Threshing mills for the small farmer and crofter

We often think of the large threshing mills that travelled around the farms, or that were stationed in the stackyards, as the only ways that threshing was undertaken within living memory. Threshing mill makers were well-ware of the potential of having smaller mills that could be used on the smallest farms and by crofters.

Back in the 1870s millwrights were starting to develop smaller thrashing machines that could be operated by foot power. In 1876 at the Highland Show, Shearer Brothers, Maybank Works, Turriff, Aberdeenshire, showed for the first time their “foot power thrashing mill” that it described as a “new invention”. It won one of the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland’s medium silver medal.

By 1882 it made its “Advance” thresher for foot and hand power with portable shaker which it continued to make in following years. By 1887 it had also extended its range of mill machinery for the smaller crofters, to include its “little “Jubilee” winnowing and screening machine, for crofters”.

These foot and hand power threshers quickly became popular. The most notable makers of them were the north-eastern mill-makers Ben. Reid & Co., Bon Accord Works, Aberdeen, (which had its “Tiny” in 1870), and G. W. Murray & Co., Banff Foundry, Banff.
Shearer Brothers continued as a millwright for many years, while also being a motor engineer and garage from the 1920s onwards. It was incorporated as Shearer Brothers Ltd in 1931 and was dissolved on 31 August 1972.


Who were the Scottish agricultural implement makers in 1964?

By the mid 1960s the making of Scottish agricultural implements and machines was undertaken by a smaller number of makers than in the years following the end of the Second World War. A number of the key makers remained, though others had disappeared, or were soon to disappear.

Key names that were still making implements and machines in 1964 included:

Adams Trailers Ltd, Challenger Trailer Works, Mintlaw Station, Aberdeenshire
Ayrshire Elevator Co. Ltd, Knockentibber, Kilmarnock
Ballach Ltd, Gorgie Road, Edinburgh
Barclay, Ross & Hutchison Ltd, 67 Green, Aberdeen
W. Begg & Son, Implement Works, Tarbolton, Mauchline
J. Bisset & Sons Ltd, Blairgowrie, Perthshire
Boswells of Blairgowrie Ltd, Rattray Engineering Works, Rattray, Blairgowrie
Cruickshank & Co Ltd, Denny Iron Works, Denny
James A. Cuthbertson Ltd, Station Road, Biggar, Lanarkshire
B. M. B. Ltd, Hawkhead Road, Paisley,
Dairy Supply Co. Ltd, London and Edinburgh
Wm Dickie & Sons Ltd, East Kilbride
William Elder & Sons Ltd, Tweedside Works, Berwick on Tweed; Newton St Boswells, and Haddington
Forfar Foundry, Service Road, Forfar, Angus
R. G. Garvie & Sons, 2 Canal Road, Aberdeen
Jas Gordon (Engineers), Newmarket Street, Castle Douglas
Geo. Henderson Ltd, Kelso, Roxburgh
Gray’s of Fetterangus Ltd, Fetterangus, Mintlaw Station, Aberdeenshire
Innes, Walker (Engineering) Co. Ltd, agricultural implement manufacturers, Clyde Works, Brown Street, Paisley
Alexander Jack & Sons Ltd, Cassillis Road, Maybole
Johnson’s (Implements) Scotland Ltd, Colquhoun Street, Stirling
Macdonald Bros, Roseacre Street, Portsoy, Banff
James Mackintosh, Don Street, Forfar, Angus
Massey Ferguson (UK) Ltd, Banner Lane, Coventry, Barton Dock Road, Manchester and Moorfield Industrial Estate, Kilmarnock
Alex Newlands & Sons Ltd, St Magdalene Engineering Works, Linlithgow
Paxton & Clark Ltd, Waverley Terrace, Bonnyrigg, Midlothian
A. & W. Pollock Ltd, Station Road, Mauchline, Ayrshire
Reekie Engineering Co. Ltd, Lochlands Works, Arbroath, Angus; Laurencekirk; Forfar
David Ritchie (Implements) Ltd, Whitehills, Forfar
Daniel Ross (Engineers) Ltd, St Leonards, Lanark
A. M. Russell Ltd, Sinton Works, Gorgie Road, Edinburgh
Scottish Mechanical Light Industries Ltd, Scotmec Works, Ayr
Geo Sellar & Son Ltd, Granary Street, Huntly, Aberdeenshire; Aberdeen, Alloa and Perth
Alexander Shanks & Son Ltd, Dens iron Works, Arbroath, Angus
Shepherd’s Engineering Works, Harbour Place, Wick, Caithness
Shearer Bros Ltd, Maybank Works, Turriff
Thos Sherriff & Co. Ltd, West Barns, Dunbar, East Lothian
J. & R. Wallace Ltd, Cotton Street, Castle Douglas
John Wallace & Sons (Agricultural Engineers, Glasgow), 34 Paton Street, Glasgow, Perth, Cupar, Forfar, Laurencekirk and Stirling
Charles Weir Ltd, Townpark Works, Strathaven, Lanarkshire

