One of the well-known names of agricultural implement makers and agents in Fife was Farm Mechanisation Co. Ltd, of Ladybank, established by Gavin Reekie in 1947. From its earliest days its name was closely associated with Massey Ferguson. Indeed, the company was set up to market the Ferguson TE20 tractor with its revolutionary three-point linkage.
In 1958 its strapline was “The Massey Harris and Ferguson people”. You will see the Farm Mechanisation badge on many Fergies and MF tractors round the rally fields!
By 1953 the company was associated with Reekie Engineering Co. Ltd, Arbroath, and Stirling Tractors, St Ninians, Stirling. In 1965 an advert in The Scottish Farmer recorded it as a member of the G. Reekie group of companies.
It extended its activities in Fife. By 1955 it had a premises at Halbeath Road, Dunfermline, and in 1959 a further one at South Road, Cupar.
It was not until 1951 that the company started to exhibit at the Highland Show, doing so until 1964. It entered a number of its implements for the prestigious new implement award. In 1951 it entered its “Farmec” 3 row fertiliser unit (invented by G. R. Reekie); in 1953 the Farmec universal elevator as well as its improved 3 row fertiliser unit for mounted riders; in 1962 a pressure kiln dryer and the Farmec power drive 3 row fertiliser unit. The Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland awarded a silver medal in 1953 for its fertiliser unit for mounted riders.
The company was a regular advertiser in the Scottish agricultural press, both the Farming News and The Scottish Farmer from 1948 onwards.
The north-east of Scotland had some prominent implement and machine makers that were known well-beyond the boundaries of that district; some were known world wide as well as their manufacturers.
We can meet the makers and their manufacturers through a range of evidence, including show reports, business records. Obituaries also provide a range of evidence, and give us a good opportunity to meet the men and women behind their companies, their achievements as well as their role within their wider communities.We have looked through a number of newspapers to find obituaries of a number of prominent implement and machine makers from the north-east of Scotland before the end of the First World War. Many of them would have been known to one another.
The late Mr J. W. Barclay, CA (died November 1902)
The Aberdeen press and journal notes: “A cablegram, received by his father on Saturday, announces the death, on 10th November, of Mr James W. Barclay, CA, only surviving son of Mr Morison Barclay, of the well-known firm of Messrs Barclay, Ross, and Tough, agricultural implement makers, seed merchants, etc, Carmelite Buildings, Aberdeen, a nephew and namesake of Mr J. W. Barclay of Glenbuchat, formerly MP for Forfarshire. Mr Barclay died at sea on his way home from Buenos Ayres, and the cablegram was despatched from the first telegraph station passed in the Pacific. He was on the way home to see if the change would restore him to health, which had broken down under a recent strain of work in Buenos Ayres. He had been there for about four years, and had kept his health wonderfully well, although formerly he had been far from robust, it was after his health had broken down in London that he was induced by medical advice to go to Buenos Ayres.
Mr Barclay, who was about 33 years of age, served his apprenticeship as an accountant with Messrs James Meston and Co., CA, Aberdeen, and after he had himself qualified as a chartered accountant, set up business in London, where he met with remarkable success. The strain proved too great for him, however, and, as stated, he was induced to go to South America, where he held a good appointment in connection with one of the railways. Deceased was a genial, clever, and capable business man, who made many friends by his hearty manner. While in Aberdeen he took a great interest in athletic sports. He was not married.
Much sympathy will be felt for his relatives in their unexpected bereavement. It may be mentioned that Mr Barclay’s other son, who was an engineer on board a steamer, died at sea about four years ago when crossing the line.
Death of Mr George Bruce, Tochineal (died October 1909).
The Banffshire advertiser notes: “Widespread regret was caused when it became known that Mr George Bruce, Tochineal, had died on Tuesday, following a seizure. Mr Bruce had been in failing health for a considerable time, but the will be much missed along local agriculturists. Mr Bruce, who was a son of Mr Alexander Bruce, merchant, Keig, afterwards farmer at Wealthiton, was able to attend to his duties until Monday, when he had a sudden seizure from which he never recovered.After he had assisted his father for some time, Mr Bruce started business in Aberdeen as a seed merchant and implement maker, under the name of Messrs George Bruce and Company. Through his energy and capacity the business quickly developed, until it became one of the most extensive of its kind in the north of Scotland. For several years Mr Bruce acted with much acceptance as secretary to the Royal Northern Agricultural Society. Under his care and judicious management, the society greatly prospered. Having disposed of the business with which he was connected in Aberdeen, Mr Bruce became tenant of the desirable farm of Tochineal. For many years he took a leading part in connection with agricultural affairs in the north. He was a well-known breeder and judge or Aberdeen-Angus cattle, and also a most successful breeder and exhibitor of pure-bred sheep. Representatives of Tochineal stock have for long taken leading places in local and national showyards. Mr Bruce was a member of the committee of management of the Scottish National Fat Stock Club, and he also took a keen interest in the welfare of the Aberdeen Fat Stock Club.Of a kindly disposition, Mr Bruce was greatly esteemed in the district.
He is survived by a widow-a daughter of the late Mr Wilson, Noth, Rynie-and a young family. Mr Bruce’s brothers are Dr William Bruce, Dingwall; Dr John Mitchell Bruce, medical specialist in London; Mr Robert Bruce, agricultural superintendant of the Royal Dublin Society, and Mr Charles Bruce of Auchenzeoch, Fordoun. The funeral, which will be a public one, takes place from Tochineal on Saturday to Allenvale Cemetery, Aberdeen.”
Death of Mr William Anderson (died June 1911).
The Aberdeen press and journal notes: “Mr William Anderson, of the firm of Messrs Barclay, Ross, and Tough, seedsman, implement makers, etc, Balmoral Buildings, Green, died at his residence, 24 Leadside Road, Aberdeen, yesterday. Mr Anderson, although 83 years of age, and in somewhat failing health for the last years or so, continued to take a keen interest in the business of the firm with which he had been associated since its commencement in 1871. Prior to that he had been with Mr Morrison Barclay, and also with the late Mr J. W. Barclay when the latter gentleman had an agricultural business in the city before his election as MP for Forfarshire.Mr Anderson’s great hobby was Arctic exploration, and so keen was he on this that he took part in three expeditions to Greenland aboard whaling and sealing vessels. At one time he was there when the vessels Lady Franklin and Eric went to look for Franklin, the intrepid searcher for the North-West passage. Mr Anderson was a well-educated man. He received his early education in the Strichen School, having been a native of Lonmay. Early in life he acquired a knowledge of drawing, and this proved of considerable advantage to him in later years with agriculture, however that his chief interests were concerned. He was very keen in business, and proved himself an intelligent and active servant to the firm.
Mr Anderson is survived by a family of two sons and three daughters. All are in Aberdeen, with the exception of one daughter, who is in Glasgow.”
