Socialising with the implement makers: festive social events

There will have been a few festive work nights out in the run up to Christmas. A number of the agricultural implement makers held dances and other events for their workers in the run up to Christmas. George Sellar & Son, Ltd, Huntly, Aberdeenshire and Alloa, held an annual event work the workers. In December 1936 one was held in the days before Christmas. It was recorded in the local newspaper, Aberdeen press and journal. The event mixed a social with some business, with Mr R. T. Sellar, noting how the business had fared in the previous twelve months. The proceedings and a commentary on the business is quoted in full:

“Huntly staff social

Mr R. T. Sellar on position of agriculture

Guests at the annual whist drive and dance of the employees of Messrs George Sellar and Son, agricultural implement makers, Huntly, which took place in Huntly Hotel Hall, were welcomed by Mr Robert T. Sellar on behalf of Mrs Sellar and himself.

He remarked that since they met a year ago industry in the country generally had been prospering, and unemployment figures were very much reduced.

Framers were finding it very different to get labour, as many men had gone into the military and air service, and consequently there had been a bigger demand for tractors.

Demand for tractors

To overcome that shortage in labour, and with the increase in the sale of tractors, the firm foresaw that there would be a bigger demand for ploughs to suit those tractors, and had introduced a plough which had come up to expectations. They had been working overtime at their Alloa factory in the last two months in order to get their sakes completed in time. He was glad to see that the Government was fully aware of the vital importance of agriculture in the country, and although it was no easy matter they were determined to see that the industry was to be safeguarded against foreign competition.


Winners at whist were_

Ladies-1. Miss Dey, 2. Mrs Cheyne; consolation, Miss Rae; sitting longest at the table, Miss McPherson, Grantown. Gentlemen-1. Mr D. J. Robertson, Carron; 2. Mr W. Barclay; consolation, Mr J. McIver; sitting longest at the table Mr I. Thomson; travelling prize, Miss White and Mr A. Smart, Ruthven.

Mrs Sellar presented the prizes, and was thanked by Mr Forbes. Provost Yule replied on behalf of the guests.

Music was supplied by Mr James Duff’s band. Miss Marjory Mearns was secretary of the committee.”
