A commentary on the expansion of the making of agricultural implements and machines – at Ayr in 1863

The 1860s and 1870s were two important decades for the mechanisation of Scottish and British farming. New implements and machines were being rapidly developed and used on farms. There were revolutions in the way crops, especially the most labour intensive ones, such as grain and potatoes were being sown, grown, harvested and stored. Important innovations included the development of the reaper, the steam plough, the potato spinner. 

A number of agricultural commentators wrote about the rise of agricultural implement and machine making at this time. The Scottish Farmer newspaper (not the one we know by that name today) provided a lengthy account on these changes while commenting on the implements and machines at the Ayr Show in May 1863. It is worth quoting at length for the insights it brings. It makes an interesting comment about beliefs on the introduction of implements and machines. There are comments about the increase in the number of implements and machines sold as well as reaping machines made by local makers in Ayrshire. 

“In no department of British industry has there been such marked progress of late years as in that of agricultural implement-making, and in none has there been brought to bear more energy, perseverance, skill, and ingenuity on the part of those engaged. Manufacturers of agricultural machines have had a hard up-hill battle to fight. They have had to war against prejudices strengthened by the precedents of thousands of years-prejudices consecrated like heirlooms, which it would be shame and dishonour in the sons not to transmit to posterity intact, as they had received them at the hands of their fathers. Surely it was too much in these mechanics to ask that the sickle, which had come down to the present generation almost unchanged from the days in which it was used to lay low the golden crops of Boaz, should be cast aside for the clipping or sawing apparatus of a Presbyterian clergyman, or that the picturesque and time-hallowed wooden plough, drawn by its slow oxen, or lazy sleek-sided horses, should be superseded by the savage grubber, fierce digger, or many furrowed plough, impelled by the quick impatient steam engine? In the good old days the cattle browsed the natural grasses of the thousand hills over which they roamed; why should they now be confined in courts, or chained up in stalls, to feed upon artificial meats? Even after green crop husbandry, which was certainly an unwarrantable departure from our fathers’ customs, came into practice, the beasts munched their whole turnips, and chewed their uncut straw with gusto-should we not, therefore, be wanting in respect to the memory of those who have gone before to employ pulpers and chaff-cutters to tear the turnip to pieces, and chop the straw into almost imperceptible particles, especially when the beasts themselves can accomplish this with the natural grinders?

And, again, why should farmers employ the draining plough to ensure dryness where wetness is the normal condition; and is good likely to result from a violation of nature? Our fathers knew better, and let the marshes alone to produce their rank growth of valueless vegetation, and their noiseome malaria. From the first the husbandman scattered the grains over the earth with his own capacious hands, and the crops yielded, we are told, their thirty, forty, fifty, and hundred fold; we shall adopt no new-fangled and complicated arrangement of tin-cups to deposit the seed at regular intervals in the soil. And is it not a tempting of Providence to make use of wind raised by mechanical contrivance for the separation of the grain from the chaff, instead of taking advantage of such blasts from heaven as can be secured by the opening of two opposite doors and the flapping of a couple of sheep skin wechts? Fanners are the devil’s own invention, an outrage on Christianity, as well as an offence against ancestral practice. 

Against such and such many other prejudices, “uttered or unexpressed” on the part of farmers-as well as against the greater mechanical difficulties involved in the construction of locomotive (which most agricultural machines are) as compared with stationary machines-the agricultural implement makers had to contend, and it is in the highest degree creditable to them that they have almost entirely overcome them. And the victory may be said to have been gained within the last dozen years-since the Exhibition of 1851. That international display gave an impetus to what has been called mechanical agriculture, but more properly the mechanics of agriculture, which has never been lost, but which in the interval has been greatly increased. At every show of the national agricultural societies since held, the implements have been assuming a more important position in the yard, until in Battersea, in 1862, they numbered no less than 5064 articles, all more or less connected with the science and practice of agriculture, and designed to effect saving as well as greater efficiency in the labour of the farm. 

An indication of the immense number of implements and machines now manufactured for farm use us afforded in the table published in the introduction to the report on English Agricultural Machinery by the Jurors of the late International Exhibition, and given in the Scottish Farmer of last week. The table indeed is very defective, giving only returns of certain kinds of machinery manufactured by some half-dozen of the principal firms; but still it will serve to illustrate the already vast extent and rapidly increasing importance of the agricultural implement trade. Beginning with steam-engines, we find that six firms which in 1852 turned out only 270, in 1861 manufactured 898, an increase of more than 330 per cent. Two firms, which were not in existence in 1852, or whose attention at all events had not then been directed to plough making, in 1861, sent out 9309 of these implements. 

Cultivators are of more recent introduction, and four firms, which commenced their manufacture in 1858, made in 1199 in 1861. Corn drills made by three houses have risen from 338 in 1852 to 703 in 1861; and the same number of firms sold in the latter year 383 corn horse-hoes-a number, however, smaller than sent out in previous years. The figures as to reaping machines do not afford even a hint of the real number now in use, but they sufficiently indicate the great and growing feeling in favour of reapers. The four makers who have sent in returns, in 1858 made only 32 reapers, in 1861 they sent out 1715. Hay tedders made by two firms have increased from 50 in 1852 to 721 in 1861; and the horse-rakes of five firms have risen from 611 in 1852 to 1739 in 1861. Six firms in 1852 made 327 thrashing machines, in 1861 the number they manufactured was 1084. The chaff cutters made by three firms in 1855 numbered 1004, in 1861, 4905; and corn-bruisers, by five firms, which in 1852 were but 64, in 1861 were 2680. In the report nothing is said about turnip cutters, of which we know one firm alone, the Messrs Samuelson, of Banbury, makes annually about 4000, and grain bruisers, cake breakers, turnip pulpers, sowing machines, manure drills, corn screens &c, are made in numbers equally large. And what, perhaps, is even as noticeable as the increase, is the improvement in the manufacture of implements since the first Great International Exhibition. 

And it is not alone at national and international exhibitions that agricultural implements are displayed; they now form a most interesting and instructive feature at almost all country and district shows. At the exhibition at Ayr last week, for instance, there were no fewer that 254 entries in the implement department of the catalogue. In these entries were included twenty reaping and mowing machines, three of which were sent by the Messrs Samuelson, of Banbury, through their Scottish agent, Mr Pringle-a self-delivering four-armed reaper, calculated to lay the sheaves about twelve feet apart, a very good medium distance; the “Eclipse”, a one horse reaper, of remarkable cheapness, only sixteen guineas; and a combined reaper and mower. Of the simplicity in construction and lightness of these reapers we have before had occasion to speak (see Scottish Farmer for December 31, 1862), and during last harvest we had many opportunities to report, and always favourably, upon the work done by the patent self-acting machine, which has since undergone improvements calculated to lessen the draught and obviate the chances of the gearing getting clagged up. 

