Some notable exhibits at the Royal Northern in July 1957

The Royal Northern Show was an important one for implements and machines for farmers and agriculturists in north east Scotland and beyond. In 1927 there was a good display from makers and agents in the north-east. On 21 July 1927 the Aberdeen Press and Journal carried a detailed description of what was on show from them. It is worth quoting that account at length to show what was new and important and what was reported about it:

“Round the stands

Fine display of farming implements

Visitors from the country and town alike will find much to interest them in the display of implements etc, at the show of the Royal Northern Agricultural Society at St Machar Drive, Aberdeen, to-day. Every kind of implement, machine, and utensil necessary for the successful working of a modern farm are on view. All enterprising firms are showing their most up-to-date appliances, and additional interest is lent to the fine display by the fact that many of them are seen in actual operation.

Messrs Barclay, Ross, and Hutchison

Messrs Barclay, Ross, and Hutchison Ltd, are showing a large selection of implements and machinery, which includes a 3ft 6 ins portable thresher driven by an Austin tractor. Ruston-Hornsby oil engines and Lister petrol-paraffin supply the power for several smaller portable threshers. This firm also exhibits its own make of wave disc manure distributor with an improved type of shutting bar and a new Standard binder manufactured by Messrs Ruston Hornsby. This is an all-steel machine, and is claimed to be the lightest on the market.

Messrs W. Smith and Son Ltd

On Stand no. 17, Messrs W. Smith and Son Ltd, seedsman and implement agents, Aberdeen, show a large and comprehensive collection of farming implements etc, manufactured by some of the best British and American agricultural engineers. They show the popular McCormick binder, which can be supplied to cut 5, 6, 7 and 8 feet, for use with horses or tractor, and may be had with sheaf carriers to deal with from one to six sheaves.

Prominent on the stand is Bamford’s famous Royal mower and reaper with their new patent curved spiral bevel gearing for which the makers were awarded seven medals last year at the principal English and Irish shows. This gear ensures noiseless and even running, imparts to the cutting bar a very smooth motion, while the draught is considerably reduced.

For the benefit of the farmer’s wife there is a large and varied collection of dairy appliances-churns, butter workers, the well-known “Diabolo” and “Alfa Laval” separators, and the popular, “Framer’s Friend” combined cheese chessel and press. Bar frame hives and appliances, fountain lime-washing and spraying machines, are among the other agricultural appliances that find a place in Messrs Smith’s display.

Messrs Wm Reid and Leys

A fine display of agricultural implements is that of Messrs W. Reid and Leys on stand 18. The Son patent pole grubber, Aberdeen ploughs, Osborne binders and hay mowers, both Vickings and Jacks, are among the exhibits. In addition there is a good display of Alpha Laval cream separators, the Don cant turnip cutter and the firm’s own turnip sower. The turnip sower is an entirely new machine and is bound to attract considerable attention.

Harper Motor Co Ltd

As authorised Ford dealers for this territory, the Harper Motor Co Ltd, have a very interesting display. The famous Fordson tractor is prominent, and while little change may be apparent to the untrained eye, there are several noted improvements. One tractor is fitted with a Junior mower which should be of great interest at this time of the year. Another Fordson is equipped with rubber tyred wheels and is capable of pulling up to 10 tons.

The Ford Young car is exhibited and a noted feature is its exceedingly smart appearance. It is prices at £125.

The familiar Ford ton-truck complete the vehicles, but there is also shown an Oliver 2-furrow plough, specially built for the Fordson Tractor, as well as an interesting display of spare parts.

James Robertson, Aberdeen

Almost every requirement of the farmer is to be found at the stand occupied by Mr James Robertson, 14 Hadden Street, Aberdeen. The universally famed Lister engines for various farm uses provide a notable feature of his exhibits. There are also Deering binders, mowers, and horse-rakes, which have the admirable qualities of lightness and durability to commend them. Dairymen will find their interest captured by a special display of diabolo cream separators. They have a 10 years’ guarantee and have the merit of being easily run and easily cleaned. A display of bee hives and appliances will be given throughout the day. Other important parts of farm equipment that are being exhibited at this stand are the Albion mower, the Jack potato-digger, barn fanners, 50 gallon oil tanks, manure pumps and boilers, and hay collectors.

Messrs C. F. Wilson and Co Ltd

Economically-driven engines for threshing mills are exhibited by Messrs C. F. Wilson and Co. Ltd, at stand 29. “Wilson” oil engines, which have for so many years faithfully aided the farmer in completing his harvest, are here exhibited in their latest models. A crude oil engine of 15 brake horsepower is also seen running. The simplicity of the working parts and the smooth running of this engine are at once noticeable. A particular feature of this crude oil engine is its fuel oil pump and fuel spraying device, the simple design of which, in combination with the governor, does away with all irritating adjustments.

There are also exhibited the “Wilson” 15 and 8bhp paraffin oil engines. These are so well known to farmers for their reliability and success in driving threshing mills that we merely mention them here.

Messrs C. F. Wilson and Co. Ltd, are also makers of cold starting crude oil engines, which can be inspected at their works at Constitution Street.

Messrs George Bruce and Co.

Messrs Bruce and Co. are showing on stand 16 a number of the new Massey Harris no. 6 binders, mowers, and rakes from the same factory and a large assortment of potato sorters and potato cutters. An extremely useful hay loader with an attachment for levering the hay on to the flat lorry is also shown. Cake mills, weighing machines, and various sizes of milk churns of the most up-to-date types are also shown on this stand.”

Did you buy any of these implements and machines from these makers and dealers?
