What had the Scottish agricultural implement and machine maker to look forward to in 1938?

According to R. T. Sellar of George Sellar and Sons, Ltd, the Scottish agricultural implement maker had a lot to look forward to. He spoke at a company social event in early January 1938. This was a time of significant technological change in Scottish agriculture, caused by the increasing inroads made by the tractor over the horse.

What else did Mr Sellar think about the prospective trade in 1938?

The Aberdeen press and journal of 17 January 1938 recorded a lengthy account of his views. It is quoted at length:

“Huntly firm “at home”

Hopeful of good 1938 trade

“Tractor come to stay”

Welcoming a representative at the annual “at home” of the employees of Messrs George Sellar and Sons, Ltd, implement makers, held in Huntly Hotel. Mr R. T. Sellar said he saw no reason why the good trade being experienced should not continue.

He said the tractor had come to stay and was replacing the horse on many of the larger farms.

Mr Sellar observed that he had read that according to the Board of Trade Journal 1937 had seen the biggest trade turnover since 1930. Their own firm had quite a prosperous year, and had still lots of orders on their own books to complete. Regarding 1938, he saw no reason why the good trade should not continue.

Anglo-American trade

He saw there was a possibility of a British trade delegation going to Washington in the near future to have a short-range discussion on the proposed Anglo-American trade agreement. If that agreement could be successfully concluded he felt it would be a great advantage to traders both here and in America.

Of course that could not be done in a day, but they could just hope that some material benefit would be derived for both countries at an early date after the discussion.

In recent years, he continued, method in farming had been changing considerably. The tractor had come to stay and was replacing horses on many of the larger farms. The type of ploughing of the present day had also changed.

With the tractor one could plough much deeper and wider than the old style of ploughing with horses. Anything to save labour and time was the present-day slogan with the farmer.

Demand for tractors

That demand for tractors had helped the firm considerably in the sales of their tractor ploughs and also tractors. He thought one of the reasons for the present demand for tractors was the shortage of farm labour. He had been told by many farmers that they had great difficulty in getting men just now and that the wages were prohibitive.

He was glad to see a number of farmers with them. They were always glad to meet their customers at any time both socially and in business.

Mr Sellar went on to pay a tribute to their sales department, the travellers, and the secretary of the firm, Miss Taylor, and to congratulate Miss Marjory Mearns, secretary of the “at home” on her arrangements.

Mrs Sellar presented the prizes for whist:

Women-Mrs J. W. Mackay, 2. Mrs Gordon Rhind; travelling prize, Miss N. Pirie; consolation, Mrs P. w. Philip; special for sitting longest at table, Miss C. Symon. Men-1. Mr C. J. Bowie, 2. Mr A. Bisset; travelling prize, Mr J. W. Mackay; consolation, Mr Victor Matthews; special for sitting longest at table. Mrs Wright (playing as gentleman).

On the call of Mr Michie, Provost J. B. yule proposed the votes of thanks. Mr James Duff’s Band supplied the music for the dance.”


An inventory of the Caledonian Implement Works, St Ninians, Stirling

As readers will be aware, the advertisments of displenishing sales provides a great deal of information on farms and the implements and machines that were used on them. It can tell a lot about the activities on a farm, the scale of mechanisation, and the preference of the farmer towards certain makers. These advertisments were also published for businesses. There are a small number that relate to implement makers. These include the Caledonian Implement Works, St Ninians, Stirling. In 1950 the works was giving up the repairing business and in doing so it was having a displenishing sale on 24 January. That sale was to be conducted by Shirlaw, Allan & Co., auctioneers, Hamilton, who were well known for selling the assets of industrial businesses.

The Caledonian Implement Works had been associated with Alexander Scott, an agricultural engineer, since at least 1941. He incorporated the business in 1949 as Alexander Scott (Agricultural Engineers) Ltd. He exhibited at the Highland Shows of 1948 to 1950 when he entered two implements for the new implement awards. In 1949 these were the Universal Root Crop Harvester, invented by James Duncan, Easter Wairds, by Denny, and made by Mr Scott. The second was a turnip topper and tailer and mangold root lifter, also invented by James Duncan and made by Mr Scott.