The Messrs Jack, of Maybole, had six different reapers and mowers on the field, all of excellent and substantial workmanship. Two were designed to affect mechanical delivery-one by merely introducing a reel to throw off the sheaves at intervals. This arrangement we do not believe will ever come into general use; the other plan we think a great deal of. By this latter method, which is the invention of Mr Alexander Jack, the tilting board is divided into two unequal parts, united together by hinges, the portion nearest the cutter or fore end of the machine being the narrowest. The back part of the platform has an angular hinged division made in it to aid in throwing off the sheaves. The tilting board is actuated by many jointed iron arms, which derive their motion from a friction plate in connection with the driving-years, and which, at intervals varying from nine to fourteen feet, according to the nature of the crop, lift up the board and deposit the sheaf. The front part of the platform rises with double the speed with which the hind portion is depressed, an arrangement which would seem to ensure that the sheaf will be well and squarely thrown off. To prevent a short straw crop falling between the platform and the knife, a bar of wood has been placed across underneath. The machine was not completed when we saw it; it wanted a reel to bring down the crop to the cutters, and a better method for communicating the power to the automation arms than by friction will no doubt be adopted; with that addition and improvement, we have hopes that this machine will take a place among practical self-acting reapers. Another improvement we noticed on one of the Messrs Jack’s machines was a hollow cylindrical knife bar, which would appear to secure the advantages of strength and lightness at the same time.

Mr Wallace, of Fenwick, exhibited three reapers of excellent construction, and whose draught, as tested at several trials last years, is very light. One of them has a self-acting arrangement for adjusting the knife bar to the inequalities of the ground-a very useful improvement. Some knife bars are divided in the middle for the same object, but they would not overcome the difficulty of the furrow so well as Mr Wallace’s. A very curious looking reaper was exhibited by the Messrs Wallace, of Dreghorn, mounted on wheels than those of ordinary carts, the driving gear being affixed upon the axle. The fingers were large enough to admit almost half a sheaf at a time. We can say nothing in favour of this reaper, its curiosity being its only attraction. Mr Bamlett, of Ripon, whose agent in Scotland is Mr Begbie, of Haddington, showed a combined reaper and mower-an excellent machine with a tilting platform adapted to various heights; Messrs Brigham & Bickerton showed a Buckeye-a machine which is capable of good work with little expenditure of power; Messrs Brown & Young, of Stirling, showed one of their reapers “with flexible universal jointed platform”; and Messrs Young, of Young, showed a manual delivery reaper. One of Wood’s mowers, with an adaptation to turn it into a reaper, was shown by Mr McCutcheon, of Carlisle; and one or two local makers also showed reapers. On the whole, the Scotch reapers looked very substantial, but perhaps they might be made a little lighter without impairing their strength and durability. They looked rather heavy beside the English ones. 

Excellent turnip and mangold sowing machines were shown by the Messrs Young of Ayr, and the Messrs Jack, of Maybole-the merits of which were considered so equal by the judges that they agreed to divide the prize. Both do their work capitally, perhaps as well as it is possible for such machines to work. Messrs Jack also exhibited some capital grubbers; as likewise did Mr Hunter, of Maybole, who showed a large and varied collection of ploughs, harrows, and horse-hoes with side paring coulters, which were greatly admired. The judges’ report, which we give in another column, will indicate the best of the other agricultural articles shown at this very successful county show.”


A noted implement maker in Aberdeen: Reid & Leys

Reid & Leys was a well-known agricultural implement and machine maker in Aberdeen that was already in business in 1885. By 1889 it described itself as a seedsman and implement agent. A decade later it was a seedsman and implement manufacturer with implement works at Wellington Road; it became renowned for these well into the twentieth century. 

For much of the period when it traded, its sphere of influence was largely Aberdeenshire and the north of Scotland. It largely exhibited at the Highland Show when it was being held in the Aberdeen, and Inverness show districts. By the 1950s it started to attend the shows in the south of Scotland: Paisley, Kelso, Dundee, Dumfries and Edinburgh. 

The company’s manufactures included its ploughs. It also entered its “Don” tractor manure distributor” for the new implement award at the Highland Show in 1948. 

The Aberdeen press and journal provides an obituary of William Reid founder of the company on 1 May 1934: 

“The death occurred yesterday at his residence, 10 Hosefield Avenue, Aberdeen, of Mr William Reid, managing director of Messrs Reid & Leys, Ltd, seedsmen and implement manufacturers, 8 Hadden Street, Aberdeen. 
Mr Reid, who was in his eighty-third year, was widely known and highly esteemed by the agricultural community in the north. Recognised as one of the oldest and most expert seedsmen in Aberdeen and district, his advice was often sought by his fellow tradesmen.
Mr Reid’s business, the jubilee of which was celebrated two years go, has a trade that extends over a remarkably wide area. Not only does it have a connection throughout Britain and Ireland, but implements are used by customers as far distant as India and West Africa. Mr Reid, who built up his business entirely by his own efforts, was the maker of the famous Don and Aberdeen plough, which is used throughout the country.

Mr Reid was a native of Friockheim, Forfarshire, where he served his time in the seed trade. He went north at an early age and for some years was employed at Brechin. In 1879, Mr Reid started at Aberdeen the business which he directed up to the time of his death. He travelled for his firm until his eightieth year.
He was deeply interested in the North of Scotland College of Agriculture and was a keen follower of the seed trials conducted by it.
Outside his profession, Mr Reid’s greatest interest in religious work, in which he himself took no small part in Aberdeen. He was a member of the South UF Church and conducted services at the church’s mission in John Street. He also preached at various places, including the Gallowgate Mission and Morningside Hospital.
Mr Reid is survived by a son and a daughter. His son, Mr A. Maitland Reid, 32 Springfield Avenue, Aberdeen, will carry on the business in Hadden Street. Miss Reid is a school teacher in Aberdeen.


American agricultural implements and machines in Scotland

American implements and machines have had a long impact on Scottish agriculture. It is not always easy to quantify that impact. The Scotsman included an interesting article in its columns on 3 October 1903 from the perspective of the American makers who were looking to the Scottish markets and to state what had been achieved by the American makers. While the start of the article provides a general account of Scottish agriculture, the latter parts include some interesting details about how the American makers looked at Scotland and the changes they had to make to their machines so that they could operate efficiently here. It also includes some details about how extensive the use of American machinery was in Scotland. Here is the article at full length: 

“At the request of the American National Association of Agricultural Implement and Vehicle Manufacturers, a circular was addressed by the Department of State, on April 17, 1903, to the consular officers in the various countries instructing them to procure certain information as to the trade in agricultural implements and vehicles in their several districts, especially as to the share of American manufacturers therein and the best methods for the increase of the same.
Agriculture in Scotland

Mr Rufus Fleming, Edinburgh, in his report details at the outset with the characteristics of agriculture in Scotland. Speaking broadly, he says, all kinds of agricultural machines and implements suited to the requirements of the soils, crops, and climate are used by the farmers of Scotland. With few exceptions, these implements are of modern pattern; in fact, fully up-to-date in design, quality, and utility. As in preparing the soil and drilling or sowing the grain and grass crops, so in harvesting these crops, the most improved and economical machines are required, not only because they are labour saving, but also because it is necessary to successful agriculture in this country, both to make the land produce as much as possible and to gather the crop clean, almost to the last straw or blade. Most farmers, in the Lowlands at least, grow great crops of wheat, barley, oats, and other grains; a yield of 60 bushels of wheat per acre is not uncommon, and of barley from 50 to 60 bushels, while high cultivation brings as much as 80 bushels per acre of the latter. They must do it in order to make their holdings profitable, as the prices of grain are regulated by the American market, and the rent of the land is generally high, and to the same end they must utilize fully the products of the soil. For this purpose they require every practicable mechanical aid.

