New threshing mills on farms in Aberdeenshire in the early 1920s

In the 1920s a number of the local newspapers, especially in Aberdeenshire, reported the erection of new threshing mills on a number of farms as farmers up dated their machinery or moved from using the travelling threshing mill to their own ones. 

The erection of this plant was a significant occasion. It marked the introduction of new technology, a substantial investment into the farm and its activities as well as a change in the management of the processing of the grain crop. Farms generally marked this occasion with a social event in which neighbours and others were invited to partake in food and drink, and a congenial evening of activities. They also got to see the new mill at work. The feeding of the first sheaf into the mill was at some farms seen to be an important event. That task was sometimes given to a special member on the farm; it could be a long-standing farm servant or a past tenant. 

The accounts in the newspapers provide varying amounts of information about the new mills. Sometimes they record the names of the maker of the mill and the mode of power for the mill (water, engine or tractor). 

The following are short accounts from newspapers that record the introduction of new threshing mills onto farms in Aberdeenshire: 

New threshing plant at Insch (from Aberdeen press and journal, 3 February 1920) 
Mr James Morrison, Priestwells, Insch, has had installed a new threshing mill, made by Messrs Barclay, Ross, and Hutchison, Aberdeen. The mill is of the latest design, and contains the newest improvements, including a double dresser, carrying a 48ft corn spout to deliver oats into the loft. After a demonstration, the thresher proved entirely satisfactory. It is driven by a Tangyre oil engine of 13 hp. 

New threshing plant at Newmachar (Aberdeen press and journal, 11 February 1920)
On the invitation of Mr Robert Horne, Little Brownhills, Newmachair, a number of his neighbours met on Saturday to witness the trial of a new threshing mill, recently installed by him, and made by Garden Bros., Rothienorman. The mill is of the smallholder type with a high-speed drum. The mill was tried, and gave entire satisfaction. It is driven by a C. F. Wilson oil engine of 5hp. After the demonstration the company were hospitality entertained by Mr and Mrs Horne. 

New threshing plant at Kintore (Aberdeen press and journal, 1 November 1921)
There has been installed at the farm of Woodlands, Kintore, a new threshing mill and oil engine, The mill is one of the latest type, semi-high speed drum, etc, built by Messrs Crichton, Lonmay, and driven by a Petter oil engine. On the invitation of Mr J. J. Ingram, a large company of friends and neighbours assembled on Saturday afternoon to see the mill at work. It gave every satisfaction. The company were afterwards hospitably entertained by Mr and Mrs Ingram. Mr D. R. Brownie, Skene, referred to the enterprise of the new “laird” having fitted up such a plant on his farm, and returned thanks on behalf of the company for the kindness extended to them. 

New threshing plant at Skene (Aberdeen press and journal, 19 November 1921)
On the invitation of Mr John Rose, Westhills Mains, Skene, a number of neighbours and friends witnessed the working of a new threshing mill recently installed at the farm. The mill is 4 feet wide, and fitted with a high-speed drum, barley awner, etc, and driven by a 16 horse power Tangyre with electric start. The grain is elevated over the straw barn to the granary, where it passes through an improved fan which removes all foreign matter. There is also a chaff blast and straw carrier. The whole plant, under a severe test, gave ample satisfaction, and in the opinion of those present left no room for improvement. Afterwards the large company adjourned to the farmhouse, where they were hospitably entertained by Mrs and the Misses Rose. The mill, etc, was supplied by Mr Robert Cormack, millwright, Whitecairns, Aberdeen. 

Threshing mill installed at Rothienorman (Aberdeen press and journal, 20 October 1922)
Mr George Barclay, farmer, North Redhill, Rothienorman, has installed a new threshing mill made by himself. The mill, which is 21 ins wide, has patent shakers, barley awner, and finishing fan, and is driven by an Allan oil engine. The plant was tried on Saturday, and gave every satisfaction. 

Prenmay threshing plant (Aberdeen press and journal, 8 November 1922
Mr Peter Smith, farmer, West Edingarioch, Prenmay, has just installed a new threshing mill, two feet wide, and driven by a 6hp Fernbank’s engine. At the trial threshing the other day it gave entire satisfaction. The mill was made by Mr George Booth, Chapel of Garioch, who also supplied the engine. The machinery and operations were inspected by a number of farmers who assembled to see it start work. 

Torphins threshing plant (Aberdeen press and journal, 23 November 1922)
Mr Colin Cargill, Newton of Tornaveen, has installed a new threshing mill and oil engine into his barn, and the first thresh took place on Saturday, when many friends and neighbours were present. The mill and equipment was supplied and fitted up by Messrs Robert Garvie and Sons, Aberdeen, and all present were impressed with the working and finish of the mill and engine. 
The company was hospitably entertained by Mr and Mrs Cargill. 
Auchterless threshing plant (Aberdeen press and journal, 20 December 1922)
Mr Wilson Mudtown, Pitglassie, Auchterless, has had installed a new threshing mill, 33 inches wide, with high-speed drum, barley awner, two fans, screen, and chaff blast. Power is supplied by water by a bucket wheel, with overhead feed, but an extended shaft will allow of a tractor taking the place of the water when scarce.
At the onset of Monday a company of friends and neighbours was present, and expressed satisfaction with the plant and the work done, from ten to twelve quarters of dressed corn being delivered in an hour.
Mr and Mrs Wilson hospitably entertained the company, and a pleasant social evening was spent. 

New threshing plant at Methlick (Aberdeen press and journal, 3 January 1923)
Mr George Beaton, Cairns, Methlick, has installed a new threshing mill and oil engine, supplied by Mr Taylor, millwright, Tarves, Mr Beaton invited some neighbours and friends on Friday night to see the onset of the mill, which have every satisfaction, dressing the corn ready for market. After the thresh the company were hospitably entertained by Mr and the Misses Beaton. 

Rothienorman threshing machine (Aberdeen press and journal, 18 January 1923)
A new threshing mill and engine has been installed on the farm of Hill of Wells, Rothienorman, by the tenant, Mr Alexander Keillah. The mill was made by Messrs Barclay, Ross, and Hutchison, Aberdeen, and has been fitted with high-speed drum and all modern dressing accessories and improvements. The driving power is supplied by a 6 ½ hp petrol engine from the same firm.
A few friends and neighbours were invited to see the set, and after giving the plant a fair trial satisfaction was expressed with the work. It threshed from 6 to 7 quarters per hour.
Afterwards the company adjourned to the house, where they were hospitably entertained by Mrs Keillah, and a pleasant hour was spent in song and story. 

New Premnay threshing mill (Aberdeen press and journal, 21 August 1923) 
On the invitation of Mr James Sharp, farmer and proprietor, Burryhillock, Premnay, a number of friends and neighbours assembled on Saturday to witness the start of a new threshing plant. The mill has a 36 in high speed-drum, and is fitted with the latest improvements, and gives an output of eight quarters per hour of finely dressed grain. The motive power is a 10 horse power Allan oil engine.
The company was afterwards entertained by Mrs Sharp, when a pleasant evening was spent. 

New threshing plant at Foveran (Aberdeen press and journal, 15 December 1923)
An event which excited interest in the district was the “trial run” on Thursday of a new threshing mill installed by Mr Willox, West Pitmillan, Foveran, Aberdeenshire. Supplied and erected by Messrs Barclay, Ross, and Hutchison, Aberdeen, the plant consists of a high-speed thresher with bagging elevator, and a 5/6 Ruston-Hornsby petrol-paraffin engine. The machinery performed its initial task with splendid speed and efficiency. The company was hospitably entertained by Mr and Mrs Willox. 

Kinellar threshing mill (Aberdeen press and journal, 11 November 1924)
A large company of friends and neighbours gathered at Aquhorsk, Kinellar, on Saturday afternoon on the invitation of Mr and Mrs Duncan Keir. The occasion was the inauguration of a new threshing mill, which Mr Keir has just installed. The mill gave general satisfaction in the demonstration. It threshed eight quarters per hour of well-dressed grain. The company were entertained by Mr and Mrs Keir, and spent an enjoyable evening.


What implements and machines were used on Kincardineshire farms in 1931?

There were a small number of displenishing sales that took place for the Martinmas term in Kindcardineshire in 1931. This was a time of great difficulty in Scottish – and British – agriculture with low prices and sluggish demand for crops. Farmers who came through this time – like my grandfather – never forgot about how difficult they were. The second hand market provided an important place to purchase them, including displenishing sales. 

The three displenishing sales notices in the Aberdeen press and journal in November 1931 show the range of implements and machines used on farms. The range at East Carmont, which appears to have three sets of horses, was modest by comparison to that at West Bogheadly, Rickarton which had a Fordson tractor used alongside horses. It also had implements and machines from key makers including the Scottish one Bisset of Blairgowrie, the English make Bamford, and North American ones – McCormick, Massey Harris and Osborne. Interestingly, it also had 2 peat barrows, 2 peat sledges, and a stone sledge; these are not always recorded in sales.

East Carmont, Dunnottar (13 November 1931) 
“Implements -2 box carts, long carts, spring cart, dog cart, Massey-Harris binder, reaper, mower, hay rake, hay collector, 3 horse grubber, 3 sets harrows, spring tooth harrow, 2 sets chain harrows, 2 drill harrows, metal roller, drill plough, 3 single ploughs, setting-up plough, barn fan, weighing machine and weights, bushel measure, cart and plough harness for 3 horses, set gig harness, potato digger, broadcast machine, 3 portable hen houses, paraffin cabinet, turnip sower, potato boxes, potato baskets, portable boiler, scythes, graips, and all minor utensils.” 

Middleton, Findon, Portleithen (13 November 1931)
“mplements -2 box carts, long cart, water cart, spring cart, dog cart, grubber, 2 spring toothed cultivators, 2 swing ploughs, Don plough, D. B. plough, 2 sets iron harrows, chain harrows, McCormick binder, new Albion mower, horse rake, metal roller, stone roller, broadcast sowing machine, turnip sowing machine, shim, 2 sets cart and plough harness, 2 sets spring cart harness, 2 box barrows, ladders, grindstone, weighing machine and weights, sack barrow, hasher, sculls, drag and hand rakes, cart ropes, barrels, poultry houses, chicken coops, scythes, forks, spades, graips, hoes, forks, brushes, lanterns, yokes and swingletrees, and the usual assortment of minor farm implements.” 