How many of these names do you recognise?


A Scottish implement and machine maker in England: Mr Alex McGregor of Leigh, Lancashire

Some of the Scottish agricultural implement makers went to England to carry on their trade and became very successful, and even known at every farm gate. One of them was Alex McGregor.

The North British Agriculturist tells of his story on 19 July 1893:

“Mr Alex McGregor- Although the works of Messrs Harrison, McGregor & Co. Ltd are situated south of the Tweed, we nevertheless, from his nationality, feel justified in including Mr Alex McGregor, one of the members of the firm, amongst representative Scottish agricultural engineers. Mr McGregor was born in Scotland, and spent a number of his earlier years year in this part of the country. After a time he migrated south, joining, as traveller and outdoor representative, the large and well-known firm of Picksley, Sims & Co., Leigh, Lancashire. Messrs Picksley, Sims & Co. did a large business in harvesting machines and general farm implements, and Mr McGregor, who had early shown much natural aptitude for practical mechanics, there found ample scope for the exercise of his undoubted talent and ability. He soon became widely known all over the country, and was the means of adding largely to the already influential position which his employers held as farm implement makers. Mr McGregor continued in the service of Messrs Picklsey, Sims & Co. for some years, but an opportunity printing itself of going into business on his own account, he, in conjunction with his friend and co-worker, Mr harrison, founded and started the now widely-known firm of Harrison, McGregor & Co. The new firm, with its works also in Leigh, Lancashire, proved very successful, the same good fortune which had followed Mr McGregor in his capacity of employee also attending him in his capacity of employer. Largely through his instrumentality and ability, trade increased year by year, until now Messrs Harrison, McGregor & Co hold a position second almost to none in the Kingdom. In the mower and reaper trade in particular they are practically unsurpassed, their “Albion” makes of mowers and reapers being universally admitted to be marvellously perfectly types of reaping machines, whether regard be had to appearance, style, finish, or workmanship in the field.”
Harrison, McGregor & Co., was superseded by Harrison, McGregor, Guest & Co. in 1946.

Alex McGregor was one of a number of successful Scottish agricultural implement makers that found success beyond the Scottish Borders. During the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries there were others that played important roles in the development of the large implement and machine makers in England.

The photograph shows detail of a Harrison, McGregor, Guest & Co. potato digger at the Border Vintage Agricultural Association Show, 2015.


Its December so its time for Smithfield

The major agricultural shows dominated the agricultural calendar. If you were a Scottish farmer, the peak of the show year was the Highland Show or the Royal Highland Show. For the Scottish implement and machine makers, it was one of the highlights, if not the highlight of the year. It was the place to launch new implements and machines (and enter one for the prestigious “New Implement” award), and to sell manufactures to the Scottish and other farmers and agriculturists. For some of the most important Scottish makers the Royal Show, or the “Royal”, usually held in June, was another important event in their calendars. So too, was the Smithfield, held in the middle of December.