Farm labour
To what extent the cost of labour has influenced farmers to provide themselves with the best implements is a question to which it is not easy to find an answer. Undoubtedly the scarcity and unreliability of farm labourers have had something to do in this direction. It is a curious fact that in an over-populated country-I speak of the United Kingdom as a whole-the demand for farm labourers is always greater than the supply. The conditions of country life in Scotland for the labourer are not as severe as they were some years ago. Yet there is more discontent among the farm hands in the various trades in the cities or among the urban day-labourers. As soon as they accumulate a little money they emigrate, many of them to become prosperous farmers in the United States or Canada. I have talked with farm hands on this subject and found that it is the hopelessness of the struggle in which they are engaged that makes them discontented. By no possible thrift or effort of their own can they ever acquire title to or possession of a foot of ground, and they are always looking forward to the day when they can go to the United States or a British colony and get an opportunity to work for themselves.

Markets for implements
Scotland has an area of 19,062,482 acres, of which 4,894,466 acres are under cultivation; 112 persons own one-half of the total area, and 18 persons own one-fourth of it. It is quite apparent, therefore, that most of the farmers are occupiers under lease. The common terms of leases are fifteen and nineteen years. Special returns giving the number and size of agricultural holdings-i.e., all holdings of leased land and of land owned by the occupiers-were last collected by the Board of Agriculture in 1895. At that time the number and acreage of such holdings of cultivated land, as distinct from mountain grazings, were as follows-
Number of holdings
1 to 5 acres – 20,150
5 to 20 acres – 23,104
20 to 50 acres – 10,817
50 to 100 acres – 9,834
100 to 300 acres – 12,958
300 to 500 acres – 2070
500 to 1000 acres – 620
Over 1000 acres – 75
As compared with the returns collected in 1885, these statistics showed little change, and it is probable that if these statistics were gathererable this year they would not differ materially from the above. These figures furnish the best obtainable basis for an estimate of the possibilities of Scotland as a market for agricultural implements.

American farm implements
American farm implements have been in use in Scotland for twenty-five or thirty years-not all classes, but the practical ones. Some of our manufacturers, when they were ready for the foreign trade, studied the requirements of the British market, and adapted their contrivances to conditions in this country. In a report on this subject in 1898. I said-
When the binder was invented it commended itself at once as a labour-saving device, but it encountered difficulties in Scottish fields. There is here a heavier stand of grain than in most parts of the United States. Moreover, the farmers sow grass seed with the barley. This grass is exceedingly fine and also dense. The new reaper was a failure at first, owing chiefly to the fact that the undergrowth of grass in the barley interfered with its working. The blade of the machine was too light, and the canvases were not properly adjusted. No sooner were these defects-from a Scottish point of view-ascertained than a heavier blade was introduced and the canvasses were altered. In less than two years the American binder was an established favourite; it still holds the market. The chilled plough was not at first suited to the needs of Scottish farmers. They prefer a narrow furrow and do not deem it a good plan to turn the furrow over; they wish, rather, to set it on edge. The plough was changed to meet their ideas as to the proper way to turn up the ground, and the result was that the American plough has gained almost universal favour. American farm machinery of almost every description has had to be altered in some important respects to adapt it to the different conditions found here. Most manufacturers have been quick to make the necessary changes, and their enterprise has been abundantly rewarded. It is my information, derived from interviews with the managers of the most prominent local firms in the trade, that at the present time 70 per cent of the binders, 75 per cent of the mowers, 25 per cent of the hay rakes, from 60 to 70 per cent of the ploughs, and about 70 per cent of the cultivators and grain drills in use in Scotland were manufactured in the United States. It is said that 20 per cent of the binders are Canadian and 10 per cent English. The estimate here given of the proportion of American ploughs is confided to farms of upwards of 100 acres. On smaller holdings many of the ploughs are of local manufacture; they are made in the shops of village blacksmiths, as well as by implement manufacturers in the cities and larger towns. Our chilled ploughs are, however, constantly growing in favour, and the market for them is an expanding one. Only walking ploughs are in demand, with one wheel to the beam as a rule. The gang plough is so seldom wanted that it can hardly become a commercial item of great importance in this country. The steam ploughs and cultivators used on a few big farms are, it is said, all made in England, as well as the engines, cables, &c. In plough parts the American manufacturers have practically all the trade. This is true also of hayforks. Hoes are largely English made to American patterns; our makers do not compete in prices, although the handles are imported from America by the Sheffield manufacturers. Our hay knives have a good sale; also our snaths and handles in general. Few American harrows are sold here, as the makers have not I am told adapted to the deep cultivation required; nor ate many of our rollers imported. Our thrashing machines are not used, being regarded as too light to throw off the extraordinary weight of straw and grass in Scottish grains. According to one Edinburgh dealer, farmers are now finding fault with some patterns of American cultivators, claiming that they do not go deep enough; but, so far as I can ascertain from other sources, the tendency of trade does nor show that they have fallen out of favour. The grubber is an important implement in Scotland for tearing up the ground to any depth required. They are used on every farm, and are, I believe, all of local manufacture. Potato diggers are of Scottish and English maker. It is said by growers that the rotary-arm digger, commonly used damages the potatoes, especially the early and tender varieties: they are more satisfactory than the potato plow, but the growers are looking out for something better. Any suitable device that will not bruise the potatoes, will, if offered at a moderate price, find a good market here. Wind-mills for pumping water for stock, &c, are not as common in Scotland as in England. Streams are numerous, and, with an abundant rainfall throughout the year (often superabundant), provide an ample supply of water for general purposes on the majority of farms. I am told that most of the windmills as well as the hand pumps in use are of American manufacture; this may be too large a statement, but it is not far wrong. Our standard pumping devices have an excellent reputation and a wide sale. 

Building up American trade
During the last decade the competition among manufacturers of agricultural implements for the trade in this part of the United Kingdom has been active, especially so during the past years. The principal American makers of harvesting machines, &c, have pushed their business vigorously in rivalry with one another, and with Canadian and British companies. They sent expert sales man to assist their local agents in reaching out for trade, these salesmen making a farm to farm canvass of the country. The figures above given show that the sales have been large, and as a binder or mower in the hands of a careful Scottish farmer lasts a long time, there is now a slackness in the trade. The demand is moderate, with a downward tendency in prices. Canadian firms are exceedingly persistent and energetic. They are a factor in the problem of trade in these islands in the future which American manufacturers will have to reckon with. While our agricultural apparatus of all kinds are, as a rule, superior to the Canadian, and have gained a leading position for that reason, cheapness is likely to be in most cases when competing articles are offered the determining quantity in the commercial equation, and therefore it is only by continuing to meet the prices of all competitors that our manufacturers can maintain their supremacy in this market.