What was in the workshop at the Caledonian Implement Works? In summary, a wide range of tools and machines. Here is how the displenishing sale notice which appeared in The Scotsman of 7 January 1950 recorded them:

“Sale of engineering and wood working plant and machinery agricultural implements, implement spares, &c including 2 ½ x 30 ins Ward Turret lathe; 5 ins centre wars capstan lathe; two 8 ½ ins and 6 ½ ins centre SS and SC lathes; 54 ins sewing, surfacing, and boring lathe; Archdale radial drilling machine, 2 ½ feet radius; 3 pillar vertical drilling machine; power hack sawing machine; 9 KW Murex electric ark welder; Morris overhead travelling crane for electric drive, 18ft span; Morris overhead hand travelling crane 18ft span; 12 ins surface planning and jointing machine; bank sawing machine 30 ins wheels; 2 circular saw benches, tables 5ft x 2ft 6 ins and 4ft x 2ft; Wilmac motorised circular saw bench, table 2ft 3 ins x 1ft 8 ins; 23 new circular saws, 24 ins dia., for 1 ¼ in spindle; 6 cwt platform weighing machine; 3 sets new chain lifting blocks, 20 and 10 cwts; portable electric drill, volts 250; 2 portable electric grinders, volts 220 AC/DC; smithy tools, Britannia petrol pump; 11 ½ tons 0.5 and 0.3 carbon steel flats and squares; 6 ½ tons MS plates, sheets, and sections; 6 tons bolts, nuts, rivets and nails; 180 yards WP T and G lining; 31 sheets Gyproc wall boarding, 8 ft x 3 ft; 264 cu feet 11 ins x 11 ins PP logs; new Caledonian heavy duty hay and straw baler on pneumatics; New Caledonian 30ft stacking elevator; 6 new power drive potato diggers; 2 sets new saddle back harrows; 6ft Bisset reaper and binder; 4 new 1 1/2HP Petter petrol engines; 22 pairs new 32 x 6 Sankey trailer wheels; 2850 ft Reynold elevator chain; 49 new flexible wire ropes 3/8 in dia. X 86 ft long; new baler spares; Stamford no. 2 sterilising boiler; martin’s sterilising chest 4ft x 3ft x 4ft; Alfa-Laval vacuum pump; 2 milking machine units; Fordson tractor on rotapeds; tractor trailer; box cart on pneumatics; 2 tractor and horse land rollers; hay collector; Newlands tool bar; grain bruiser and grinder; 8 HP Morris van; 7 HP Austin saloon; 2 typewriters; Gestetner duplicator &c.

Caledonian Implement Works, St Ninians, Stirling

On Tuesday, 24th January 1950, at eleven o’clock prompt.

Shirlaw, Allan & Co., auctioneers, Hamilton, have received instructions from Alexander Scott, Agricultural Engineers, Ltd, who are giving up the repairing branch of their business, to sell by auction, as above.”


What was it like for Scottish agricultural implement makers in 1914?

The year 1914 was one of contrasts: peacetime followed by the start of the Great War, or the First World War, that was to continue until 1918. At the end of 1914 implement makers in south west Scotland reflected on their year and their prospects. They were all affected in various ways and to different extents.

The Dumfries and Galloway standard published an extensive account of the reflections from a number of businesses on 23 December 1914. It is worth quoting at length for the honest and frank reflections by the makers, including the leading ones, in the district.

“Motor trade

Nithsdale Motor Works

Mr Andrew Millar, Nithsdale Motor works, Dumfries, writes: When the year commenced prospects for a good season were bright, and throughout the spring and summer we were kept so busy with repairs that a good deal of overtime had to be worked, in order to overtake the work in a reasonable time. The demand for new cars, especially Humbers, was exceptionally good; but so great was the difficulty experienced in getting delivery of cars from the works within a reasonable period after the orders had been placed that several orders and to be refused. This delay was caused by the large demand exceeding the rate of supply. When the war broke out the motor trade practically collapsed, and for a time everything was at a standstill, and a number of workmen joined the colours. There was also a scare about the scarcity of a petrol supply, which was, however, short lived. Trade is now again back to its normal condition, and work for the winter is fairly good, the usual number of owners taking advantage of the winter season for having their cars overhauled and done up. The demand for new cars is at present not very brisk; abut when the war closes the demand should be great to replace the number of cars, private and commercial, which were given up and commandeered for army purposes, most of which will be rendered useless. The coachbuilding department is decreasing each year, as a large number of farmers are now going in for motor cars. In many cases this is due to their horses having been bought for the war, and it also enables them to attend markets at greater distances.

The Corn Exchange

Mr James Wyllie of Dumfries Corn Exchange writes: the year 1914 has seen a steady demand for all kinds of feeding stuffs. Prices during the spring and summer months were at a very reasonable level. Many farmers contracted for their supply of cakes and meals early in the year, so that the rise in price since the outbreak of the war does not affect them, the war risk falling largely on the merchant. Prices are still moderate and the demand good, showing that users are quite alive to the fact that liberal feeding is the most profitable method. Since harvest started the oat trade has been a brisk one, and most farmers have been using oats sparingly at home, turning them into cash as threshed. A long spell of dry weather enabled a large amount of threshing to be done, and the grain was marketed in good condition, and at prices which few men in the farming line have obtained before. Old ryegrass hay got well cleared out during the autumn, and the new crop is but a small one, and there is very little demand for it so far. Potatoes have been the crop of the season, but in some districts there is a good deal of disease. Prices remain at a remunerative level both for seed and table varieties. Dairy produced still takes the lead as a paying concern; and with feeding stuffs secured at a moderate price, both cheese and milk have done extra well. Cheeses are presently selling at record prices. The demand for all kinds of agricultural implements continues good, especially for Sellar’s digger ploughs, which sell more readily than ever.