West Bogheadly, Rickarton (13 November 1931)
“Implements -2 box carts with double shelvings, 2 long cart bodies with harvest frame (as new), 2 Osborne and Massey Harris Binders, 1 Bisset Mower, McCormick Horse and drag rake, 2 Sellar MP ploughs, Sellar drill plough, Don plough, Don horse hoe, Don manure distributor, furring-up plough, Don 10 tine spring tooth harrow, chain harrows, 17-tine spring-tooth harrow, cultivator for 3 horses or tractor, 3-horse grubber, 2-horse grubber, 9 tine drag on wheels for tractor, iron harrows, grass seed harrows, 2 metal rollers, broadcast machine, turnip sowing machine, scarifier, Bamford potato digger, potato dressing machine, turnip puller, turnip potato dressing machine, turnip puller, turnip sheep cutter, hay cutter turnip slicer, steelyard and weights, barn fan, sack barrows, sack holder, bushel, 2 box barrows, 2 peat barrows, 2 peat sledges, stone sledge, 3 portable henhouses, chicken coops, yokes and swingletrees, stack bosses, stack props, cattle feeding troughs, corn chest, corn bruiser, 50-gallon paraffin cabinet, grain sacks, plough hurley, bogie wheels, wire strainer, portable boiler, cart and plough harness and all minor utensils. Fordson tractor with transmission brake, belt pulley, and road band (as new). 
The implements are in excellent condition and well worth attention. 
Dairy utensils-Hathaway churn, cheese press, milk basins.”

What can you tell about these farms from their implements?


The opening of Mr Garvie’s Hardgate Agricultural Implement Works, Aberdeen, December 1894

One of the most important makers in Aberdeen and the north-east was Robert Garvie of Hardgate Works, Aberdeen. He opened a new premises in December 1894. The Aberdeen press and journal was pleased to record the opening of the new ironworks. On 1 December it reported:

“It is always a pleasure to note the progress and development of local industry, and it affords us much satisfaction to congratulate Mr Robert G. Garvie on the opening of his new and extensive agricultural implement works in Hardgate. Mr Garvie is a member of a family that has shown a great deal of enterprise in industrial affairs in Aberdeen, and in his new undertaking he will have the heartiest good wishes for success, because success for him means the benefit of his employees and the advantage of the community as a whole. There is no reason why the agricultural implements used by our farmers should not be largely produced at home, where there are the skill, the capital, and the material necessary, and the starting of Mr Garvie’s new works may be accepted as an indication that fewer orders for farm machinery will find their way to Canada and the States. There is nothing narrow or unduly selfish in this view. We are all for home manufacture when it can be had as cheaply, and of as good quality as outside products, and a community that does not act on that principle certainly neglected one of the first considerations of self-preservation. The patriotic desire to promote local interests as a primary duty does not necessarily imply a blind and unreasoning exclusiveness. What we contend for is that where we find local enterprise carrying on a branch of industry giving large employment to labour, and thus contributing to the general prosperity, it has an undoubted claim to the support and encouragement of the locality. This we have no doubt will be the case with Mr Garvie’s new undertaking; but he will also have a wider sphere of operations than the immediate district of Aberdeen. The new works were agreeably inaugurated last night by a pleasant social gathering of the workers and their friends, and Mr Garvie, who presided, referred with justifiable gratification to the fact that within the space of about nine months the fine block of industrial buildings had risen up in the place that had been occupied by a number of old tumble-down dwellings. Thus Aberdeen advances in commerce and industry, and thus may it ever continue to flourish-by the enterprise and skill of its sons.” 

So what were the Hardgate Agricultural Implement Works like? 

“The spacious new works in Hardgate, the property of Mr Robert G. Garvie, agricultural implement manufacturer, have now been completed, and all the departments are in operation, between 80 and 90 men employed. The fact that it has been found necessary to provide an establishment on so large a scale would seem to point to the growing importance of the manufacture of agricultural implements as an industry in the north-east of Scotland. Fully an acre and a half of ground has been taken off in a very convenient site on the south part of Hardgate, and the buildings that have been erected are admirably adapted for their purpose. The frontage to the street is constructed of granite, and has a substantial though plain appearance. The offices &c, are situated here, while the various departments of the manufactory stretch back to the west. The principal entrance is from Hardgate, at the north-east end of the feu. 
There is a wide covered-in gateway, and the passage leads along the northern boundary to a large yard on the extreme west. At the entrance a six-ton steelyard is laid down, the register being taken in a comfortably-appointed forwarding office. A stair leads from this apartment to the suite of offices on the floor above, but before describing these, it is to be noted that, adjoining the forwarding office, and running for 70 feet parallel with the street are a number of stores, from which doors open into the sections of the works occupied by the various classes of employees. From this section access is also found to a large store-room for binders, reapers, and traction engines. The faces are very convenient and well lighted, the windows facing Hardgate. They are four in number. One is occupied by draughtsmen, another by clerks, another is a private room for the use of Mr Garvie, and the remaining room will also be utilised in connection with the commercial department. These rooms are about 21 feet by 15 feet by 10 feet, and are lined with varnished pitchmen. Drawings of various implements relieve the walls; office furniture of a substantial make is provided; an arrangement of speaking tubes is in use; and the gas fittings throughout are of the most modern description. The lobby which connects the rooms is pierced with windows in such a way as to allow an unobstructed view of the whole of the interior of the works. At the south end the carrier opens into the pattern shop, which measures 40 feet by 27 feet by 10 feet and above there is a lumber loft of considerable dimensions. This exhausts the accommodation on the east side. Passing down a stair from the pattern department the visitor finds himself in the section occupied by the staff of joiners. This section is one of three, all of which lie east and west, and each of which measures 140 feet by 45 feet-the ridge springing some 30 feet from the level of the ground, and the eaves 15 feet. The structure is of corrugated iron and glass, and the couples are made of malleable iron, painted in a light blue colour, the framework has a pleasing appearance, and the effect is equally attractive when the place is illuminated by the large number of sun gaslights which have been erected. The joiners’ department is different from the other two in respect that it has a wooden flooring, and in it the machinery is driven from below. This last arrangement is a feature. Roof shafting, when in constant use, causes a vibration which, in course of time, proves very damaging to a building, and to obviate this an ingenious arrangement has been introduced by which the walls and roof are left untouched, the motive power being conveyed from a sunk floor. 

The middle section is where the fitters are employed. An extensive plant has been laid down for the manufacture of specialities in agricultural implements, and to facilitate the work there is a five-ton travelling came, which can be brought into requisition in any part of the shop. It is at the east end of this section that the engine room is situated. The room is neatly built of wood and glass, the engine itself being of about 20 horse power, and constructed on the compound principle. Below the engine room there is a concrete cistern of 24 feet by 12 feet for collecting the rain water from the roof, and this water, augmented when occasion demands from the Corporation mains, supplies the boiler and the cooling tanks. A stone wall separates the fitting department from that used by the smiths, where there are no fewer than nine furnaces. Specially worthy of notice among the machinery in use here is a self-acting five cwt steam hammer. A portion of the accommodation is partitioned off, and utilised for the storage of iron. The foreman of the works has had fitted up for his use an office, from which all parts of the establishment are equally accessible. To minimise the risk of fire as much as possible, a site for the boiler-house has been found at a considerable distance from any of the other buildings. The boiler is 12 feet by 6; works at 100lbs pressure; and is provided with an apparatus for economising fuel. Pipes covered with asbestos and waterproof carry the steam to the engine room, and the smoke passes off the furnace by a stalk about 100 feet in height The other outdoor premises comprise two sheds, one 90 feet by 30 feet, for seasoning wood, and the other 60 feet by 20 feet, for the storage of wood that has been prepared. In the yard there is also a three-ton crane. What strikes the visitor as he walks through the extensive premises is the completeness with which every detail has been carried out. Nothing has been left undone that is likely to facilitate the work undertaken, and the hope may be expressed that before long it will be found necessary to occupy the remaining portion of the feu with extended buildings.”


New threshing mills erected in farms in the 1930s

The move away from the use of the travelling threshing mill to mills erected at farms continued in the 1930s. Newspapers in some districts of Scotland, especially in the north-east, reported the erection of new mills on farms. These were important occasions on the farms, and were seen as ceremonies at which the farming family and neighbours were invited. While they provide accounts of these ceremonies, they sometimes also recorded information on the mills and how they were powered. 

While some farmers preferred a mill from some of the big makers such as Garvie & Sons, Aberdeen, others favoured local mill makers, some of whom were well-known. They included J. & D. Craig, Waterside of Phesdo, who is recorded in a number of adverts. Some mills were being powered by tractor, though the use of oil engines was common. 

Some accounts of new threshing mills have been included below: 

St Andrews (St Andrews Citizen, 1 November 1930)
Mr Braid, St Nicholas Farm, has set up a new threshing mill at his farm, which is much more serviceable than the travelling mill. The new mill can be worked by four or five men at any convenient time, while the travelling mill necessitated the employment of sixteen or eighteen people. Messrs Garvie & Sons, Aberdeen, supplied the mill. It is driven by a tractor, and housed in a new shed next the granary, and the threshed grain is conveyed direct to the granary. The grain carrier, chaff blast, trusser &c, are of the latest types. 

New thrashing mill at Brechin farm (Brechin advertiser, 9 December 1930)
At Findowrie, Brechin, Mr Barron has had installed a threshing mill of the latest semi-portable type, four feet wide, and fitted with ball bearings and sheaf carriers and straw carrier, also a chaff blast. Messrs J. & D. Craig, Waterside of Phesdo, Laurencekirk, are the manufacturers.
Threshing was carried on for a few hours, and everything worked well. 