The Smithfield was one of the most important shows for the English implement and machine makers to launch new manufactures. For the most important Scottish makers, the Smithfield was a chance for them to bring their manufactures to the attention of the English makers where all the “big” names were in attendance, as well as the English farmers and agriculturists. It was also an important forum for them to extend their reputations and their markets.

The number of Scottish implement and machine makers that attended Smithfield was, however, small. Their attendance reveals a great deal about who were the key players in the Scottish implement and machinery industry, their aspirations and the manufactures that they wanted to promote to the English agriculturist. Their numbers varied from year to year according to whether they had new manufactures and other factors. In 1903 there were six Scottish exhibitors; there were 14 in 1914.

Some of the Scottish makers were regular attenders. they included: Andrew Pollock (later A. & W. Pollock), Machine, J. D. Allan & Sons, Murthly, Thomas Hunter & Sons, Maybole, Alex Jack & Sons, Maybole, Ben Reid & Co, Aberdeen, and John Wallace & Sons Ltd, Glasgow. It is interesting to note how many of them are from Ayrshire.

Because of the limited amount of space at Smithfield, and the expense of taking implements, the Scottish makers exhibited key implements and machines. They also reflected their key manufactures and new productions, as well as improvements to them. They were also ambitious in what they took, as well s the stands that they hired: in 1903 the Scottish farmer reports “Andrew Pollock, Implement Works, Mauchline, Ayrshire, deserves credit and energy and pluck that promoted him to take stand 50, where his wares were on show”.

In 1903 J. & R. Wallace exhibited several of their manure distributors. Andrew Pollock’s manufactures included a cart with hay loader. J. D. Allan exhibited their thistle and bracken cutters. Thomas Hunter had a scarifier, drills, food coolers, hoes and many other implements. Alex Jack had potato-diggers, and manure distributors. ben Reid & co., had manure distributors, cultivators, pumps and other implements. John Wallace & Son Ltd, had “their usual exhibits” which included mowers and reapers, ploughs, potato-difggers and harrows.

All of these implements and machines were intimately associated with these makers. By 1903 they were associated with them. For example, the implements of Alex Jack & Sons were “well known: while John Wallace & Son was “already famed for their agricultural implements”.

We no longer have the Smithfield Show. But if you ask members of the agricultural community and implement makers what they associate December with, they might hjust say “Smithfield” and start reminiscing about the show and going to London.

The photographs of nameplates, seats eetc were taken at various rallies and events in Scotland in 2014 and 2015.


Who were the Scottish agricultural implement makers in 1949?

The 1960s saw a significant decline in the number of Scottish agricultural implement and machine makers. By the end of that decade a number of the key names that had been known and renowned were no longer in existence.

If we look back to the immediate post-war era, and to 1949, the picture was very different. There was a good number of Scottish makers, some of whom included names that had been around from the mid-nineteenth century or even earlier. It is worth recounting the names of these makers. Key ones included:

Allan Bros (Aberdeen) Ltd, Ashgrove Engineering Works, back Hilton Road, Aberdeen
Barclay, Ross & hutchison Ltd, 67 Green, Aberdeen
Robert Begg & Son, Implement Works, Dalry, Ayrshire
William Begg & Sons, plough specialists, Tarbolton, Mauchline, Ayrshire
J. Bissett & Sons Ltd, agricultural implement manufacturers, Blairgowrie, Perthshire
J. D. Bryan, Culthill Implement Works, Murthly, Perthshire
James Crichton, millwright and engineer, Chapel Street, Turriff, Aberdeenshire
Cruickshank & Co. Ltd, agricultural department, Denny iron Works, Denny
James A. Cuthbertson Ltd, Station Road, Biggar, Lanarkshire
The Dairy Supply Co. Ltd, 12 Grassmarket, Edinburgh
Dairyority Ltd, Old Faifley Mills, Hardgate, Duntocher, Dunbartonshire
William Dickie & Sons Ltd, Victoria Implement Works, East Kilbride, Lanarkshire
P. & R. Fleming, 10 Graham Square, Glasgow
R. G. Garvie & Sons, 2 Canal Road, Aberdeen
Gillies & Henderson Ltd, 59 Bread Street, Edinburgh
Geo. Henderson Ltd, 18 Forth Street, Edinburgh
Eddie T. Y. Gray, Fairbank Works, Fetterangus, Mintlaw Station, Aberdeen
George Henderson, agricultural and general engineer, Catrine Road, Mauchline, Ayrshire
Hutcheon (Turriff) Ltd, Turriff, Aberdeenshire
E. W. Innes, blacksmith and cartwright, Vulcan Works, Forres
Innes, Walker (Engineering), 30 Stanley Street, Glasgow
Alexander Jack & Sons Ltd, Maybole, Ayrshire
Robert Kay & Son, agricultural implement makers and body builders, Stirling Road, Milnathort
Alex Laurie & Sons, trailer and motor body builders, Falkirk
John S. Millar & Son, 91 High Street, Annan
James McGowan, Dechmont Welding & Engineering Co., Dalton, Cambuslang
Kenneth McKenzie & Sons, agricultural engineers, Evanton, Ross-shire
Wm McLean & Sons, Fairmuir Machine Works, Fairmuir, Dundee
A. Newlands & Sons Ltd, agricultural engineers, Linlithgow
John Oswald & Son, Damacre Road, Brechin, Angus A. & W. Pollock Ltd, Station Road, Mauchline, Ayrshire
Reekie Engineering Co. Ltd, Lochlands Works, Arbroath
William Reid & Leys Ltd, 8 Hadden Street, Aberdeen
David Ritchie, farm implement makers, Whitehills, Forfar
Alexander Scott, Caledonian Implement Works, St Ninians, Stirling
Scottish Farm Implements Ltd, Crosshouse, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire
George Sellar & Son Ltd, 30 Great Northern Road, Aberdeen
Thomas Sherriff & Co. Ltd, West Barns, Dunbar, East Lothian
Tullos Ltd, Aberdeen
James H. Steele Ltd, 57 Harrison Road, Edinburgh
J. & R. Wallace Ltd, The Foundry, Castle Douglas
John Wallace & Sons Ltd, 34 Paton Street, Glasgow
John Wallace & Sons (Ayr) Ltd, Townhead Works, Smith Street, Ayr
Wright Brothers (Boyne Mills) Ltd, Boyne Mills, Portsoy, Banffshire

How many of these names do you recognise?


George & Jobling, a Glasgow tractor dealer

Readers in the west of Scotland will be familiar with the tractor dealer George & Jobling, 140-160 Bothwell Street, Glasgow, from the early 1950s onwards. By 1938 the company was a main Ford and Fordson dealer, holding that dealership until at least the early 1970s. It acted as tractor and implement agents, distributors and dealers, as well as motor car and commercial vehicle agents and dealers.

The company grew and expanded as tractors became more important on Scottish farms. By early 1961 it had set up a tractor depot at Milton Mains Road, Duntocher, where it later, as George & Jobling (Glasgow) Ltd, also continued its business. By 1964 it also had a depot at Uplawmoor Tractor Service Depot, and from 1966 had a branch at Smithy Lane, Lochgilphead, Argyll. Further change came in 1967 when the company was incorporated as George & Jobling (Scotland) Ltd.

The company was an active advertiser in the Scottish agricultural press, in the North British Agriculturist, the Farming News and the Scottish Farmers.

There are still a few George & Jobbing tractor nameplates around the rally fields – look out and you might just see one!


Introducing Mr Garvie’s partner: Mr Anderson

When Robert G. Garvie joined Ben Reid & Co., Aberdeen, in 1876 he worked alongside William Anderson. Both became sole partners of that famous Aberdeen implement makers.