Farm vehicles
American farm waggons or carts are not sold here in any considerable number. The carts are mainly of local manufacture, being made in almost every city and village. Requiring no skilled workmanship, they are constructed cheaply, with a sole view to utility. My information is that the only reason why carts of American make are not used in Scotland is that a similar article has not been offered at the same price, A prominent dealer in farm machinery, supplies, &c, tells me that when in America a few years ago he asked the manager of a great wagon-making concern if he could manufacture farm carts for Scotland at a price which would give them a market in competition with the local makers, the manager expressed the opinion that it could not be done. On returning home this dealer sent to the American company a Scottish cart and also a lorry (used for hauling goods to and from railway freight depots), giving prices &c. Not long afterwards a letter came from the manager saying that he had figured as closely as possible on the cart and lorry proposition, and could not work out a margin of profit after adding freight. The freight charge put it just above the level of the practicable.

How to increase American trade
In regard to the most effective means of increasing the same of implements and other farm supplies, I can only suggest that the best results are likely to be obtained by the efforts of experienced American salesmen, actively co-operating with local agents in pushing trade. One good method of bringing articles to the attention of the farming community has been neglected on too many occasions by our manufacturers or their representatives on this side; I refer to exhibits at agricultural shows. These shows, general and local, are frequent in Scotland during the year and are attended by the alert, progressive farmers. Any machine, implement, or vehicle exhibited in an attractive way is well advertised, and if it has exceptional merits they will not be overlooked. A number of American concerns have taken advantage of the larger shows and now and then a minor exhibition; but if any firm or any association of implement manufacturers would make a thorough commercial campaign in this country, they should lose none of these opportunities to reach the enterprising class of agriculturists. As an agent remarked to me half a dozen implements sold to prominent farmers at such places will sell hundreds more. This has been his observation, and he is a strong advocate of exhibits at county shows and even less important occasions.”


Ploughing traditions: the love darg

Ploughing and plough men had a number of a traditions associated with them. These include the secret society of the Ploughman’s Word, Plough Sunday, and ploughing matches. 

One tradition that was known in some parts of Scotland was the love darg. Darg was the Scots work for work. This was a day’s work done for love, a gesture to show affection and recognition of an agricultural community to one of its members. This could be a farmer who had recently taken on a lease and was needing assistance with his work; it could be a woman who had recently lost her husband and needed work undertaken; it could be to thank a landowner for all his support in a community before he left it. Love dargs could take place for a number of agricultural activities, though threshing and ploughing were especially noted. 

In some parts of Scotland love dargs for ploughing were recorded from the mid 1850s until at least the start of the twentieth century and even later. One such area was Kincardineshire. One of the first dargs recorded in the local newspaper, the Stonehaven Gazette, was in February 1852: 

“A love darg – Mr Robert Sievewright, millwright, Longhills of Rickarton, having taken a course of cropping of some of the home parks, a number of his neighbours offered to give him a love darg. Accordingly on Wednesday the 28th ult, 12 ploughs appeared on the ground, and soon turned the green lea into a well ploughed field. The ploughmen were regaled with refreshments throughout the day; and in the evening, Mr Sievewright entertained the farmers and their wives to dinner and tea. Under Mr and Mrs Sievewright’s hospitable roof they spent a very comfortable evening.”

This included elements that were to be recorded in later years: the giving, free of charge, of a day’s labour to a neighbour in need; the provision of refreshments throughout the day; the giving of refreshments and sometimes entertainment in the evening after the work was undertaken. 

The ploughmen at the love dargs included farmers, though more usually farmer’s sons, and farm servants, in a district where the event was being held. 

Some of the dargs could be large. In 1855 one in the Banchory district at Broomhillocks had 37 ploughs. Another in that district had 57 ploughs. In 1856 one at Midtown of Barras had 107 ploughs. While intended to show kindness to a neighbour, they became very competitive. Indeed, some had judges and gave prizes. By the 1890s local businesses sponsored prizes. Classes included the best ploughing, the best start, the best finished, the best harness. 

The sociable nature of the dargs is summed up by an account of one at Netherley in March 1867: 

“On the afternoon of Saturday last, a number of the farmers in this district sent their ploughs to the number of fifteen to the farm of Mr Alexander Black, Lairhillock, for the purpose of giving him a friendly love-darg in forwarding his ploughing, and as a mark of respect for him as a neighbour. The weather being very suitable, the spirited ploughmen vied with each other who should be foremost in making good work. By six o’clock they had turned over upwards of seven acres in first class style. During the progress of the work, the ploughmen were liberally entertained to refreshments. In the evening, the farmers with several friends met at Lairhillock by invitation, where they partook of the well-known hospitality of Mr and Mrs black. A number of appropriate speeches and toasts were given, and after spending an hour or two together in an exceedingly agreeable manner, the company separated wishing every prosperity and a good crop to Mr Black.”

Did you remember the term love darg? Have you participated in one? 

The photographs are of the Easter Ross ploughing match, November 2016.


Displenishing sales in Kincardineshire from the mid 1860s to early 1900s

Adverts for displenishing sales include the particular implements, machines and hand tools used at a particular time. Some of the items that are listed were old, though others, as notices sometimes point out were new. They would also have included implements that might have been allocated to the “hedge back” that were put out for sale to realize some money. They also reflect the type of activities that were being undertaken, including chicken rearing, potato growing, or cheese making. 

The second half of the nineteenth century saw a number of noted developments in the mechanization of farming, with the introduction of a greater number of iron and metal implements and machines, new machines, such as mowers and reapers, spinner diggers and potato planters, the greater use of threshing mills, and the increasing use of steam power. 

Theses changes are reflected to some extent in the implements and machines that are included in displenishing sale notices. They are particularly helpful for showing the spread of new implements for the harvest as well as new types of ploughs. Conversely, they also show where older technologies were still used – even if they were confined to the hedge back, such as wooden ploughs or wooden harrows. 

The following adverts show the implements and machines used on a number of farms in Kincardineshire from the mid 1860s to the early 1890s. What trends in mechanisation do you note? 

Brackmuirhill, Dunnottar (advert from Stonehaven journal, 19 October 1865)
The implements, consisting of-2 box carts with tops; 1 lying and 1 water cart; 1 double boarded and 1 iron two horse plough; scraper; yokes, swivel trees, and harrows; 1 stone roller, with frame; 1 turnip sowing machine; horse harness; graips, forks and shovels; a threshing mill, fan and other barn furniture; paling and posts; cattle bindings; water cask and spouts; a large meal girnal, a patent milk churn, and a variety of other articles. 

West Town of Barras, Kinneff (advert from Stonehaven journal, 19 October 1865)
Horse and set harness; 1 cart and top lying cart; 1 two horse wooden plough; 1 drill harrow; 3 harrows; 1 stone roller, turnip sowing machine, fan and barn furniture, metal boiler and dairy utensils, &c; 1 horse threshing mill, 2 horse power, if not previously sold. Paling and posts with wire fencing. 

Briggs, parish of Dunnottar (advert from Stonehaven journal, 19 October 1865)
Carts; ploughs; harrows; rollers; rollers; turnip sowing machine; threshing mill of two horse power with three levers attached; barn fan and other barn furniture; horse harness &c pony cart and harness almost new; dog cart and harness; a large quantity of larch paling and posts; wooden shed; some household furniture and dairy utensils; and a great variety of other articles. 