Angus. New threshing plant (Dundee courier, 5 January 1933) 
Mr Robertson has had a new threshing mill installed at Fonach, Forfar. It is of the double dressing type, 3ft 6 in wide, and fitted with ball bearing. Messrs J. & D. Craig, Waterside of Phesdo, Laurencekirk, are the manufacturers.
The power is a reconstructed Shanks’ oil engine. When the mill was set in motion Mrs Robertson fed the first sheaf, and thrashing was carried on for a few hours, turning out an ideal sample of grain. 

Knock installation (Aberdeen press and journal, 8 November 1935) 
Messrs Wright Bros., millwrights, Boyne Mills, Portsoy, have installed at the farm of Mains of Raemore, Knock, Rothiemay, occupied by Mr William Adam, farmer, a new threshing mill, with semi high speed drum, driven by a six-horse power Lister Diesel engine. This mill was on view and seen working at the Highland and Agricultural Show at Aberdeen in June. 

New mill installed (Dundee courier, 14 November 1935)
An interesting event has taken place in the Auchterderran district at Powguild Farm. (Mr John Cunningham). 
In presence of a large number of friends and neighbouring farmers a new threshing mill was installed.
A pleasing touch in the ceremony was the part played by Mr David Fair, of Ballinkirk, who was tenant of Powguild 50 years ago. Mr Fair put through the first load.
The new plant, which is driven by electric power, was built by Messrs R. G. Garvie & Sons, Aberdeen, and has a high-speed drum screen and straw and grain convergers.
After the installation Mr and Mrs Cunningham entertained the company.


Angus implement and machine makers in the 1920s

Local agricultural shows were an important place for agricultural implement and machine makers to exhibit their manufactures. One of these shows was the Angus Show at Brechin, held in early August each year. Local newspaper such as the Montrose Standard and the Dundee Courier provided detailed accounts of the show, and importantly what was included in the implement department. They reveal who were the key exhibitors as well as makers and agents in the district as well as what they were exhibiting. They also show what were the latest implements and machines. 

Here are some accounts of the highlights of the implement department at the Angus Show: 

1921 show (Montrose standard, 5 August 1921) 
“A strong feature of this year’s Angus Show at Brechin to-day (Thursday) is the display of implements and agricultural requisites. The excellence this department or the show is unprecedented and of great educational value.
Messrs A. Simpson & Son, motor, marine, and agricultural engineers, Montrose, Brechin, and Forfar, show the famous Austin and Glasgow tractors, which are now established as permanent adjuncts in the equipment of numerous up-to-date farmers. The Messrs Simpson are the agents for leading manufacturers of many farm implements, &c. They are, besides, the proprietors of a large engineering establishment. In addition to the tractors referred to they are exhibiting Sellar, Oliver, Cockshut, and Massey Harris tractor ploughs; Newlands’ cultivators, Sellar grubbers and disc harrows; Petter’s junior, Lister and Detroit portable and stationary engines; and Delco and Willy’s house-lighting sets. The stand is a feature of the show and all the exhibits are attractively arranged and of outstanding merit.” 

1923 Show (Dundee courier, 25 July 1923)
“The Angus showyard, in the estate of Hillhead, Kirriemuir, which has been under construction for a few weeks, will be completely fitted in good time for to-morrow’s great carnival.
The showyard is an extremely well-planned and commodious enclosure.
Mr Alex Bain, the architect, and his efficient staff of workmen were busily engaged yesterday putting things in final shipshape order, and the exhibitors of implements and machinery were actively employed receiving and arranging the exhibits at their stances.
The showyard extends to 16 acres, which is just 10 acres less than it occupied by “The Highland” at Inverness, and the penning accommodation to meet the huge entry of live stock exhibits, notably in the horses, cattle, sheep, and pigs classes, is ample and very accessible. 

In the implement yard, which is within 20 yards of the main entrance, there are to be seen a great variety of exhibits from leading Forfarshire firms. 
Bruce & Robbie Ltd, Forfar, are exhibiting Massey-Harris binders and Massey-Harris drills. These machines are specially designed to meet the most advanced ideas in modern farming, and Messrs Bruce & Robbie have supplied numerous customers with specimens which have given unqualified satisfaction. The firm already holds two gold medals for implements given by the Angus Society.
Alex Shanks & Sons Ltd, Arbroath, exhibit types of their famous oil engines. The Shanks oil engines are familiar to engineers and farmers alike. The firm can supply the 19/21 b.h.p. horizontal stationary oil engine with all accessories complete (price £195); 8/9 b.h.p. horizontal stationary oil engine with all accessories complete (price £105); and 3 1/2/4 b.h.p. petrol-paraffin engine (price £57 10s), types of which are on exhibition and sold at “The Highland”.
Peter Small, engineers, Forfar, have a splendid variety of agricultural machinery very well shown. The firm supplies International Junior tractors, ploughs, disc harrows, cultivators, grubbers and binders, various types of engines, threshing mills, mowers, horse rakes &c. The exhibits, indeed, embrace most of the finest specimens of machinery required in the most important branches of up-to-date farming.
Up-to-date implements
James Cuthbert & Co., Arbroath have a very attractive selection of exhibits, embracing latest types of up-to-date agricultural implements. They are the products of makers whose manufactures give never-failing satisfaction. The selection includes excellent specimens of the latest in ploughs, cultivators, diggers, grain drills, binders &c. Messrs Cuthbert & Co., are noted for the high-class nature of their ironmongery and seeds.
Harry Johnston, 8 King Street, Dundee, who had a most interesting stand at the Highland Show, which was very well patronised, will receive many visitors to his equally fine display at Kirriemuir of tools of all descriptions. The exhibits are of the best material, and embrace all the essential tool required in the home or farm, at the bench, and for the car. Tradesmen of all kinds can see much to interest them at this stand. 
Charles Lyon, ironmonger, Kirriemuir, is showing a large variety of implements and utensils required at the farm. The exhibits include binders, potato diggers, manure sowers, ploughs, churns, cream separators, and other indispensable parts of farm equipment. The exhibits are to be safely recommended for the up-to-dateness of their type and certainty to please purchasers. 
Ploughs and threshing machines
David Irons & Sons, Forfar, to meet the requirements of their large clientele keep in stock the best and latest types of labour-saving agricultural machinery. Their numerous exhibits at their Angus Show stand include cultivators, potato diggers, ploughs, threshing machines, &c-all of the most improved type and the best productions of the various makers. This stand should be visited by every progressive agriculturist.
Ednie & Kinninmonth, Forfar, show an extremely varied selection of implements of outstanding merit, and all specially made to meet present-day requirements. There are to be seen Walter A. Wood binders, &c, Jack’s manure distributors and potato diggers, churns, and separators. The firm can also supply all kinds of ironmongery, together with binder twine, stack and binder covers, &c.
R. G. Begg, 200 Strathmartine Road, Dundee, exhibit threshing machines, corn bruisers, and oil engines of the latest and most up-to-date designs. The machines of all descriptions which this firm can supply are of superior workmanship, only the best material being used in their manufacture. There will be on view types of machines and engines which they have supplied to the satisfaction of their numerous customers. 
Tractors and mills 
Ford & Graham, Broughty Ferry, the well-known firm of agricultural, electrical, and automobile engineers, have at their stand Petter paraffin and crude oil engines, Case tractors, and Crichton’s threshing mills. The firm have fitted up many of the celebrated Strichen mills in various parts of Forfarshire and other counties. The fitting up is invariably as perfectly done as the machines are perfectly made.”

1924 Show (Dundee courier, 29 July 1924) 
“A feature of the Angus Show at Montrose to-morrow will be the implement yard. Many of the exhibits of agricultural machinery, &c, were on view at the Perth “Highland”, where firms, generally speaking, were well pleased with the business done.
Peter Small, Forfar, are exhibiting a specimen of the new International Junior Tractor, just out this season; threshing mill by Messrs Barclay, Ross & Hutchison, Aberdeen; engines, pumping plant, self-propelled turnip cutter, binders, horse rakes, manure distributors, potato digger &c.
Barclay, Ross & Hutchison, Aberdeen, have a display of the latest types of agricultural implements. This firm specialises in the production of threshing plant of the most up-to-date construction, and their exhibits at both the Perth Highland and the Royal Northern shows attracted, as they will at “the Angus”, much interest. 
D. Irons & Son, Forfar, are showing the Westphalia manure machine, Deering New Ideal binders, and a general collection of agricultural implements. Messrs Irons always exhibit the latest types of machinery and implements at these annual shows, and their stand at Montrose is more attractive and interesting than ever.
Ednie & Kininmonth, Forfar, are showing a large and varied collection of up-to-date agricultural implements. The exhibits are of the highest class of workmanship, and embrace the very finest and latest types of implements now demanded by up-to-date and progressive farmers.
Arbroath firm
James Cuthbert & Co., Arbroath, the well-known form of ironmongers, seedsmen, and implement agents, are exhibiting a large variety of up-to-date agricultural implements from the leading makers. These include binders, ploughs, grain drills, cultivators, manure distributors, scarifiers, potato planters and diggers, mowers, horse rakes, stack and binder covers &c. 
Bruce & Robbie Ltd, Forfar, will be showing specimens of the Massey Harris binders and Massey Harris drills. As a former Angus shows, the firm will display, in addition, a complete collection of farm tools. Bruce & Robbie Ltd, have been awarded three gold medals for implements by the Angus Society. 
D. & J. W. Lackie, Montrose, will have on exhibition a varied collection of agricultural and domestic hardware. The exhibits are of superior manufacture, and are displayed to the best advantage. This stand is well worth a visit from both town and rural visitors to the show.
Alex Shanks & Son, Ltd, will, as usual, display some of the latest types of the engines which have made their name famous throughout the country. They are equally well known for the production of mowers of the most up-to-date pattern, which have been supplied to customers far and wide.” 

