Implements and machines used in Ross-shire in 1810

The Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement undertook an important survey of agriculture and rural improvement in Britain from 1793 to 1817. Each survey generally focused on a county or a small number of counties.

The accounts contained detailed accounts of the implements and machines used in each county, together with the changes that were being made to them.

The account for Ross-shire written by Sir George Steuart Mackenzie, provides insights into the character and state of implements used in that county. The short account is worth quoting at length:

“The plough which is used by the common people, is an extremely awkward imitation of the improved implement used by the best farmers. But it is so ill-calculated to turn up the ground, that the person who holds it experiences more fatigue in twisting and turning, and pushing and pulling it, than the horses and other cattle employed in the draught. The plough commonly used by the better sort of farmers, is that constructed after the well-known model of Small’s plough. It is made as light as possible, consistent with the strength required, and performs its work very neatly when tolerably well managed. Two horses are employed by our best farmers to draw a plough; but the country people employ cows, oxen, and horses, often in the same team, to the number of six or eight. Harrows are made after the models approved of in the best farming districts of Scotland.
Rollers are commonly made of wood, generally solid. On stiff land spiked rollers have been found very useful for breaking own the clods.
Drill machines are used by some farmers from East Lothian, who settled in East Ross some years ago.
Double sowing and rolling turnip drills are getting into general use This implement is the most convenient and useful one employed in husbandry: it performs its work to perfection.
Scufflers, and horse-hoes, for cleaning out turnip drills, are in use everywhere.
Thrashing-mills have been erected on almost every considerable farm, and many of them are turned by water. There is nothing new in the construction of our mills.
Single horse carts are beginning to be used on farms where the ground is level; but double horse coup-carts are in general use.
As all the implements by our best farmers are made from the most approved models, which have been often described to the Board, it is unnecessary to enter into any more particular detail.”

A short account by an eminent agricultural writer! Note the influences from other counties of Scotland, and the importance of new implements and machines from farmers and farm servants from other districts moving around the country.

The photographs were taken at the Easter Ross ploughing match in November 2016 and 2017.


Steam power on the farm

Steam power played an important role in mechanising Scottish agriculture in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

The Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland, the national agricultural society, recognised the importance of steam power for the farmer and agriculturist, and encouraged its use and development though a range of means, including premiums, competitions and special committee investigations.
It was at the Highland Show that farmers and agriculturists got to see the latest developments in steam power for the farm. The first steam powered exhibit at the show was at the Glasgow Highland Show of 1850. In the “extra implement” class Clayton, Shuttleworth and Co., Lincoln, exhibited a seven horse power portable steam engine for thrashing and other purposes. This would set the purchaser back £209, and if they wanted it felted and cased they would pay a further £8 extra. Richard garrett and Son, Saxmundham, also exhibited a portable steam engine for agricultural purposes for £205.

While the early Highland Shows in the 180s generally had a small number of steam exhibits, their numbers increased significantly as steam power became more widely adopted on Scottish farms.
At the 1875 Highland Show held in Glasgow, there were eighteen exhibitors of steam powered engines and machinery. They included some of the major English makers whose names came to dominate the making of traction engines and portable steam engines – William Foster & Co., Wellington Foundry, Lincoln, John Fowler & Co., Steam Plough Works, Leeds and Edinburgh, Richard Hornsby & Sons, Spittlegate Iron Works, Grantham, Marshall, Sons & Co. Ltd, Britannia Iron Works, Gainsborough, and Robey & Co., Lincoln.

But there were also Scottish makers and exhibitors, some of whom were well-known at that time for their steam manufactures. One of them was Alexander Chaplin & Co., Cranstonhill Engine Works, Glasgow, with a portable winding engine. D. Gordon & Co., Newton Works, Ayr, had an eight horse power vertical engine and boiler combined, built on a strong cast-iron foundation, as well as a light two-horse thrashing machine and horse gear. Another from Ayrshire, J. & T. Young, Vulcan Foundry, Ayr, exhibited a five horse power improved horizontal tank steam engine and independent vertical boiler with cross tuber in fire box as well as a patent stone dressing machine. William Young, engineer, Ardrosssan, had a three horse power (nominal) vertical engine and boiler combined suitable for driving, thrashing, churning and other machinery.

