Obituaries can provide much information about the men and women behind the making of agricultural implements and machines, their businesses as well as their wider contributions to the communities in which they lived. We also get to read about their characters and sometimes their temperaments.
One of the well known makers was Thomas Fairgrieve of Thomas Fairgrieve & Sons Ltd, Stow. In the early twentieth century Thomas was a millwright, engineer and cycle agent at the Cockholm Works, Stow, Midlothian. By 1914 he was joined by his sons in his business, which became known as Thomas Fairgrieve & Sons.
While the business continued to be a millwright and engineer, it also started to act as an implement and machine agent. In 1904, it had held the agency for Richard Hornsby & Sons Ltd, Grantham. A big change came in the mid 1920s, with the appointment as an authorised Ford dealer. From 1925, the business was listed in directories as “Thomas Fairgrieve & Sons (authorised Ford dealers), Cockholm Works, Stow, Midlothian”. It became a company limited by guarantee in 1938, becoming known as Thomas Fairgrieve & Sons Ltd, until it was liquidated in 1977.
The business continued as a Ford and Fordson dealer. During the Second World War it had the government contract to supply local farmers with Fordson tractors – if any broke down they had to be repaired within 24 hours. With the Ford’s association with Ransomes – and the FR range – it became a Ransome agent in the mid 1960s. In 1965 its other agencies included New Holland, Simplex and County.
An obituary of Thomas Fairgrieve was published in the Jedburgh gazette of 25 July 1941. It provides details of Thomas, his reputation, his training and development, his interests and his family life:
“Late Mr Fairgrieve, Stow
One of the grand old men of the Borders, Mr Thomas Fairgrieve, managing director of the firm of Messrs Thomas Fairgrieve & Sons Ltd, Stow, has passed away, aged 80 years. He has left behind an honourable memory.
Mr Fairgrieve was born at Stow on August 20, 1861, and he served his apprenticeship as an agricultural engineer and millwright with the late Mr James Thomson, in that lovely village by Gala Water. He worked with various engineering firms in Glasgow and Leith, and also served as a sea-going marine engineer for several years. In 1888 he returned to his native place, and started business on his own as an agricultural engineer and millwright. His high skill and experience as a craftsman allied to enterprise and integrity, earned for him an ever-increasing confidence and popularity, and the business became very successful.
A keen volunteer, he was present at the famous Wet Review and also at the Jubilee celebrations. He was a keen bowler and curler, and a good sportsman in the full meaning of the term. Kindly and upright, he was highly esteemed by all who knew him.
He celebrated his golden wedding in 1933, and he is survived by his wife, two daughters and three sons, the latter being co-directors with him in the business. Sympathy is extended to them.”
n 1906 the business of Barclay, Ross and Tough, engineers, Aberdeen, (later Barclay, Ross and Hutchison) was conducted from its premises at Balmoral Buildings, 67-71 Green. That address was to be well-known in following decades. In 1901 it also had a shop and office premises at Carmelite Buildings at Aberdeen and stores at Russell Road, Aberdeen.
From early 1907 it started to advertise its waterproof rick covers, engine covers, lorry covers and spring cart covers from the Craigshaw Cover Works, Aberdeen. The use of these premises was to enable the business to develop significantly. As it noted in an advert in the Aberdeen press and journal of 19 March 1907:
“In consequence of the expansion of the engineering and millwright department of our business, as we have acquired extensive premises at Craigshaw, Nigg, where we have fitted up the most improved up-to-date machines and tools for the manufacture and repair of all kinds of agricultural implements. We are making specialities of threshing machines, manure distributors, cultivators etc. With the best skilled labour, the most highly equipped factory, run on the best and most economical lines, we are now in a position to offer our numerous clients and the public the best value in all kinds of Agricultural Implements. Our long experience and thorough knowledge of the Farmer’s requirements we place at the disposal of our clients at all times.
Advice and estimates given free on request. Barclay, Ross and Tough, Implement Makers, Aberdeen.”
The American stubble plough or chilled plough was introduced into Scotland in the second half of the 1870s. For a number of years thereafter there were a number of local demonstrations and competitions of these ploughs. These included demonstrations at ploughing matches as well as special classes for chilled ploughs to show farmers and agriculturists these ploughs at work and the work produced. These were also social affairs.
One such competition was held by the Echt, Skene, and Midmar Agricultural Association in December 1883. It was reported in the Aberdeen evening express of 17 December 1883. It shows the initiative of a local society to look at upcoming agricultural innovations and their potential use in their district. It also brought together the important implement makers and agents to display their wares at work. This competition had ploughs entered from the major English makers – Howard of Bedford and Ransome, Head & Jeffries, Ipswich. As usual, there was a comparison between these new ploughs and local ones, in this case one made by Mr Robertson, Cullerie.
“Competition of American stubble ploughs
Under the auspices of the Echt, Skene, and Midmar Agricultural Association a competition of American stubble ploughs was held on Saturday on a field kindly granted by Mr Barron, Templefold. The surface of the field has been broken by the grubber, but all the ploughs made very satisfactory work. The following were the entries: Howard’s Anglo-American plough, entered by Morrison Barclay, agent Aberdeen, and held by James Simpson, jun, Inverord; Ransome, Head & Jeffries, Ipswich, Anglo-American, wooden plough, entered by Ben Reid & Coy., Aberdeen, and held by James Simpson, sen, Inverord; Ransome, Head & Jeffries Anglo-American wooden plough, entered by Morrison Barclay, and held by Andrew Taylor, Cornhill; Oliver’s patent chilled American plough, entered by Morrison Barclay, and held by John Simpson, Inverord; Howard’s Anglo American wooden plough, entered by Morrison Barclay, and held by William Forbes, Wester Cullerlie. The ploughmen were all crack first prizemen, and the ploughs got every justice. The depth of the furrow was set at nine inches, with a breadth of fifteen inches.
A common plough made by Mr Robertson, blacksmith, Cullerlie, having been tried alongside of them, it was at once seen that the horses in the home-made implement had their strength more severely tested than those drawing the American ploughs. A dynommeter has been kindly granted by Mr Bruce, the secretary of the Royal Northern Agricultural Association, and it showed one point of superiority in the American ploughs-lightness of draught. The draught of the common plough was nine inches deep in depth from 6 ½ to 7 ½ feet. The draught of Howard’s Anglo-American plough at the same depth was from 5 to 5 ¼ feet. Ransome Head & Jefferies, Ipswich, Anglo-American ploughs from 5 ¼ to 5 ½ in; Oliver’s Patent Chilled American plough also do; Howard’s Anglo American wooden plough, do. The judges-Messrs Shepherd, Tersets; and Watt, overseer, Durris-as well as the onlookers, of which there were a considerable number, were unanimous in awarding the prize to Howard’s Anglo-American plough, while they ascribed the place of honour as the best held plough to William Forbes, Wester Cullerlie, with Howard’s Anglo-American wooden plough. The ploughmen and onlookers were liberally supplied on the field with refreshments by Mrs Barron. A number of friends along with the judges were also entertained to dinner and tea by Mr and Mrs Barron.”
What do you think of the competition?
The photos were taken at the Easter Ross ploughing match, 2012.
