger, potato harrows, manure distributor, 3-tined grubber (by Sellar), 2-tined grubber, 2 turnip cutters, pulping machine, 2 drag rakes, 3 sets cart and plough harness, odd harness to suit ponies, riding saddle, horse rugs, small collars, chains and sinkers, barn fan, 2 weighing machines and weighs, sack barrows, peat barrows, ladders (all sizes), hoppers, scoops, oil drums, picks, spades, graips, shovels, barrels, water troughs, chicken coops, rabbit hutches, small poultry houses, pig feeding troughs and others, rick stathills, posts and covers, lorry cover, odd lots of wood, yokes and swingletrees, and all the usual minor farm implements. A quantity of dairy utensils, including plump and crank churns, 7 superior large milk basins, spring weighing machine, etc, bothy beds and bedding, 2 poultry houses, 9×10, poultry house, 12×10, hut, 9×12, all in good condition; incubator (100 eggs) complete, double foster mother, in first-class working order (by Miller, Denny), Ford motor waggon (tonner), 1920, in first-class order, if not sold privately, Fordson tractor, almost new, with Sellar double furrow plough and Sellar grubber, 5 tines; also 3 tractor carts (new), complete with tops, with 4 inch tyres, all in first class condition (for farm or road), if mot sold privately.

Home Farm, Clinterty, Bucksburn (recorded in Aberdeen press and journal, 5 May 1922)

All the farm implements, a quantity of dairy utensils, bothy beds and bedding, 2 poultry-houses, 9×10; poultry house, 12×10; house 9×12-all in good condition; incubator (100 eggs), complete; double foster mother, in first-class working order (by Miller, Denny). Also Ford motor waggon (Tonner), 1920, in first-class order; Fordson tractor, almost new, with Sellar double furrow plough and Sellar grubber, 5 tines; and 3 tractor carts (new), complete with tops, with 4in tyres, all in the first-class condition for farm or road, if not sold privately. All as already advertised.

Brownhill, Slains (recorded in Aberdeen press and journal, 5 May 1922)

Fordson tractor, with Magneto in first-class order; 3 box carts, hay cart (extra good), 2 lorries, binder (“McCormick”, in new condition), mower (“Albion”), tractor disc harrow, drill sower (“16 disc Massey-Harris”), broadcast sower, hay collector (“Callwell’s”), turnip sower (“Sellar”), manure distributor (“Reid and Leys”), 2 drill ploughs, 3 single ploughs, double furrow plough, 3-furrow tractor plough, furrowing-up plough, spring tooth harrow, iron harrows (5 sets), chain harrows, 2 grubbers, drag harrows, 2 shims, 3 stone rollers, 2 horse rollers, horse rake, barn fan (“Baker’s”), 4 sets cart and plough harness, set plough harness, set show plough harness, 4 ladders, box harrows, peat barrows, weighing machines and weights, yokes and swingletrees, and all the usual minor farm implements, paraffin tank (100 gallons).Kitchen and dairy utensils and a quantity of household furniture.

Boon, Lauder, Berwickshire (Dr Shirra Gibb) (recorded in The Scotsman, 17 May 1922)Usual implements on a farm of this size including-15 short carts on wheels, 11 long cart bodies, turnip cutting cart (complete), binders, reapers, mowers, ploughs, rollers, grubbers, harrows, cultivators, manure distributor, grass seed barrows, horse rake, potato digger, Bamford (new) potato digger, drag hay collectors, pair of hand or power fanners and all the usual small hand implements and tools, 4 hen houses on wheels and slipes, 16 set of cart and plough harness a quantity of saddlery, riding saddles and bridles; also, a quantity of household furniture, Governess car, and “Mellotte” separator.

Motor tractor and tractor implements – 1 Hallford motor lorry, 4 to 5 tonner, in good order; 1 Fordson tractor, in first-class order, with Magneto Ignition; 2 tractor driver no. 7 ploughs, 1 tractor disc harrow, with long tree for two pairs of harrows; 1 Massey-Harris binder, with pole for tractor.

Rumgally, Cupar, Fife (recorded in Dundee courier, 10 November 1922)

4 Fordson tractors, 2 Wallis tractors, 1 Saunderson tractor, 3 motor lorries (2 and 3 ton), 2 Massey-Harris two and three furrow tractor ploughs, 2 Oliver tractor ploughs (two and three furrows), 6 sets disc tractor harrows, 1 Newlands tractor cultivator, 1 tractor roller (9 feet), 1 Speedo tractor plough, 4 coup carts, 4 sets cart tops, Bisset binder, Bisset mower, Deering mower, Martin cultivator, 2 Planet cultivators, 2 110a ploughs, 2 drill ploughs, swing plough, Wallace double driller, Sellar grass seed machine, 2 rick lifters (complete), 3 rick lifters (trailers), open easy scarifier, drill grubber, show grain driller, Bisset potato digger, Bamford grist mill, Caldwell tumbling rake, manure distributor, potato dresser, sheep haik, 2 sets circular harrows, potato planter (Kidd), wheel barrow, cattle troughs, corn chest, anvil cross cut saw, 2 30-gallon portable boilers, 2 centrifugal pumps, potato hampers, quantity of scrap iron, stack props and bosses, cart and plough harness for 3 ½ pair horses, and the whole barn, stable, and byre utensils.

Ferneyflatt, Kinneff (recorded in Dundee courier, 14 November 1922)

6 box carts, 2 lying carts; “Fordson” tractor, in good order; two furrow Sellar plough, with self-lift; 1 swing; 4 M.P. and 3 drill ploughs; 4 brake iron harrows; grass seed harrows; 2 spring-tooth harrows; chain harrows; Martin cultivator; Sellar grubber; two horse grubber; 3 small grubbers; potato grubber; “McCormick” disc corn drill; coulter corn drill; broadcast sowing machine; “Sellar” manure distributor; turnip sowing machine; scarifier; potato planter; 3 metal rollers; Cambridge roller; 2 hay mowers; 2 horse rakes; 2 hay gatherers; 2 “Massey-Harris” binders; “Bisset” binder; potato digger; turnip puller; turnip slicer; barn fan; 2 steelyards and weights; sack barrow; 2 potato harps; potato dressing boxes; potato boxes, hampers, and riddles; lime sprayer; horse clipping machine; cattle troughs; large boiler; meal girnel; 2 box barrows; grindstone; ladders; stack bosses and props; 2 portable hen houses; “Millar” foster props; 2 portable hen houses; “Millar” foster mother; chicken coops and runs; barrel lubricating oil; barbed wire; scythes, forks, hoes, graips, shovels, picks, mells, rakes, and the usual minor implements; yokes and swingletrees’ cart and plough harness for 5 pairs horses. Note – the implements and horse harrows are all in excellent order, quite a number of the former having been bought new recently.