Steam power continued to be an important feature of the showyard (especially the “machinery in motion” section) of the Highland Show for a number of following engines. However, from the 1880s steam power had to compete with new forms of power, including gas power, diesel power paraffin power, and electric power, and their increasing use on Scottish farms.

Traction engines continued to be exhibited at the Highland Show until the early 1930s. The last traction engine that John Fowler & Co. (Leeds) Ltd, Leeds, world-famed for its steam ploughing and cultivating engines and tackle, exhibited at the Show was in 1933. This was a 10hp (nominal) traction engine, single cylinder, on rubber-tyres wheels and fitted with front tank and Pickering governors, with a rotary plough, its gyro tiller, of 170hp. By this time a number of the traction engine makers were making diesel powered engines.

A number of traction engines for agricultural use can be seen around the rally fields today. The photographs from the Bon Accord Steam Fair, 2015, Fife Vintage Rally, 2015, and B. A. Country Fair, 2016, illustrate aspects of agricultural steam from the past.


A new tenant at the Banff Foundry: Watson Brothers

Farmers and other agriculturists in north-east Scotland would have been well-aware of the renowned firm of G. W. Murray & Co., of the Banff Foundry, until it gave up business in 1897.

The Banff Foundry was not to remain empty for any length of time after G. W, Murray gave up business. By 1898 Watson Brothers had started business in it. In its first year of business it advertised itself as “Watson Brothers (successors to G. W. Murray & Co.) Banff Foundry.”

The company had a number of trades: an agricultural implement maker, iron founder, iron merchant, marine engineer, mechanical engineer, and pump maker. Its main lines of manufacturers were reapers, turnip drills, field rollers and harrows. It extended its manufacture of corn bruisers in 1904 after purchasing the entire stock of corn bruiser patterns from Dalgetty Brothers, Aberdeen.

In 1909 the brothers were reported in the local Aberdeen Daily Journal to have “had a rather busy spring, and the demand fro their standard implements, such as broadcast grain sowers, rollers, turnip drills, and horse hoes has been well maintained. In regard to harvest machinery the demand for the Milwaukee blunders was in excess of all previous years, while the Victory, which has been fitted with an improved cutting bar, has given an excellent account of itself. The export department has been particularly busy, the shipments to Rhodesia and Africa generally having been almost double those of the previous year. The iron punching and shearing machines for the use of small engineers have been going off in quite large numbers. During the year six new drifters were fitted out with engines, and although there has been a lull in this department, a good few orders have been booked, the work to be carried out during the forthcoming spring. The firm’s moulding shop has been reproofed, and the fitting shop has been extended to the full extent of the available ground, which will permit of traction engines being taken under cover. A travelling crane is another of the improvements which is to be carried out at the works, and will enable heavy castings to be moved about with ease.” (30 December 1909)

As well as making its own implements, it also acted as an agent. In 1908 they included Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies of Ipswich and in 1911 International Harvester Co. of Great Britain Ltd, London.

Its main area of business was in the north-east. Indeed, at the Highland Show it only exhibited at largely the Aberdeen and Inverness shows. It attended the 1898 show at Kelso, its first year of business.

Watson Brothers continued to occupy the Banff Foundry until 1924 when William Watson died.

Watson Brothers – an eminent name in reapers, turnip drills, field rollers and harrows!

The photographs of the chaff cutter were taken at the Highland Folk Museum, Newtonmore, May 2016 and the seed barrow at New Deer Show, 2014.