Death of Mr James Reid, engineer, Peterhead (died April 1914)
Buchan observer and East Aberdeenshire advertiser notes: “Many kindly memories will be stirred by the announcement of the death of Mr James Reid, retired engineer, Peterhead, which took place on Friday last at the residence of his sister, 10 Castle Street. Mr Reid, who was 77 years of age, retired from active work about six years ago, and enjoyed excellent health for a few years, but latterly he suffered from a cancerous trouble in his throat, which ultimately caused his death. Mr Reid was a son of the late Mr Peter Reid, builder, Peterhead, and served his apprenticeship as an engineer with Messrs Robert Mitchell & Son, of the Peterhead Foundry, and he remained with the firm until it gave up business over thirty years ago. Since that time up to his retirement he worked continuously with the firm of Messrs James Simpson & Son, agricultural engineers and implement makers, Peterhead, by whom he was held in the highest esteem and respect, both for his capabilities as a craftsman and for his personal character. He was a skilled tradesman, careful and thorough, and his workmanship could always be depended on for soundness and durability. Many men now occupying responsible and important positions as engineers in some of the leading steamship lines, notably the Orient and Pacific, and in other engineering capabilities, readily express their great indebtedness for their success in their craft to the thorough training given and the kindly interest shown in them by Mr Reid in the engineering shop at Peterhead, and the kindliest of thoughts of the old man will mingle in their hearts with the sincerest of regrets at his decease.For many years Mr Reid was a leading spirit in the musical affairs of the town. Well versed in music, and possessed of a splendid voice of very extensive range, he and his brothers, John, Peter, and David, each of whom was musically gifted, formed a quartet of singers such as is seldom met with in one family. He and his two elder brothers with a few others were the originators of the Peterhead Choral Society, and he maintained his connection and interest in that body for a lengthened time, and he was a not infrequent soloist at the concerts. In the ‘seventies he was leader of psalmody in the Free Church, St Peter Street, and his choir of those days is still spoken of with admiration by elderly people. He was also for some time psalmody leader in the Parish Church. In disposition Mr Reid was quiet and retiring, but with friends he was genial and affable, and he had a vein of humour which his associated enjoyed.
His death will be regretted by all who knew him. He was predeceased by his wife a number of years ago, and is survived by a grown-up family of four sons and four daughters. The funeral took place to the Old Churchyard yesterday in presence of a large and representative attendance.”
Robert Tough (died April 1918)
Aberdeen press and journal writes: “The death took place last night at his residence, 14 Whinhill Road, Aberdeen, of Mr Robert Tough. Mr Tough was well known in agricultural circles throughout the north of Scotland, his firm of Messrs R. Tough and Sons, seed and implement makers, Imperial Place, Aberdeen, having a large connection throughout Aberdeen and the north-east.”On 1 May 1918 the Aberdeen press and journal provided a more extensive obituary: “As briefly reported yesterday, the death of Mr Robert Tough, of the firm of Messrs R. Tough and Sons, seedsmen and implement makers, Imperial Place, Aberdeen, occurred on Monday night at his residence, 14 Whinhill Road, Aberdeen. He was a native of Foveran, and before joining the well-known firm of Messrs Barclay, Ross, and Tough, Aberdeen, he represented Messrs Ben Reid & Co., and Messrs John Milne and Co., Dyce. About three years ago he started business on his own account. Mr Tough, who was of ine physique, had an attractive personality. In agricultural circles in the northern-eastern counties and in a much wider area he was exceedingly well known. He was an expert salesman, and was always ready to give the very best advice to his customers.
For many years Mr Tough represented Messrs Barclay, Ross and Tough at the national shows of England, Ireland, and Scotland, and he did much to extend that firm’s business ramifications among farmers in the United Kingdom for threshing plants and certain kinds of farm machinery. He was predeceased by Mrs Tough about two years ago.”
R. H. N. Sellar, Huntly (died July 1918)
The Aberdeen press and journal writes: “Vice-Convener of CountyActive business and public lifeWe deeply regret to announced the death of Mr R. H. N. Sellar, Vice-Convener of Aberdeenshire, and senior member of the well-known form of Messrs G. Sellar and Son, agricultural implement makers, Huntly and Alloa. The sad event took place at his residence, Battleby, Huntly, at a quarter to ten o’clock last night. Mr Sellar had not been in robust health for some time, his illness taking a serious turn about three months ago, but after an operation in a nursing home in Glasgow he was able to be removed to Bridge of Allan. After a short residence there he returned north about five weeks ago. He was 58 years of age. Mr Sellar had lived a very active business and public life, and the sincerest sympathy of a very wide circle of friends will go out to his widow and family in their great sorrow.Mr Robert Hunter Nicol Sellar was the eldest son of the late Mr George Sellar, and was born in Huntly in 1857, the other members of his father’s family still alive being-Miss Sellar, Polwood, Huntly; Mr James Sellar, solicitor, Penang; and Mr John Sellar, who is in business in South Africa. He was educated at the Huntly Parish School, under the late Rev John Macdonald, best known and still remembered as Dominie Macdonald, and afterwards at Aberdeen University. Returning to Huntly to join his father in business, he received a thorough training in all its departments. On the death of his father in 1884 he became head of the firm, and by his personal energy and enterprise extended its ramifications and added to his high reputation in the agricultural world. Implements, designed, patented, and manufactured by the firm, have long enjoyed a high reputation. Indeed, not only in the north, but in the home and colonial markets, and in many countries abroad, “Sellar, Huntly”, is a name that stands everywhere for merit.
Mr Sellar was also himself personally well known, having travelled extensively to further the interests of his business. About five years ago a considerable part of the Huntly establishment was transferred to Alloa, where a large business was successfully established. The war has brought with it many improvements in agricultural machinery, and the Sellar centres have been prominent in war-time features of the industry.Besides attending closely to the demands of his business, Mr Sellar found time to play an active and acceptable part in public life, which, in certain spheres, was by no means confined to the district of Huntly and the county, but was of a national character. In his native town he served on the School Board for nearly 30 years, and sat for five years at the Town Council, being elected a Councillor and Baillie in 1898, and retiring in 1903 owing to the pressure of business. His deepest interest undoubtedly lay in the domain of education. Soon after his father’s death, he was elected a member of Huntly School Board, and on the retirement of the late Mr John Wilson, factor, in 1902, he was appointed chairman, a position he occupied to the last. The extension and development of the local schools were greatly due to his personal efforts and initiative; and the handsome Gordon schools, in their present splendidly equipped state, might almost be said to be a memorial to his educational service to the Huntly district.In 1898 Mr Sellar entered the Aberdeen County Council as representative of the burgh of Huntly in succession to Colonel W. A. Mellie, but latterly he represented the electoral division of Cairnie, Glass, and Huntly. In 1902 he was appointed Chairman of the Huntly District Committee in succession to Mr John Wilson, and continued in that post until his death.
The interest he showed in, and the grip he was able to take of the business which came before the Council gave him an assured position amongst the members, and in July, 1909, following upon the death of Provost Hutcheon, Turriff, he was elected Vice-Convener of the County. The duties of that office, as, indeed, those of every post he was placed in throughout his public career, were discharged with zeal and acceptance, while making himself conversant with all phases of local government, he showed himself invariably to be a man of prescience and broad outlook. Mr Sellar, who was also convener of the Lands Valuation and Finance Committees of the County Council, was elected Chairman of the County Committee on Secondary Education, and also Chairman of the Aberdeen Provincial Committee for the Training of Teachers-selections which testify to the confidence of those with whom he was associated. Not without cause was it humorously suggested that the Secondary Education Committee and Mr Sellar were practically synonymous terms, and his energy, tact, and business capacity in dealing with the difficult and complex questions which came before those bodies were readily acknowledged. He held those offices throughout important periods of educational development, and in each revealed an enthusiasm and foresight worthy of the best educational traditions of the north-eastern area of Scotland. His six years’ tenure of office was marked by the erection of the magnificent new Training Centre at Aberdeen. He was a member of Sir Henry Craik’s Committee which reported upon the salaries of Scottish teachers several months ago.