In the second half of the 1870s when the chilled plough was introduced from America into Scotland there was extensive debate about it and its merits. This debate continued into at least the early 1890s. Even then there continued to be extensive debate and discussion. An important lecture on the chilled plough was delivered by John Speir, Newton Farm, Cambuslang, to the Airth Agricultural Science Class. Speir was a well-known farmer at that time and wrote a number of important articles on implements and machines which were influential in helping to get new ones established in Scotland.
An article of his lecture to the Airth Agricultural Science Class was published in the North British Agriculturist on 20 April 1892. It is worth quoting at length for his insights into ploughs and ploughing and the chilled plough.
“During the last fifty years most agricultural implements have undergone an immense improvement. In most cases the improved machine or implement does its work better, cheaper, and speedier than could be done by the old one, as, for instance, threshing and reaping; but while speed was being attained, a more costly machine has to be provided, entailing more expense on the farmer for interest and repairs. In the matter of ploughs, however, no such advance has been made; in fact, since the introduction of the iron plough, very little improvement has been made at all. In every district new designs have every now and again been introduced, which were supposed to be improvements in some particular part on those which had preceded them. Many of these improvements were more fanciful than real, and were often the designs of other localities, where nothing new or very important was claimed for them.
Allowing slight variation of design for particular districts, soils, and classes of work to be done, it may be said that very few improvements have been effected on the plough of any great importance for a very long time, and that the principles on which the ploughs of the Romans were made very much the same as the ordinary Scotch plough generally is, only the material of which it is now made has changed from wood to iron, owing to the greater plentifulness and lower price of the latter.
The Essex plough of to-day is probably the nearest approach of any working plough at the present time to what the old plough of Britain was. At present that plough has a long, sweeping, and gently twisted mould-board of iron, but in many other respects it is supposed to be very much the same as what it was many hundred years ago. The body of the plough is of iron, while the handles or stilts are of wood, one of which alone is permanently fixed to the body. It is on this one (the left one) that probably two-thirds or three-fourths of the whole power of the ploughman is exercised in guiding it, in very much the same way as the inhabitant of Palestine guides this one-handled plough at the present day. The right handle is usually a long pole, often an oak or ask sapling, one end of which passes through a ring at the tail of the reist or mould-board and into a socket, into neither of which is it very firmly fixed, nor is it in any way braced to the body of the plough or the other handle. Owing to the want of bracing, the consequence us that, when any force is exerted on it, it yields very materially, and in the hands of any one who has held a well-braced plough, this one feels as if one had no power over it. Notwithstanding this defect the Essex plough, in the hands of a good ploughman accustomed to its use, makes good work on probably some of the stiffest lands of Great Britain, and by the natives of the county is preferred to most other patterns of more recently introduced ploughs. I wish this remark to be particularly taken note of, as I have purposely referred to the Essex plough as being probably the oldest pattern in daily use in Britain, to show that, even under adverse circumstances, a good ploughman may make good work with a very indifferent implement if quite accustomed to it, and in many instances he will prefer it to be a newer and probably better design, so that where other facts go to prove something else, the ploughman’s likes or dislikes should be properly discounted.
To Mr James Fleming, Carmuirs, Larbert, is undoubtedly due the honour of introducing the first American chilled plough, and which has been the precurser of the enormous number which have followed since. A certain Mr Turnbull, a farmer in America, happened to call on Mr Fleming, and in talking over farming matters, as carried on in America, he mentioned this plough, and Mr Fleming instructed him to send him one as soon as he arrived home. This was the summer of 1879, and in the autumn of that year a plough arrived. Mr Scott, implement agent, Bonnybridge, who is a nephew of the gentleman who brought the plough under Mr Fleming’s notice, got the loan of the plough and tried it under various conditions. He was so satisfied with its work that he ordered a limited number from the makers, Messrs Oliver, South Bend, Ind, USA. Mr Scott continued to import them in limited numbers till 1885, when Messrs John Wallace & Sons, Graham Square, Glasgow, were appointed agents for Great Britain and Ireland, since which date the sale of these ploughs has increased enormously. Other ploughs by other makers, of much the same class, have been introduced in limited numbers, but none of them have got any footing in Britain at all compared with the Oliver. James Oliver, senior, by the way, is a Scotch-man by birth, being a native of one of the Border counties, but has been in America over fifty years. The present business, which was begun by the senior partner of the firm, is now carried on by Mr Oliver, senior, his son, and son-in-law. The works are very extensive, covering 40 acres of land, and employing 800 men.
The chilling of iron, although known and patented in this country since 1852 at least (the late Mr Howard, of Bedford, having in April of that year, taken out a patent for that purpose), made little or no progress until the introduction of what is now known as the American chilled plough. Chilling was used and is used extensively by several English firms in connection with the manufacture of socks and shares for ordinary swing ploughs; but, as far as my experience goes, little, if anything, was done in the way of chilling the reist, breast, or mould-board as it is variously called, and to which a considerable part of the superiority of the American plough is due.
Method of chilling
Although the chilled plough differs from the swing plough in many particulars, in all probability the most important is the chilling of the face of the reist or mould-board and sock. This is effected while these are being cast, by pressing against the hot metal a thick piece of iron of the same shape as the face of the part to be chilled. This has the effect of rapidly cooling the outside surface, leaving the other parts of the metal to do so more slowly, whereby they retain much more toughness and strength than the hardened part. The piece of metal used for moulding and chilling the face of the reist is slightly cut into a checked pattern on the side next to that which is to be hardened. These minute gutters or furrows allow the air to escape which has gathered between the molten metal and the chilling plate, it having been found that when such a provision was not made a thin film of air was confined between the two metals, and air being a bad conductor of heat, the chilling was not so perfect as when the checking mode was adopted. A peculiar bend of metal is also used regarding which the Messrs Oliver are very particular.
General appearance
In the American pattern of the chilled plough, as generally seen in this country, the beam and handles are usually of wood, while the total length of the plough is about one-third less than that of the swing one, which is always made of iron. To most people these ploughs at first sight appear uncouth, unsightly, and old-fashioned, more particularly owing to the large quantity of wood used in their construction. When in the U.S.A, recently, I visited the Oliver Plough Works, and was very kindly shown over the whole place, and was much surprised to find that very many of the patterns of ploughs made for sale in such a dry climate as the U.S.A. had iron beams, while those sent to the wet climate of Britain were mostly made with wooden beams. The makers say that experience has taught them that wooden beamed ploughs do not wear the land sides and shares so quickly as iron beamed ones. I have, however, no facts to bear this out, and can only understand it in the light of the heavier plough causing more friction, and consequently more wear.
Curve of the reist
In the American chilled plough the curve of the reist or mould-board in concave, while in the swing plough it is convex; the former is also very short, while the latter is usually considerably longer. The concave pattern, combined with the hardened surface and excessive polish which these reists take on, almost entirely prevents the most plastic soils from sticking on them.
Easiness held
Many people are apt to suppose that a long-handled plough is easier to hold that one having short handles, but the experience of the use of the American chilled plough is quite antagonistic to that theory. The chilled plough, having a wheel under the beam, to a great extent regulates its own depth, while the breadth is extra-ordinarily easily controlled. A good ploughman quite unconsciously, and with very little effort, very accurately regulates his depth with the swing plough, but in the hands of a learner, or indifferent workman, the regulation of the depth is not an easy matter. The chilled plough is, however, so well balanced in all its parts, that the power or skill requisite to guide it is reduced toa. Very low limit. So little is the exertion necessary to guide this plough in land free of stones, and of moderately open texture, that it is not a difficult feat to do so with one hand, and yet make very respectable work. A learner can do moderate work with these ploughs much sooner than he can with the swing ones. An objection of a minor kind against the chilled plough is that the furrow ends and head ridges are generally left in an untidy state by them. This undoubtedly is the case, but at the same time it is of necessity need not be so, as far as the ends are concerned, if only a little care and taste are exercised over the work. The rough state in which the headlands are left, particularly on soft ground, during wet weather, is not so easily got over, as the ploughs do not slide well on the heel, and repeated sliding in the one track on the reist soon furrows the headland. If, however, a little care is exercised here also, no great objection need be made to them even on this score.