Palmerston Implement Works

Mr Gavin Callander writes: After a quiet opening, the spring turned out quite up to the average. During summer I was exceptionally busy. The demand for mowers and reapers was very heavy, and owing, I suppose, to the scarcity of farm labour, I had difficulty in coping with the demand for self-binders, a great many of which I sold, while the number I had for repairs was largely in excess of former years. The autumn has been quite a busy one, so much that I have had to buy many implements I usually make, but could not overtake this season.

Messrs Cochran & Co., Annan

Messrs Cochran & Co., Annan, Limited, report that they had a very busy year up to the outbreak of war, their output and sales for the first seven months of the year being greater than in any other period of equal length. The outbreak of war cut down their business almost at once by about half, owing mainly to the interruption to the report and donkey boiler business. A number of boilers have been sold for various purposes in connection with war service, and lately there has been an improvement in the demand for boilers for commercial use. About one quarter of Messrs Cochran’s employees have left for active service.

Messrs J. & R. Wallace, Castle Douglas

Messrs J. & R. Wallace, engineers and agricultural implement makers, castle Douglas, report that with the exception of the past five months business has been well maintained during the year. The demand for their specialities, namely, manure distributors and milking machines, so far as this country is concerned, has been very gratifying, as was also their trade in the implements for which they are agents. Before the war was declared they had just received a large continental order, and had good prospects of a large business with several of our colonies. Eleven of their men have joined the forces, and the firm is working their usual number of hours per week.”


Doe: a Perthshire name

If you were a farmer in Perthshire and surrounding districts before the early 1960s you may have been familiar with the name of John Doe & Co. Ltd, Perth and Errol.

John Doe was already an agricultural implement maker and dealer at Errol, Perthshire, by 1868. By the 1870s the company extended its business into Dundee, with a depot at 22 South Union Street, and Inchture. By the early 1882 a premises was opened in Perth, at 20 Caledonian Road, which was to remain in the company’s hands into the early 1960s.

The company was renowned as an agent, holding agencies for many of the leading makers across Scotland and England. The first agency recorded, in 1869, was for A. C. Bamlett, Ripon, Thirsk, one that continued for decades, and for which the business was renowned. If you were a visitor to any Perthshire farm with a Bamlett machine, you knew that it had come from John Doe. By 1881, Doe was also agent for Ransomes, Sims & Head, as well as more local makers Mollison of Ruthven, J. D. Allan & Sons, Dunkeld. By 1896, agencies included those of Massey Harris Co. Ltd, London, R. Hornsby & Sons Ltd, Barford & Perkins, Peterborough, Oliver Plow Company, South bend, Indiana, J. & F. Howard, Bedford, Thomas Corbett, Perseverance Iron Works, Shrewsbury, John Baker, Wisbeach, and Richmond & Chandler, Manchester.

The reputation of its agencies was well recognized by farmers and agricultural societies. The Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland awarded a number of medals to John Doe for its collection of implements and machines at the Highland Show. They included medium silver medals in 1871, 1875 and 1876.

John Doe was also a noted implement and machine maker. In the mid 1930s its own manufactures included rollers, drill ploughs, grubbers and turnip cutters.

The company moved with the times, becoming a company limited by guarantee in 1901, which it retained until it was voluntarily wound up in 1962. For many years it was in the Doe family, with George B. Doe a managing director in 1911 and John Mollison Doe a joint managing director in 1932.

George B Doe died in October 1917. An obituary in the Dundee courier reported:

“Death of well-known agricultural implement maker

By the death of Mr George B. Doe, implement maker, Errol, yesterday, a well-known figure has been removed not only from the parish of Errol but from many parts of both Scotland and England.

Mr Doe succeeded his father, the late Mr John Doe, many years ago. The latter during the course of his lifetime formed one of the largest and best known businesses in agricultural machinery in Scotland. The business was latterly carried on as a private limited liability company, and the deceased Mr George B. Doe became the leading and managing director.

Mr Doe, who was 65 years of age, is survived by a widow, two daughters, and five sons. Two of the latter are in the army, and it will be remembered that Lieutenant Alfred B. Doe, another son, recently lost his life in Flanders.”

The company played an important role in ensuring that Perthshire farmers, and those in the surrounding counties, could obtain the latest implements and machines from leading makers. It helped Perthshire, and especially the Lowland districts, to become a leading agricultural district from the 1870s.