The North of Scotland College of Agriculture was another institution in which Mr Sellar rendered useful service. He was one of the original governors, had been vice-chairman for some years, and was chairman of the Central Studies and Staff Committee, whose work has much to do with the success of the College throughout the north. He manifested a deep interest in the promotion of the educational side of the various branches of forestry, and in 1911 he was appointed to a Forestry Committee of Inquiry for Scotland. This Committee recommended the purchase of Ballogie as a forest area for the north of Scotland. That the scheme was not gone on with is matter for regret, as the purchase price of the ground would have been more than met by the timber which it has yielded during the past four years.Amongst Mr Sellar’s most recent appointments was that of chairman of the County of Aberdeen Local Food Control Committee. He was a Justice of Peace for the County and a Hon. Sheriff Substitute.A specially warm corner in his heart was reserved by Mr Sellar for Huntly and its institutions, and his untiring educational services for it have already been alluded to. He was Chairman of the jubilee Cottage Hospital Managers, and Chairman of the District Nursing Association.
He took a deep interest in the welfare of Huntly United Free Church, and for over thirty years had been its treasurer. In politics he was a Moderate Liberal, and held the office of President of the Huntly Liberal Association. Mr Sellar leaves a widow and a family of three sons and one daughter, one son-Lieut J. M. Sellar, of the K.O.S.B.-having been killed din the war. Mrs Sellar is a daughter of the late Mr Thomson, of Messrs Glegg and Thomson, Aberdeen. The eldest son, Mr Robert Thomson Sellar, after being in Canada for some years gaining business insight, returned home a few months ago, and has been associated with the management of the firm.”
Displenishing sales provide an insight into the implements and machines that were being used on a farm when the tenant was leaving a particular farm. They can show the type of agriculture practiced as well as the range of implements and machines used. They can also show whether the Farm was using new and innovative ones or were relying on older ones.
By the late 1950s farm mechanisation had made significant in-roads into Scottish farms. There was an emphasis on tractor power and using a wide-range of implements and machines for crop and animal husbandry. Some farms invested in tractors with their associated name-sake implements and machines, such as the Ferguson system. Others were starting to make greater use of the new grain harvesting technologies of the combine harvester with its accompanying changes in grain handling and storage.
In the Strathearn district of Perrthshire in the late 1950s a number of farms were having their displenishing sales. These show what the individual farms were using on their farms by way of implements and machines as well as the rate of mechanisation that was on the farms. While this varied from farm to farm, the farms showed that some very up to date technologies was being used, including new tractors and combine harvesters. They were also working with implements and machines made by leading Scottish, English and international makers such as Ferguson, Ford-Ferguson, Fordson, International, Farmall, Massey-Dickie, Massey Harris, Sellars, Taylor, Ransome, and Wallace, amongst other names.
So what implements and machines were being used on farms?
Adverts in the local newspaper, the Strathern Herald, provide full accounts of what implements and machines were being used on a number of farms in the district). These include:
Gannochan, Braco (advert from Strathearn herald, 26 April 1958)
Implements – Ferguson diesel tractor (September, 1954), Ferguson T.V.O. tractor (May, 1951), tipping trailer with flakes and high sides, tractor trailer, tractor box cart, horse box cart, corn cart body, Taylor rick lifter (for Ferguson), hay sweel (power lift for Ferguson), Ogle horse fork and Fleming grab, Ferguson mower, hay rake, two horse hay sweeps, swathe turner (Massey-Dickie), hay knife, saddle harrows, heavy tractor harrows, Ferguson harrows (power lift), chain harrows, Ferguson spring-tooth grubber, Ferguson ridger, tractor rollers, Sellar’s single and double furrow plough, 110A horse plough, horse ridge plough, 110A tractor plough, sheep netting stobs, sheep netting, barbed wire, sheep haik (Ritchie), troughs, corn bins, 5ft cut Bisset binder and canvasses (as new), two Massey Harris binders, corn seeder, Tamkin potato digger, corn lifting fingers for binder, Tullis manure barrow (horse and tractor shaft), chemical sprayer (power driven) for Ferguson, Ferguson pulley, Ferguson stabiliser, ladders, paraffin containers on stands, grass seed barrow, oil drums, weights, Ceresan mixer, metal and wood stack bosses, stack props, two visi-chick brooders, large hen hut, four Millar ark hen huts with slatted floors, turnip seeder, scarifier for turnips, two hand barrows; sack barrow, two stack covers (18ftx18ft, 15ftx15ft), rig marker, cattle troughs, two large pig self-feeders, pig creep feeder, fire extinguisher, 400-500 1cwt and 1 ½ cwt corn and potato bags, sparky rope and all the usual barn, byre and stable utensils etc.
Greenwells, Auchterarder (advert, 9 August 1958)
Implements- Massey-Harris combine harvester (6ft cut, as new, having cut only 60 acres), Holland pick up baler (as new), Ferguson tractor, Ford-Ferguson tractor, Fordson major tractor, Wallace binder, Massey-Harris binder, Wallace mower, Wallace potato digger, tractor trailer, tractor roller, horse roller, three furrow Ransome plough, deep digging dual purpose plough tractor sweep, hay rake (suitable for horse or tractor), Ferguson turnip sower, Hoosier, henhouse, hut, chicken brooder, two meat coolers (one as new, R. T.), corn and feed bins, 6hp Petter diesel engine, and all the usual barn, byre and stable utensils.
Loanhead, Auchterarder (advert 25 October 1958)
Implements- Ferguson diesel tractor (1955), Ferguson S. F. plough, Ferguson D. F. plough, Ferguson toolbar, D. B. ridger, tractor bogey, Ferguson pulley, Bamlett hay mower (new), potato digger, M. H. binder, turnip sower, 3 barrel roller, 2 sets spring tooth harrows, 2 manure barrows, set 4 leaf harrows, hay rake, hay sweep, hay turner, F. U. plough, R. T. coup cart, corn driller, car trailer, saw bench, set fanners, cake breaker, hay chopper, steelyard and weights, 2 hen houses, brooder, potato baskets, 2 iron pig troughs, extending ladder, potato hopper, Ferguson top link and stabilisers, stack cover, paraffin infra red heater, 3 corn bins, fire extinguisher, sack barrow, R. T. wheel barrow, guddle and mell, shovels, picks, rakes &c, barb wire, quantity lubricating oil, 40ft rubber hose, and the usual barn, byre and stable utensils.