The furrow
The furrow taken as cut or as left by these two ploughs is as different from each other as it is possible for the work of two implements bearing the same name to be. The swing plough when working lea generally cuts a furrow from 8 inches to 10 inches broad, and from 6 inches to 7 inches deep, although ion some prize ploughs made by Gray and others at Uddingston and in the district around Glasgow the usual furrow to cut is 6 inches to 7 inches broad, and 8 inches to 9 inches deep at the point of the sock but only 5 ½ inches to 6 inches at the tail of the feather or wing. In the chilled plough the furrow is seldom less than 11 inches or 12 inches broad, the average running from 12 inches to 16 inches, according to class of plough. Most of the chilled ploughs work moderately well at any depth up to 9 inches or 10 inches, so that it is at once evident that the two ploughs have very little in common.
Any plough to work well, or be easily drawn, must be worked with a furrow of a breadth and depth suited to its capacity. When the two ploughs are tested in this way it is found that the chilled one is much the easier drawn of the two. The first recorded experiments made in this country to test the draught of the chilled plough versus the swing plough seem to have been carried out at Glasterberry, in Aberdeenshire, by Professor Jamieson, and Mr Gray, engineer, during the winter of 1884-85. They made tests by drawing the ploughs by a windlass, in order to get a steady pull, and by horses in the usual way, both ploughs being regulated to go 7 inches deep.
In the lea trial the swing plough cut a furrow 10 ½ inches broad, while the Oliver chilled plough took 13 inches broad. Drawn by the windlass the draught of the swing plough was 3 ¾ cwts, while the Oliver plough was 2 cwt.
These trials show a gain in draught of from two to two and a half times in favour of the chilled plough, which is considerably more than most people were inclined to acknowledge or even believe.
Probable causes of lightness of draught
The question may be asked, wherein does the saving of draught lie, is it in the pattern of the reist, the share, or general get up of the plough, or what? As in ploughing an acre of land, both must turn over an equal weight of earth, and one would fancy the plough turning the furrows right over would be heavier in draught than the other which turned them only half over or on their edge, as the swing plough does. My experience of both leads me to believe that the gain in draught of the chilled plough arises from many causes, and not from one alone. Probably 60 per cent of the whole gain arises from the material and finish of the mould-board or reist, the remainder being derived from several different causes. The concave pattern apparently has the power of compelling the furrow to press more uniformly on its surface than happens with the convex pattern; it consequently keeps close to it all the way from the share to the tail of the reist. The newly cut furrow appears to continually press, as it were, under the part which has gone before it, thus preventing any soil from sticking on any part of the surface. The extremely hard surface and splendid polish with which the mould-boards of these ploughs are sent out has undoubtedly a very great effect in preventing the soil from sticking, and in consequence lessening the draught, and to it I am inclined to ascribe a very great part of the gain. This was very apparent to me in some trials I made during the winter of 1887 and 1888 with two ploughs, each designed to cut the same size of furrow, both with concave reists or mould-boards, and of about the same total weight. Looking at the ploughs one would have been inclined to say there would be very little difference in their draught, but repeated tests showed that the one was very much easier drawn than the other, the difference being about 20 per cent. Nothing in the construction of the ploughs appeared to warrant such a difference, the design of the mould-board being the only part in which they varied materially. Trials were, therefore, made on various classes of land, at different depths, and in every case with the same result. During the continuance of these trials it was noticed that although both reists kept beautifully clear, the one was very much brighter than the other, and had a polish like a mirror, while the other, although clear, was dull. On looking further into the matter, the one reist appeared to be very much better chilled than the other, and to this cause the difference in draught in great part appeared to depend.
When a chilled reist is broken, it will be found on closely examining the broken surface that the iron appears to be of finer grain and more dense near the hardened surface, than it is inside the body of metal.”
The Census provides a good deal of information about individuals and the people around them. The 1881 Census provides some information on the size of the businesses of the key implement and machine makers in Scotland. This is through the number of people (usually “men”) that were employed by them.
The following list provides information on the size of some of the main implement making business in Scotland at a time when the implement trade was expanding rapidly and mechanisation becoming increasingly important:
Robert Sellar (George Sellar & Son, Huntly), employing 16 men and 2 girls.
James Mollison (of Ruthven, Alyth), employing 4 men.
John Scouler, Crook Smithy, St Ninians, Stirlingshire (Scouler & Co.), employing 8 men.
Robert Robertson (Thomas Sherriff & Co.), implement works, Dunbar, employing 12 men and 2 boys.
Robert Wallace (Robert Wallace & Son), St Quivox, Ayrshire, employing 4 men and 2 boys.
William Webster, (Millbrex, Fyvie), employing 3 boys
Let’s meet some of these implement makers:
R. H. N. Sellar, Huntly, was a well-known member of that important family of plough makers. His contribution to plough-making and the development of the Sellar dynasty of plough making was recorded in his obituary of 31 July 1918 in the Aberdeen daily journal:
“We deeply regret to announce the death of Mr R. H. N. Sellar, Vice-Convener of Aberdeenshire, and senior member of the well-known form of Messrs G. Sellar and Son, agricultural implement makers, Huntly and Alloa. The sad event took place at his residence, Battlehill, Huntly, at a quarter to ten o’clock last night. Mr Sellar had not been in robust health for some time, his illness taking a serious turn about three months ago, but after an operation in a nursing home in Glasgow he was able to be removed to Bridge of Allan. After a short residence there he returned north about five weeks ago. He was 58 years of age. Mr Sellar had lived a very active business and public life, and the sincerest sympathy of a very wide circle of friends will go out to his widow and family in their great sorrow.
Mr Robert Hunter Nicol Sellar was the eldest son of the late Mr George Sellar, and was born in Huntly in 1859; the other members of his father’s family still alive being-Miss Sellar, Polwood, Huntly; Mr James Sellar, solicitor, Penang; and Mr John Sellar, who is in business in South Africa. He was educated at the Huntly Parish School, under the late Rev John Macdonald, best known and still remembered as Dominie MacDonald, and afterwards at Aberdeen University. Returning to Huntly to join his father in business, he received a thorough training in all its departments.On the death of his father in 1884 he became head of the firm, and by his personal energy and enterprise extended its ramifications and added to its high reputation in the agricultural world. Implements, designed, patented, and manufactured by the firm, have long enjoyed a high reputation. Indeed, not only in the north, but in the home and colonial markets, and in many countries abroad. “Sellar, Huntly” is a name that stands everywhere for merit. Mr Sellar was also himself personally well known, having travelled extensively to further the interests of his business. About five years ago a considerable part of the Huntly establishment was transferred to Alloa, where a large business was successfully established. The war has brought with it many improvements in agricultural machinery, and the Sellar centres have been prominent in war-time features of the industry.