1925 show (Dundee courier, 30 July 1925)
“Visitors to Angus Agricultural Association’s annual show at Forfar to-day will find an extensive collection of agricultural machinery and implements of the most up-to-date description shown by leading firms in the county.
Messrs James Cuthbert & Co., Arbroath, are exhibiting a large variety of high-class implements from the leading makers. They include binders, ploughs, grain drills, cultivators, manure distributors, scarifiers, potato planters and diggers, mowers, horse rakes, stack and binder covers, &c. Messrs Cuthbert & Co., carry on a very extensive business as ironmongers, seedsmen, and implement agents.
Messrs D. Irons & Sons, Forfar, always has one of the most interesting exhibitions at these annual popular shows, and progressive farmers will find the stand this year more attractive than ever. The firm is displaying an extensive selection of farm machinery. The exhibits are of the very best and latest types, and special attention is directed to the Westfalia manure distributor, for which there has been a great demand.
Specimens of the famous Shanks oil engines, produced by the noted farm of Messrs Alex Shanks & Sons, Arbroath, will be seen at the show. This firm have supplied types of their latest engines to farmers all over the country. Their two stands at the Highland Show at Glasgow the other week were visited by agriculturists from far and near. A large number of orders for their engines was received on that occasion.
Messrs Ednie & Kininmonth, Forfar, are exhibiting a large collection of useful and up-to-date agricultural implements. They are the sole agents in Forfarshire for the “Albion” binder, for which they have received numerous inquiries. They are also district agents for Jack’s implement manure distributors and potato diggers. At the stand there are also being shown Lister’s churns and separators, binder twine, &c.
Mr Peter Small, engineer, Forfar, has a most attractive and interesting collection of high-class exhibits. These include the McCormick power-drive tractor binder, which has been awarded silver medals at the Royal Show at Chester and the Highland Show at Glasgow this year. The binder will be shown in motion, coupled to a new International junior tractor. Mr Small will also be exhibiting latest types of implements of various kinds.
Bruce & Robbie Ltd, Forfar, have a large and varied collection of implements and machinery, amongst which are specimens of the famous Massey-Harris binder. They are also exhibiting the artificial manure sower, which is a new implement that was awarded the silver medal at this year’s Royal Show. It is simple and efficient, and sows from 1 to 20 cwts of “supers” or any other manure. In addition, there is a complete collection of farm and garden implements.
Mr David Ritchie, blacksmith and implement maker, Forfar, has on view here field fodder waggon and sheep-dipping tank and dripper, poultry houses, galvanised field cake, troughs, improved potato bagger, &c. The exhibits are all of superior quality, and Mr Ritchie extends a cordial invitation to farmers to call and inspect them for themselves. The stand occupies a prominent position in the implement yard.
Messrs G. & J. Fitchet, millwrights and engineers, Gighty Burn, by Arbroath, invite orders or inquiries. The Messrs Fitchet are makers of threshing and dressing machines of the latest improved designs. They also supply sheaf elevators, straw carriers, chaff blowers, and grain conveyors of various types. Orders received will have prompt attention.” 

1927 show (Dundee courier, 19 July 1927)
“Few county shows in past years have equalled the Angus in its display of implements, manures, and general requirements of the farm, and this year finds the enterprising agricultural merchants of Forfarshire staging displays which will hold practical interest for all agricultural visitors, and in some directions for the public in general as well.
James Cuthbert & Co., Arbuthnot, who have already won so many premier awards at the Angus, show their ability to cater for every farming need in their display of binders, rakes, cultivators, and other implements, stack covers, and dairy requirements.
Messrs Ednie & Kinninmonth, Forfar, are featuring in a generally excellent display of farm implements the “Mollison Improved” potato digger, Lister’s churns and separators, the Albion binder, Jack’s potato digger, and a selection of harvesting requirements. 
In these days when an increasing number of farmers are taking up dairying, the separators, coolers, cisterns, cans, churns, butter workers, and bottle, shown by the Balgownie Dairy Engineering Department, Aberdeen, should prove of special interest to visitors.
Messrs Bruce & Robbie, Limited, Forfar, will have their usual all-round display of implements, and will feature a new manure distributor, which should prove of interest to their already wide clientele in Central Forfarshire. 
The name of Messrs David Irons & Sons, Forfar, has long been associated with satisfactory catering for the implement and other needs of Angus farmers. To-morrow they will have the Deering binder as a feature of their stand.
The mention of lawn mowers conjures up thoughts of Messrs Shanks, of Arbroath, and in modern times this firm is become almost as inseparable associated with the up-to-date oil engines.”


Hanson’s potato digger of the mid 1850s: an important forerunner of the spinner digger

The world of potato harvesting was changed in 1855 with the development of Mr John Hanson’s potato digger. In essence, this was the forerunner of the potato spinner that became the most widely used machine for digging the potato harvest until after the Second World War. Mr Hanson’s machine was the subject of a number of trials in that year and in the following ones. While it was seen to have both advantages and disadvantages over the potato plough, in following years it started to become more widely adopted and seen as an important machine for the raising of the crop. 

The following newspaper articles set out the different phases of the introduction of this important machine, from the early trials, through to its early adoption and more widespread used and acceptance by farmers: 


Potato digging machine (Fifeshire journal, 15 November 1855)
A trial of a potato digging machine took place on the farm of Athelstaneford, New Mains (Mr Douglas’), on Monday last. The machine is invented and patented by Mr John Hanson of Doagh, Belfast. There were a number of the agriculturists of the neighbourhood present, among whom were Mr George Hope, Fentonbarns; Mr Robert Scott Skirving, Camptoun; Mr Reid, Drem; Mr Oliver, West Fortune; Mr Scott, Beanston; Messrs Tod, Castle Mains; and Mr Binnie, Seaton Mains. The day was good, and the machine, under the superintendence of the inventor, progressed steadily-digging one drill at a time, and scattering thoroughly out the tubers. The work was very satisfactorily done, few, if any, of the potatoes being injured or left unexposed by the process. The machine is of very simple, although of ingenious construction, and is worked easily by a pair of horses. It has a broad sock or elevator for penetrating the drill and raising the dung and tubers, which are scattered out regularly to the right by the revolving plate at the end of the machine, to which are attached forks. The motion of the sock us got by the draught; the other by two bevel wheels on the axle of the wheels of the carriage, which give motion to the revolving plate; it has also attached a screen or guard for confining the scattering of the tubers to a space of three or four feet, which allows of their being gathered with greater facility. In digging with this machine it is not necessary to cut or pull the tops of the potatoes, which forms such a formidable item of expense when taken up to prepare for the plough. Considering a very efficient job can be made of 2 ½ Scotch acres of crop per day by a pair of horses with ease, Mr Hanson’s potato differ cannot but be regarded as a great auxiliary in potato lifting. – North British Agriculturist

Trial of Hanson’s potato-digger at Earnside (Inverness courier, 14 August 1856) 
A trial of this newly-invented implement for lifting potatoes, was made on Mr Kay’s farm, at Earnside, on Saturday last, The machine is drawn by a pair of horses, with a draught about equal to the common plough. The wheels, about three feet high, run one on each side of the drill that is to be dug up. An iron plate fixed like the sock of the common drill harrow passes under the drill when the machine is set in motion, and a prolonged wheel with twelve spokes strikes the loosened drill cross-wise and throws the potatoes and earth to the right side, leaving the potatoes exposed on the land. The experiment was completely successful, and a number of the agriculturists who were present expressed their satisfaction with the result, and orders were given to the patentee for several of the diggers. The machine will dig about three acres per day, and when in fiull operation will require twelve hands to glean after it. – Forres Gazette 

Early introduction and use 

Perthshire (Fife herald, 12 November 1857)
Hanson’s potato diggers have been at work in the district; but the large anticipations of their utility are scarcely being realized. Besides the excessive draught, the necessity of gathering, before the return of the machine, the scattered crop of each drill tossed over a yard or two is found to be inconvenient, whether as regards the needful superintendence or the proper arrangement of carts. The saving of the gatherers’ finger-ends is doubtless considerable; but the saving of expense if doubtful. 

More general use and acceptance 

Article from the Mark Lane Express on harvesting the potato crop (Orkney herald, 20 October 1863) 
… Hanson’s potato-digger is a very effective machine for casting them abroad out of the rows; it also at the same time does good service to the soil, by throwing abroad the row so effectively that all is spread ready for the harrow, and not a semblance of a potato row is to be discerned. The chief drawback to its more general use if the heavy draught; it can scarcely be properly worked by a pair-horse team throughout the day; otherwise, it is most effective. 

The best method of lifting and storing the potato crop (North British Agriculturist, 9 October 1872)
At the monthly meeting of the Haddington Agricultural Club, held on Friday last … Mr Douglas said “It is generally very well understood by the growers in this country, judging from the experience they have had in the matter;” but he believes that, of the modes for lifting potatoes, “Hanson’s potato-digger is the cheapest and best.” The principal objection to Hanson’s digger is its weight, as it almost always requires three stout horses, yoked abreast, to work it. There are, however, improved potato-diggers on the same principle as Hanson’s, which are less oppressive to the horses.”

By 1875 the Hanson potato digger was made by John Wallace & Son, agricultural implement makers, 7 Graham Square, Glasgow. It had secured an improvement in 1874 which it patented (3 July 1874, no. 2322). (NBA, 12 May 1875)

When you see potato spinners in preservation, think about the importance of the Hanson potato digger which provided a strong impetus for the development of mechanical potato harvesting in the second half of the nineteenth century.


Harvest home

Harvest home used to be an important part of the farming year: it was a celebration at the end of harvest to celebrate its ingathering. 

There were a number of traditions associated with the end of harvest. One was the cutting of the last sheaf. This was sometimes called the “clyack sheaf”. The Banffshire journal and general advertiser of 25 September 1900, noted the practice around this: 
“At the close of the reaping the “clyack” feast was and still is held. The last sheaf of corn cut is known as the “clyack sheaf”. There used to be much rivalry amongst those on the harvest field with regard to this sheaf; for it was considered an honour to cut, gather, or bind it. At the feast the chief dish was the “meal and ale”, a composition of oatmeal and ale, into which a liberal supply of whisky had been stirred. This dish was partaken of by all, and the object was to secure a ring and button which had been secreted into the dish. The person who secured the ring was expected to enter the bonds of matriomony before the following harvest, or at least to be married before any of the unmarried persons partaking of the dish along with them. The individual who fished out the button was expected to be a bachelor or old maid. The feast was followed by song and dance.”