Gowans, parish of Glenbervie (advert from Stonehaven journal, 19 October 1865
2 box carts and frames; 1 long cart; 2 iron ploughs; 1 double moulded plough; 1 iron turnip scrapers; turnip sower; harrows; shovels; graipes; horse harness; barn fan, and other barn furniture; a large quantity of larch pailing rails and posts; a small quantity of hay, and various other articles, dairy implements, and some household furniture, etc.

Auquhirie, Dunnottar (advert from Stonehaven journal, 24 October 1872)
Box and lying carts; water carts; stone and wooden rollers; turnip sowing machine; broadcast sowing machine; iron and wooden single and double boarded ploughs; iron, chain, and drill harrows; horse harness; grubber; meal girnal; turnip cutter; some wooden sheds; paling and posts; some hardwood planking; cornyard sticks; barn and dairy utensils, and a variety of other articles. 

Cottonbrae, Fetteresso (advert from Stonehaven journal, 24 October 1872)
Box cart; hand water cart on wheels; wooden plough; 1 pair harrows; drill harrow, and iron grubber; turnip sowing machine; paling and posts; also, a quantity of wire; barn fan; bushel measure; graips; spades; riddles; horse harness, &c &c. Also, a threshing mill, unless previously disposed of by private bargain. 

Meikle Tulloch, Durris (advert from Stonehaven journal, 24 October 1872)
2 box carts with tops; stone cart; iron and wooden ploughs; turnip sowing machine; iron turnip scraper; iron grubber; stone roller and frame; harrows; box barrow; graips; forks; barn fan; bushel measure, and other implements; horse harness; a quantity of wooden paling, posts, and wire fencing; and a few articles of household plenishing. Also, if not previously disposed of by private bargain, a good threshing mill driven by water power. 

Mill of Uras, Dunnottar (advert from Stonehaven journal, 2 November 1882)
Implements – 6 box carts with tops, 2 lying carts, 3 brakes iron harrows, 2 grubbers, reaper (Bisset’s, Blairgowroie), broadcast sowing machine, turnip sowing machine, 3 iron single ploughs, 1 four horse plough, drill harrow, 2 double boarded ploughs, 4 stone rollers, stone stathels, horse harness, barn fan and other barn furniture, graips, forks, tramp and shoulder picks, yokes, swiveltrees &c. 

Blairs, Fetteresso (advert from Stonehaven journal, 2 November 1882)
4 box carts, 1 ling cart, 3 single ploughs, 2 double ploughs, 2 drill harrows, 2 rollers, 1 grubber, 2 brake iron harrows, 1 brake wooden harrows, 1 brake chain harrows, horse harness, spades, graips and shovels, barn furniture, broad cast sowing machine, turnip sowing machine, 1 reaper. 

Candy, Drumlithie (advert from Stonehaven journal, 2 November 1882)
Implements – 4 box carts and tops, 2 lying carts, 4 iron two-horse ploughs, 1 iron three horse plough, 2 iron double mould ploughs, iron and wooden harrows, drill harrows, drag harrows, potato digger and grubber, metal and wooden rollers, turnip sowing machine, broadcast corn sowing machine, horse rake, 2 reaping machines, barn fan and barn furniture, barrows, graips, forks, ladders, &c &c. 

Upper Wyndings, Fetteresso (advert from Stonehaven journal, 21 May 1891)
2 carts, harvest cart, spring cart, light gig, Bon Accord Reaper and Horse Rake, Oliver Hillside Plough and other ploughs, barn fan and other barn furniture, horse harness, and stable furniture, and other minor implements and tools. 

Brunthillock, Portlethen (advert from Stonehaven journal, 21 May 1891)
Implements – 1 box cart, 1 long cart, 1 spring cart, 1 brake wooden harrows, 1 brake iron harrows, D. B. plough, single plough, shim plough, turnip sowing machine, barn fan, wooden roller, grubber, spades, shovels, grains, forks, picks, yokes, swingletrees, rakes, horse harness, wire and wooden fencing, a quantity of household furniture and dairy utensils. 

West Bendings, Kinneff (advert from Stonehaven journal, 23 October 1891)
Implements – 2 box carts with tops, 1 long cart with hakes, turnip sowing machine, reaper (as good as new), 2 turnip scrapers, 2 DB iron and wooden ploughs, 2 iron and 2 wooden single ploughs, grubber, 2 brakes, iron and wooden harrows, wooden roller, 2 turnip cutters, 2 drag rakes, horse harness, quantity of wire and wooden fencing and wire netting, ladders, box barrows, scythes, spades, picks, shovels, graips, forks, and a number of corn yard posts &c. 

Broombank, Glenbervie (advert from Stonehaven journal, 23 October 1891)
Implements – 4 box carts, 2 long carts, water cart, chain pump, broadcast sowing machine, turnip sowing machine, 2 reapers, 5 single and 3 double boarded ploughs, iron, wooden, and chain harrows, 2 drag harrows, 3 drill harrows, 2 grubbers, oil cake breaker, iron, wooden and stone rollers, horse rake, turnip cutters, weighing machine and weights, corn bruiser, 2 barn fans and other barn furniture, stone stathels, cattle bindings, cart and plough harness, 1 set gig harness, yokes and swiveltrees, box and sack barrows, mangle, cheese presser, scythes, shovels, spades, rakes, ladders, wire fencing and posts, dog cart, and a variety of other articles. 

Feathers, Fetteresso (advert from Stonehaven journal, 23 October 1891)
Implements-2 box carts with frames, 1 long cart, 2 iron single ploughs, 1 D.B. plough, grubber, 3 brakes iron and wooden harrows, turnip scraper, 4 rollers, reaper (in good order), turnip sowing machine, barn fan and other barn furniture, horse harness, wire and wooden fencing, box barrows, yokes and swingletrees, tramp and shoulder picks, graips, forks, spades, ladders, &c. 

Smiddymuir Croft, Dunnottar (advert from Stonehaven journal, 23 October 1891)
Reaper and binder with back delivery (by Wood), a very good worker and almost new, 2 reapers in good working order, mower (by Young, Ayr), 3 single ploughs, 2 drill scrapers, 2 turnip scrapers (one of them new), grubbers, pony cart, barrow, barn fan, dairy utensils, cheese press, and other minor implements, turning lathe and sliders, rest to suit the lathe, vices, shears, wrenches, anvils, fore and small hammers, bellows and forging tools, ring bending machine and metal bed, boreing braces, nippers, files, grindstones, spades, graips, forks, axe, ladders, metal pump a large quantity of screw tools, and a superior vertical (boreing) machine (a splendid worker). 

Even by the early 1890s progress has been made but we still wee a range of wooden implements, such as those at West Bendings, Kinneff, and Feathers, Fetteresso. There are a still a good number of hand tools around the farms such as tramp and shoulder picks, graips, forks, spades, and ladders. There are few sowing machines and potato spinners. The activities that have the greatest number of implements and machines are ploughing and cultivating as well as barn work.

The photographs were taken at the Strathnairn rally, September 2014.