On 19 July 1893 the Scottish agricultural newspaper, North British Agriculturist, provided a short biography of William Anderson. It is worth quoting for the insights it provides on this key figure among the Scottish agricultural implement makers and the development and work of that company:

“Mr. Anderson of Messrs Ben Reid & Co., Bon-Accord Works, Aberdeen, is one of the best known and most highly-respected leaders in the ranks of the agricultural engineers. Mr Anderson has risen from the ranks, for his father was a country blacksmith, and he learned that trade with his father. His energies, however, could not find full scope in a country smithy, and before long he became the travelling representative of Messrs Murray & Co., agricultural implement makers, Banff, and by his characteristic energy and good management he soon wrought that business up to a very flourishing state. His marked success and sterling qualities soon attracted the attention of Mr George Reid, who had joined the business established by his uncle, Mr Ben Reid, and on the retirement of the latter gentleman had become the partner in the firm of Ben Reid & Co. This business was originally confined to the seed trade, but the implement department, grafted upon it shortly afterwards, expended so rapidly that the seed business was formed into a separate business under different properties, all the resources of the Bon Accord Works being taxed to the utmost to supply the demands upon them for agricultural implements. In 1876, Mr George Reid decided to select two partners, who, as he felt certain, would be able to make the Bon-Accord Works an enduring monument to the memory of their founder, Mr Ben Reid, and his selection fell upon Mr Anderson and Mr Garvie. These gentlemen closed with this invitation, and since the death of Mr George Reid, in 1879, they have been the sole partners in the firm. The Bon-Accord Works are among the most extensive of the kind in the united Kingdom, and they are splendidly equipped with machinery of the most modern and most approved construction, many of the machines used in these works being the products of the inventive genius of Messrs Anderson & Garvie. In addition to a very large home business, the firm conduct an immense foreign business, and in every country under the sun, where improved methods of cultivation are used, there are the products of the Bon-Accord Works are well known and highly appreciated. Their principal products are the Bon-Accord reapers and ploughs, threshing machines, seed drills, and broadcast sowing machines. They also do a large business in the manufacture of ornamental fences and gates. Mr Anderson regularly attends all the leading shows in the United Kingdom, so that he is better known to the show-goers than Mr Garvie, who is constantly at the head of the business conducted in the works. Mr Anderson is a gentleman of a very marked individuality and robust independence. He is no supple-tongued salesman, who can talk any unwilling purchaser into buying his goods. On the contrary, he stands secure in the high reputation which his firm have long been held for the excellence of their products; and while he displays his goods in the most attractive style, and has a pleasant word for every one, he makes a very strict point of avoiding any appearance of pressing sales: and any cheap jack who attempts to beat down his prices invariably gets short shrift at his hands. It is safe to say also that no one stands higher in the estimation of his fellow exhibitors than he does, and a good proof of that is found in the fact that for four years in succession he was unanimously elected President of the Scottish Agricultural Engineers, from which post he retired only two years ago, and only a few weeks ago he was unanimously elected President of the Royal Tradesmen in Aberdeen.

The photographs of the Ben. Reid & Co. roller were taken at the Fife Vintage Agricultural Machinery Club Annual Rally and farming Heritage Show, 7 June 2015.


An early Scottish tractor dealer: The Scottish Motor Traction Company Ltd

The early tractors in Scotland were not always sold through implement makers and dealers. They could also be sold through motor car and lorry agencies. Indeed, a number of the early car and lorry agencies came to later specialise in tractors. However, not all did.

An early Scottish vehicle dealer that came to sell tractors was The Scottish Motor Traction Company Ltd, incorporated on 14 June 1905. The liability of the company was £50,000, divided into 50,000 shares of £1 each. It was located at 150 Lothian Road, Edinburgh, with works at 29 East Fountainbridge; by 1919 it had Glasgow showrooms at 44 Sauchiehall Street and works at West Graham Street. In the 1920s it also had depots in Linlithgow, Dundee, Galashiels, Bathgate, Selkirk, Blairgowrie, Melrose, Peebles, Hawick, Musselburgh, Dalkeith, and Selkirk.