Even more important was harvest home, when all the harvest work, included all the stacking of the sheaves in the stackyard was completed. These were large festivities, continuing well into the night (or the wee hours), sometimes bringing together the workers and families on a number of farms in a district. Some farms were well known for their harvest homes. According to the Banffshire journal and general advertiser of 25 September 1900: “a liberal support was provided, and all made a merry night of it. This feast is a relic of very ancient times. There might be a week of such feasts, as every farmer in a district must celebrate the feast in his own account. These feasts after harvest are not so strictly observed at the present time as they were, but relics of them in a modified form still exist.”

Newspapers sometimes recorded the festivities at these harvest home celebrations. The following extracts are from newspapers in Banffshire from the 1890s when the practice and tradition of the harvest home was still strong, and an important part of the farming and social year. 

Enzie-Cairnfield hravest home (Banffshire journal and general advertiser, 27 October 1891)
The annual harvest home festival at the instance of Mr and Mrs Gordon of Cairnfield in connection with the ingathering of the harvest took place with all the eclat befitting the occasion on Wednesday last. There was a large gathering, including all the servants and their friends, all of whom assembled in the commodious dining hall, where a sumptuous supper was served-presided over by the much respected farm manager, Mr Alex Dean, who, in happy terms, proposed the health of Mr and Mrs Gordon, which was duly honoured, and a similar compliment to both Master Stewart Gordon and Miss Emily Rose. The heartubess with which the toasts were responded to showed the genuine respect and admiration in which the genial laird of Cairnfield is held by the employees. About nine o’clock, the company-numbering 30 couples – adjourned to the laundry, which was beautifully decorated, and dancing was kept up with great enthusiasm to the “wee hours ayont the twal.” Excellent music was supplied by Messrs Grant, Buckie, and Dean, Homie. Songs and recitations were given by Johnston, Gordon, and Inglis. Mr Grant, Cairnfield, acted as master of ceremonies. Before parting, Mr Allan, Broom, in an appropriate speech, thanked Mr and Mrs Gordon in the name of the company for the liberal manner in which they had treated them. Three hearty cheers were given. 

Alvah (Banffshire journal and general advertiser, 3 October 1893) 
On Thursday evening, on the invitation of Mr and Mrs Livingston, about fifty couples met to celebrate the harvest-home at Newton of Mountblairy. The spacious loft at the farm was set in order for the occasion, and by nine o’clock the company was dancing merrily to the stirring strains of Messrs James Andrew R. Paterson, and Miss Ward, Hill of Mountblairy. The cheers given again and again, as the company broke up, testified to the esteem in which Mt and Miss Livingston are held in the district. 

Aberlour – Harvest home (Banffshire journal and general advertiser, 31 October 1893)
On Friday night, Mr Findlay of Aberlour entertained all the hands about the farm, gardens, grounds, and estate workmen to an excellent supper and dance. Covers were laid for 100. Mr Findlay occupied the chair, and, after the usual loyal and patriotic yoasts, he proposed the employees on the estate, and stated that, taking them all over, he had reason to be highly satisfied with their services. Mr Alcock, factor for Mr Findlay, replied, and said that certainly they, the employees, were fully satisfied with Mr Findlay as employer, and that the servants of all kinds throughout the estate were so pleased that Mr Findlay, jun, was now almost recovered from the severe illness which he had. The other toasts were Mr Findlay, by Mr Fleming, banker; Mrs Findlay, by Provost McGowan; the Croupiers (Mr Duncan and Mr Bisset), by Mr John Sim; Mr Findlay, jun; by Dr Sellar. Dancing was carried on with great spirit up to about 1am. The young ladies from the house as well as Mr and Mrs Findlay graced the dancing-room with their presence for some hours. 

Harvest home (Banffshire journal and general advertiser, 2 October 1894) 
The annual harvest hone at Tochieneal was held on Friday evening. Dancing was engaged in and kept up with much spirit till an early hour in the morning to music by the Reidhaven Band, Cullen. Mr Henderson discharged the duties of MC. 

Aberlour (Banffshire journal and general advertiser, 16 October 1894)
Harvest home at Aberlour Home Farm
The crop at the Home Farm was secured in excellent condition last week, and the annual harvest home festival was given by Mr Findlay to those engaged on the farm, to the estate employees, and some invited guests on Friday evening. About a hundred sat down to supper, which was presided over by Mr Findlay, who was supported by Mr Alcock, factor of the estates, Mr Bisset, gardener, and Mr Mitchell, grieve, acting as croupiers. After the loyal and patriotic toasts, the Chairman proposed that of the employees, stating that one and all had given entire satisfaction, and that the utmost good feeling existed between them. Mr Mitchell, grieve, briefly responded. Other toasts followed. Supper over, the party adjourned to the granary, where dancing was engaged in throughout the night to stirring music supplied by Mr McAdam’s band. Before breaking up, the company, on the vote of Mr Alcock, returned their hearty thanks to Mr Findlay for his kindness. 

Harvest home at Miltonduff (Banffshire journal and general advertiser, 16 October 1894) 
On Wednesday evening, the tenants and employees on the Miltonduff and Aldroughty estates were, along with a few friends, entertained to a harvest home at Miltonduff Distillery by Mr and Mrs Stewart, as, in some measure, a celebration of the recent marriage of the Laird of Miltonduff and Aldroughty. The occasion was regarded with feelings of the greatest enthusiasm by about 150 guests, who were pleased to have the opportunity of meeting their laird, Mr Stuart, and his young wife under such happy auspices. About nine o’clock Mr and Mrs Stuart arrived from Aldroughty House, and soon willing hands unyoked the horses and dragged their carriage, preceded by a piper playing a lively tune, to the scene of the gathering amid great cheering. On Mr and Mrs Stuart entering the ballroom, they were again received with much enthusiasm, and the dancing proceeded with renewed vigour to the stirring strains of Messrs Sutherland’s fine band, relieved at intervals by the bagpipes. Supper, purveyed by Mr Austin, Elgin, was laid out in another apartment. At supper, Mr Stuart occupied the chair and proposed the usual loyal toasts. Mr Cook, Muiryhill, proposed Mr Stuart’s health of Mrs Stuart being proposed by Mr Tulloch, Batehen. Both toasts were enthusiastically honoured. A very happy evening was afterwards spent. 

Alvah (Banffshire journal and general advertiser, 10 October 1899)
Through the kindness of Mr and Miss Livingston, an enjoyable harvest home was held at Newton of Mountblairy on Friday. The servants were privileged to invite all their friends and neighbours, and the spacious loft was quite filled. Liberal refreshments were served from time to time during the dance, and on the call of votes of thanks loud and prolonged cheers were given to the kindly entertainers. 

Upper Cabrach (Banffshire journal and general advertiser, 31 October 1899) 
The Upper Cabrach harvest home ball was held in the school on Friday, when about sixty pupils were present and enjoyed a hearty dance, which was continued to the small hours of the morning. The arrangements, which were complete, were in the hands of a capable committee, including Messrs Alex Gordon, Gauch; William Bruce, Gauch; William Beattie, Powneed; William Kellas, Hillhead; J. Law, Post Office, Mr Beattie acting as secretary and MC. Excellent dance music was supplied by Messrs Gordon, Bruce, Gillan, Thomson and Nicol. 

New Aberdour (Banffshire journal and general advertiser, 13 November 1900) 
A large company met in the Parish Hall on Thursday to witness a cinematograph exhibition which was greatly enjoyed, Afterward a harvest home dance was held when excellent music was provided by Sim’s band from Strichen.


Royal Highland and Agricultural Society demonstrations of binders in the 1890s

The Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland played an important role in encouraging the development of agricultural implements and machines, exhibiting them and arranging trials and demonstrations of them. In the 1890s the Society also arranged working demonstrations. These were for binders. This was one of the only times in the history of the Society that it arranged demonstrations rather than trials. They were not competitive and awards were not given. They were arranged to give farmers and agriculturists the opportunity to see these machines at work. 

These exhibitions were undertaken in different locations throughout the country. These were usually in the different show districts where the show was in attendance. 

The following are a number of accounts of these exhibitions. They set out how the exhibitions were arranged, and describe how they worked in sometimes trying conditions with twisted and flattened crops. 

Exhibition in Midlothian in 1893 (from Elgin courant and Morayshire advertiser, 22 August 1893) 
“On Wednesday last an exhibition of binders at work was held under the auspices of the Highland and Agricultural Society at Niddrie Mains, Liberton, near Edinburgh. The exhibition was not a strictly competitive one. No awards were given, but a committee of gentlemen who acted as stewards made a report to the Society, in which they embodied their observations regarding the performances of the various machines that were at work. The committee consisted of Messrs Jonathan Middleton, Clay of Allan, Ross-shire; Geo. R. Glendinning, Hatton Mains; J. T. Paterson, Grange Loan, Edinburgh; and A. S. Logan, Fernie Castle, along with whom there was Mr Park, the Society’s engineer.
The following is the jurors’ preliminary report: “We have pleasure in reporting that we carefully watched the working of the eleven binders that came forward. They were in the first place tried in a field of oats which was cut into plots of one acre each. Lots were drawn by the competitors for the different plots, and care was taken to make the trial as even as possible to all. The oat crop was very rank, and badly laid and twisted. The test was therefore an exceedingly severe one. Indeed much of the crop was so badly laid and twisted that it seemed hardly likely that either the binder or the reaper could possibly make passable work in it. In these circumstances it is peculiarly gratifying to be able to say that upon the whole the work of cutting and binding was done in a satisfactory manner-better cut, most probably, than it would have been by the ordinary reaper. Very little fault could be found with either the cutting or binding. Most of the machines had difficulty in separating the one sheaf from the other, on account of the rank, tangled condition of the crop, yet, even in this respect, the majority of the machines did surprisingly good work. The crop could be cut only in the direction, and in most cases the work was slowly done. The plots in the field of oats having been finished, all the machines, excepting the “Jonson Harvester”, was tried in an adjacent field of barley. The crop of barley was not rank, but it was much laid and twisted. The quantity of the work done here was throughout of the most satisfactory character, so nearly perfect, indeed, that the most fastidious farmer could find little fault with it. This great success with the barley is all the more noteworthy and gratifying that, when examined by a large committee of experienced farmers a fortnight ago, the crop on this field was so much laid and twisted that it was thought unlikely that any competitor would attempt to cut it either with a reaper or binder. It should be explained that the Kearsley binder, having come late into the field, cut only about half of its plot of oats.” 