The photograph was taken at the Strathnairn Vintage Rally, 2014.


By Royal Appointment: agricultural implement makers

Each year in the early twentieth century the Aberdeen Press and Journal published an annual list of Royal Warrant Holders. These were granted as a mark of recognition to people or companies who regularly supplied goods or services to HM the King and the royal households. These included radio and gramophone specialists, grocers, wine merchants, cabinet makers and upholsterers, and furnishing ironmongers and coppersmiths. They also included agricultural implement makers. The maker that was recognised as the supplier to the King was Barclay, Ross & Hutchison, Ltd, of 67-71 Green and Cragshaw. This business was recorded as a supplier from at least 1904 to 1935. Later, as in 1959 it was also recorded as being “by appointment to Her Majesty the Queen, Agricultural Engineers”.

Back in 1914 Barclay, Ross & Tough conducted its business from Balmoral Buildings, 67-71 Green, Aberdeen, and at Craigshaw, Aberdeen. It was two addresses that became closely known with its successor Barclay, Ross & Tough and Barclay, Ross & Hutchison Ltd in 1920.

Early important changes were brought about in 1915 with the retrial of Robert Tough. The business continued to be run by the remaining partners, Robert Ross and Thomas Hutchison. Mr Barclay, the other partner, had been commission agent in Aberdeen from at least 1874 and then a manure, agricultural implement and commission merchant by 1890. By 1898 he was described as “Morrison Barclay, of Barclay, Ross and Tough.

On the retrial of Robert Ross, the business was taken over by Scottish Agricultural Industries Ltd on 1 July 1929. In 1933 it advertised in the North British Agriculturist as Barclay, Ross & Hutchison Ltd, associated with Scottish Agricultural Industries Ltd”. In that year it exhibited at the Highland Show the “S.A.I. chemical dresser for all seeds”.

While B.R.H. was associated with Aberdeen, it also conducted its business outside Aberdeen. In 1930 it had a depot at Perth, followed by another at Milnathort, Montrose, in 1938 and one at Forfar in 1947. In 1955 its depots were at Milnathort, Perth, Forfar, Montrose, Turriff and Aberdeen.

The company undertook a wide range of activities. In 1955 it was an agricultural implement, machinery and equipment dealer, agricultural engineer, machinery and equipment and equipment manufacturer, dairy engineer, dairy farm equipment supplies, electrical engineer and contractor, gate and pen manufacturer, structural and roofing engineer and contractor, tractor and implement agent, dealer and distributor. For a good number of years it was also a millwright.

The company made and sold a wide range of agricultural implements and machines. It was also an agent for a number of leading makers. In 1968 they included New Holland and Clayson, Bamfords, Howard and Alfa-Laval. It was an active advertiser in the Scottish agricultural press, especially from 1919.


Elgin Central Engineers – in 1975

Some time ago we featured the important expansion of Elgin Central Engineers in 1967. We have been looking around the newspapers in the Aberdeen area to see if we could find more about this business. We found an extensive article in the Aberdeen press and journal of 27 June 1975 which provides an update on the history of the business and developments since 1967. We quote at length:

“Elgin company press on

Elgin Central Engineers Ltd (rechristened “Elbar-Elgin Central”) are a company whose name is synonymous with service to the farming community throughout the North of Scotland. Established more than 70 years ago theirs is a success story to which new chapters are being added.

From a small cycle shop in Elgin’s Moss Street at the turn of the century the company have expanded time and time again and are now housed in a 34,000 sq ft modern factory complex on 14 acres at Moycroft, Elgin.

The company have long served the farming community, and the policy of personal contact and service at local level is to be maintained.

Elgin Central are the Ford main tractor dealers for the counties of Inverness, Moray, Nairn, Banff and east Aberdeenshire. They also hold franchises for many agricultural implement manufacturers, all of well established reputation for quality and reliability in north-east farming conditions.

Among these are New Holland, Ransomes, Krone, Farmhand, Wilder, Howard and Lely Import – to name but a few – which are sold through the company’s depots at Elgin and Turriff, the latter depot having been opened five years ago to provide a more direct personal service to the man customers in the Buchan area.

Long recognised as one of the most go-ahead companies in the Moray area Elgin Central have continued to progress since their move to Moycroft eight years ago. Their big modern showroom is virtually a shop window of the farming world behind which are located the largest agricultural stores in Scotland, carrying a full and comprehensive range of spare parts and accessories for all tractors and implements.

A large area of the factory is specially geared for repair work – for which the company have a proud record for speedy and efficient service.

Long established as the largest agricultural engineering business in Scotland. Elgin central have taken the swing to more mechanisation in modern farming in their stride and are now geared to meet the requirements of all farmers with the best agricultural machinery available on the market.

The firm endeavour to give the farmer any machine he may ask for – and if they have not got it in stock they will get it!