North Ardbennie, Madderty (advert 24 October 1959)
Implements- 2 David Brown tractors (1953-54), 1 International Farmall H tractor, 2 flat top trailers, R. T. for tractors, 2 box carts R. T, 1 D.B. single furrow plough; 2 D. B. double furrow ploughs, D. B. ridger, D. B. front coverer, potato digger, McRobert potato dresser, grass seed barrow, Albion 5A binder, Bamlett tractor mower, International semi-mounted mower, horse rake, hay sweep, Blackstone elevator, 3 barrel roller, grubber, turnip pulper, set four leaf harrows, 3 iron feeding bins, 2 metal sheep haiks, turnip barrow, cattle catching crate, power turnip cutter (as new without engine), turnip cutter to fit cart (as new), set fanners, pressure grease bucket, electric fencer, 200 fence stobs, 150 sheep net stakes, 200 stack props, 16 rolls sheep netting, 20 sheep troughs, 400 gal water tank, various sizes drain tiles, 2 hen houses 10ftx7ft, 2 hen houses 8ftx6ft, 1 hen house 9ftx6ft, brooder etc, 2 incubators, forks, graips, shovels, etc, usual barn, byre and stable utensils.
If you were a farmer or agriculturist in Scotland in 1920 you may have been interested to see what the implement and machine makers would have new on the market. Tractors were starting to make an appearance on farms and with them their associated implements. Some of the makers were getting their heads around the changing technologies and seeing what new implements they could invent. Existing implements and machines were also being improved.
The Highland Show was an important showcase for these new implements and machines and in 1920 the Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland introduced its new implement awards. In that year six Scottish implement and machine makers entered manufactures for this new award: John McBain & Son, Churnside, Berwickshire; H. W. Mathers & Son, Perth; Alexander Newlands & Sons Ltd, Linlithgow; James H. Steele, Edinburgh; David Wilson, East Linton; and Barclay, Ross & Hutchison Ltd, Aberdeen. By 1920 all these companies were well established and well known to Scottish farmers.
John McBain & Son, well-known for its windmills, entered an improved version of the Monarch Windmill for pumping. It was fit with Hyatt roller bearings, giving improved performance and relieving friction. It had double gear wheels which gave for smooth and steady running.
H. W. Mathers & Son entered a self-propelled engine driven turnip cutter or the barrel type. This could be used for cutting turnips into finger pieces for sheep and slices for cattle. This self-propelled machine was geared to the road wheels by a chain and sprockets which allowed it to be moved from place to place by its engine power. The barrel cutter, of single or double action, was by Messrs Bentall. It had an air-cooled engine, made by the Associated Manufacturing Co. which was not liable to be damaged in frosty weather.
Alexander Newlands & Sons Ltd. entered a new “self-lift” attachment for its tractor cultivator. This was an improved design which was designed to operate the tractor cultivator from the seat of the tractor. The motive power was transmitted from one side-wheel and through a chain drive to the operating crank. This could also be attached to any of the old cultivators.
James H. Steele, an extensive agent, exhibited a machine made by another implement and machine maker: Kenneth McKenzie, engineer, Evanton. This was its portable turnip cleaner and cutter. This comprised a root cleaner with two revolving barrels put in motion by chain-drive. The turnips were put into the hopper where they were cleaned and then conveyed to the cutting disc, which was horizontal. McKenzie stated that the cutter was guaranteed not to choke, and would cut as much as “any other machine on the market”. It was claimed to cut in seven different sizes for cattle or sheep. The machine was portable and could be taken to wherever the turnips were to be cut. It was driven by a 2 1/2hp Amanco oil engine which could be used for various purposes such as chaff cutting and corn crushing.
David Wilson entered a potato raiser. Its function was to raise the tubers an leave them directly behind the machine, thus saving labour in gathering the crop. It was claimed to cause no damage to the tubers and did not bury them. Barclay, Ross & Hutchison Ltd entered a twin sack lifter made by G. L. Weir.
All of these implements and machines demonstrated the Scottish implement and machine makers taking steps to improve the work practices on the farm. The new implement awards are still awarded by the Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland, and a silver medal provides recognition of engineering excellence for the Scottish farmer, as indeed farmers throughout the world using Scottish implements and machines.
The photographs were taken at the Scottish National Tractor Show, Lanark, September, 22015, and Daviot vintage rally, October 2016.
The Ayr Show of the Ayrshire Agricultural Association was an important forum for the display of agricultural implements and machines. In the second half of the nineteenth century it was a place where local makers as well as some national makers exhibited. So important was it that some key English makers, such as John Fowler & Co. Leeds, came to the show on their national circuit of agricultural shows.
The 1880s was a difficult time for Scottish agriculture and also for the agricultural implement makers. However, it was still important for them to be seen at the show and to exhibit their latest manufactures.
The Ayrshire Advertisier printed an extensive account of the implement stands at Ayr in 1888. It is worth quoting at length for the names of makers and their manufactures, as well as the state of the trade:
“Notwithstanding the long depression of trade, and the too well known want of money among farmers, the exhibition of implements and machines is fully up to that of any previous year. We were afraid at one time that the attraction of the International Exhibition at Glasgow would have taken away many who have hitherto attended at Ayr, but no such falling off is visible. It is true there is nothing specially new, but before hearing the judges’ report we are inclined to think that improvements of considerable value are generally to be found in many of the stalls, and the walk round the sheds containing the machines and implements is quite as attractive this year as in any one previous. Among the first in number, and, we may add, in importance, we find as usual the great stand of Jack & Sons, Maybole, with the genial Mr Marshall in attendance, and nearly 100 entries. Mowers and reapers in endless variety, carts and barrows, chaff cutters, turnip slicers and pulpers, all of the newest make, and too numerous to particularize. Indeed, Mr Marshall makes a first-rate show of his own.
Next to this stand we have Thomas Bradford’s exhibition of churns and washing machines, which is specially attractive this year. Ladies especially would do well to visit this stand, for it may well be called the domestic stand of the show-yard, and many of the articles must be seen-a description only can give a very imperfect idea of the exhibits. Passing over several stands of more or less importance, but all deserving of some attention, we come to another Maybole exhibitior, Thomas Hunter, whose display is certainly as attractive this year as formerly, new ploughs, rollers, grubbers, scarifiers, turnip cleaners and cutters, make up 70 exhibits, many of them deserving careful attention Ayr Show seems to be also improving in its turn out of carriages, gigs and dogcarts. Mr Robertson and Mr Bryden, Ayr; Messrs Smith and Duncan, Kilmarnock; Mr Holmes, Irvine; Wm Goudie, Whithorn; Sloan & Lonard, Penman & Son. Dumfries, have all stands, and exhibits very neat machines of various kinds. They certainly are elegant, seemingly strong, and considering the high finish are much cheaper than formerly. Mr J. P. Cathcart’s stand as usual deserves a special notice of Wood’s improved Binder, and various other agriculture implements which Mr Cathcart has always kept well to the front.
Cumnock is represented with stands occupied by John Andrew, chemist, and George McCartney & Co., and John Drummond & Son, millwrights. Kilmarnock by W. G. Highet, with a good lot of dairy utensils, and D. Proctor & Co., engineers. Among local exhibitors we notice Mr Thomas Brown, cooper, with an excellent lot of butts and chissets. Mr James Mackie, millwright, has churns and cheese presses of improved quality, and other articles, which makes up an attractive stand. Daniel Wyllie & Co. as usual exhibits samples of their manures. Mr T. L. B. Robertson shows some famed bee keeping appliances. Mr Walsh, brassfounder, has some very fine specimens of his workmanship.