Besides attending closely to the demands of his business, Mr Sellar found time to play an active and acceptable part in public life, which, in certain spheres, was by no means confined to the district of Huntly and the county, but was of a national character. In his native town he served on the School Board for nearly 30 years, and sat for five years at the Town Council, being elected a Councillor and Baillie in 1898, and retiring in 1903 owing to the pressure of business. His deepest interest undoubtedly lay in the domain of education. Soon after his father’s death, he was elected a member of Huntly School Board, an on the retirement of the late Mr John Wilson, factor, in 1909, he was appointed chairman, a position he occupied to the last. The extension and development of the local schools were greatly due to his personal efforts and initiative; and the handsome Gordon Schools, in their present splendidly equipped state, might almost be said to be a memorial to his educational service to the Huntly district.
In 1898 Mr Sellar entered the Aberdeen County Council as representative of the burgh of Huntly in succession to Colonel W. A. Mellis, but latterly he represented the electoral division of Cairn, Glass, and Huntly. In 1902 he was appointed Chairman of the Huntly District Committee in succession to Mr John Wilson, and continued in that post until his death. The interest he showed in, and the grip he was able to take of the business which came before the Council gave him an assured position amongst the members, and in July, 1909, following upon the death of Provost Hutcheon, Turriff, he was elected Vice-Convener of the County. The duties of that office, as, indeed, those of every post he was placed in throughout his public career, were discharged with zeal and acceptance, while making himself conversant with all phases of local government, he showed himself invariably to be a man of prescience and broad outlook. Mr Sellar, who was also convener of the Lands Valuation and Finance Committee of the County Council, was elected Chairman of the County Committee on Secondary Education, and also Chairman of the Aberdeen Provincial Committee for the Training of Teachers-selections which testify to the confidence of those with whom he was associated. Not without cause was it humorously suggested that the Secondary Eductaion Committee and Mr Sellar were practically synonymous terms, and his energy, tact, and business capacity in dealing with the difficult and complex questions which came before those bodies were readily acknowledged. He held those offices throughout important periods of educational development, and in each revealed an enthusiasm and foresight worthy of the best educational traditions of the north-eastern area of Scotland. His six years’ tenure of office was marked by the erection of the magnificent new Training Centre at Aberdeen. He was a member of Sir Henry Craik’s Committee which reported upon the salaries of Scottish teachers several months ago.
The North of Scotland College of Agriculture was another institution in which Mr Sellar rendered useful service. He was one of the original governors, and had been vice-chairman for some years, and was chairman of the Central Studies and Staff Committee, whose work whas much to do with the success of the College throughout the north. He manifested a deep interest in the promotion of the educational side of the various branches of forestry, and in 1911 he was appointed to a Forestry Committee of Inquiry for Scotland. This Committee recommended the purchase of Ballogie was a forest area for the north of Scotland. That the scheme was not gone on with is matter for regret, as the purchase price of the ground would have been more than met by the timber which it has yielded during the past four years.
Amongst Mr Sellar’s most recent appointments was that of chairman of the County of Aberdeen Local Food Control Committee. He was a Justice of the Peace for the County and a Hon Sheriff-Substitute.
A specially warm corner in his heart was reserved by Mr Sellar for Huntly and its institutions, and his untiring, educational services for it have already been alluded to. He was Chairman of the Jubilee Cottage Hospital Managers, and Chairman of the District Nursing Association. He took a keen interest in the welfare of Huntly United Free Church, and or over thirty years had been its treasurer. In politics he was a Moderate Liberal, and held the office of the Huntly Liberal Association.
Mr Sellar leaves a widow and a family of three sons and one daughter, one son-Lieu J. M. Sellar, of the KOSB- having been killed in the war. Mrs Sellar is a daughter of the late Mr Thomson, of Messrs Glegg and Thomson, Aberdeen. The eldest son, Mr Robert Thomson Sellar, after being in Canada for some years gaining business insight, returned home a few months ago, and has been associated with the management of the firm.”
James Mollison was described as a “well-known figure to the older agriculturists of the county.” He was “born in the parish of Aberlemno some 74 years ago, where he received his schooling and served his apprenticeship. … He worked for some years with the late Mr Balfour of Montpelier, also the late Mr Alexander Young, agricultural implement maker, Monifieth. Soon afterwards he accepted a situation in Sweden, which he occupied for some years. Returning to his native country, he was employed at Ruthann for some six months before he entered upon his life-long tenancy of nearly 50 years. Mr Mollison was widely known as a skilful agricultural implement-maker, excelling in the manufacture of ploughs, numbers of which he forwarded to Scotsman in foreign lands. About 1860 he began the manufacture of mowers, and his Isla reaper was favourably known over all the north-east of Scotland. His make of potato diggers was also largely used some years ago. Mr Mollison was pre-decease a twelvemonth ago by his wife, who was a daughter of the late Mr Lindsay, parochial schoolmaster, Ruthann, and is survived by an only daughter, Mrs George Doe, Errol, who has the sympathy of a large circle of friends in her sudden bereavement. Mr Mollison was an attached member of the Established Church, and for a long number of years affiliated as an elder in Ruthann Parish Church.” (Dundee Courier, 30 September 1902)
Mollison’s improved potato digger did not die with the blacksmith. It’s production was taken over by the Forfar Foundry Ltd. This agricultural engineer and agent, iron founder and millwright continued to manufacture a range of productions into at least the 1960s. It was dissolved in 1995.
John Scoular was an important implement maker and was also internationally known. By the early 1870s his smithy had expanded into the Crook Implement Works where it became noted for its harrows, rollers, horse rakes and other implements. The trades carried on were as agricultural engineers. agricultural implement makers, engineers and iron founders, machinists, smiths and farriers. The company was a regular exhibitor at the Highland Show, exhibiting from 1871 until 1910. It exhibited around each of the show districts, exposing its implements to farmers throughout Scotland. It was also a regular advertiser in the Scottish farming press, especially the Scottish farmer from 1893 onwards.
The company was also an innovative one. From the early 1880s it was a frequent entrant to the Highland Society’s trials of implements and machines. In 1881 it entered at the trial of potato diggers and the trial of turnip lifters. In the following year it entered for the trial of horse rakes. In 1885 it entered for the trial of cultivator harrows as well as implements for the autumn cultivation of stubbles. In 1889, it entered in the trial of hay and straw trussers.
The North British Agriculturist gave a detailed description of John Scoular in 1893. It reads:
“Mr John Scoular is the fourth son of the late David Scoular, the well-known plough maker of Forest Mill, Clackmannanshire. Mr Scowler began business on his own account twenty-seven years ago, and pushed his trade with such energy that his name was soon known in all the principal agricultural districts of Great Britain, including Ireland and the remote islands of Scotland. After establishing a large home trade, he next turned his attention to export business, cultivating it with the same diligence, so that in a few years he formed connections in many different quarters of the globe. In 1881 he was invited by a number of the principal merchants and farmers of Natal, South Africa, to visit their colony and see their ways of cultivation for himself, so that he might better understand their requirements. He accepted the invitation, and on his arrival in Natal he received a warm welcome from his friends there, and profited greatly by his journey. Mr Scoular has also large dealings with the south-east of Europe, and he has travelled seven times there, visiting the extensive wheat plans of Bessarabia, Roumania, Bulgaria and Hungary. He claims he is now the largest harrow maker in Scotland. and there are few counties where his hay rakes cannot be found at work.”