A well known East Kilbride name: William Dickie & Sons

William Dickie & Sons, Victoria Implement Works, East Kilbride was one of the well-known Scottish agricultural implement makers. The company was already established as William Dickie, agricultural engineer,in East Kilbride by 1888. Vy 1897 the company was of a sufficient size that it could call its premises the Victorial Agricultural Implement Works (sometimes also the Victoria Works or the Victoria Implement Works). By 1904 William was joined by his sons, thus establishing the name of William Dickie & Sons. Further change was brought about in 1948 when the company became incorporated to become William Dickie & Sons Ltd.

The company recognised the need for it to have a greater presence in the west of Scotland, allowing it to expand its business further. In 1905 it also set up in the Gallowgate, Glasgow, along with other implement makers. However, it was to retain its basis, and association with East Kilbride.

Its business focus was as an agricultural implement maker, mechanical engineer and millwright. These trades and were carried out over many decades. Its manufactures, however, changed with the times, responding to changes in agriculture and agricultural needs.

In 1897 the company was a maker of fireclay churns, wooden churns, land rollers, horse rakes, rick lifters (“the Handy”), combined mower and reapers, horse rakes, a self-regulating steel windmill (“the Victor”), and a range of miscellaneous items such as garden seats and sack barrows. Some of these implements and machines were to be staple products for the company over many decades.

In 1909 the company manufacured the “Victor” self regulating steel windmill, a range of threshing machines, horse gear, patent rick lifters, hay tenders, the “Victoria” reaper and mower, horse rakes, grindstones, liquid manure carts, water carts and farm carts. It also acted as an agent for “Noxton” mowers and binders. In 1914 there were windmills and toes, rick lifters, hay tenders, straw bakers, and liquid manure carts. All these are implements and machines associated with a dairying district.

The company was renowned for a number of its manufactures. By 1905 it entered one of its hay turners for the Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland’s trial of swathe turners.
In 1934 it entered for the New Implement Award at the Highland Show a combined general purpose coup cart and rick lifter, cited with Dunlop Pneumatic land wheels. In 1938 it entered its new parent expanding swathe turner for that award. This was followed by its mechanical byre cleaner in 1939 and the Dickie-Campbell rick lifter and utility transporter in 1950, a mechanical byre-mucking machine in 1951 and the Dickie “swath-tedder” in 1958. It was Dickie’s swathe turner that made the company famous. Indeed, it could be said that the company was synonymous with its swathe tedder.

The company stopped trading in 1969 and was dissolved in August 1973. But it left a significant legacy in the hayfields, and of course around the vintage agricultural rallies today. You will likely see its swathe turners. If you see any others, remember that Dickie was an inventive engineer who developed a range of inventive implements and machines that had a significant impact on Scottish agriculture.

The photographs were taken at Ayr Vintage Rally, July 2016, the Scottish National Tractor Show, September 2015 and the Fife Vintage Machinery Show, June 2014.


Cutting roots in the early 1950s

If you wanted to but a turnip cutter in the early 1950s you could buy one from a number of Scottish makers. Barclay, Ross & Hutchinson Ltd, Aberdeen, had a power-driven turnip cutter of 1.5hp and interchangeable knives. Cobban of Inverurie had a power driven cutter. Geo. Henderson Ltd, Kelso, had its “Henderland” power operated cutter, and James H, Steele Ltd, Edinburgh, had a portable, engine driven one.

One of the well-known makers was Kenneth McKenzie & Son, Evanton, Rosss-shire. Kenneth was already a smith and farrier in 1903. In 1922 he is recorded in trade directories as an agricultural engineer, a mechanical engineer, a motor engineer and a smith. By 1955 he is denoted as an agricultural engineer, implement, machinery and equipment manufacturer and as a tractor and implement dealer.

Kenneth’s business grew and expanded. By 1945 he had premises at Evanston and also Conon Bridge. In 1955 he also had a branch at Inverness. He was joined by his sons in business by 1949, becoming “Kenneth McKenzie & Sons”. Sister company also emerged, including Kenneth McKensie & Sons (Caithness) Ltd, which had premises at Burn Street, Wick, in 1952.