A comment on ploughing matches – in 1887

Since the late eighteenth century there have been many comments made on the value of ploughing matches. An interesting account on their value was published in the Stirling Observer on 17 February 1887. It was published at a time when American ploughs were starting to be introduced and new classes set up for them. The account is worth quoting at length: 

“Competition has long been the acknowledged medium by which the relative merits of almost everything has come to be determined; and it is generally recognized as a safe, sure, easy and practicable way of doing it. We find that competition leads and stimulates the greater part of mankind to put forth energies and to arrive at a degree of perfection in whatever they are aiming at, which otherwise would not be attained. It has had its effect on ploughing as on most other things. We are indebted in a great measure to ploughing matches for the uniform good ploughing to be seen in some districts; and also for the almost unexceptionally good working of the ploughs now-a-days. These matches may sometimes have caused a little expense to farmers; but that expense has probably not been ill-incurred of it has been the means of giving the ploughmen an interest in doing their work well; for if good ploughing is better for the crop than bad ploughing, which it is, the farmer has not been altogether without his regard.

Ploughing marches are held for the purpose of encouraging and rewarding by premiums those who excel in the art of turning up the soil in the way best adapted for producing a good crop, and for most effectually keeping down grass and weeds. The ploughing which practical judges approve of is that which is straight, evenly held, well packed, the grass well put in, the seams between the furrows close and clean, the seed bed as deep as possible at the given width of furrow, the furrows so set that when measured the face or socket of furrow will measure about half an inch more than the back or cutter-cut, the finish neat and narrow, and the ridge so ploughed that every furrow meets the eye in proper order. The shape of furrow most approved is about 60 degrees. If cut much more acute the pane will be too thin, the back weak, and the furrows will want that body, and substance necessary to give the ploughing the required solidity. If cut much more rect-angular or square, we lose that depth of seed bed and twine of furrow so much prized in first class plouhing; and the nearer we approach the square, brick-shaped furrow, the plough gradually loses command, the grass is near the top, the furrows sit on edge, and are generally badly closed. The latter is the worst of the two extremes.

The construction of the plough, as well as the skill brought to bear upon setting the irons, has a great deal to do with the quality of the ploughing; and a plough in good trim is always easier drawn and easier held. Ploughing machines have served a good purpose in the past, and they continue to do so. There is no better means by which to perfect new implements, and stir up young ploughmen to emulation. The Highland Society gives annually something like 160 medals to district societies for ploughing competitions, and many of these meetings have been held since the first broke up within the last fortnight. As farm work in most cases is very much in arrear, owing to the prolonged frost, some of the ploughing matches have not been so well attended as usual.

At some of the gatherings-Wishaw, for example-we notice that “delving” matches have this year been introduced. In other cases-as at Kirknewton, Ratho, and Currie ploughing matches-American ploughs have been under trial. Speaking of the last-mentioned match, a report has been sent us, says:- “There were this year three competitions, the committee, in addition to the high-cut and plain competitions, have introduced a competition for American ploughs. There were in all thirty one entries, of which five were for the high-cut and three for American ploughs. The conditions of the match were that each competitor should plough a half-acre in eight hours; the high-cut competitors ploughing an imperial half acre and the plain-cut competitors a Scotch half acre. The match commenced at eight in the morning, and with the exception of the high cut ploughman, who took all their time, finished within half an hour of the specified time. The work was on the whole considered highly satisfactory, particularly in the case of the plain work, besides which the work done with the American plough was considered to be at a disadvantage”. Time is a very material element in such competitions, and if the time allowed-usually at the rate of 10 hours to the imperial acre-were shortened, ploughing matches would be more useful than they are.” 

Do you agree with the article?

The photographs were taken at the Easter Ross ploughing match, November 2017.


Implements and machines used on Aberdeenshire farms in 1875

We have previously mentioned that adverts for farm displenishing sales provide an important source of information on the use of agricultural implements and machines. 

A sample of adverts for farm displenishing sales in Aberdeenshire in April 1875 provides a number of insights into farming in the county in that year. The Aberdeen press and journal records at least 5 displenishing sale from farms across the county. 

They show old and modern implements and machines. On the old, a set of ox harness was for sale at Downiehills (though ox continued to be used into the twentieth century in the county), and wooden boarded ploughs. On the new, at East Fingask, Meldrum there is a new reaping machine. Milltown of Rora had a hay gatherer. East Fingask, Meldrum had a horse rake. 

There are a range of ploughs being used for ploughing and making and working drills. There are both iron and wooden harrows. There are no makers’ names included. There are a smaller number of machines for harvesting crops as well as crop processing machines than there were in the adverts for displenshing sales at this time. There is a significant number of horse harness and carts. 

2 box carts with tops; iron single and double ploughs; turnip sowing machine; turnip scrapers; iron and wooden harrows; iron grubber; and a general assortment of other farming implements. 3 set cart and plough harness; barn fan and other barn furniture, with some household furniture. The implements and harness are in good order, and the greater part lately new. 

Milltown of Rora
Farming implements – an excellent thrashing mill, put in four years ago; barn fan; hay gatherer; turnip sower; iron grubber; 4 box carts; common and other ploughs; harrows; stone rollers; turnip cutting machine; cart and plough harness; corn bags; box and other barrows; and the usual assortment of other implements, together with a quantity of fencing wire and paling posts. 

The implements imclude-5 box carts; 3 common ploughs; 1 double-boarded plough; 1 furrow, and 1 shim plough; 2 pairs iron, and 2 pairs wood harrow; one and two horse stone rollers; 4 box barrows; a grubber; a turnip sower; a broadcast sowing machine; 5 sets of horse harness; 1 set ox’ harness; barn fan; bushel measure; water casks; corn bruiser; stone rick stands; stone and wood cheese presser; an assortment of wright’s tools; dairy utensils, and sundry other articles-including the usual smaller implement; also a dog cart, and a set of harness. 

Couliehare, Udny 
Farming implements-4 box carts, with hay tops; 3 iron ploughs; 2 double mould board do; subsoil and shim do; grubbers; rollers; harrows; corn and turnip sowing machines; horse harness; barn fan; weighing machine and weights; meal girnal; sacks; sieves; barrows; graips; spades and water out-door implements.

East Fingask, Meldrum 
The farming implements consist of – box carts, with tops; long cats; water do; common, double mould, and shim ploughs; stone and metal rollers; turnip sower; broadcast and drill sowing machines; zig zag and rotating harrows; grass seed do; grubbers; horse rake; reaping machine (new); horse harness; patent weighing machine and weights; sacks; sack barrow; riddles; sieves; wire strainer; oil cake breaker; turnip cutting machine; cross-cut saw; mangle; patent churn; kitchen utensils, &c.

The photographs were taken at the Aberdeenshire Farming Museum, August 2016.


Implements used on Fifeshire farms in 1873

Adverts for displenishing sales provide a great detail of information about what farmers and other agriculturists were using in their crop and animal husbandry. They tell us a lot about whether they were using “traditional” ones or had introduced new ones; their range and extent; what types of farming and framing practices were being undertaken; changing use of implements and machines; materials used to make implements and machines; noted makes of particular manufactures. 

There had been significant developments in the making of agricultural implements and machines in Scotland from the 1840s to the early 1870s. Agriculture had become increasingly mechanized, for example through the introduction of reaping machines and potato spinners, and powered thrashing machiens, though full mechanization still had a long way to go. Implements and machines had become more efficient. Implements were being increasingly made from iron, though there were still wooden ones around. 