Robert Wallace made an important contribution to the making of agricultural implements and machines in Ayrshire. The Scottish Farmer described his work as an implement and machine maker in his obituary, published on 26 September 1903:
“Mr Robert Wallace, implement maker, Whitletts, near Ayr, who died on Friday last at Tarbert, Loch Fyne, the residence of his daughter, was a notable Ayrshire man, and the father of the Scottish implement trade. He was in his eighty-third year. Until a few years ago he took an active part in conducting his implement business at Whitletts, which he successfully carried on for over forty years, but owing to the infirmities of old age. He had lately to retire therefrom. Mr Wallace belonged to a family long connected with agricultural implement making, his father in the early years of last century being a country blacksmith and implement maker in Galston, and in his day a famed plough maker. His elder brother was the late John Wallace, of Graham Square, Glasgow; and another brother emigrated to New Zealand, and there carried on an implement trade until his death.
Over forty years ago Mr Wallace turned his attention to the manufacture of mowers and reapers, and could claim to be one of the early pioneers of the trade in Scotland. His last great work was inventing and patenting the disc manure sowers, and the combined double-drill ploughs and manure sowers, the latter machines being much valued by early potato growers. In early manhood Mr Wallace cast in his lot with the then small band of temperance men, and became a total abstainer, and could recount many a tale of the keen opposition total abstainers had in these early days to endure, but the temperance cause never had a more faithful and true disciple. For many years, and up till his death, he was an elder in Newton-on-Ayr United Free Church, and took a warm interest in the moral and spiritual welfare of the people. He was a man of sterling principles, and possessed in a marked degree that spirit of independence so characteristic of the true Scotchman. He leaves four sons and two daughters to mourn his loss. The two elder sons carry on the business of ironfounders and implement makers in Castle-Douglas. To all his family, we tender our sympathy in their bereavement.”
Readers of this blog will be aware that we have sometimes referred to the eminent business of Barclay, Ross and Hutchison. We’ve recently found an article in the Aberdeen press and journal of 25 May 1971 which sets out some of the history of the business. It is quoted at length:
“Saga of Barclay, Ross and Hutchison Ltd – turnover £ 1 1/4m
“Trade increases the wealth and glory of a country; but its real strength and stamina are to be looked for among the cultivators of the land.”-Lord Chatham
Gratifying words for farmers. And this quote might well have been the creed of Morrison Barclay, an Aberdeen businessman who was founder of Barclay, Ross and Hutchison Ltd. It was in 1871 that he opened a shop in Russell Street to cater for the needs of farmers.
His venture embarked on its first expansion at the turn of the century when Mr Robert R. Ross, a seedsman, and Mr Robert Tough, who had experience in agricultural commodities and machinery, joined the founder.
Now established in Carmlite Lane, adjoining Corn Market and Joint Station, trading was expanded to include all types of agricultural machinery and farm seeds. Soon the trade winds were blowing for the city firm and in 1900 the present head office and main warehouse of the company. Balmoral buildings, 67-71 The Green were acquired.
A few years later, in 1903, Craigshaw Works were purchased. The firm were planting seeds in addition to selling them! And they were taking toot in fertile ground.
Craigshaw Works soon “boasted” their potential.
Down memories lane …
The first machine to take shape was a BRH threshing mill – a prototype for several thousands in the North – until replaced by the combine harvester. The last threshing machine to be assembled at Cragshaw was in 1953.
In 1936 this production unit achieved the distinction of turning out the first powered spraying machine in the UK. Some four years previously Craigshaw Works produced one that was horse-drawn.
In 1912 came the advent of Thomas Hutchison. He had been associated with farm supply through a cart-wright’s business at Peterhead which built the noted Simpson cart. Mr Hutchison became a director of the Aberdeen firm in 1919, the year in which they were registered as a limited company under their present name.
Barclay, Ross and Hutchison became a subsidiary of Scottish Agricultural Industries in 1929. But they retained their name, independent status and management – “home rule”! while functioning within the SAI group, branches were acquired at Perth, Forfar, Montrose and Turriff, thus considerably extending the trading area which was originally confined to Aberdeenshire and Kincardineshire.
“New firm”
SAI withdrew from the agricultural machinery business in 1957, the branches at Perth and Forfar were sold separately and an independent private company, headed by the senior management and staff, was formed to take over the premises at 67 The Green and Craigshaw Works, Aberdeen, 39 High Street, Montrose, and Schoolhill, Turriff. The new firm retained the name “Barclay, Ross and Hutchison Ltd.”
Since the mid-50’s their horticultural department has been considerably expanded and by the 70’s BRH were claiming to be the largest suppliers of garden tools, equipment, implements, machines, seeds, weed killers and sprays in the North of Scotland.
The “centenarian” firm are also in the lead in grass seed drilling. This method of pasture-making obviates several of the disadvantages of the old broadcast and harrow-in practice. Grass seed rollers with seed boxes, grain-graders and cleaners, potato graders, turnip cutters, seed conveyors, elevators and bins-and the entire range of grain handling equipment which followed in the wake of the combine harvester-are included in their range of sales.
The dairy farmer can have cow cubicles, conveyor systems for automatic feeding and similar equipment. All branches of farming are catered for. Plans and advice on new farm buildings and installations are frequently sought are soon forthcoming.
Four counties
The operational area by this time included four counties-Aberdeen, Banff, Kincardine and Angus. Later Moray was added. The “vintage” agricultural engineering business of Charles Taggart & Co., in Ashgrove Road, Kittybrewster, was acquired in 1969.
A strategic move this, for with the “fade out: of the farmers rendezvous in the Corn Market, Kittybrewster became their hub – with Barclay, Ross and Hutchison ideally located to cater for their requirements.
The consolidation phase continued during the early 60’s. Trading was further expanded in all types of agricultural and horticultural machinery, farm seeds and ironmongery. A repair work-shop had been built in Cornfield Road, Turriff, a millwright show completed at Cragshaw Works, a work-shop and implement store at Montrose and an additional branch opened at West End Garage, Huntly.
Farm seeds – one of BRH’s early activities and still a speciality – and grasses and clovers are bought from growers at home and abroad for blending into mixtures suitable for North-east soils and climate. A large volume of business is done in roots – swedes and turnips.
These are grown in special contract seed plots, mainly in East Anglia, from specially selected stock seeds. Most of the popular varieties on the market were introduced by Barclay, Ross and Hutchison. Another important aspect of their activity concerns ironmongery and at Montrose there is a large and well stocked shop prominently situated in High Street.
Barclay, Ross and Hutchison Ltd operate from 67 The Green, Aberdeen; 32 Ashgrove Road, Aberdeen; Cragshaw Works, Tullos, Aberdeen; Schoolhill, Turriff; Cornhill Road, Turriff; 39 High Street, Montrose; and West End Garage, Huntly.
The board of directors are headed by the chairman, Mr Howard Johnson, and the joint managing directors, Mr W. A. Williamson, and Mr A. T. Munro. A well qualified “steering committee” this, with many successes.
And the “piece de resistance” – the turnover of Barclay, Ross and Hutchison Ltd, is currently in excess of £1,2500,000.”