The company actively promoted its manufactures and its implements and machines for which it was an agent at the Highland Show from 1923 onwards until 1956. It did not, however, visit all the shows, focusing its attention on those at Inverness, Perth, Edinburgh, Dundee, Paisley, Aberdeen, and Alloa. The north of Scotland market was especially important.
While the company was an agent for Massey Harris in 1926, and David Brown from 1952, it also manufactured its own implements and machines. They included potato dressers, root cutters, barrows, food coolers, and sack holders.

By 1949 the company made a variety of root cutters. They included:
Root cutter, model no 1, with 1 1/2hp Lister engine
Root cutter model no 1 with 2hp electric motor
Root cutter model no 1A with 1 1/2hp Petter engine
Root cutter model no 2 with 1 1/2 hp Petter engine
Root cutter and cleaner, combined model no 3 with 1 1/2 hp Petter engine
Root cutter model no 4 stationary
Root cutter model no 417 stationary with 2hp electric motor
Root cutter model no 4B semi-portable with 1 1/2 Wolseley engine
Root cutter model no 5 stationary
Root cutter model no 6 stationary with wall brackets
Root cutter only for existing power.
The company continued to operate until 1957.

The photographs of the Kenneth McKenzie & Sons root cutter from 1923 were taken at the Highland Folk Museum, Newtonmore, May 2016.


An episode in the history of Wright Brothers, Portsoy, threshing mill makers

By 1905 Wright Brothers of the Boyne Mills, Portsoy, made reapers, drillers and threshing mills. It was their threshing mills, and as a millwright that the company was especially renowned.

By the late 1940s the business was undergoing significant changes. In early 1948 steps were being taken to incorporate it to become a company limited by guarantee; the company received its certificate of incorporation to become Wright Brothers (Boyne Mills) Ltd.

Its certificate of incorporation provides details of the arrangements to bring about changes to the business and the activities that it was to undertake in following years:

“The objects for which the company is established are:-
(a) to acquire and take over as a going concern the business now carried on at Boyne Mills, Boyndie, Banffshire, and elsewhere in Scotland by William Alexander Wright, Portsoy, Banffshire. Harry Scott, Portsoy, banffshire, and William Souter, Alves, Morayshire, trading under the name of Wright Brothers, millwrights and electricians, and all or any of the assets of the said business, and for that purpose to execute with or without modification a Minute of Agreement proposed to be entered into immediately after the incorporation of the company between the said partners of Messrs Wright Brothers on one part and the company of the second part, a draft of which Minute of Agreement has been prepared .
(b) To carry on the business of manufacturers, sellers and dealers in farm and other tractors and agricultural machinery and implements of all types, designs and descriptions.
(c) To carry on the business of millwrights, consulting engineers, metallurgists, ion founders, mechanical engineers, tool makers, brass founders, metal workers, boiler makers, machinists, iron and steel converters, and smiths, and to buy, sell, manufacture, repair, convert, alter, let on hire and deal in machinery, implements, rolling stock and hardware of all kinds.
(d) To carry on the trades or businesses of electricians, electrical and general engineers, generators and storers of electricity for the purpose of motive power, light, heat, or otherwise, manufacturers of and dealers in all kinds of apparatus and accessories required for and capable of being used in connection with the generation, distribution, supply, accumulation and employment of electricity, or any business in which the application of electricity or any like power or any power that can be used as a substitute therefore as or may be useful or convenient, or any other business of a like nature.
(e) To carry on as principal or agents in Great Britain, or elsewhere, the business of merchants and dealers in and importers and exporters of all and every kind of agricultural, electrical, wireless, telephonic and telegraphic plant, fittings, machinery, tools, machine tools, apparatus, accessories, furnishings and supplies.
(f) To carry on the business of general merchants, suppliers’ agents, exporters and importers, wholesale and retailers of all and every kind of goods and articles capable of being bought and sold, whether or not related directly or indirectly to any of the foregoing.