Whitletts, near Ayr, is well represented by Mr Robert Cook and Mr Robert Wallace. The former has carts, and the latter a splendid selection of agricultural implements. Other well-known firms deserving of special mention are Mr John Young, Jun, New Cumnock, with reapers and mowers, potato diggers, and land rollers. And Mr Andrew Pollock, Mauchline, has a first-rate thrashing machine and other useful implements. It is matter of much regret to us to miss the appearance of Messrs J. & J. Young, so long one of the best of our exhibitors, but we hope soon to see their works started again. We leave the judges’ report a fuller notice of what, taking together, is an excellent implement show.”
Readers of this blog post will be familiar with the name of Pollock of Mauchline, one of the oldest agricultural implement and machine makers in Scotland. The firm of Andrew Pollock of Mauchline (later A. & W. Pollock of Mauchline and now Pollock Farm Machinery). The business was well-known for its potato diggers, carts as well as a range of food processing machines.
The business was started by Andrew Pollock in 1867. This is how the Ardrossan and Saltcoats herald described Mr Pollock and his business on his death in early October 1904:
“Death of a prominent agricultural engineer On Saturday morning last the public of Mauchline were startled when it became known that early in the morning Mr Andrew Pollock, agricultural engineer, had suddenly expired. On Friday he visited Kilmarnock, and when he got back he attended to his duties apparently in his usual health. Mr Pollock was born at Tarbolton upwards of sixty-three years ago. Like most of the Tarbolton boys of that date, he for a short time wrought as a weaver, but not having any liking for that work, he engaged himself with Mr Carenduff, blacksmith, Millburn, as an apprentice. Shortly after he had finished his apprenticeship he commenced business on his own account at what was known as Coilsfield Smithy. Being rather out of the way here, with little prospect of much increase in trade, about thirty-six years ago he removed to Mauchline, where he started business in premises situated at the head of the Cowgate which had been occupied by the late Mr John Meikle. Very little business was doing in the smithy when Mr Pollock took it over, but by industry, enterprise, and perseverance he built up a splendid business. He rebuilt the old premises and extended the workshops, adding up-to-date machinery. His stand of agricultural implements has, for a number of years, been a feature at all the leading shows in the country, and at every centre of agricultural enterprise Mr Pollock’s tent could be seen. He also, since coming to Mauchline, has accumulated a large amount of house property. He was, at the time of his death, an honoured member of the Parish Council and an elder in the Established church. His funeral took place on Tuesday, and was private, with the exception that his workmen and the members of the church session were present. He leaves a widow and a family of three sons and three daughters to mourn their sudden bereavement.”
The business was continued by his widow, Martha Pollock, until Andrew’s sons were old enough to run it. On 31 December 1912 the business was transferred to Andrew Pollock and William Pollock, under the name A. & W. Pollock, agricultural implement works, Mauchline.
If you were a farmer at the end of the Fist World War you may have had an interest in tractors that were starting to be used on Scottish farms, or had used one of them. The Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland was also interested in the tractors and tillage implements, running a series of trials from 1915 into the early 1920s.
The Society’s trial held between 17 and 20 October 1922 was provided an important forum for the exhibition of tractors – including the Glasgow tractor – and implements, especially ploughs, made by Scottish and other makers. The Scottish ploughs were made by some of the leading plough makers of the day, showing their recognition that tractor ploughs were the way forward for the Scottish agriculturist. The ploughs included ones from Robert Begg & Son, Implement Words, Dalry, had a double-furrow self-lift tractor plough which was described as “strongly constructed”. The committee described it as “a well-constructed, easily adjustable plough, readily adapted for either stubble or lea, and suited for all classes of soil. It did good work both on stubble and lea, and the plots ploughed by it were considered to be amongst the best on the ground.”
Morton Engineering Company, Ladylands, Corstorphine, Edinburgh, had a new combined utility implement for general purpose tractor work which embraces a 2-furrow adjustable plough and subsoiler, 9- or 11- tine cultivator, 9-tine stubble scarifier, 5- or 7- tine grubber. The committee described this new plough, convertible into a grubber or cultivator” as being “well designed, simple in construction, and readily adjustable. It did very good work on stubble and excellent work on lea, where its performance reached a very high standard. The Committee are of opinion that a combined implement of this description is a creditable production, and one likely to commend itself to farmers”.
A. Newlands & Sons Ltd, St Magdalene Engineering Works, Linlithgow, demonstrated a self-lift 7-tine grubber, constructed on the same principles as the old Scotch parallel frame grubber, but made specially strong for work with a tractor, as well as two self-lift cultivators, one with 9 tines, the other with 11 tines, and a self-lift brake harrow to work in conjunction with a cultivator.
G. Sellar & Son, Huntly, Aberdeenshire, demonstrated its Sellar B.D.F. type, 2/3-furrow self-lift tractor plough which had a main frame of simple construction combined with strength; it was made of best quality Bessemer steel. It also had a self-lift tractor grubber. The Committee described the 3-furrow, convertible to 2-furrow plough as a “good plough”. It was “easily and quickly adjustable to varying widths and depths. Its work did not reach the highest standard at the demonstration, the principle objection noted being that it did not sufficiently bury the surface vegetation.” The grubber was described as “a well-made powerful 5-tine self-lift grubber, wich broke an unploughed stubble to a depth of 7″ or 8″, and did its work in a first-rate manner”.
A number of Scottish implement and machine makers demonstrated implements from other makers, usually from companies outside Scotland. For example, Henry Alexander & Company, Nottingham Place, Edinburgh, a Fordson dealer, had an Oliver no. 7 2 furrow 10″ to 12″ adjustable plough. Henderson Brothers, 29 Barnton Street, Stirling, had a Massey-Harris 2 furrow adjustable plough, a Massey-Harris 9-tine self-lift cultivator, a Massey-Harris tandem disc harrow and a Massey-Harris spring-tooth harrow. Alexander Jack & Sons, Maybole, had a Dux- self-lift tractor plough with subsoiling attachment. Wallace (Glasgow) Limited, 34 Paton Street, Glasgow, had an Oliver no 78 3-furrow self-lift tractor plough, 10″ wide.
The Committee considered that there had been a significant advance in ploughs since the earlier trials of the Society. It reported that “much good work was performed. All ploughs are now fitted with a self-lift attachment. Many of them are also provided with and efficient means of adjustment to different widths and depths. In view of the varying conditions of soil in Scotland and the variety of work to be undertaken, a plough that is not adjustable must be regarded as being unsuitable. There is still room for improvement, but in the case and rapidity with which adjustment may be effected. In this connection it may be noted that a tractor plough, taking 2 or 3 furrows, requires more adjustment than a horse plough.”
Next time you are at a ploughing match and you see trailing ploughs, think about the early days of the tractor ploughs and the important work of the Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland in promoting them to the Scottish agriculturist.
The photographs of trailing ploughs and ploughing with them were taken at the Scottish Ploughing Championships, October 2016.
The Royal Show, or the annual show of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, was a key event in the agricultural calendar, especially for English agriculturists. Scottish ones did attend, though their attendance varied according to the location of the show. The same was true for the Scottish implement and machine makers, though some did specially attend when they had new manufactures to show to the public, or when there were key trials for which they wanted to enter.
The number of Scottish exhibitors was generally small. They usually included some of the key ones. They brought with them their major manufactures to introduce them to an English and wider audience. These included ones that they were renowned for as well as improved ones. They also included ones that they considered filled a niche within the market for implements and machines.