A look at the adverts for displenishing sales in Fife, through the Fifeshire Journal, in October 1873 provides a series of snapshots at the implements and machines that were being used in the county at this time. Modern readers may think that they are relatively small in number. They include a good number for ploughing and preparation of the soil for sowing. There are a smaller number for sowing. Another large group are for the processing of gathered crops, for both humans and livestock, such as barn utensils, grinding stones. And of course, there are a good number of carts. 

Wester Kellie, parish of Carnabee
The whole implements on the farm on the farm, including-coup carts, corn carts, common ploughs, drill ploughs, Tennant’s grubbers, drill grubbers, drill harrows, diamond harrows, Norwegian harrows, common harrows, reaping machine, stone roller, brake, horse rake, turnip sower, beam, scales and weights, ladders, barn utensils, sacks, stathels, graips, spades, a number of wright’s tools, cart and plough harness, &c &c, &c. Also horse power thrashing mill. 

Grange, parish of Balmerino 
The whole implements of husbandry, consisting of 4 coup and 5 corn carts, 5 common and 3 drill ploughs, 5 harrows, 2 Tennant’s grubbers, and 3 drill grubbers, 1 two horse grubber, 1 iron and 1 wooden roller, 2 reaping machines, 1 horse rake, 2 turnip cutters, 1 oil cake crusher, ladders, fanners, cheese press, grinding stone, horse harness, 2 sets gig harness, 4 boilers, dairy utensils, &c. 

Cairnfied, near Ladybank 
Implements – 3 coup and 1 corn cart, 1 cart frame, water barrel on wheels, roller, reaping machine, turnip sowing machine, 2 common, 1 drill, and 2 strip ploughs, Tennant’s grubber, 2 drill grubbers, diamond, chain and common harrows, potato washer, fanners, turnip slicer, corn chest, 2 boilers, 2 metal water troughs, metal liquid manure pump, metal common pump, cheese press, beam, scales, and weights, horse harness, &c. These implements are mostly new. Also, bothy furniture, consisting of beds, table and chairs.

Kinnaird, parish of Kemback 
1 gig in good order, 3 Tennant’s grubbers, 3 drill grubbers, 1 drill harrow, 2 strip ploughs, 5 common ploughs, 3 drill ploughs, 2 wooden rollers, 1 cast-metal roller, 5 coup carts, 5 corn carts, 1 water barrel, 1 turnip sowing machine, 3 sets iron harrows, 1 set wooden harrows, 1 horse rake, 2 reaping machines, 1 stone cart, 1 double furrow plough, graips, forks, barn utensils, and a variety of other articles. 

Allanhill, parish of St Andrews 
4 coup and 2 corn carts; 1 strip, 2 drill, and 4 common ploughs; 1 set circular, 1 set drill, 1 set chain, and 3 ½ sets common harrows; 1 Bental’s, 2 Tennant’s, and 2 Drill Grubbers; 1 iron, 1 stone, and 1 wooden roller; 1 turnip sowing machine; 1 reaping machine; 1 horse and 1 hand rake; 1 wheel, 1 horse meat and 2 hand barrows; 1 turnip cutter; shovels, graips, forks, hoes, ladders; fanners and other barn utensils; sacks; horse harness; dairy utensils; stack stathels and bosses; 3 common boilers; wire nets and fencing; and a variety of other articles. 

Gilmerton, near St Andrews
9 carts, with wings, 6 corn carts; 1 water barrel; 1 broadcast sowing machine; 1 horse rake, nearly new; 1 turnip sower (double), by Kemp, Murray & Nicholson, 1 steam engine (4 horse power), with large boiler and other gearing; 1 Norwegian harrow, 1 chain harrow, 1 diagonal harrow, 4 sets open iron harrows; ploughs; drill grubbers; iron and wood rollers; 1 barn fanners with screens, 1 do. Without, 1 mill do. With screens; corn and meal chests; turnip cutter (for cattle or sheep); corn bruiser; cart and plough harness; sacks; steelyard; beams and scales; 2 wheel barrows; dairy utensils; graips; shovels, &c &c.

The photographs were taken at the Highland Folk Museum, May 2017.


What was new for the Glasgow farmer in 1863?

The Glasgow Agricultural Society was a major agricultural association in Scotland in the nineteenth century. Its show was a key part of the farming year and attracted considerable attention. The show included an implement department as well as the usual displays of cattle and other livestock. 

Accounts of the show reveal the names of some of the key makers of implements and machines for farmers in Glasgow and its hinterland. They also showed what was new and innovative. 

An account of the show from 1863, at a time when Scottish agriculture was prospering and the agricultural implement trade was increasing provides some highlight on the trade and the people involved in it. The North British Agriculturist writes: 

“The eleventh annual summer Exhibition of the Glasgow Agricultural Society commenced yesterday, in the cattle market. Today the live stock were placed, and the prizes awarded. The Show, on the whole, was equal to that of previous years, although the number of entries, both of implements and live stock, was rather under that of last year; but the general superiority of the implements and animals shown amply compensated for any falling off in the number of exhibitors. 

The implements were generally distinguished by simplicity of design, with excellent material and workmanship. Mr Gray, Uddingston, was the only exhibitor of thrashing machines and portable engines. The collection of implements from Uddingston reflect credit on their manufactory. Mr Jack, Ayr, showed mowers and reapers and combined machines, apparently well designed, with the parts carefully adjusted. Messrs Thomas Perry & Son, Glasgow, had an excellent collection-a reaping machine, a haymaker, hoes, harrows, corn-crushers, and straw cutters. Mr A W Dunn, Glasgow, showed the Buck eye combined reaping and mowing machine. Two excellent one horse carts were shown by Mr J. Angus, Parkhead, Glasgow. Mr Bradford, Manchester, exhibited an extensive collection of washing and wringing machines. P. & R. Fleming & Co., had a collection of cheese pressers, milk dishes, &c, and an improved three-toed steel potato hoe. Messrs Gordon & Winter, Ayr, showed an apparatus for the manufacturing of cheese; the milk is heated, and the curd broken up by the machine.

Mr T. Hunter, Maybole, had a very good collection of harrows, &c. Messrs Kemp. Murray & Nicholson, Stirling, showed two excellent reaping machines. Messrs Brown & Young. Stirling, exhibited an improved reaping machine, and a four wheeled dog cart. Messrs Law, Duncan & Co., Shuttleworth, exhibited a good collection of ploughs, grubbers, harrows &c. This firm also showed Hanson’s potato digger. Mr McKerrow, Kilmarnock, had a good collection of grubbers, ploughs &c. Messrs T. Pearson & Co., Glasgow, exhibited corn risk stands, rick covers &c. Mr John Richardson, Carlisle, exhibited his much prized fanners. Messrs Richmond & Chandler. Mancheser, showed a limited collection of chaff cutters, mills, and kneading machines. Mr John Robson, Glasgow, exhibited an extensive collection of troughs, pipes, drain tiles, and other articles constructed of fireclay-the whole excellent in quality. Messrs Gray, Smith & Co., Glasgow, exhibited one stable stall complete, the arrangements of which appeared to be good.

