Cumming & Dempster, Banchory, a Deeside tractor dealer

If you were a farmer or an agriculturist in Deeeside from the late 1820s onwards you would have been familiar with the name of Cumming & Dempster, of Dee Street, Banchory.

The tractor and machinery dealer started like a number of the other tractor dealers across Scotland. At first it was an cycle agent and dealer and a motor engineer and garage. It later became involved in the agricultural sector. By 1950 the company described itself as “Cumming & Dempster, agricultural engineers and implement agents, Banchory”. In 1960 its main activities were as an agricultural engineer, a motor engineer and a motor engineer and agent.

From 1951 it was agent for a number of tractor and implement and machine makers. These included Fordson, Ferguson, David Brown Tractors and equipment. In 1959 its agencies also included Claas, and in 1962 Alfa-Laval.

There are still a few tractors which bear the Cumming & Dempster dealership badge. If you are in the Deeside area, have a look to see if you can see one!

The photographs were taken at the Deeside Vintage Rally, August 2014.
