A visit to Ben. Reid and Co.’s works, Aberdeen in 1905

Visits to implement and machinery makers’ premises were sometimes recorded in the newspaper press. They record who visited, why they were undertaking a visit, what they say, and gave a thanks to the makers.

One such account recorded in the Aberdeen press and journal on 8 March 1905 recorded a visit of Aberdeen and North of Scotland practical agricultural class students to the works of Ben Reid & Co., Aberdeen. It includes an account of the wide range of implements and machines made by that distinguished maker. The account is quoted at length:

“Agricultural engineering

Demonstration at Ben. Reid and Co’s.

Yesterday the members of the practical agricultural class at the Aberdeen and North of Scotland College of Agriculture visited the works of Messrs Ben Reid and Co., when Mr R. B. Greig, lecturer on agriculture, gave a demonstration on agricultural engineering. Under the direction of Mr James Philip, secretary of Ben. Reid and Company, the students inspected, and had explained to them the construction and working of the spring tine harrows, and corn drills for sowing all kinds of grain on the force feed principle, by which the farmer may regulate the exact quantity of seed he desires to sow per acre. They also inspected manure distributors, turnip sowers, drain cleaning rods, and wire strainers. A high-speed dressing machine, with a drum 4ft wide, capable of threshing and dressing seed for the market at the rate of 9 or 10 quarters per hour, commanded considerable attention, as did also a smaller machine driven by horse-power, and capable of dressing about three or four quarters per hour. Dairying appliances and the Bon-Accord plough were also examined. At the close Mr Greig said they were very much indebted to Messrs Ben. Reid and Company for allowing them to see over the works, and he moved for a hearty vote of thanks to Mr Philip for his kindness in showing them the different machines. Mr Philip, in acknowledging said he was glad to see the students present, and would be pleased to show them the machines at any time they cared to come to the works.”