Its prospectus stated that: “This company is being formed for the purpose of establishing services of public motor omnibuses not only in Edinburgh, and neighbourhood, but also in other places throughout Scotland; to act as owners, general carriers, and hirers of motor cars, motor omnibuses, motor cabs, motor vans, motor ambulances, motor boats, and every other description of motor conveyance on land or water; to promote generally all methods of motor traction or motor haulage, and the use of motor driven machinery, and plant for Government, Municipal, Commercial, Agricultural; or Estate purposes, and to perform and carry out all or any of the objects particularly set forth in its Memorandum of Association.

By 1917 The Scottish Motor Traction Company Ltd was one of the relatively small number of businesses that sold tractors. In 1917 it sold the Overtime tractor. By 1919 iit had changed it agencies and was agent for both the Titan and Mogul paraffin oil tractors. These were the two leading makes of tractors imported from North America. They were advertised as “ideal machines for all kinds of farm work: ploughing, threshing, hauling, &c”. They were “built up to a standard and not down to a price”. It had these tractors available for immediate delivery from stock.

Its adverts suggest that it was proud of its agency and its tractors. By early 1920 its adverts stated that “Titan” tractors stand supreme: “the 20hp Paraffin Oil Tractor has stood the test of years and to-day is recognised as the greatest piece of labour-saving machinery that ingenuity can devise. Every detail of the “Titan” is of the BEST, and there is no more economical or efficient power-aid for Ploughing, Threshing, Cultivating, and Hauling.”

The company was a regular attender at the Highland Show from 1919 onwards. It also participated in the Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland’s demonstration of tractors and ploughs in 1917.

The photographs of the Mogul and Titan tractors were taken at the Manitoba Automobile Museum, Manitoba, Canada.


Mr Garvie of Aberdeen

Robert G. Garvie set up his own business in Bon Accord Lane, Aberdeen, in 1895 to make and sell a range of agricultural implements and machines, including threshing mills. Before that time he was a highly esteemed implement maker. This is what the North British Agriculturist, 19 July 1893 said of his early years:

“Mr Robert G. Garvie. Mr Robert G. Garvie, of Messrs Ben. Reid & Co., is not much known to show goers [of the Highland Show], as his energies have long been focussed upon the personal management of the vast manufacturing conducted at the Bon-Accord Works. In his younger days he served an apprenticeship of five years to the joiner trade, and afterwards, when working as a journeyman in the same trade, he took a leading part in the introduction of labour-saving wood-working machinery. He was for some years a partner in the firm of James Garvie & Sons, which is still one of the largest businesses in the north. He retired from this business in 1875, in order to take up an appointment as manager of the Northern Agricultural Implement Company, Inverness. In 1876 he, along with Mr [William] Anderson, joined the firm of Messrs. Ben. Reid & Co., of which, for the last fourteen years, they have been sole partners.

Mr Garvie has a thorough practical knowledge of the agricultural implement business in all its details, and many of the notable labour-saving appliances in use at the Bon-Accord Works were designed, and in some cases the patterns were made by himself. Every implement of whatever kind produced at these works is made under his personal supervision, and when he once puts upon any machine the stamp of his approval, that machine may be safely accepted as being perfect of its kind. As showing the appreciation which the products of the Bon-Accord Works have met with of recent years, it may be mentioned that, during the last ten years, no fewer than three gold, fifteen silver, and five bronze medals, out of a total of ninety prizes, have been awarded to them in recognition of the superiority of their products. It may also be mentioned that during the last year they have erected no fewer than eighty threshing mills on farms throughout the length and breadth of the country; and in the week prior to the Chester Show of the “Royal” they completed the erection of a threshing mill fitted with all the latest improvements on Lord Londonderry’s farm at Wynard, County Durham.