Their fleet of vans is constantly on the road, bringing help and advice to the farming community – and they are the only firm in Scotland to operate a contract hire service for tractors in a really big way. More than 100 tractors, for example, are meantime hired out to farmers on two-year contracts.

But while service to the farming community in the northern half of Scotland has been – and will remain – the company’s prime objective, Elgin Central have also diversified into other industrial and engineering fields in recent years.

Structural steelwork and general fabrication, including pressure vessels and silos – to exacting precision – now form an increasing part of their business. Extensive work is now being carried out for the distilling and oil industries in the North.

The company undertook a considerable amount of steel fabrication for McDermotts at Ardesier; built the Baker Oil tool extension at Aberdeen and the G. K. N. steel supply depot at Mosstodloch, near Fochabers, together with many other structural contracts through out the country from London to Shetland.

Elgin Central also hold the authorised distributorship for Burmah Castrol Oil and lubricants from Dundee northwards – and have depots for this throughout the area, including Shetland.

In addition, the company have the Ford industrial equipment franchise, supplying diggers and loaders, including large track 360 swivel units; and within their industrial implements company they have the franchise for the Manitou range of rough terrain forklifts, T. C. M. industrial forklifts and Liner cement mixers and dumpers.

And at Elgin – opposite their Moycroft headquarters – they also operate the Ford car dealership for the area, coupled, with a thriving garage car, and commercial vehicles sales division.

Now, under the Elbar banner, it is intended that there shall be further progress.”


An award-winning potato planter: the Richmond

The Richmond potato planter was developed by Mr Richmond of Dron, Fife before 1906. It came to be manufactured by John Wallace & Sons, Paton Street, Dennistoun, Glasgow, one of the major implement and machine makers in Scotland. It was first trialled in November 1906. The St Andrews Citizen reported on 17 November that:

“The inventor’s brain is never idle, and one of his latest products is another labour-saving implement to benefit the farmer. The potato-digger has revolutionized the old method of lifting the potato crop; and now we have a potato-planter that is evidently designed to effect a similar revolution in putting the seed into the ground. Such an implement is not altogether new; but practical men, who had an opportunity of seeing “Richmond’s potato planter” at work on Mr F. W. Christie’s farm of Dairsie Mains on Saturday, frankly acknowledged its superiority over anything yet devised. The inventor is well-known to Fife people as a daring rider at the Point-to Point races at Bruntshiels, and comes of an inventive race, his father, Mr Richmond of Dron, being the inventor of the Richmond drier. The high lying part of a field to the east of Dairsie Church, was prepared by Mr Christie for the exhibition trials, and among those taking a warm interest in the test were Mr Richmond himself, Mr Christie; Mr R. W. R. Mackenzie of Earlshall; Mr Orchison of Denbrae; Mr Millar and Mr Wm Millar, Nydie; Mr Bogie, Balass; Mr Fleming, Prestonhall, Mr McKerracher, Mayfield; Mr Dryburgh, Orkie, &c. The planter, which is constructed to cover two rows at a time, consists of two hoppers into which the seed is placed. Passing up through these hoppers are revolving chains with cups attached. As the chains go round, the cups take away the seed and deposit them on the bottom of the drill wonderfully steady, at an average interval of 10 to 12 inches. A feature of the implement which gained general approval is the manner in which it rectifies doubles. Owing to the elevation of the track along which the chain travels, and the shape of the cups themselves, any excess over the required seed are constantly thrown back into the hopper; and only a small percentage of doubles ever find their way through. The planter was first tested with whole Up-to-Dates, then with whole Langworthys (which owing to their shape occasioned the severest test), and finally with cut potatoes; and the machine came through each test with gratifying success. It is claimed for it that with a lad and a horse it can plant from 7 to 8 acres a day – the work of 7 to 8 people; and by means of a tilting lever, it can be readily adjusted to plant uphill or downhill. Representatives of Messrs John Wallace & Sons (Ltd), Glasgow, who are instructed with the sale of the implement were also on the ground giving information about its working.”

In 1908 the Richmond potato planter was awarded a silver medal by the Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland, following trials in the showyard of the Highland Show. It was also to be successful in that Society’s trial of potato planters held at Liberton Mains, Edinburgh, in March 1915. Some six machines were entered, and all took part in the Trial.

The following is the report of that trial, as published by that Society:

“Messrs John Wallace & Sons, Paton Street, Dennistoun, Glasgow, were represented by two machines: (number 3) A Two-Row “Richmond” Potato Planter—price, £15, 15s., and (number 4) a Single-Row “Richmond” Potato Planter—price, £15; the latter being also fitted with an Artificial Manure Distributor, consisting of a small hopper having a slowly revolving drum, and a forwardly inclined finger for distributing the manure.