Exhibition of binders in Aberdeenshire (from Aberdeen press and journal, 5 September 1894) 
“Yesterday an interesting exhibition of binders at work, under the auspices of the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland, took place at the farm of Middlefield, Woodside, occupied by Mr Reith. Most of these machines were exhibited at the show of the society at Aberdeen in July last, and in the implement catalogue of the show it was stated that such an exhibition would be “held in Aberdeen district in the approaching harvest at a place and on a date to be afterwards fixed.” The arrangements having been thus early made, exhibitors had ample time to get ready their machines and secure their horses and men. As indicated in the catalogue, no judges were appointed, and no awards will be made, but the stewards were to have power to test the draught of each binder and otherwise scrutinise its working” as they might consider desirable, and to make observations for incorporation in an official report of the exhibition. In these circumstances there was really no competition between rival makers, the object of the society being mainly to give farmers an opportunity of witnessing and judging for themselves the work of the different machines. The weather was eminently suitable for the occasion, except that towards the close rather heavy rain fell, and partially interrupted the operations. The crop to be operated upon was a large field of barley on ground sloping from west to east. The crop was by no means heavy, and, indeed, was considering anything but a severe test for the machines, the exhibitors of which would have preferred a heavier and stiffer crop. The test, it was stated, was not nearly so severe as that which was undergone at Edinburgh last year. A good many farmers are busy with their own harvest just now, and though the attendance yesterday was very good, it was not so large as might have been expected. Mr James Macdonald, the secretary of the Highland Society, who had made all the preliminary arrangements in a very careful manner, was early on the ground, and in the course of the forenoon Sir James Gibson Craig, chairman of the directors, visited the field and took the liveliest interest in the exhibition. The committee of the society in charge of the operations were Messrs Jonathan Middleton, Clay of Allan, Ross-shire; George R. Glendinning, Hatton Mains, Wilkieston, near Edinburgh; assisted by Mr John Marr, Cairnbrogie, director; and Messrs G. J. Walker, Portleithen; and James Hay, Little Ythsie, extraordinary directors; with Mr Park, the society’s engineer.
In all, 14 entries of machines had been made, but three of them were withdrawn, these being a pony binder from Messrs Main, Edinburgh, otherwise exhibited; and entries from Samuelston & Co., Oxon; and William Smith & Son, Aberdeen, both of whom, however, had still one entry each. In addition to those in the catalogue was an entry by Messrs B. reid & Coo., who showed a Massey Harris binder, with a new invention by the exhibitors, consisting of a wooden instead of a canvas conveyor, this travelling platform consisting of a series of narrow strips of hard wood actuated by means of a chain. There were thius 12 binders on the field. It was intended that operations should begin at nine o’clock, but it was an hour later before a start could be made. The ground was divided into half-acre plots as nearly as possible, portions of the crop having been previously cut to allow the machines to operate. Four machines were started at a time at the portions of ground marked off, and each machine was furnished with the number of the entry in the catalogue, so that it could be easily distinguished during the exhibition. Plot no. 1 was set apart for no. 9 of the catalogue, a machine exhibited by Messrs W. Reid & Leys, 8 Hadden Street, Aberdeen, described in the catalogue as :Low-down open end Deering pony binder, fitted with ball and roller bearings; made by W. Deering & Co., Chicago.” The second plot was set aside for no. 7, shown by A. Newlands & Son, Implement Works, Linlithgow, which is described as a “harvesting binder, open end, with transport made by Geo. Kennedy”. The third plot was appropriated to Messrs J. & H. Keyworth & Co., 35 Taileton Street, Liverpool, who exhibited the “Adriance” rear discharge binder, with low platform and all latest improvements, made by Adriance, Platt & Co., New York. Plot no. 4 was set apart for a machine by Messrs Harrison, Macgregor, & Company, Limited, Albion Ironworks, Leigh, Lancashire, for whom Mr Garvie and Messrs George Bruce & Co., were the local agents. The entry no. 3 is described as “Sheaf-binding harvester, the Albion”, similar to another exhibited (no. 2), but with extra arrangement for closing the end when required. If fitted with small sheaf carrier for holding the sheaf while turning corners an extra charge is made. The fifth plot was set apart for no. 15, a Brantford no. 3 Binder, made by Massey, Harris& Co., with this difference, that the carrier or conveyor for carrying the sheaf to the binding apparatus, instead of being formed of a sheet of canvas is formed, as already indicated, of splints of wood a short distance apart from each other, actuated, as already mentioned, by a chain. Plot 6 was appropriated to no. 2 of the catalogue-one of Messrs Harrison, McGregor & Co’s machines, which is thus described in the catalogue:-“Sheaf-binding harvester, the “Albion”, constructed chiefly of steel and malleable iron, with open end and several important patented improvements, combining strength and durability, lightness of draught, convenience of operation, and perfection of work under all conditions of crops; made by exhibitor”. Plot no. 7 was set apart for a machine shown by Samuelson & Co., Limited, Britannia Works, Banbury, Oxon, who showed an improved string sheaf-binding harvester with steel frame, large travelling wheel, very light in draught, and fitted with steel and iron welded fingers. Plot 8 was set apart for a machine by Messrs J. Bisset & Sons, Blairgowrie, for whom the local agents are Messrs Cardno & Darling, Aberdeen. It is briefly described in the catalogue as “Bisset, new patent, open back, steel-built binder”. Plot 9 was appropriated to no. 12 of the catalogue, a “McCormick Bindlochine” rear discharge, low down, made by McCormick & Co., Chicago, exhibited by William Smith & Son, Exchange Seed Warehouse, Aberdeen. Plot 11 was set apart for no. 4, a machine shown by Richard Hornsby & Sons, Limited, Spittlegate Ironworks, Grantham, for whom Messrs George Bruce & Company, seedsmen, Aberdeen, are the local agents. It is described as follows-No 12 B, new patent light draught steel frame sheaf-binding harvester, adapted for use with open or closed back, as may be described, to suit variation of crops; fitted with Hornsby’s new patent sheaf separator for more effectually dealing with laid and tangled crops. Plot no. 12 was set apart for Brantford no. 3 binder, made by Messrs Massey, Harris & Company, exhibited by Messrs B. Reid & Company, Bon Accord Works; and plot no. 13 was appropriated to an open-end harvester and binder, with three aprons and transport attachment, with bundle carrier extra. It was shown by Messrs Wallace A. Wood & Company, 36 Worship Street, London, EC, whom Messrs Sellar & Sons, Huntly, are the local agents. 
As one set of four machines completed its task it was followed by another set, and in this way the work was methodically and expeditiously accomplished. No test of the machines was made by means of the dynamometer, but the committee made careful note of the work of the machines with reference to the cutting, the size of the sheaf, the manner in which it was bound, and other points. They examined the machines while at rest and in motion, and the driver of each machine was asked to alter the size of sheaf in order to show how each could do the work. Each machine has merits of its own, and the general opinion expressed by farmers and others was that all had done exceedingly well. Each did the work allotted to it more or less satisfactorily, but some had stiffer bits of crop than others where the grain was particularly laid and twisted. There was not very much of this, however, and taking everything into account the work was very well done. One of the machines that specially attracted the attention of stewards and others was the Massey-Harris machine, with the conveyor of strips of wood, already mentioned. It is the invention of Mr Anderson (B. Reid & Co.) and one of his staff, and has been patented. As already indicated the committee made no awards, and expressed no opinion on the respective merits of the machines. After the machines had completed their allocated tasks, they one after the other reaped the portion of the field that was yet uncut, so that Mr Reith had the satisfaction of seeing the entire field of barley in stook. The whole of the exhibitors deserve credit for their work, and it was evident that all concerned did their utmost to make the exhibition a success.” 