In the second half of the 1870s when the chilled plough was introduced from America into Scotland there was extensive debate about it and its merits. This debate continued into at least the early 1890s. Even then there continued to be extensive debate and discussion. An important lecture on the plough was delivered by William Wallace at the Glasgow and West of Scotland Agricultural Society. William was a member of John Wallace & Sons Ltd, Graham Square, Glasgow, the well-known house of implement and machine makers.
An account of his lecture was published in the Linlithgowshire gazette of 6 February 1892. It is worth quoting at length as an important account, and for the detail on the plough and its use especially in viewing it alongside contemporary plough use in Scotland:
“Labour-saving agricultural implements
Lecturing on this subject before the Glasgow and West of Scotland Agricultural Discussion Society, Mr Wm Wallace, agricultural implement maker, Graeme Square, said: “If there was any implement more than another we have to come to look upon as being established as a standard implement, and one that was likely to escape the notice of the restless spirit of the inventor, that implement was our common iron plough, an implement that for nearly half a century had turned the furrows on the surface of mother earth, with such good results and satisfaction to all concerned, that it was not too much to expect that, out of respect for the services it had rendered, it would have been allowed to retain its position unmolested; but it appears our Yankee friends have no respect for ancient history. Whether that is on account of their great anxiety to create a new history completely American or not, I cannot tell; but certainly they have made such radical alterations on the appearance and principle of the plough that, when our common iron plough and American chilled plough are laid alongside each other, a person not initiated in agricultural matters could hardly suspect that they were to be applied to similar purposes. In the construction of our iron plough, the inventor appears to have centred all his ingenuity in designing a plough with a thorough substantial frame of body, and had little regard to the weight, the ease or simplicity, in which the wearing or duplicate parts could be replaced; and I would just here venture to remark that the frame of our Scotch iron plough, with forged coulter hole, solid sheathe, and double draught lugs, is just about as substantial and excellent a piece of smith work as it is possible to produce; and I question if any other country in the world could turn out such splendid workmanship at the extremely low price it is supplied to our framers. In fact, I have heard American plough makers declare that they could not produce a similar plough for less than three times the price the plough is sold at in this country. In designing his chilled plough, the American inventor seems to have gone on entirely opposite lines from the British maker, as the former appears to have expended very little thought on the body or frame of his plough, the beam being simply a straight piece of oak, and the handles oak or ash braced together in the most simple and inexpensive manner.
When we come to examine the parts of the plough where wearing parts are attached, it is here we find that the American has supplied all his skill, as every part of the plough that is subject to be speedily worn out is fixed in such an easy and simple manner, that they can at once be replaced by an ordinary farm labourer. No doubt the exigency of the American farmer demanded a plough constructed on these lines, as it was all-important to him that he should have a plough that could at once be repaired on the farm, he being so far removed from a manufacturing centre, while the easy access of our farmers to the village blacksmith made the easy repairing of ploughed of little or no consequence, as all the Scotch plough repairs are done by local blacksmiths. It is, however, when we come to enquire into the merits of the common Iron Plough v the American Chilled Plough as labour-saving implements, that the latter stands out prominently as the plough best suited for the times we live in; hence the reason it is fast superseding our heavy iron ploughs throughout the world. The principal points of superiority claimed in the American plough are, first, lightness of plough itself, its weight about 1 ½ cwt, weight of common plough fully 2 cwt; second, lightness of draught; third, capability of doing about a half more work; fourth, ease of management. The draught of an American plough, turning furrow on lea land 13 inches broad by 6 inches deep, is 2 cwt. Draught of an American plough, turning furrow 10 ½ inches by 7 inches, is 3 ¾ cwt. This draught test was made by Professor Jamieson during the winter of 1884-85 at the experimental far, of Glasterbury, in Aberdeenshire. For the following draught test I am indebted to my friend Mr John Speir of Newton: American plough in sticky land furrow 13 inches by 8 ½ inches, 26 to 28 lbs; iron plough in sticky land, furrow 10 inches by 8 ½ inches, 37 to 42 lbs. In potatoes or sandy land, American plough, 23 lbs per inch; iron plough, 46 lbs per inch; clay stubble land, furrow 9 inches deep, American plough, 38 to 42 lbs; iron plough, 46 to 56 lbs; light land, ploughing 3 inches deep after hay stubble, American plough, 12 lbs per inch; iron plough 17 lbs. From these tests it is quite safe to assume that the chill plough is at least one-third lighter in draught than the iron plough, ie, chill plough will turn a furrow 14 inches broad by 8 inches or 9 inches deep with two horses, which would necessitate three horses in the common iron plough.
Various reasons could be adduced for the light draught of the chilled plough, among these being lightness of plough, and plough so constructed that it cuts the furrow in such a way that it comes loosely on to the mould-board, which is of a concave instead of a convex shape, and furrow is quite naturally thrown over without any pressure or hugging of mould-board, as is done by furrow against mould-board on iron plough. This want of pressure also obviates the lateral thrust on landside, quite a source of increased draught in the iron plough. The bright polish of chilled mould-board is also a most important factor in producing light draught; and it is here that the Oliver chilled plough retains its supremacy over the many imitations that are now made; for, no doubt, a plough with a. concave mould-board, unless well chilled and retaining its glassy surface, would add to, instead of decreasing, the draught. The use of a wheel or wheels also tends to lighten and steady the draught, while the ridge-and-furrow system of ploughing, at one time so common over all Scotland, did not permit of its adoption with such advantages as on level land; but now that deep furrows are all but abolished, the wheels might with very great advantage to both men and horses, be used on all our Scotch ploughs. The ease with which a chilled plough can be controlled by an unskilled ploughman is also a point of great importance, when skilled labour is now so valuable. While I think you will agree with me that it is impossible for any plough to be made so as to be universally adopted as the plough suited for all kinds and conditions of soil, still the American plough has been shown to possess advantages which justly allow of its being classed as one of the many labour-saving implements that can, with considerable advantage, be used by the British farmer; and its light draft, and thorough pulverising and breaking up of the furrow, and turning over and completely burying all weeds and surface grass, makes it specially suited for spring and fallow ploughing; and if this plough was not used for any other kind of work, it would well repay the outlay incurred in its purchase, as the spring time, above all other seasons in the year, is a time when farmers’ horses are hard wrought, and farm labourers are fully employed. Surely it is a great boon when a plough can be had that is one-third easier to draw, will do a third more work than common iron plough, and at same time be wrought by any unskilled lad that can handle horses.
The result of the introduction of the American chilled plough into this country has been the almost total extinction of the double furrow plough, which was invented by Mr Pirrie, Aberdeenshire, almost 20 years ago. A large number of these ploughs were made and sold by different makers, and, when first put before the agricultural public, many thought it was a plough likely to come into the general use, but after a few years’ experience, it was found that, unless for very light land, the draught was too heavy, plough difficult to work and expensive to keep in repair; and the fact that it required a three-horse yoke all militated against it, and at the present time the same of this plough is very limited. Before passing from the subject of the plough, I wish to refer shortly to a special pattern of Scotch plough that has been very prominently before the farmer in the west of Scotland at the ploughing matches during the past dozen years or so. I allude to what is known as the “high-cut” plough, but what I, for want of a better or worse name, would call the “labour-giving” plough; as I unhesitatingly affirm that this plough has not one redeeming feature to recommend it, unless it be the fact that its work, although it takes from eighteen to twenty-two hours to plough an imperial acres, is invariably awarded the first prize by the judges, and these gentlemen usually are practical agriculturists. The principles of this plough are directly antagonistic to those of the chilled plough, as it is difficult to make, difficult to keep and put in repair, does little work, cutting a furrow 6 inches broad by 8 or 9 inches deep, hard to hold, and can only be handled by a skilled ploughman. Some may feel inclined to blame the plough maker for introducing this plough; but no doubt the inventor, seeing the class of ploughing that judges at matches were gradually drifting into, was simply catering to supply the demand. The blame rests entirely on agricultural societies for consenting to allow prizes to be given to work that took man, horses, and plough twenty hours to plough an acre. In fact, I think the farmer who uses such a plough is hardly entitled to cry out about hard times. Had the rule laid down by the Highland Society, that ten hours be allowed to plough an imperial acre, been strictly adhered to, it would at once have prevented any retrograde movement in the direction indicated.”