The company had a share capital of £20,000, divided into 20,000 shares of £1 each. There were two subscribers, Alex Wright and A. Scott. The registered offices were at Boyne Mills.

The company continued in business until 1955. On 7 February the company passed an extraordinary resolution to voluntarily wind up the company. It final winding up meeting was held on 17 October 1956.

You can still see threshing mills made by William Wright, later Wright Brothers around the Scottish rally fields. Like a number of them, they changed their business organisation to different business models and ways of working.

The Wright Bros threshing machine was photographed at New Deer Show, August 2014.


Farm Mechanisation Co. Ltd – a dealer associated with Ferguson and Massey Ferguson

One of the well-known names of agricultural implement makers and agents in Fife was Farm Mechanisation Co. Ltd, of Ladybank, established by Gavin Reekie in 1947.

From its earliest days its name was closely associated with Massey Ferguson. Indeed, the company was set up to market the Ferguson TE20 tractor with its revolutionary three-point linkage. In 1958 its strapline was “The Massey harris and Ferguson people”. You will see the Farm Mechanisation badge on many Fergies and MF tractors round the rally fields!

By 1953 the company was associated with Reekie Engineering Co. Ltd, Arbroath, and Stirling Tractors, St Ninians, Stirling. In 1965 an advert in The Scottish Farmer recorded it as a member of the G. Reekie group of companies.

It extended its activities in Fife. By 1955 it had a premises at Halbeath Road, Dunfermline, and in 1959 a further one at South Road, Cupar.

It was not until 1951 that the company started to exhibit at the Highland Show, doing so until 1964. It entered a number of its implements for the prestigious new implement award. In 1951 it entered its “Farmec” 3 row fertiliser unit (invented by G. R. Reekie); in 1953 the Farmec universal elevator as well as its improved 3 row fertiliser unit for mounted riders; in 1962 a pressure kiln dryer and the Farmec power drive 3 row fertiliser unit. The Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland awarded a silver medal in 1953 for its fertiliser unit for mounted riders.

The company was a regular advertiser in the Scottish agricultural press, both the Farming News and The Scottish Farmer from 1948 onwards.


A revolution in ploughs: double furrow ploughs

Most of us associate double furrow ploughs with the era of tractor ploughing. However, double-furrow ploughs were used well before the first tractors came onto Scottish farms.

The “modern” double furrow plough was invented by a small plough maker in the parish of Kinmundy in Aberdeenshire in 1867: Thomas Pirie. His double furrow plough, which could be used under a broad range of conditions, and not only on light land, revolutionised the making of ploughs and ploughmaking in Scotland and more widely throughout Britain, in the 1870s. It also revolutionised ploughing in areas where there were not too many stones and boulders. But it was also a serious competitor to the revolutionary steam ploughing which was slowly extending into Scotland by that time.

Within only a few years makers from the small local smiths, to the largest plough makers in England, such as Ransomes, Sims and Head, Ipswich, J. & F. Howard, Bedford, and Richard Hornsby & Sons, Grantham, were all making double furrow ploughs. And they made them in their thousands. Not only were they used locally, but they were also sent round the world. Ploughs from Pirie’s small shop in Kinmundy went to Australia. In only a few years after patenting his design, Pirie could state that his plough “has gained for itself a reputation with the practical farmer, not only in Great Britain, but over the whole of the civilised world, such as was never achieved by any other agricultural implement in so short a time.” That is quite an assertion.

Pirie’s plough had a revolutionary design: it dispensed with the sole, shoe and side plate and ran on three wheels which helped to reduce the draught. It had a framework that looked somewhat like a lever-grubber. It was a design that was copied, the patent infringed and court proceedings instigated. But it was also a design that got plough makers thinking about the mechanics of plough-making and how to produce a double-furrow plough that had less draught than a single furrow plough, and could also be used to sub-soil the ground as well. Designs improved quickly, mainly because of the large numbers of makers working on and perfecting their designs.