The Scotsman included a lengthy account of the Scottish exhibitors to the Royal Show in July 1922. It is worth quoting at length as it says a lot about what was innovative and important about Scottish agricultural implement and machines and who were some of the most important makers. It states:
“… Imposing display of implements There is a comprehensive display of implements and machinery, and the 494 separate stands occupy over 12,000 feet of shedding of various descriptions, in addition to some acres of open ground space. The tendency to combine implements and machines is well illustrated this year. The self-binder, for example, does the work of the reaping machine together. With what was formerly done by hand. Self-lift implements used with tractors from a combination appliance. Some of the latest machinery on view carries this process a step further. There are to be seen drills which also cultivate, how, sow corn, distribute fertiliser or lime, and roll. Again there are harrows combined with a skim plough or with a cultivator, mills which do both grinding and crushing, a manure distributor and sprayer and crusher all in one, and a combined stubble breaker and cultivator. It is through the development of power that such combinations of machines have become possible.
Scottish implements Considering the distance of the Show from Scotland, there is a fine display of implements from north of the Tweed. About twenty makers are represented, and it says much for their enterprise that they should have come so far South to compete with the late English manufacturers on their own ground, and the varied and useful implements which they have on view make an exceedingly creditable appearance. Two Scottish manufacturers have entered for the Society’s silver medal for “new implements”. Many of these implements can hardly be called “new”, the main principles on which they operate having been in use for several years, but if they are not a distinct novelty, they all contain some advantageous features that bring them still nearer perfection, and secure greater efficiency in working. These improvements will, no doubt, receive critical attention at the hands of the practical farmers who examine them. Mr George Henderson, 58 Leith Street, Edinburgh, is one of the exhibitors of new implements. He shows the “Waverley” manure distributor, which has a number of special features. It is designed to distribute every class of both wet and dry fertilisers, is unusually simple in construction, and has a hopper which is adjustable for hilly land. The force feed distribution is effected by a series of star wheels revolving in brass bushes, while the driving mechanism consists of a worm and pinion to each star wheel, which gives a direct and positive drive. The ball-bearing thrusts blocks are fitted to the ends of the driving shafts. The driving worm and pinions are entirely enclosed, and run in grease, and no fertilisers can reach the driving mechanism. The “Waverley” distributor can be fitted with a special attachment for sowing manure in drills or rows, and there is also a special transport which can be supplied to enable the machine to travel along narrow roads and through small gateways. The other Scottish new implement is a 6 to 8 hp single sleeve valve engine known as the “Glasgow” Model M, on the stand of Messrs Wallace (Ltd), 34 Paton Street, Glasgow. The application of the single sleeve valve to stationary engines is new, although it has been used successfully on cars, marine engines, and motor cycles for some time. The advantages are that no poppet valves, tappets, springs &c are employed. The normal speed of the “Glasgow” is 800 revolutions per minute. There is a standard pulley supplied, which can be fitted on either side of the engine, and an extended boss to take any type of pulley. The engine starts on petrol from an auxiliary tank, and afterwards runs on paraffin. The cylinder has a head which is detachable by loosening four studs, and this is done without disturbing the valve gear.
There are no fewer than half a dozen exhibitors from Aberdeenshire. Messrs Robert G. Garvie & Sons, Aberdeen, show a light portable threshing and oil engine mounted on a rigid frame, and fitted for use by one or two horses. Messrs Barclay, Ross & Hutchison, Aberdeen, exhibit the Austin tractor, as well as threshing machine, manure distributor, and cultivator. The Bon Accord Engineering Company have on view a four-foot wide portable threshing machine and a smaller type, oil engines, pumps for water or liquid manure, and drain cleaning rods. Messrs Marshall & Philp, Aberdeen, show a series of spraying machines. Mr James Marshall, Aberdeen, has a great array of egg boxes in all sizes to carry from a dozen to thirty dozen and potato sprouting boxes. A silo is shown by Messrs James Scott & Son (Ltd), Aberdeen. It is built of reinforced concrete, and it is claimed that it is storm, fire, and vermin proof. And that it entails no upkeep or insurance costs. Messrs George Seller & Son, Huntly, make a feature of their ploughs, which are shown in great variety. The enterprising makers, Messrs Wallace (Ltd), Glasgow, are the largest of the North Country exhibitors, their stand comprising over thirty different articles of farm husbandry. In the forefront are their well-known “Glasgow” tractors, which have been received with great favour by prominent farmers in the Lothians and elsewhere throughout Scotland. They also show the “Glasgow” single sleeve engines which are ready for continuous work of any description without any additional expenditure beyond fuel. Another Glasgow firm, Messrs Watson, Laidlaw, & Co (Ltd), exhibit eight “Princess” cream separators of various sizes, the largest having a capacity of 330 gallons. Messrs Alexr Jack & Sons, Maybole, Ayrshire, are as usual represented by a selection of implements so long associated with their business. They make a feature of their “Imperial” potato diggers and manure distributors. Messrs J. & R. Wallace, Castle Douglas, show, in addition to different types of manure distributors, their milking machine, which is a popular labour-saving device in Scotland. Messrs Wm Elder & Sons, Berwick On Tweed, have no fewer than eighteen separate articles on view. Their broadcast sowing machines are shown in various sizes, and have been adapted to suit different quantities of seed. Among exhibitors of windmills are Messrs John S. Millar & Son, Annan, who show two windmills and pumps suitable for different requirements. Beehives and appliances are exhibited by Messrs R. Steele & Brodie, Wormit, Fife.”
Local agricultural shows were an important forum to exhibit agricultural implements and to provide farmers and other agriculturists with a forum to show the latest developments and what was new. Some shows were also accompanied by trials, which put the latest implements and machines through rigorous work and inspection.
Some of the local shows, such as those in Ayr, Glasgow, and East Lothian, were especially important, with some of the English makers taking a stand and bringing their manufactures to audiences there. They included the show in East Lothian of the United East Lothian Agricultural Society, one of the leading agricultural societies. In 1876, a time of increasing mechanisation, the Show was a large one, with an “excellent and varied” display of implements and machines, including those from English and leading Scottish makers; it also had a trial field.
What could the farmer and agriculturist see at the United East Lothian Agricultural Show? As the show was an important one, extensive accounts of it were published in the local newspaper press and the framing newspapers. The North British Agriculturist, the national farming newspaper, provided an extensive and detailed account of the implement department, which is worth quoting at length:
“This department of the show formed, as usual, an excellent and varied display of agricultural implements and machinery, as well as of many articles which could scarcely be recognised as coming within this category, but which, undeniably, contributed much to the generally attractive character of this part of the exhibition. In giving a notice of particular stands, it will be most appropriate on our part for obvious reasons to confine ourselves mostly to what may be termed agricultural stands, and indeed only to the more prominent of these. First in order we have pleasure in noticing Ord & Maddison, Darlington, represented here with their weed eradicator for clearing the grain braird of wild mustard and other weeds. By recent trials in Scotland, both under the auspices of the Highland Society and the East Lothian Agricultural Society, this machine has come very prominently before the public, and its exhibition here necessarily excited much interest. On Friday week it was tried under the auspices of the East Lothian Society, and a committee was appointed to report upon it, but the report has not been issued yet. The trial field, which was on the farm of Mr Stevenson, Hawthornbank, was scarcely so dirty (but the soil from recent rains was very moist) as that at Craigmillar, where it was tried under the auspices of the National Society. In the East Lothian field, of course, more of the weeds were torn up by the roots, although it may be said that in other respects the capabilities of the machine were more fairly put to the test in the Craigmillar field. The judges here, as in the former trial, seemed quite impressed with its usefulness, but its present price, it was considered, would be a deterrent circumstance in regard to its general use by agriculturists. It may be noticed fitly here that since last year Messrs Ord & Maddison have made an important change on the machine, which will very obviously make it easier in motion and more durable. The improvement is the introduction of bass rollers-thus removing all friction in the parts-to run in the excentrices.