What do you think of Mr Wallace’s lecture?
The photographs were taken at the Scottish ploughing championships, 2019.
As we have noted, one of the important names in agricultural engineering in the north of Scotland was Elgin Central Engineers. In 1967 the business underwent a significant expansion with the opening of its works at Moycroft, Elgin.
The Aberdeen press and journal carried an extensive feature of the business, and its development, in its pages of 15 November 1967. Today we will hear about some of the early history of the Ford franchise. We quote at length:
Aberdeen press and journal, 15 November 1967
Ford “men” for 40 years
As is said elsewhere in this report on the move of Elgin Central Engineers to Moycroft, for 40 years they have held the Ford franchise and have been distributors for Ford for longer than most in this area.
And in this, Ford’s jubilee year, it is interesting to recall that just over 50 years ago mechanised farming came into its own. The world’s first mass-produced tractor came off the assembly line on October 8, 1917.
And perhaps the fact least known about this historic date is that Henry Ford, father of the mass-produced car, also originated the mass-produced tractor.
From boyhood on his father’s farm at Dearborn, Michigan, USA, Henry nursed an ambition “to lift farm drudgery off flesh and blood and lay it on steel and motors”.
But it wasn’t until after the Ford Motor Company was well established and turning out cars by the hundreds of thousands that Henry Ford seriously began work on implements to mechanise farming.
By early 1917 he had turned out more than 50 experimental tractors. Even then he would not have begun tractor production until much later but for the influence of World War I.
Allied shipping headed for Great Britain was being sunk at the rate of half a million tons a month. Food imports-upon which Britain depended for nearly 700% of her food supply – were alarmingly short. To survive Britain had to increase food productivity. Farm mechanisation appeared to be the only hope.
Of several experiments conducted with tractors by the British Royal Agricultural Society, two Ford models were hailed as “a lightning flash from the clear sky of tractor engineering.”
Lord Northcliffe was dispatched by the British Government to enlist Henry Ford’s support. At first Mr Ford was reluctant to go into immediate production. He felt that the models he had could be improved.
According to one observer, Lord Northcliffe argued: “We understand your objection. We ourselves have many new military devices in blueprint but we have to use the weapons and machines we have and try to win with what we’ve got.
“We need a tractor. Yours is the best we can get. We can’t wait for the perfect tractor, we need what’s available and we want you to produce it.”
The first Ford tractor for Britain rolled off an assembly line at a small plant in Michigan Avenue and Brady Street at Dearborn. It was called a “Fordson”.
The Fordson weighed 2500 lb, was powered by a four cylinder, 20-horsepower engine, and had three speeds and a reverse operated by a multiple disc clutch, and was fuelled by petrol or paraffin.
Within seven months after Henry Ford began mass production of the Fordson the entire. British order of 7000 tractors had been delivered.
The Fordson proved durable and reliable as well as economical; it helped speed up British food production to such an extent that one British spokesman stated that without it “the food crisis would in all probability not have been surmounted.”
After meeting the British order henry Ford turned to the American market with his new concept in lightweight, low-cost design. Within three months he was avalanched with 13,000 orders.
With the economies of mass production placing the tractor within reach of the average farmer, Fordson sales soared. So much so, that in some years during the 1920s 75% of all US tractors built were Fordson.
That was the beginning of an organisation that now ranks as one of the world’s largest tractor producers.”
The photos were taken at the Deeside rally, August 2022.
As we have noted, one of the important names in agricultural engineering in the north of Scotland was Elgin Central Engineers. In 1967 the business underwent a significant expansion with the opening of its works at Moycroft, Elgin.
The Aberdeen press and journal carried an extensive feature of the business, and its development, in its pages of 15 November 1967. Today we will meet some of the leading figures behind the business through that article. We quote at length:
“Six who head a fine team: their zeal has made “Elgin Central” a by-word in remote places
Elgin Central Engineers Ltd is a household word among many of the crofters and farmers of the North and North-east, yet many of them have never met the staff nor visited their premises, old or new, or, for that matter, even been in Elgin. They only know the firm by repute.
So who are the men behind the great organisation, the directors and the managerial staff?
They are all experts in their own specific field, some with many years’ service with the firm. But perhaps the predominant factor is their age, because a progressive firm must have youth on its side as well as experience.
The chairman and managing director of the firm, Mr Norman S. Matheson, son of the founder, is a London chartered accountant, but takes an active interest in the business and pays monthly visits to Elgin, where he has family as well as business connections. He was apprenticed in Aberdeen and went to London in 1932, where he runs his own accountancy practice and other business interests in Bloomsbury Square.
In his younger days he was a keen rugby footballer and played for Aberdeenshire and the London Scottish. He was a founder-member of the Exiles Rugby Club, who play their popular annual match against an Aberdeen and North Select XV every Christmas. His sporting activities are now confined to golf.
Senior director is Mr Robert L. Prentice, who, among his many friends, is regarded as “Mr Elgin Central Engineers”, for he joined the staff in 1944 and became a director the following year.
He belongs to Lanark, and was brought up on a farm. He served four years in a bank, gaining valuable commercial experience, and studied at the Royal Technical College, Glasgow.
He had his own tractor business in Lanark for a time, and during the war went to Elgin as engineer in charge of the D.O.A.S., tractor and engineering section.
He is responsible for developing new products, and it is greatly due to his efforts in the past that the firm has grown in strength and popularity. His work is his hobby, but when he relaxes he likes to spend a quiet hour or two in the garden.
Mr Norman Black, a director, is one of the longest serving members of staff, having started in the workshops 27 years ago, Before that he worked with another Elgin firm, now next door to Moycroft, and joined the Central garage for further experience in the motor trade in 1940.
From 1943-46 he served with the Royal Navy, and on rejoining the firm was appointed foreman in charge of the agricultural department. From this post he transferred to the sales department, and eventually became manager. He was appointed to the board of directors six years ago.
Mr Peter Forbes, sales director, handles the industrial side of the business. He joined the firm 16 years ago. Brought up on the land in Banffshire, where his father farmed near Aberlour, Mr Forbes served with the R. A. S. C. during the war, and for some years worked with an Ellon engineering firm before joining the sales staff in Elgin. He has been a director for two years.
As a Royal Highland Agricultural Society ploughing champion he has judged international ploughing matches in Scotland and England, but his winter spare-time interests are now confined to curling.
Mr William MacDonald, director and general manager of the car and commercial department at High Street, has been with the firm 2 ½ years but has had wide experience in the motor car trade.
Of Perthshire farming stock, he was transport manager with the Foreign Office in Germany after the war, and in 1949 joined a Ford distributorship in the south of Scotland on the sales side of their agricultural branch.