As an innovation, the double furrow plough had a number of economic benefits: two horses could plough two acres a day instead of one; only one man was required to turn two furrows; there was less horse and man power required, together with their costs of maintenance. It was also a relatively cost effective way to engage in multiple-furrow ploughing. Whereas a double furrow plough cost around £10 to purchase, a set of Fowler’s double steam ploughing tackle was in the order of £1,400. For some farmers there was no competition between the two ploughing systems, but for other steam ploughing had its own advantages, just as the double furrow horse ploughing had for other farmers, in terms of ease, practicality and costs. Double furrow horse ploughing also allowed work to be more quickly undertaken and for crops to be more quickly put into the ground in better conditions.

After double-furrow ploughs came to be widely used in Scotland from the early 1870s onwards, established ploughmakers in Scotland continued to make them. By the turn of the twentieth century George Sellar & Sons, Huntly, the largest ploughmaker in Scotland, continued to make them, doing so until at least the mid 1920s when it started to make its double (and even triple) furrow tractor ploughs.

Doble furrow ploughs were always regarded for their labour saving properties. They came into their own right during the First World War when they were used as labour-saving devices to turn over the increased acreages of land required for food production.
Double furrow ploughs attracted considerable interest when they were first introduced. Next time you are at your local ploughing match and are commenting on the vintage (and horse) ploughs and their ploughing, just imagine what it was like to see the revolutionary double furrow ploughs at work in their day. The spectators from the 1870s witnessed a revolution!

The photographs of the double-furrow ploughs were taken at the Highland Folk Museum, Newtonmore (Sellar’s double furrow horse plough), and at the Easter Ross Ploughing Match, October 2016.


Implements and machines used in Midlothian in 1795

As we saw a few weeks ago, the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement undertook an important survey of agriculture and rural improvement in Britain from 1793 to 1817. This series was referred to as the County Agricultural Surveys, with each report having the title “General View of the Agriculture of the County of …”.
The accounts contained detailed accounts of the implements and machines used in each county, together with the changes that were being made to them.

The account or Midlothian, written by George Robertson, describes implements and machines from a leading agricultural district in Scotland. So what were the implements and machines that were used in such a district?