Though very fully occupied in designing new, as well as improving existing, machines, together with the work entailed in the management of a large manufacturing business, Mr Garvie, as an enthusiastic burgess of Trade, finds time to take a leading part in the Wright and Cooper incorporation, one of the incorporated trades of which he has been a member for many years. Mr Garvie and Mr Anderson are remarkably well fitted to act as the mutual complement of each other in conducting a large and most successful business such as that at Bon-Accord Works, as the former is naturally of a retiring disposition through his energies being engrossed with inventive and manufacturing work; while the latter, in addition to his thorough practical knowledge of the business, possesses in a conspicuous degree the bonhommie which is so essential to success as a showyard exhibitor. Intellectually, Mr Garvie is a man of splendid parts, and socially he is a gentleman whom to know is to admire and esteem.”

The photographs of the Garvie and Clark & Sutherland threshing mills were taken at the B.A. Vintage Country Fair, May 2017.


Weighing in with William and Thomas Avery

The company of William and Thomas Avery of Birmingham is a household name in weighing machines and apparatus. The chance is that you will have seen one of their weighing machines on a farm – or even in the household kitchen.

While an English company, closely associated with Birmingham, it had a presence in Scotland and was one of the key makers and sellers of weighing machines. Its presence was already established in 1886 when a branch was established at 8 and 10 Stockwell Street, Glasgow, in 1886. A further one was set up at 38 Robertson Street, in the city, by 1889, where the premises was enlarged to embrace numbers 28, 38 and 40 by 1891. By 1895 the company had established a Scottish works, known as the Patrick Weighbridge Works.

Expansion continued, and by 1898 the company had a presence in the east of Scotland, at Edinburgh, where it had opened a shop at 23 Bread Street; by 1909 a further Edinburgh address was at Victoria Street. Further premises were opened: by 1904 there was one at 69 Back Sneddon Street, Paisley, and at 4 North Street, Aberdeen. By 1909 there was also one in Dundee at 42 Castle Street. A shop in Ayr was set up by 1911 in the Butter Market, at 90 High Street. In 1913 the company advertised that it had “branches in the principal towns throughout the Kingdom”. In the 1920s and 1930s they included Aberdeen, Alloa, Ayr, Coatbridge, Motherwell, Dunfermline, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Govan, Greenock, Inverness, Kirkcaldy, Paisley.

During its expansion, it brought over at least one existing Scottish weighing maker: A. Wood and Sons, by 1897. It continued to note that take over in its directory entries for the next couple of years. In 1885 Alexander Wood & Sons of Stockwell Street, Glasgow, had described the Glasgow Weighing Machine Manufactory as the oldest Glasgow house. As a key manufacturer of “every description of weighing apparatus”, it shared a range of activities with Avery; it was also a key competitor.

Avery manufactured and sold a wide range of weighing apparatus: in 1899 it described these as “all sizes of weighing apparatus for railways, collieries etc, shop and store outfitters for grocers, butchers, weigh bridges, etc” By 1899 it described itself as “manufacturers of every description of weighing apparatus for agricultural purposes, &c; special machines for weighing grain in bags, farmer’s cattle machines, patent automatic machines for auction marts &c”. By 1934 this was as “manufacturers of modern weighing apparatus, testing and counting machinery; weigh bridges up to 300 tons for every purpose; special self-indicating machines for modern industrial weighing; platform weighing machines, beams and scales in all sizes, visible weighing and price computing scales”.

The company had a wide range of trades and skills which it undertook. Before 1914 the included: agricultural implement manufacturer; agricultural implement maker and agent; barter; barrow and hod maker; beam and scale maker; butchers’ outfitter; colliery plant manufacturer; engineer; engineers’ furnisher; japanner; machinery maker and millwright; machinist; mill furnisher; millwright; patentee; railway plant merchant; scale and beam maker; scale and beam manufacturer; steelyard maker; shopfitter; testing machine maker; tinplate worker and merchant; weigh bridge manufacturer; weighing machine maker.

Keep an eye out for Avery weighing machines around the rally fields. While they have an English company behind them, they also have a strong tradition of manufacture and sale in Scotland.