He moved to the Ford Motor Co. in 1952 as a trainee and subsequently was appointed area representative, covering the North of England and Northern Ireland.
Six years later he joined a Perth firm of Ford distributors from where he went to Elgin.
Mr MacDonald is a graduate of the Institute of Transport and an associate member of Agricultural Engineers, being currently on the council.
Secretary and financial accountant of the firm is Mr Graeme Cunningham, who belongs to Larbert in Stirlingshire. He joined the firm a year ago and previously was with the Reekie Group of engineering companies in Fife. He is a certified accountant.
Off-duty he is a keen member of the Round Table, and enjoys a round of golf.
Mr Fred R. Anderson (35) is sales manager of the engineering department on the manufacturing side. As a qualified draughtsman he is responsible for designs for farm layouts, mechanical feeding and handling equipment, grain drying and distillery plant. He belongs to Angus and was educated at Morgan Academy, Dundee.
Mr John McClement (30) is service manager, and his job entails the full supervision of the workshop staff, which numbers 63.
He joined the firm two years ago, but before that gained valuable experience with the Ford Motor Co. at Basildon, Essex; and with the Uganda Government in East Africa in a similar post to the one he holds now.
Mr George Stuart (29) is sales office manager and has been with the firm for 14 years. He joined as a storeman graduated into the sales department and administration side, and has held his present post for a year.
In charge of stores is Mr Robert Harrold 928), parts sales manager, who has been with the firm for 8 years, with a break for national Service.
He started as a message boy but after “demob” was taken back as assistant parts sales manager. He took over full control early this year.
Mr James Clark is works foreman and has been with the firm for 21 years. He is a farmer’s son and holds Ford diplomas for service and repairs of Ford tractors.
Mr Sandy Milne (43) is foreman in charge of industrial equipment in particular combines and balers. He is the man in constant contact with farmers and owners of plant and has been nearly 25 years with the firm. He belongs to Banff.
The major part of new developments in the manufacturers of implements has been carried out at Pinefield, in premises situated behind the car sales centre.
The man in charge of the work here is Mr George Henderson (42), who served his time as a blacksmith at Tarves Smithy, Aberdeenshire. He has had experience in all kinds of blacksmith’s work, from horse-shoeing to wrought iron designs, but now he does welding and repair work for both car and agricultural departments, as well as the production of new projects.”
One of the important names in agricultural engineering in the north of Scotland was Elgin Central Engineers. In 1967 the business underwent a significant expansion with the opening of its works at Moycroft, Elgin. This had significant implications for the organisation of its departments and the way that it undertook its business. Because of the importance of this change, it was widely reported in the press in north east Scotland. The Aberdeen press and journal carried an extensive feature of the business, and its development, in its pages of 15 November 1967.
Today and in a further two posts we are going to quote from that extensive feature. It includes lots of insightful information on the development of the business and its activities in 1967.
“North firm that got to the top
Today marks the opening of Moycroft, Elgin, the new head office and agricultural engineering centre of Elgin Centre Engineers Ltd, now recognised as one of the leading firms of its kind in Scotland and indeed, the largest in the North and North-east.
Theirs is a success story from small beginnings-a bicycle shop in Moss Street, Elgin, to the most up-to-date premises covering a total area of 34,000 square feet in five acres of ground.
The new development at Moycroft was an inevitable step. Their former premises in Hill Street had become too small and cramped for the ever-increasing agricultural business. The Industrial Equipment Department assumed vast possibilities, and already their manufacturing plant is laying an important role in the growth of the company.
The proposed street widening at the west end of High Street has denied the company developing the car department’s accommodation there and accordingly, after re-organisation and constructional alterations, the Hill Street premises will be occupied by the Car and Commercial Vehicle Department for workshops and stores early in the New Year.
The new premises at Moycroft are vast, modern and well equipped for the purpose for which they are built.
Situated at the east end of Elgin (adjoining Alexander’s bus depost), they are only a stone’s-throw from the firm’s large used car depot at Pinefield, behind which is their extensive agriculture machinery storage and repair depot.
On entering Moycroft one gets the instant impression of immensity of space. A modern showroom is in front for the display of a comprehensive range of Ford tractors and farm machinery of international repute.
Behind this shop window of the farming world are sited the largest agricultural stores in Scotland, carrying a full range of spare parts and accessories for all tractors and implements.
To the rear of them, and within the area of the expansive workshops, are the workshop offices for the service manager, workshop foreman, stores manager and the costing and stock control staff.
Along the west wall of the workshops are the electrical shop and diesel shop with fully specialised diesel fuel injection equipment.
Adjoining them are the staff quarters-canteen and toilets – and an instruction room for staff training or for special film demonstrations, which may be organised from time to time to interest customers.
While an area in the wide expanse of the workshops has been earmarked for repairs, other enterprises of this big undertaking will be carried on here.
The manufacturing side of the business has been allocated half the available space; the other side of the building, to the tractor, combine, and baler repair sections and the Horticultural Department.
The entire area is heated by two giant high volume space heaters, the first of their kind in the North, which will ensure ideal working conditions even in the severest weather.
The manufacturing side of the business is probably the least known of the activities of Elgin Central Engineers Ltd, but for the past two years they have been manufacturing special transmissions and drives for road rollers which have been exported to India.
But the firm are no novices in the export trade, because they have exported hundreds of used tractors to Europe for the past eight years.
But this is only the beginning, a number of projects on the drawing board will make a practical contribution to timber handling, shipbuilding, the aircraft industry and grain drying for agricultural and distillery uses.
Plans are also afoot to produce a variety of farm machinery and equipment.
On the industrial equipment side, too, considerable expansion will be put into operation at Moycroft. Elgin Central Engineers Ltd were the first firm in Scotland to be appointed Ford Industrial Equipment distributors, and hold the distributorship for the whole of the North of Scotland.
It is their intention to handle a complete range of public works contractors’ plant, and they have already acquired some valuable agencies.
As headquarters for Elgin Central Engineers Ltd, it was important to focus the main offices of the firm at Moycroft, so here we find the accounting and administrative offices for all departments. These are located to the left of the showroom, with easy access for the customer.
The staff moved in nearly three weeks ago, but not until today are Elgin Central Engineers Ltd officially opened at Moycroft.
Formal individual invitations have not been sent out to customers. They number more than 3000. But those who are interested are cordially invited to attend the ceremony, which will be performed this afternoon by Lord Provost George Smith of Elgin, among a notable representative company of local dignitaries from Banff, Moray and Nairn.
Among speakers who will form part of the platform party will be Mr Norman S. Matheson, Chairman and Managing Director of the firm, which was originally started by his father: Mr Robert L. Prentice, a Director; Mr Michael Joughin, Past President of the Scottish Farmers’ Union, and Mr Geoff Buckley, Director of the Ford Motor Company Ltd’s tractor operations.
Many of the leading manufacturer, for whom Elgin Central Engineers Ltd hold agencies, will be putting on their own special displays at trade stands at the rear of Moycroft, which will add a novel touch to a very important occasion.
It is thus their tribute to a North of Scotland firm, who, through their own ingenuity and enterprise, have achieved such a high reputation far and wide.
From small beginnings Elgin Central Engineers Ltd have grown in size and reputation, and today they are fully geared for the future. There is no doubt that it will be successful.”