“Not many years since, implements were few in number, and rudely constructed. They have undergone much alteration of late, and several instruments of labour have been added to the former list.
The plough formerly used was the Scotch, long and heavy, yet well adapted to the powerful draught of 4 or 6 horses, that were frequently applied. When it was perceived that 2 horses were sufficient for every purpose of tillage, this simple implement was constructed on a lesser scale, but the original proportions still retained. It has since been improved in principle, (made somewhat resemblant to the Rotherham plough) by the late Mr Small at Ford, in this county, who has, on true mechanical principles, modified the mould-board into such a form of curvature, as to make less resistance to the earth as it is turned up, by which it requires less force to draw it, than any other plough known in this country; while the furrow itself is gradually laid over to its proper position.
The mouldboard, as well as the sheath, is now generally made of cast-iron, on the inside of which is an inscription, bearing, Mr Small’s name, the name of the founders (Cooper and Barker) and, what is principally intended,-the approbation of the dalkeith Farmer Society. It is now universal all over Scotland, and perhaps were it better known in England, it might come to displace the complicated ploughs with wheels and other trumpery with which agriculture there is at present encumbered; as it is not apt to be put out of order, but simple in the construction, and effective in operation, it is adapted to almost every situation. The chain, connected with the muzzle, by which it is drawn, fixed as far back as the culture, is not essential to its formation, serving merely to strengthen the beam, which may be made stronger of itself at less expense, while the tillage is as accurately performed with ploughs that have none. The price is from 40s to 50s.
The harrows, of which there are several kinds, is customarily made of four bulls, connected by four flots, generally four feet square, weighing about 48 lbs avoirdupois, besides having 20 iron tunes or teeth, of about 1lb wt each. Each harrow is always drawn by one horse; three of which are frequently yoked together under one driver. This implement may be improved in principle by altering the arrangement of the tunes. Thus, in the common harrow, the 20 tynes make only 11 different ruts, as several follow one another in the same tracts, and even those are not all effective, for two on each extreme corner, are so unconnected with the others, as not to be accounted in the work, seven ruts only being found properly done; from this it happens, that one harrow drawn by itself, covers only three feet of ground, two covers but about six, and three, which does however more in proportion, covers only ten; whereas, in the improved harrow, although it has only 16 types, yet as each tyne makes a separate rut, one harrow drawn by itself will cover 4 and 1/2 feet, two harrows will cover about eight feet, and three covers 12 feet, at the same time the ruts are only three inches 8-10ths asunder, but in the common harrow, they are six inches apart. A pair of harrows cost about a guinea.
Rollers are generally of free-stone, 5 1/2 feet long, 15 inches diameter, weighing, when mounted, about 12cwt drawn by two horses, and cost about two guineas. Every farmer has at least one, for soothing the grass-lands; to which it is peculiarly adapted; also for breaking the clods of rough land in tillage: in which it is not clear that it is so effective as the ancient clod-mallet; for although, in some cases, there may be more work for the same expense, in general there is less, and not so completely to the purpose, besides giving the whole land, without distinction, the same pressure, whether necessary or not.
Of drilling and being instruments there are many; usually of a plain and effective construction. The drill-barrow for sowing one row at a time, is a simple machine, adapted to different grains, and small seeds, in any required proportion. A machine of this kind, for sowing several drills at once, and at such different degrees of width as may be wanted, would be a great acquisition, provided it were not too complex.
It may be proper here to take notice of the weed-hook for cutting thistles, &c among standing corns, which, although but a simple instrument, is perhaps the most perfect of any we have. Notwithstanding, that it is constantly rubbing against the ground, when it is used, yet being concave in the underside, the edges are preserved entire for several years. It costs (without the staff) only 2 1/2d and weighs about 2oz. It is only made, so far as I know, in East Lothian, where it is to be had in the shops in Haddington.
The reaping fork, fro collecting into sheaves, corns that are cut with the scythe, will probably be adopted more generally, as the practice of mowing corn becomes more common. The prongs ate pushed below the swath, raising accurately the straw from the stubble, while other prongs serve the double purpose of retaining the cut corns from scattering backwards and of forming the size of the sheaf, which is regularly determined when the straw accumulates as high as the top of these prongs.
There can be no question, that with this implement corn can be collected faster and more regularly into sheaves, than merely by hand labour.
Wheel carriages, employed in husbandry, are only the close-cart, and the corn-cart, both of a light construction; drawn by two horses, and of late by one. The large wains, or heavy four-horse wagons, in English husbandry, are reprobated here. Two horses in a cart are commonly loaded with 18 or 20 cwt. One horse draws still more than 12cwt; even 24cwt is frequently put into single horse, and 30 cwt on good road is not uncommon. This cart has lately been much improved: placed on its axle, the bottom at each side projects over the inner head to the naves as far as nearly to touch the spokes of the wheels; from which acquired breadth, the capacity is enlarged, while the side standards being brought nearer to a perpendicular, are able to sustain more weight. The dimensions are, length five feet three inches; breadth below, four feet; breadth above, four feet three inches; depth, one foot three inches; containing about a cubic yard. Price of a cart, painted 1l 15s not including wheels, axle, nor mounting, which may amount in all to 7l or 8l more. The corn cart, which is only placed occasionally on wheels, for carrying hay, or corn in the straw, is composed of standards, roods, and spars, without deals, but is broader and much longer than the close-cart, that it may hold a more bulky load. It costs from 20s to 30s.
Fanners, for cleaning corn, have been in general use here for more than fifty years. They run 12 bolls an hour, and in two operation, or in three at most, the corn is completely cleaned; four people are necessary to attend them, for sifting, riddling, &c. Some fanners perform these operations also by which two persons less are required. They cost from 2l to 5l and last 20 to 30 years.
Threshing mills, lately introduced, were very soon afterwards introduced into this county. They are now very general, and of various dimensions and construction, wrought by one, or two, or four horses, or by water, which last is the best method of all. One horse mills will thresh a boll in an hour, the others, in that proportion or more. They cost from 25l to 60l: some perhaps more, particularly when they are made to clean the corn at the same time, which requires more machinery, as well as more space.