The principle of action in the two machines is the same. The seeds are picked up from the hopper by a series of buckets or carriers, attached at spaced distances to an endless travelling chain, and elevated to a certain point where they are tilted into tubes by which they are delivered at regular distances apart into the drill or drills; these distances may be varied from 8 to 18 inches as desired. The buckets are formed of an open two-jaw shape, widest at the top part, and tapering downwards towards the centre; this formation of bucket stated to automatically select its own potato, and discard the remaining potatoes into the hopper. The endless chain passe: over a loose wheel or pulley situated at the curved pan: the hopper. The object of this pulley is to change the direction of travel of the buckets, which receive a “tip,” thereby

removing any potatoes other than the one actually in each bucket; the discarded potatoes falling back into the hopper. The top outer lip of each bucket is fitted with a loose mug, and should a potato get jammed in the bucket, this ring is pressed out, and when entering the hopper strikes a “ kicker, which causes the potato to be loosened, and ensures it being planted.

The shafts are movable, so that the horse can walk either on the top or in the bottom of the drill as desired. The work of No. 3 machine was, on the whole, very satisfactory. Even with the long-shaped and cut seed the work done was beyond the expectations of the Official Observers. The arrangement by which the shafts are movable, so as to enable the horses to walk either on the top or in the bottom of the drill, was considered to be a decided advantage.

The work of No. 4 machine appeared to be as near perfection as is possible by mechanical means. The working principle is identical with that of Machine N0. 3, but under the conditions under which the trial took place the Single machine showed to advantage. This implement also sowed the artificial manure, and in this and other respects may be regarded as a suitable machine for the small farmer.”

The Committee of Official Observers were, unanimously of opinion that the work done by the machines Nos. 3 and 4 was the best, the work done by No. 4 being particularly good. This superiority of the single-row machine may have been due to the fact that the drills were drawn somewhat narrower than the width to which the double machines had been set. The Committee are of opinion that it is desirable to have the machines adjustable to varying widths of drill, as 1t 18 frequently found desirable to vary the width, even on the same farm, to suit different varieties of seed.”

The Richmond potato planter continued to be widely used over the following decades. It continued to be found at displenishing sales into the 1940s and 1950s. In 1946 (13 November) The Scotsman noted them at Cauldcoats, Portobello (Mrs Gilchrist). In 1948 (23 October) it also noted one for sale at Lanark Auction Mart. The Aberdeen press and journal recorded one on 28 February 1948 at the Central Mart, Aberdeen. In 1950 (16 November) the Dundee courier reported one at Lumbennie, Newburgh (Mr Geo. Low). On 19 March 1951 it recorded one at Forfar Auction Mart.


An innovative potato planter of G. W. Murray and Co. in the 1880s

One of the important innovative implements and machines of the 1880s was the patent potato planter invented and made by G. W. Murray and Co., Banff. This was developed over number of years in the 1870s. By 1880 it had been improved further.

It was exhibited and trialled in Scotland, England and in other major trials throughout the world. In April that year it was reported “beyond all question the best and most complete potato planter in the world, having been awarded the highest honours at every trial, not only in this country, but in Germany when in competition with the greatest number of planters ever shown at a time.” On 25 May 1881 Murray advertised in the Scottish agricultural press that “potato planter has beaten every known planter in the world, taking the highest award at every competition, including the Royal Agricultural Society of England’s first silver medal.” Awards included the “Highland and Agricultural Society’s Gold Medal, The Royal Agricultural Society’s Silver Medal, The Highland and Agricultural Society’s £10 prize, The Highland and Agricultural Society’s £5 prize.” Other international awards included Port-Elizabeth Exhibition (South Africa), 1881, and the Grahamston Exhibition (South Africa), 1881.

The esteem of this planter was recorded in a wide number of reports of trials. These included ones arranged by local agents such as James Payne, Thornhill, Dumfriesshire, and J. D. Allan & Son, Culthill, Perthshire. One report of a trial in April 1880, recorded in the Galloway news, 16 April, not only noted the importance of this machine but also provided a description of it. It is quoted at length:

“Trial of potato planter

On Tuesday last a trial of Messrs G. W. Murray and Co’s patent potato planter took place on the farm of Mouswald Grange, occupied by Mr Todd. This implement is very ingenious in construction, but is worked with the greatest simplicity and ease. The hopper containing the roots is formed with two pockets, and the front is made with open bars to allow of dirt and dust falling through. Through the bottom of each pocket passes an endless chain made up of a series of cups. These chains pass up the front of the hopper, over two wheels at the top, and then descend outside the hopper through two trunks, and over two wheels at the bottom. The upper face of the cups is circular and recessed, the size and form being arranged so as to hold only one root. From this face the cup falls away until it terminates with a flat tail, and on the other side is a hook. At the upper end are cast two lugs, with a pin between them, and the chain is made up of a series of these cups hooked together. The pitched wheel, around which they turn, is driven by gearing from the driving wheels of the implement and the speed can be regulated by means of chain wheels. As the chain travels up the inclined face of the hopper, each cup carries with it a root, which is tipped over in the trunk as the chain passes over the wheel, and is carried down with the chain to the bottom of the trunk, where it is discharged into the furrow. The clogging up of the cups by dirt is effectually prevented by the tail forming part of each link, because, as the chain passes around the wheel, the tail of one link is thrown through the slot in the face of the adjacent one, and dislodges. Anything that may have been deposited there. The carrying wheels of this machine are formed of two wrought-iron bands placed about 6 inches apart, and connected at intervals by slightly concave bars. The patentees have been working on the implement for the last six years, and they are to be congratulated on having at last produced an article as near perfection as can possibly be conceived. The one we saw at work on Tuesday is the first in this district, and it speaks highly for Mr Todd that he has had the enterprise, in these dull times, to introduce the novelty. That the machine will very soon do more than pay itself cannot be doubted, judging from the immense saving of time and labour which it effects. It is beyond all question the best and most complete potato planter in the world, having been awarded the highest honours at every trial, not only in this country, but in Germany when in competition with the greatest number of planters ever shown at a time. During the short period that it has been offered to the public no fewer than fifty-five had been sold into Perthshire alone, and the brief trial which we witnessed was sufficient to convince any one of its practical utility. The machines can plant eight acres a day; they are made to suit different sizes of drills, and the one at work was a two-row one, and can plant twelve, ten, or eight inches apart. The work done was of the most satisfactory character, the seed being planted with a degree of regularity that could not have been surpassed by hand planting. The implement was tried with both whole and cut potatoes, and it exceeded the most sanguine anticipations-indeed, so much was Mr Todd pleased with it that he at once became its proprietor, and we have no doubt its popularity will soon increase in this district. Mr Murray. Along with his agent in Dumfriesshire, Mr James Payne, Thornhill, personally superintended the trial.-Dumfries herald”

Keen readers will note some similarities to later potato planters: the use of cups to hold the potatoes (cut or uncut) as well as chain linkages. Indeed, early images of the planter used in adverts, show a machine that looked very similar to later models introduced in the later nineteenth and into the twentieth century.


Buying a new threshing mill in the early 1900s

In the early 1900s a number of the local newspapers, especially in Aberdeenshire, reported the erection of new threshing mills on a number of farms as farmers up dated their machinery or moved from using the travelling threshing mill to their own ones.

The erection of this plant was a significant occasion. It marked the introduction of new technology, a substantial investment into the farm and its activities as well as a change in the management of the processing of the grain crop. Farms generally marked this occasion with a social event in which neighbours and others were invited to partake in food and drink, and a congenial evening of activities. They also got to see the new mill at work. The feeding of the first sheaf into the mill was at some farms seen to be an important event. That task was sometimes given to a special member on the farm; it could be a long-standing farm servant or a past tenant.

The accounts in the newspapers provide varying amounts of information about the new mills. Sometimes they record the names of the maker of the mill and the mode of power for the mill (water, engine or tractor).

The following are short accounts from newspapers that record the introduction of new threshing mills onto farms in north east Scotland:

“New threshing mill (Aberdeen press and journal, 7 October 1901)

An interesting event tool place on Saturday at Meikle Tallo, when Mr Adam Gordon Gowans, the tenant there, who succeeded his father in the occupancy of the farm, invited a few friends to the opening of his threshing mill. The engine was supplied by Mr Campbell, Gas Engine Company, Halifax, through his engineer Mr Robert Gray, and the mill by Mr J. & B. Craig, engineers, Lathermuir, Laurencekirk. Starting at 2.45pm and stopping at 3pm, it was found that the average was 10qrs per hour, which, according to experts present, was considered very satisfactory.”

“Alford, New threshing mill (Aberdeen press and journal, 13 December 1901)

There has just been erected at the farm of Carnaveron, Alford (Mr Smith’s), a splendid specimen of the modern threshing mill, the motive power of which is a new model oil engine by Allan Brothers, Aberdeen. The other evening, on the kind invitation of Mr Smith, a number of neighbouring farmers visited Carnaveron to witness the start of the new machinery, including Messrs Leys, Asloun; Beattie, Mill of Fowlis; Dunn, Eninteer; Berry, Guise, Tough; C. McCombie, Tillychetly; Reid, Cairnballoch; Smith, Bridgend, Leochel; Bain, Cairnfield; James Smith, Alford; Thomson, engine proprietor, Alford, &c. The mill was fed by Mr Thomson, and both it and the engine were submitted to severe tests, but both proved most satisfactory in every way. The mill was made by Mr Charles Murray, millwright, Mill of Fowlis, and does great credit to his workmanship. The castings for the mill were made by Mr John Paul, manager in the pattern department of Messrs Barry, Henry & Co’s engineering works, Aberdeen. After the trials, the company were hospitably entertained by Mr and Mrs Smith.”