Messrs Dodds & Rignall, engineers, Haddington and Edinburgh, exhibit a fine collection of mowers and reapers, rakes, potato digger &c, made by the most of the widely known firms in the kingdom, which secured a good share of attention from visitors. In the large stand of Isaac Cole, Princes Street, Edinburgh, the grooming machine which he had forward attracted a good deal of attention on the part of farmers. It consists of a stand with a fly-wheel, and operates by a series of shafts, encased tubes, and connected by a peculiar species of universal joint which enables a revolving brush to be operated upon in every direction. The brush proceeds, in the hands of an operator, over the horse’s flanks and legs in a surprisingly short time. A horse was brought forward in the show and underwent a grooming, the operation being witnessed by a large number of farmers. The horse, although somewhat dirty, was exceedingly well cleaned, but even during the few minutes to which the operation extended the turning of the handle seemed a pretty hard job, and such as no weakling would like to undertake. The machine can be driven by steam power, and in this way twenty of them are in operation in the Glasgow Tramway Car Company’s establishment, where they are said to be giving satisfaction. Twenty horses, it is also said, can be cleaned in an hour with one machine applied to steam power. We understand it has lately been introduced into some of the valuable English cattle herds, where it might be of great service in maintaining the clear, sleek, mellow coat so desirable. Among work horses also it seems likely to be of some use. Although there seems no doubt as to its utility and capabilities, it is, like most new inventions, just rather too “salt”, in a pecuniary sense, for the farmer, and perhaps the aptness of the remark of an onlooker-“We’ll wait till it’s cheaper”-will be proved by its being carried well into practice.
David Foulis, ironmonger, George Street, Edinburgh, had forwarded a choice collection of stoves, mangles, wringing and washing machines &c; and Mr Linton, Jedburgh, had as usual an attractive display of well-known churns, as also of butter and cheese vessels, for which he and Mr Brown and Murray, Haddington (who were also first in the washing and wringing competition), were awarded certificates. The combined corn and grass seed-dressing machines, and the National Society’s premium fanners of John Richardson, Carlisle, were not the least conspicuous amongst the exhibits. Jack & Sons, Maybole, were represented by well-tried and useful implements, such as the Buckeye mower and reaper, a turnip tailing and topping machine, and Aspinall’s patent potato planter. Their strong and well-made barrel churns were the special exhibits which Robinson & Richardson, Westmoreland, had forwarded; while a splendid assortment of hay-rakes, washing-machines, and American ploughs were all of substantial make. The “Excelsior” stone-breaking machine of Messrs David Gray, Coatbridge, was in operation, and was an object of considerable attention to large numbers of visitors. Edwin Sherwood, Bedale, had forward his two-horse reaper, with new crank arrangement; and Logan & Elder, Berwick-on-Tweed, their imperial reapers and mowers, which came in for a share of notice. A. & J. Main & Co., Edinburgh, had perhaps as fine a show of agricultural implements as any firm represented in the showyard. Amongst the most conspicuous of the many useful implements they exhibited was Wood’s self-delivery reaper, which, having here controllable rakes, can put off sheaves of any size; Samuelson & Company’s well-known reaper and mower, and Ransome’s “Star” semi-acting chain delivery horse-rake, which were exhibited for the first time in Scotland; Wallace’s patent potato digger, and the continuous bar-fencing of their manufacture. Sheaves of any size can also be put off by the Johnston Harvester, which was introduced into this country three years ago, and which is here shown by Mr Thomson, Alnwick. It, however, requires, if we mistake not, to be stopped and gearing changed before the Harvester can alter or vary the size of the sheaves.
J. Bisset & Sons, Blairgowrie, had forward, along with one or two useful reaping machines, their potato digger, which is doing good work in practice. Mr hunter’s (Maybole) stand has for a long time been a great attraction to progressive agriculturists, and to show that it was here still as attractive we have only to mention he had forward, among other well-known firms, his self-acting double drill turnip thinning machine and his “Excelsior” double drill turnip topping and tailing machine. Messrs Robey & Co., Lincoln, made a very creditable appearance here in their beautiful and well constructed “Robey” traction engine, which, it may be mentioned, has all the working parts carried in a U-shaped casting placed on the top if the boiler; a thrashing and finishing machine and two portable engines of the most approved construction occupying the rest of their space. Messrs Fowler & Co. are not behind, which, of course they were not expected to be in the East Lothian showyard. In addition to three powerful and finely-finished ploughing, traction, and general purpose steam-engines, they have on the ground a nine-tined steam cultivator for grubbing and opening the land, and making turnip drills at the same time if necessary. This enterprising firm has also on the ground a steam harrow and clod-crusher, and a presser-roller which had never been exhibited here before. The harrow and clod-crusher is introduced by this form to remove a difficulty experienced, especially in East Lothian, where steam cultivation is adopted. It has been found that the farmers are not able to break the clod and bring the land to a fine tilth in good time after the steam cultivator. Often the clods get so hardened by drought that they cannot be crushed by the common horse Crosskiller or roller, and the land loses-which it has no need to do in East Lothian-the moisture too much by being left so open. The presser-roller consists of five convex-edged wheels, which run between and press the furrows. It is attached to and runs behind the steam plough on the ploughed land. The trial of these new implements will be found reported in another column. The next stand-that of John Doe, Errol-contains a large and splendid assortment of Bamlett’s well made and useful reapers and mowers. Thomas Shirreff & Co., Dunbar, occupy a large space well filled with farm implements of almost all kinds, the ploughs, harrows, grubbers, turnip slicers and cutters, sowing and reaping machines, and carts especially attracting attention. Messrs McIllwraith and Co., Glasgow, had on the ground a large assortmrnt of covering material worthy of special notice, being their new, self-ventilating covering for stacks. While keeping the rain out, it is so openly wrought as to afford free ventilation, and in this respect is better than tarpaulin. The portable steam engine and thrashing machine of Wm Foster & Co., Lincoln, attracted considerable attention. The British Dynamite Company, Glasgow, had forward samples of their material for blasting purposes, an account of experiments in which will be found in another column.
On Saturday Hanson & Hunter’s (Maybole) turnip-thinning machine, and also that of Messrs Pirie & Co.’s (Aberdeen), were put under trial by the implement judges of the show in a field some distance from the yard. The work of the two machines came so near each other in point of efficiency that the judges awarded to each of the owners a silver medal. The thinning, as it was, was done with remarkable regularity, but a cluster of plants, instead of one, were generally left at the specified distances, so that the machines would always require to be supplemented or followed by hand labour for the purpose of trimming. Notwithstanding, the machines were considered a very important addition to the appliances of machinery in the cultivation of the soil, as they would have about one-third of the labour in thinning.”