Exhibition of binders near Perth (from Dundee advertiser, 19 August 1896)
“A trial of self-binding reaping machines was held yesterday under the auspices of the Highland Society on the farm of North Muirton, near Perth, tenanted by Mr John Morton. The proceedings might be termed more of an exhibition than a trial, as no prizes were given, and no order of merit was announced at the close of the day. The Society Stewards in charge of the exhibition were Messrs Jonathan Middleton, Clay of Allan, Easter Ross, and J. R. Glandinning, Hatton Mains, Midlothian, Mr J. D. Park, the official Engineer, being associated with them. A Committee of local Directors was composed of Mr W. S. Ferguson, Pictstonhill; Mr Andrew Hutcheson, Beechwood; Mr R. Paterson, Hill of Drip, Stirling; and Mr Dun, Easter Kincaple, Fifeshire; Mr James Macdonald, Secretary to the Society, being on the ground, to take general note of proceedings. Ten machines had been entered, and nine were forward. These were-the “Bisset” new patent open back steel-built binder, made and exhibited by Messrs J. Bisset & Sons, Blairgowrie; the “Bonnie” binder, driven with steel chain, made by the Johnstone Harvester Company, New York, and shown by Messrs Blackstone & Co., Stamford; the Adriance rear discharge binder, of New York, make, shown by Messrs James Gray & Co., Stilring; the Albion new patent machine, made and exhibited by Messrs Harrison, McGregor & Co., Limited, Leigh; the Hornsby harvester, shown by the makers, Messrs Richard Hornsby & Sons, Limited, Grantham; the Samuelston new patent low down harvester, from the works of Messrs Samuelston & Co., Limited, Banbury, Oxon; the “Elevator” binder from the same firm, with three canvas arrangement; the Massey Harris open end binder, of Brantford make, and shown by Messrs john Wallace & Sons, Glasgow; and the Walter A. Wood open rear harvester, of well-known American make. There was a fair attendance of agriculturists during the day. Among those on the ground were Hon A. D. Murray, Ardgilzean; Mr Macduff of Bonhard; Mr R. Anderson, Balbrogie; Mr Hay, West Cultmalundie; Mr Robertson, Blackhaugh; Mr R. Hope, Huntingtower; Mr Pople, Newhouse; Mr McLaren, Windy Edge; Mr McFarlane, Southfield, Abernyte; Mr Robertson, Balthayock; Mr Whitton of Couston; Mr Lover, Dean Park, Edinburgh; Mr E. Fairweather, Clashbenny; Mr Wilson of Messrs Watt & Co., Cupar; Mr H. Martin, Flowerdale, Collace; Mr W. B. Stephenson, Broombarns; Mr John Graham, Kildinny; Mr Gardiner, East Mill, Auchterarder; Mr Westwood, Dalreoch, Dunning; Mr A. Macduff Duncan of Kirklands; Mr Thomas Hollimngsworth, Powgavie; Mr Hume, Rossie, Dunning; Mr Fenwick, Broadleys; Mr D. Peddie, Forteviot; Mr P. Scrimgeour, Balboughty, Scone; Mr Bruce, Rosefield, Balbeggie; Mr T. S. Thoms, Benvie; Mr Hay of Hay & Co., Perth; Mr Scott, Shielhill, Stanley; Mr Grahame, Scones Lethendy.
Work was started about ten o’clock forenoon in a splendid 21 acre field of oats. A good deal of the crop was more or less laid and twisted, the field thus putting the machines to a very real test. In the morning plots of one-third acre each. In extent were balloted for, and a start was made under fairly good conditions. There was a little dampness owing to the rain on Monday night, but nothing to speak of. The cloths of the machines were affected to some extent during the first half hour or so, but as the sun gained in strength the draught of the machines lightened very considerably. All the machines had cloths. It is evident, therefore, that these arrangements are not played out, although a good deal has been heard of the sparred substitutes. Six of the machines, it may be noted, made left-hand cut, and three the right-hand cut. After a mid-day interval the machines were set in file round the remaining square of grain. This was the most interesting and, upon the whole, the most instructive part of the proceedings, as there was no question of luck in the business. The machines, with one or two exceptions, made a very good job of the stubble. Two or three were somewhat heavy in draught, one or two were decidedly noisy-too much of the “craw ratle” order-a small proportion were a little faulty in sheafing, and most of them showed slight imperfections in delivery. Upon the whole the favour of the unofficial “bench” on the ground went in greatest measure to the Bisset and Walter Wood machines. The former made a good all-round job, and was specially meritorious at the stubble and insheafing; the latter delivered remarkably well, and appeared to be light in draught. The Adriance made tidy work in cutting and sheafing, and worked sweetly. It might possibly be seen to less advantage on an extra heavy crop. Men on the ground also favoured the Hornsby a good deal, also the Albion and the Massey Harris. These are good machines. The forthcoming volume of the Highland Society Transactions will contain notes on the exhibition from the stewards and the engineer. The trials were very interesting, but if the draught of the machines had been tested the results would have been more valuable. It is by no means an easy matter to make fair tests of draught in one busy day, but it might be sone. 

In 1901 the exhibition of binders by the Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland was abandoned. According to the Elgin Courant, and Morayshire Advertiser of 30 July 1901 this had “been brought about by the fact that the majority of the leading binder firms refrained from entering machines for the trial, an action on the part of these firms that is much to be regretted.”

The photographs were taken at the Strathnairn Farmer’s Show.


Trials of binders in north-east Scotland in the 1890s

Trials were an important way to demonstrate new agricultural implements and machines in a district. They were usually arranged by local or regional agricultural societies, though the Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland also played an important role in organising them. They enabled the societies to bring together a number of machines from a range of makers to compete against one another and demonstrate how they compared to one another. They let farmers and other agriculturists see the merits – and otherwise – of a variety of them before purchasing one for themselves. Trials could also be social affairs, attended by the leading farmers of a district and concluded with a dinner.

Trials were especially important for letting farmers and agriculturists see innovative implements and machines at work. Trials included ones for binders and other harvesting machinery, as well as double furrowed ploughs, and tractors. 

In the 1890s a number of local trials were held in the north east to demonstrate binders. They were made by societies such as the Northern Agricultural Society and the Morayshire Farmers’ Club. 

The following are two accounts of local trials held in the 1890s. They give a full account of how they are arranged, attendees, how they worked, and social activities. They highlight the novelty of the binders. 

Trial of binders at Inverurie (from The Aberdeen Journal, 8 September 1890) 
“The Northern Agricultural Society, with its usual energy and anxiety for the furthering of the aim of its existence-the promotion of agricultural interests-this season organised an exhibition of binders, which took place on Saturday on the farm of Lofthillock, Inveruris, fields on which were kindly placed at the disposal of the Executive by Mrs Philip. It was originally intended to hold the exhibition on the farm of Balhaggardy, but the serious illness of Mr Maitland, sen., rendered that proposal impossible. The weather was beautifully fine, and a large number of leading agriculturists assembled to witness the display. Amongst those who attended were:- Messrs Mackie, Petty, Fyvie; Forrest, Castle of Auchry, Monquhitter; George Wilken, Waterside of Forres; Cruickshank, Comisty; Cocker, Hill of Petty; Bruce, Collithie; Bean, Balquhain; Burr, Tulloford; Morrison, Hatton Slap; John Milne, Mains of Laithers; Gall, Smiddyburn; G. A. Duncan, manager, Messrs G. W. Murray & Co., Banff; Mackintosh, Aberdeen; Turnbull, Smithston; Law, Lochead; France, of Messrs Cardno & Darling; Adie, late of Lenabo, Longside; Davidson, Mill of Clola; Thompson, Haddo, Methlic; Walker, Tillygreig; Stewart, Knapperna; Hugh Wilson, Milton of Noth; Kiloh, Ard,urdo; Tait, Crichie; Mitchell, Lairshill; Harper, wire merchant, Aberdeen; Glashan, Fawells; Durno, Jackston; Durno, Mains of Glack; Moir, Shadowside; William Black, Kinermit; and Bruce, Myreyon &c. The various machines exhibited were as follows:-Buckeye Banner, by Mr Alexander, Glasgow; the McCormick, by Mr William Reid, Aberdeen; Wood’s Standard, Wood’s Single Apron, The Brantford, and Brantford with front wheel, by Messrs Ben Reid & Co., Aberdeen; Bisset’s binder, with front wheel, by Messrs Cardno & Darling; and Hornsby & Son’s Royal Society Binder. Mr George Bruce, secretary of the society. Had all the arrangements for the exhibition carried out with his usual carefulness and foresight, and in his efforts to secure the success of the exhibition he was ably assisted by the following members of the Executive Committee:- Messrs Ranald Macdonald, convener; Strachan, Saphock; Grey, Balgove; Adam, land surveyor, who were assisted by Messrs H. Macgregor (of Messrs Harrison Macgregor), and Littlejohn, Whitemyres. At the outset the binders were tried on a field with a steep incline for the purpose of testing to the full their capabilities, and also with the view of allowing an opportunity to those in charge of the respective binders to explain the merits of their entries. After ample time had been given for this the machines were removed to a field of larger dimensions, where about half an acre was allotted to each. The work was accomplished in a creditable manner by each, the cutting being clean, the stubble left being comparatively short, and the time occupied being anything but prolonged. It would, however, be somewhat invidious to give details of the operations, more especially in view of the fact that the Executive had not at their command a dynamometer to test the draught of the various machinery. Suffice it to say that the satisfactory work in each case was favourably viewed by the spectators. Here it may be mentioned parenthetically that this is the first exhibition of the kind ever held in connection with the Royal Northern, and that it is the only one of the kind held this year in the kingdom. That the display marks a step in the right direction will not be doubted when it is remembered that agricultural implements are generally relegated to an inferior position in the showyards of live stock, and that consequently inventors and engineers do not get the place to which they are justly entitled in the agricultural world. In addition to the binders, several manure distributors were exhibited. These were the Strawsonizer, and a couple of machines invented by Mr Davidson, Mill of Clola. These implements commanded considerable and favourable attention. On leaving the field the executive and their friends adjourned to the Kintore Arms Hotel, where Mrs Annand purveyed an excellent repast. At the social board Mr Ranald Macdonald presided, and Mr George Bruce acted as croupier. On covers being removed, the loyal and patriotic toasts were pledged. 

The Chairman then said it was very difficult, indeed, to exaggerate how much the farmer was indebted to the inventors and makers of agricultural implements. Without the aid of these, farmers would be very much handicapped. He went on to say they had implement makers in Aberdeen who were not only known in this country, but who were known all over the world. A good many of them present knew Mr George Reid, who was one of the originators of the firm of Messrs ben Reid & Coy, and he was glad to say that those who succeeded to that firm had kept up its reputation. (Applause)
He coupled the toast with the name of Mr Anderson, who replied. 
The Chairman then explained that it was not the intention of the committee to publish a report. Mr Bruce had written to the Royal English Society for the use of its dynamometer, but it had not been sent, and consequently no fair criterion of the work could be obtained.
Mr Garvie gave “The Royal Northern Society”, and paid a high compliment to Mr Bruce for the great interest he showed in the affairs of the association. 
Mr Bruce replied, and in doing so said the farmers in the district made his work easy by the interest which they took in the society’s affairs. He also referred to the kindness shown by Mrs Philip in granting the use of her fields, and to the trouble to which the grieve on the farm had put himself to make the exhibition a success. He begged to propose their health. 
The sentiment having been pledged, other toasts followed, including the health of the chairman.” 

Morayshire Farmers’ Club, trial of binders (from Aberdeen press and journal, 23 August 1897) 
“On Saturday a trial of binders took place on a farm of Carswell, at Alves Station, under the auspices of the Morayshire Farmers’ Club. It is a great many years since a trial took place of reaping machines took place in connection with the club, and, of course, since the binders came into favour there has not been any competitions. The display undoubtedly provoked the greatest interest among the farmers, not only in the county of Moray, but much further afield, with the result that there was a very large attendance. Ten machines entered, bit it was found that three of them were duplicates entered by different agents, so that only seven were forward. Two Albions were entered for the competition. One of them was to have shown a sheaf carrier, but it was not put on. The three competing were the two Albions and the Adriance. They put themselves into competition for an award of merit by the judges. With regard to the other four they were merely only on exhibition, and a report is to be made by the judges to the club upon the merits of the different machines. The club will be entitled to make any use of the report afterwards. 