Mr A. Storie, Paisley, had a good collection of ploughs and harrows. Mr Tair, Mearns, showed ploughs and a drill grubber. Messrs J. & T. Young, Ayr, exhibited a guano pulveriser, a reaping machine, a drill drop sowing machine, cheese presses, &c. Mr George Finlayson, Arbroath, exhibited a broadcast sowing machine and a turnip sowing machine, both excellent. Messrs W. D. Young & Co., Glasgow, had a somewhat extensive collection, the principal articles being rick stands, rakes, hurdles, iron fencing, wire netting, &c, The show of implements although somewhat limited, was characterised by gentle usefulness, and most articles were offered at moderate prices.”

Readers will recognize some of the names like Jack of Maybole, P. & R. Fleming, Glasgow, T. Hunter, Maybole, Kemp, Murray & Nichoslon, Stirling, and Gray of Uddingston, all who continued in business until well through the twentieth century.

The photographs of the special display of horse-drawn implements and machines was taken at the Royal Highland Show, June 2019.


An old established ploughing match – at Currie

One local ploughing match that has been carried on for many years was held at Currie, Midlothian. A match was held in the Currie parish by 1840. By 1866 there was already a Currie Ploughing Society that held an annual match at various locations in the parish. It appeared to be a large match – and also a very competitive one. 

Accounts from the Scottish newspaper press give details of the matches, including the winners and the competitiveness of the match. It is interesting to note the names of winners from the same farms, even over a long period of time. 

Ploughing match, January 1840 (from the Caledonian mercury) 
On Friday the 17th inst., thirty three ploughs stated in two fields of lea at Ravelrig, in the parish of Currie, the property of Robert Davidson, Esq, who had very handsomely given to the tenant, Mr Robert Proudfoot, Gorgie Mains, a sum to be awarded as prizes. 

The ploughmen in Currie parish have long been held as excelling in their art, and in the present instance their character was well maintained by the remarkable straightness of the furrows, and the close observance to the depth and breadth of the furrow slices, as specified by the Judges. 
The Judges, Messrs Stevenson, Penman, and Proudfoot, after a very careful inspection of the work, awarded the prizes as follows, viz-
North Field – 1st prize, John Glendinning, Currie; 2d J Gardner, Cockburn; 3d William Sommerville, Shothead; 4th James Allan, Harley; 5th Edward Fleming, Riccarton Mains
South Field – 1st prize Andrew Anderson, Harley; 2d John Binnie, Cocklaw; 4th James Dunn, Malleny; 5th Thomas Cunningham, Kenleith.
The Judges, amd a few of Mr Proudfot’s other friends, afterwards dined at Gorgie Mains, and the party sent a most agreeable evening in discussing various important points connected with the agricultural improvements of the day. 

Ploughing match, December 1866 (from the Daily Review) 
Yesterday, the Currie Ploughing Society’s annual match took place in the Tomb Park, on the estate of Malleny, the property of Captain Scott. The park has been taken on a short lease by Mr A. G. Cunningham, tenant of the adjoining farm of Rosebank; formerly it was part of the home farm of Malleny, and as such came under the cultivation of one of the lords of the manor who was rather celebrated for the attention he gave to practical agriculture. The morning broke fair, and at the time announced for the beginning of the match that there were nearly two score of ploughmen with their ploughs in order, and horse in fine fettle, waiting the signal to start. Shortly after eight o’clock they broke ground, and continued steadily at work till dusk. In the forenoon the sky overcast, and it was feared that an fall of rain was about to spoil the pleasure of the proceedings, but the clouds drive past, and the afternoon turned out clear, calm, and genial. All the competitors wrought in the one field, which is about 40 acres in extent, and is situated between the eastern approach to the mansion house and the Water of Leith. On the west side of the park, along the water side, is a fine level holm in which about twenty five of the ploughs set to work, while an equal number turned out their lots on the terrace above it, near the avenue. The declivity which runs along the middle of the field was left untouched, and formed a fine promenade for the numerous visitors, who thence obtained a fine view of the busy teams on both side of them.

The land formed a very severe test for both men and horses, as it was lea which had lain untouched by the plough for upwards of twenty years. It was very full of moss, and tough to cut. Notwithstanding the difficulties they had to contend with, the ploughmen made on the average good work, the furs being well set up, cleanly cut, at equal distances from each other, and in lines almost perfectly straight. Some of the lots, as was to be expected where the number of competitors was so large, were rather coarsely done, and the furrows more or less crooked. These were the exception, however, and the fame of Currie as a ploughing parish has been well maintained in this competition. At noon, the workers ceased from labour and partook of refreshments, which were liberally provided by Mr Cunningham. Four o’clock was the finishing hour, but several of the ploughs had not got over their ground by that time, while others were finished before it. Each lot extended to about half a Scotch acre. The judges-Mr Ainlie, Hillend; Mr Elder, Bent, West Calder; Mr Stoddart, Glencorse, Penicuik-awarded the prizes as follows:-
1. James Gilbert, ploughman with Mr Jack, Riccarton Mains, 25s, and the Highland Society’s medal.
2. John Ballantine, with Mr Brown, Cockburnhill, 20s.
3. Alex Dunn, with Mr Davidson, Deanpark, 15s.
4. David Somerville, Shothead, a quarter of mutton, presented by Mr James Wales, Currie. 
5. John Baillie, with Mr Auld, Buteland, 10s.
6. David Cooper, with Mr Robertson, Harlaw, 5s.
7. James Dickson, with Mr Davidson, Deanpark, a whip, given by Mr West, saddler, Currie.
Prizes to ploughmen under 21 years of age
1. Edward Fleming, with Mr Somerville, Shothead, 10s.
2. Donald Bell, with Mr Brown, Currievale, 7s 6d
3. Robert Baldie, with Mr Brown, Cockburnshill, 2s 6d.
Special prizes – to the competing ploughman who has the largest number of children alive-A cart of coals, given by Mr Waterston, Currie, was won by James Watt, with Mr Dawson, Warriston. 

To the ploughman who has been longest in the services of one master was also gained by Mr James Watt, he having been 25 years and a half with Mr Dawson.
Shortly after the ploughing had been concluded Mr Dawson, Warriston, secretary to the society, called the ploughmen together in the vicinity of the field, and handed the principal prizes to the winners. No dissatisfaction with the arrangements, &c, if it was expressed, and hearty cheers were given for the judges, donors of the prizes, &c.
About thirty gentlemen, members of the society, afterwards dined together in Mrs Fergusson’s Inn. Mr Rowatt, late of Currievale, presided, while Mr Dawson officiated as croupier. Among those present were Mr Ainslie and Mr Stoddart, judges; Messrs Moffat, Kinleith; Jack, Riccarton Mains; Davidson, Deanpark; Robertson, Harlaw; Cunningham, Rosebank; Herbertson. West; Waterston &c. The usual loyal and patriotic toasts, success to the Currie Parish Ploughing Society, the health of the judges, and other toasts, were drank with all the honours, while the proceedings were enlivened by an occasional song.”

The photographs were taken at the Currie ploughing match in 1986.