Quite a change from today’s implements and machines!

The photos of the wooden implements were taken at Daviot vintage rally in past years.


Oat seed furrow ploughing, or high cut ploughing

In the days when the oat crop was sown by hand, high cut ploughing facilitated the sowing of the crop. When the seed was broadcast the seed rolled to the bottom of the small sharp pointed furrows which were to be cross-harrowed. The cross harrowing broke down the tops of the furrows, evenly covering the seed to a consistent depth.

In Scotland the most noted maker of high cut ploughs was Robert Begg & Son, Implement Works, Dalry.

Robert Begg set up as a ploughmaker in Dalry, Ayrshire in 1864. By 1914 he could advertise in The Scottish farmer: “R. Begg, 50 years reputation, Dalry, Ayrshire”.

By April 1876 Robert was advertising his ploughs in the North British Agriculturist. In 1903 he described himself as an agricultural implement maker, a retail ironmonger, a smith and a smith and farrier. By 1912 he was joined by his sons, naming his business Robert Begg & Sons. Robert died in early 1927. His business was carried on his son, John. John died by 1941 and the business was transferred to Robert Wilson, Barrhead, who continued it under Begg’s name. In 1951 the business became incorporated as Robert Begg & Sons Limited, but was out of existence by October 1976 and was dissolved in the following year.

Begg’s business was associated with Sharon Street, Dalry, where it is recorded in 1886 and into at least the 1950s. From 1914 his address was the “Implement Works, Dalry.”

Robert Begg took an important step in developing his business in 1912 when he exhibited at his first Highland Show, held in that year at Cupar. This was the start of an association with the show that continued, more or less continuously, until 1960. Begg also took the important step of entering a plough into the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland’s exhibition of farm tractors and tractor implements in 1922. In following years, he also entered ploughs and other exhibits for the Society’s new implement award: in 1923, a double furrow self-lift tractor plough with self-lifting gear, and in 1928, Falconer’s patent mouldboard and Falconer’s coulter.
While Begg’s business changed with the times, so too did his ploughs. In 1914, Robert made a range of ploughs which included drill ploughs, double furrow ploughs, as well as bar point chill ploughs and chill ploughs. His chill ploughs were sold under the name “The Begg”.

In 1926, Begg’s ploughs included a double furrow-self lift tractor plough, with moveable points and swivel disc coulter (sold at £36 10s), a moveable point plough, with double wheels for lea and stubble ploughing (£10 10s), chill plough, plain beam, single wheel, for lea and stubble ploughing (£9). As well as drill ploughs, he also sold baulking ploughs, diamond harrows, zig zag harrows, grubbers and drill harrows.

In 1956 the “Begg” tractor ploughs included power lift ploughs, single furrow general purpose; power lift, double furrow, general purpose, single furrow, bar point digger, single furrow, spring-loaded bar point, three furrow general purpose and double furrow with adjustable land wheel.

Begg’s ploughs were also well-known on the ploughing match fields. For example, in 1925 it sold its “prize chill ploughs” and in 1928 and 1929 its “champion swing ploughs”.

Today, you can still see Begg’s ploughs at some of the ploughing matches and at vintage agricultural machinery rallies around the country. Ask anyone who Begg was and they will say a leading ploughmaker from Ayrshire.

The photographs of of the high cut ploughing were taken at the Scottish Ploughing Championships, October 2016 ad the World Ploughing Championships, Crockey Hill, September 2016. The photographs of the Begg plough were taken at the Scottish National Tractor Show, September 2015.