“(Dundee evening telegraph, 29 September 1903)

Mr Adam, on becoming a tenant of Mains of Murthell, has introduced a new threshing mill and an engine. It was necessary to make large structural alterations to make the steading suitable. The mill was built by the Messrs Craig, Idvies, and is equipped with the most modern appliances. The mill was started last week, when about half an acre was threshed. Everything went very smoothly, and the work was performed in a very efficient manner. Mr Innes, Forfar, supplied the engine, which performed its work equally as successfully. Every one present was highly satisfied with the exhibition. All were liberally supplied with refreshments by Mrs Adam.”

“Northern Scot, 12 March 1904

This season Mr William Allan, the enterprising tenant of the Level, Birnie, has got a new steading, and has recently installed a threshing plant of a most complete kind. On Wednesday last a number of neighbours and friends assembled to witness the plant in operation, and all were delighted with its efficient working, The new threshing mill has been erected by Messrs Shearer Brothers, millwrights, Turriff. It is a splendid machine, with all modern improvements, and threshes usually at the rate of eight quarters an hour, The dressed corn is carried away and deposited in an apartment at right angles to the mill by means of a revolving belt. The threshed straw is taken away from the mill by carriers, by means of which it can be dropped in the straw barn at three different points, thus saving great labour in packing the straw. On the other side of the mill is a chaff blast, by means of which the chaff is blown through a long tube, which goes through the wall, and is deposited in a small department erected outside, Close at hand there is also a corn bruiser supplied by Messrs Shearer, and the whole installation does great credit to that firm. The motive power is supplied by a large 12-brake horse power oil engine, constructed and fitted up by Messrs G. & J. S. Souter, Greyfriars Foundry, Elgin. This engine has two flywheels, and is a powerful, strong-looking machine. Messrs Souter are making a speciality of this type of engine, which has various improvements. It has very sensitive governors, which make it suitable for electric lighting as well as other purposes, and has a special vapouriser, which ensures economy in oil. The engine can be worked with common “Rock Light” oil, which, being cheaper than the higher grades, means a considerable saving. Messrs Souter have recently installed a similar engine at Arndilly. Altogether, Mr Allan is to be congratulated in having such a complete threshing plant and such a commodious and comfortable steading, Mr Allan has proved himself to be an excellent farmer, and his enterprise is worthy of commendation.”

“New threshing mill at Milton of Guthrie (Montrose, Arbroath and Brechin review, 23 December 1904)

A new threshing mill was opened on Wednesday at Milton of Guthrie, Friockheim, tenanted by Mr Andrew Guild. The mill was made by Messrs Fitchett, Gighty Burn, and is capable of threshing 10 quarters an hour. It is driven by a 9 ½ horse power oil engine. After a couple of stacks of grain had been threshed and the work minutely examined by those present, it was considered highly satisfactory. The company afterwards partook of refreshments.”


An award winning potato planter of Robert Kydd of Coupar Angus

There were a number of important developments in potato planters in the second half of the nineteenth century. By 1883 the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland recognised the need to further encourage their development. In that year it ran a trial of them. One of the competitors was Robert Kyd, Coupar Angus with a two row potato planter. He was to be awarded £15 for his planter.

By that time Robert Kydd, Trades Lane, Coupar Angus, was already a well-known agricultural implement maker, recorded from the mid-1870s. He brought attention to his manufactures in the North British Agriculturist on 28 July 1875. He was a regular exhibitor at the Highland Show from 1879 until 1900. He was also a keen competitor of his implements and machines. He entered the Highland Society’s trial of potato diggers in 1883 and the Royal Agricultural Society of England’s trials of potato raising machines in 1888. He also entered the Highland Society’s trial of combined reapers and binders, or lifting and binding machines in 1882.

Kydd quickly gained a reputation for his implements and machines. In 1887 his two row potato planter was “now so well and favourably known as to require no description or comment”. By 1896 the Dundee Advertiser could state that “he has been getting quite a name far afield”. On 5 July 1899 the Dundee courier noted that Kydd exhibited his “first prize potato planter” at the Highland Show. It noted that “this well-known machine still maintains its position, and is very popular. It is highly commended by all those who have used it. He also shows his celebrated digger.”

He was recorded in trades directories as an implement maker until at least 1900 and as a smith until 1913. His premises were empty by 1927 when they were advertised to let (Dundee courier, 7 June 1927).

A two row Robert Kydd potato planter was exhibited at the Fife Vintage Agricultural Machinery Club Farming Heritage Show and Annual Rally, June 2016.