The judges were:- Messrs R. C. Morton, C. E., Errol Works, Errol, Perthshire (mechanical experts; James E. Colvin, farmer, Manbeen; A. Trotter, farmer, Garguston; James Brown, farmer, Miltonhill; John Simpson, farmer, Spynie. 
The field for the work was most admirable for the easy working of the machines. It was level, the soil was firm, and there were very few stones. The crop cut was oats. It was fairly heavy, and pretty even all over, while it stood beautifully up to the machines. In order, however, to have given the farmers an opportunity of seeing the machines work under adverse circumstances, it would have been well of some of it and been lying and twisted. As it was the conditions were so favourable in every respect that the machines were able to do their best work, and were not able to be shown under conditions which unfortunately not unfrequently occur through the untoward influences of high wind and wet weather upon a heavy crop. Neither was there an opportunity of witnessing how the machines-which, judging from their size, must be a considerable weight-would act in wet land where their weight would make them liable to sink. As it was the result of the trial will be a “boon in binders”. A good opportunity was offered for fine work, and full advantage was taken of it. All over the result was remarkably good, and there was nothing but praise on all hands as to what had been accomplished. The farmers watched the proceedings with the greatest interest, and not a few have resolved to have a binder. It was a good idea to have the trial so early, as those wishing to get machines can yet secure them in time for the bulk of this season’s work. All things considered the trial was eminently satisfactory, and the secretary of the club, Dr Black of Sheriffston, deserves the greatest credit for the excellent way in which he carried out the arrangements, along with a committee consisting of Messrs John Knight, Kintrae; Hugh Robertson, Balnageirth, Forres; Macall South, Shampston; and Maclkessack, Asleisk.
The following are the details of the entries: 
Agent-Anderson & Bowie, Elgin-Albion Binder (2)
Agent- James Gray & Company, Stirling- Adriance
For exhibition
Agents-George Sellar & Sons, Huntly-Woods.
Agent-R. Forbes, Woodhead,-Bissets
Agent-George Bruce & Company, Aberdeen-Hornsby
Agent-W. Law & Company, Elgin-Massey Harris
The proceedings commenced at ten o’clock, and were concluded-including preparing machines for removal from one field to another, and cutting a piece in which they all followed each other-before two o’clock. The field was one of 40 acres, which was divided in the middle. About 20 acres altogether were cut. Each machine was allotted a plot of about two acres. The Bisset binder finished the work three minutes within the hour, and the others followed in quick succession. At the close, the judges stated that they had not yet prepared their finding as to the winner in the competition, and of course the report on those present for exhibition will be made to the club, so that meantime their findings cannot be made known. It may be mentioned that Messrs Ben Reid & Co., report a great demand for the Massey Harris, for which they are agents in the north. Three of them have just been supplied for three farms-Muirhead, Hempriggs, and West Grange-in the Forres district, and at present so keen is the demand that it is impossible to meet it.”


Displenishing sales in Aberdeenshire in 1941

The Aberdeen press and journal was an important newspaper for advertising displenishing sales for Aberdeenshire and the north-east of Scotland. Auctioneers placed adverts in it, usually a short time in advance of a sale, noting where and when it would take place and the name of the auctioneering company undertaking it. They also often listed the names of farms and the dates of sales well in advance. Most of the sales took place before the May and November terms (Martinmas), with the latter month being the most important. 

Regardless of the auctioneer, the adverts had a similar format in the way that they listed the implements and machines for sale. They usually start with the carts, followed by either the ploughing and cultivating implements or the harvesting ones. Then there are the 
“indoor” implements and machines associated with the barn and farm steading. They usually conclude with the miscellaneous items or the hand tools. 

The adverts in The Aberdeen press and journal on 28 April 1941 suggest that they were for small farms, still using horse rather than tractor power. They comprise the main types of implements and machines expected to undertake work, though there is a predominatly greater number of hand tools than on larger farms. There is an emphasis on turnip rather than potato culture. 

Quarrylea, Whiterashes 
Implements – 2 sets pony harness, stone roller, box cart with tops (rubber tyres), pony rake, drag rake, box barrow (rubber wheel), peat barrow, single plough, set iron harrows, ladders, rakes, forks, graips, posts, mail, picks, wire stretcher, bench, vice, paraffin drum (10 gallons), portable boiler (20 gallons), feeding troughs, pigs’ box, netting wire, fencing wire, scythe, corn chest, barrels, chicken coops with runs, lanterns, brooder, and all minor tools and implements, 5 portable poultry houses. 

Brooms, Lethenty, Inverurie
Implements -3 sets cart and plough harness, odd harness, Deering binder (almost new), Deering mower (almost new), 2 box carts with tops, long cart body, horse rake, grubber, 3 sets iron harrows, set wooden harrows, chain harrows, broadcast, metal and stone rollers, drag, S. T. harrows, shim, 2 single ploughs, 2 D. B. ploughs, turnip hasher, barn fan, yokes and swingletrees, steelyard and weights, bushel and straik, ladders, rope yarn, box barrow, posts, and all the usual minor tools and implements. 

East Camaloun, Fyvie
Implements etc-2 box carts with tops, 2 long carts, spring cart, gig, 2 sets cart and plough harness, odd harness, Massey Harris binder, broadcast, set iron harrows, set wooden harrows, grubber, S. T. harrows, chain harrows, shim, stone roller, metal roller, turnip sower, single plough, D. B. plough, steelyard and weights, sack lifter, bushel and straik, barn fan, box barrows, turnip hasher, feeding troughs, Paraffin drum, horse rake, ladders, rope yarn, and all minor tools and implements; 4 portable poultry houses, chicken coops, etc. 

Neilsbrae, Fintray 
Implements -2 box carts with tops, new pole grubber, drag, spring tooth, iron harrows, chain harrows, single ploughs, drill ploughs, Albion binder, mower, horse rake, turnip sowing machine, metal roller, stone roller, shim, barn fan, weighing machine and weights, bushel, barrows, ladders, turnip hashers, sculls, 2 sets cart and plough harness, drag and hand rakes, rick nets, coir yarn, ladders, posts, wire strainer, stack cover, feeding bins and troughs, hay knife, netting wire, pig box, 5 portable poultry houses, chicken coops, feeders, water fountains, grindstone, bench, scrap metal, picks, scythes, spades, forks, graips, hoes, shovels, brushes, happers, single-barrelled gun, yokes and swingle trees, and the usual assortment of minor farm tools. 

Westhall, Kincardine O’Neill
Implement – 3 box carts, long cart body, drag, sporing tooth, single plough, D. B. plough, iron harrows, shim, 2 stone rollers, binder, reaper and rake, horse rake, turnip sowing machine, barn fan, weighing machine and weights, 2 sets cart and plough harness, fencing posts, wire and wire netting, sack barrow, box harrow, 2 peat barrows, grindstone, ladders, hasher, pulper, sculls, troughs, barrels, wire strainer, 3 poultry houses, Ferret hutch, Gloucester Incubator, 2 indoor hoovers, foster mother, happer, scythes, forks, picks, spades, shovels, hoes, graips, rakes, cross-cut saws, yokes, and swingle trees, and the usual assortment of minor tools. Chicken raising houses and other rearing facilities are also noted.

Brooms, Lethenty, Inverurie
Implements -3 sets cart and plough harness, odd harness, Deering binder (almost new), Deering mower (almost new), 2 box carts with tops, long cart body, horse rake, grubber, 3 sets iron harrows, set wooden harrows, chain harrows, broadcast, metal and stone rollers, drag, S. T. harrows, shim, 2 single ploughs, 2 D. B. ploughs, turnip hasher, barn fan, yokes and swingletrees, steelyard and weights, bushel and straik, ladders, rope yarn, box barrow, posts, and all the usual minor tools and implements. 

East Camaloun, Fyvie
Implements etc-2 box carts with tops, 2 long carts, spring cart, gig, 2 sets cart and plough harness, odd harness, Massey Harris binder, broadcast, set iron harrows, set wooden harrows, grubber, S. T. harrows, chain harrows, shim, stone roller, metal roller, turnip sower, single plough, D. B. plough, steelyard and weights, sack lifter, bushel and straik, barn fan, box barrows, turnip hasher, feeding troughs, Paraffin drum, horse rake, ladders, rope yarn, and all minor tools and implements; 4 portable poultry houses, chicken coops, etc. 

Neilsbrae, Fintray 
Implements -2 box carts with tops, new pole grubber, drag, spring tooth, iron harrows, chain harrows, single ploughs, drill ploughs, Albion binder, mower, horse rake, turnip sowing machine, metal roller, stone roller, shim, barn fan, weighing machine and weights, bushel, barrows, ladders, turnip hashers, sculls, 2 sets cart and plough harness, drag and hand rakes, rick nets, coir yarn, ladders, posts, wire strainer, stack cover, feeding bins and troughs, hay knife, netting wire, pig box, 5 portable poultry houses, chicken coops, feeders, water fountains, grindstone, bench, scrap metal, picks, scythes, spades, forks, graips, hoes, shovels, brushes, happers, single-barrelled gun, yokes and swingle trees, and the usual assortment of minor farm tools. 

Westhall, Kincardine O’Neill
Implement – 3 box carts, long cart body, drag, sporing tooth, single plough, D. B. plough, iron harrows, shim, 2 stone rollers, binder, reaper and rake, horse rake, turnip sowing machine, barn fan, weighing machine and weights, 2 sets cart and plough harness, fencing posts, wire and wire netting, sack barrow, box harrow, 2 peat barrows, grindstone, ladders, hasher, pulper, sculls, troughs, barrels, wire strainer, 3 poultry houses, Ferret hutch, Gloucester Incubator, 2 indoor hoovers, foster mother, happer, scythes, forks, picks, spades, shovels, hoes, graips, rakes, cross-cut saws, yokes, and swingle trees, and the usual assortment of minor tools. Chicken raising houses and other rearing facilities are also noted.