Quite a show with lots of developments for the East Lothian farmer to consider.
Adverts for displenishing sales are a useful source of evidence to see what implements and machines were used on particular farms at a specific point in time. They may include implements and machines that had been used for decades as well as newer ones and the latest technologies. They can show the preference of particular farmers for certain makers and makes of machinery as well. They can also be used to show how widespread some implements and machines were, especially if they were more specialised.
By the early 1950s mechanisation was a key word on Scottish farms. The horse era was giving way to the tractor era and on some farms both kinds of power were used, sometimes for specific tasks. With labour shortages both of full-time and seasonal and casual workers, there was a push to start to find more mechanised ways to deal with the handling, harvesting and processing of crops.
The following selection of adverts from the Strathern Herald in Perthshire shows the implements and machines on a small number of farms in the early 1950s. They show widespread mechanisation with up-to-date implements and machines to undertake a wide variety of tasks from ploughing, sowing, cultivation, management, harvesting and processing of crops.
Implements and machines from key makers were noted. They included names such as Wallace of Glasgow, Newlands of Linlithgow, Allan of Muthly, Dickie of East Kilbride, and Bisset of Blairgowrie. English and north-American names were also represented for some of the implements and machines. They included well-known names associated with particular products such as Albion (Harrison, McGregor & Co. Ltd., in Leigh, Lancashire) for mowers and binders and Massey Harris for corn drills and binders). At some farms there was a preference for particular makers: at Rotteans Farm there was a preference for the Ferguson system with its implements and Fordson with its associated implements.
The farms were using a range of motive power. Rotteans Farm had both tractor and horse implements and machines, with the former focusing largely on ploughing and cultivating implements and machines. Woodside Farm, Auchterarder appeared to be working with horses, no tractor being listed.
Rottearns Farm, Braco (advert, 18 April 1850) Tractor implements- Ferguson (complete with strakes); D.F. Ferguson plough; S.F. Ferguson plough; Ferguson ridger; Ferguson light cultivator; Ferguson heavy cultivator; Fordson on rubbers (with strakes); Fordson on rubbers (with pulley); bogey (tipper), with float sides; bogey; coup cart; Fordson Major 2-furrow plough; Newlands ridger for Fordson; Albion binder (6ft cut); set S.T. harrows; 2 sets harrows; 2 sets iron front wheels (for Fordson); 1 set iron rear wheels (for Fordson); set M. M. discs; 9 ft roller.
Horse implements- Massey Harris corn drill; Massey Harris binder; Wallace potato digger; Allan potato dresser; Garvie grass seed barrow; Macdonald manure distributor (for horse or tractor); Albion hay mower; saw-bench; harrows; 2 wheelbarrows; 2 hay collectors; 2 oil drums; coup cart (on rubbers); corn cart; horse roller; set saddle harrows; berry plough; drill grubber; potato hopper (2 screens); Dickie swathe turner; 6 raspberry barrels; 3 ladders; 400 stack props; weighing machine and weights; fanners; sack barrow; 6 rolls netting; sheep stakes; a quantity of furniture, and all the usual barn, byre and stable utensils, etc, etc.
Ross Farm, Balgowan (advert, 11 November 1850) Implements – Fordson tractor on rubbers, double-furrow tractor plough, rubber-tyred box cart, box cart, corn cart, horse roller, turnip barrow, turnip slicer, rick lifter, tractor hay sweep, hay mower (Albion), 2 binders (Albion), manure distributor, corn drill (Massey Harris), potato digger, horse rake, cultivator, grubber, 2 sets iron harrows, set tractor harrows, saddle harrows, set S. T. harrows, 2 Hunter hoes, 3 ploughs, pulper, 2 rubber-tyred hand barrows, hay collector, potato harp, 220 gallon oil tank, fanners, steelyard and weights, sack barrow, 2 oil cabinets, bench and vice and small hand tools, ladders, props, bosses, wire netting, sheep troughs, 80 new posts, 14 milk cans, pails, basins, milk cooler, and all barn and stable utensils, 6 henhouses (portable), 2 brooder houses, 2 brooders, 2 incubators, churn, 2 chemical closets and a small quantity of household furniture.
East Mains Farm, Tulliebardine (advert, 26 May 1951) Implements-Ferguson tractor, 1949 (with electric lighting), tractor ridger, D.F. plough, Ferguson D.F. plough, 2 R.T. box carts, 2 corn carts, car trailer, grass seed machine (Garvie), 2 Massey-Harris binders, 2 hay collectors, Wallace mower, Bisset mower, Ruston Hornsby mower (oil bath), corn driller, manure distributor (Bisset), hay turner (Nicholson), horse rake (Nicholson), horse roller, cultivator, turnip barrow, pulper, turnip slicer, 2 sheep haiks, set iron harrows, circular harrows, grass seed harrows, drill grubber, steelyard and weights, Dux plough, 110A plough, drill plough, potato planter, sack barrow, R.T. barrow, Hunter hoe, zinc bin, fanners, 3 ladders, electric fence, potato hopper and screens, props, bosses stakes, sheep troughs, netting, chests, 4 henhouses (2 as new), and all barn and stable utensils.
Woodside Farm, Auchterarder (advert, 10 November 1852) Implements – R. T. general purpose cart convertible to rick lifter, coup cart, R. T. corn cart; hay mower (Bamford), hay collector, binder (Massey Harris), corn driller (Massey Harris), broadcast, hay turner (Massey, as new), horse roller, horse rake, potato digger (Wallace), fitted for tractor, turnip barrow, drill plough, 2 Dux ploughs, 2 sets iron harrows, 3 drill harrows, steelyard and weights (white), pulper, R. T. sack barrow (as new), 2 corn bins, R. T. dogcart, ladder, 3 sets cart harness, set pony harness, 12-bore gun, and all the usual barn and stable utensils, 50-gallon oil cabinet, scrap iron, surplus furniture.
Kipney, Logiealmond (advert, 1 November 1952) Implements – Fordson row crop tractor (on rubbers), Fordson tractor (on irons), 2 D. F. tractor ploughs, tractor bogie, tractor cart (rubber tyred), tool bar, potato spinner, McCormack binder, Bisset binder, Jack potato digger, Wallace hay mower, hay sweep, Bisset manure distributor, corn drill, cultivator, 3 sets iron harrows, set circular harrows, set chain harrows, set spring tooth harrows, set drill harrows, drill plough, hay rake, grass seed machine, turnip barrow, double driller, set elevator fanners, weighing machine and weights, cake breaker, hay cutter, turnip pulper, turnip slicer, wheel barrow, sack barrow, ladders, bench, vice and tools, anvil, bellows and tools, 100 gallon paraffin drum, 40 gallon paraffin drum, guddle and mell, pig feeder (dry), fireclay troughs, sheep troughs, forks, rakes, shovels, spades, picks, brooms, lanterns, sheep nets and stakes, potato screen, riddles, baskets, quantity of wood, usual barn and stable utensils. Also 3 hen houses, 6 coops and runs, quantity household furniture and dairy utensils.