New threshing mills in north east Scotland in 1923

In 1923 a number of the local newspapers in north-east Scotland reported the erection of new threshing mills on a number of farms as farmers up dated their machinery or moved from using the travelling threshing mill to their own ones.

The erection of this plant was a significant occasion. It marked the introduction of new technology, a substantial investment into the farm and its activities as well as a change in the management of the processing of the grain crop. Farms generally marked this occasion with a social event in which neighbours and others were invited to partake in food and drink, and a congenial evening of activities. They also got to see the new mill at work. The feeding of the first sheaf into the mill was at some farms seen to be an important event. That task was sometimes given to a special member on the farm; it could be a long-standing farm servant or a past tenant.

Let’s go and read about some of these new mills:

New threshing plant at Methlick (Aberdeen press and journal, 3 January 1923)

Mr George Beaton, Cairns, Methlick, has installed a new threshing mill and oil engine, supplied by Mr Taylor, millwright, Tarves. Mt Beaton invited some neighbours and friends on Friday night to see the onset of the mill, which have every satisfaction, dressing the corn ready for market. After the thresh the company were hospitably entertained by Mr and the Misses Beaton.

Ythan Wells threshing machine (Aberdeen press and journal, 17 January 1923)

A new threshing machine has been installed at the farm of Wells of Ythan, Ythan Wells, by the tenant Mr James Adam. The machine has all the modern improvements and accessories, and is capable of threshing out four quarters of oats per hour, is driven by an engine of about 4hp, and does excellent work. In a district like Ythan Wells, where roads are often impassible in the winter season for the steam threshing machine, it is almost a necessity for the farmer to provide himself with some form of stationary threshing machine.

Rothienorman threshing machine (Aberdeen press and journal, 18 January 1923)

A new threshing mill and engine has been installed on the farm of Hill of Wells, Rothienorman, by the tenant, Mr Alexander Keillah. The mill was made by Messrs Barclay, Ross, and Hutchison, Aberdeen, and has been fitted with high-speed drum and all modern dressing accessories and improvements. The driving power is supplied by a 6 ½ hp petrol engine from the same firm.

A few friends and neighbours were invited to see the set, and after giving the plant a fair trial satisfaction was expressed with the work. It threshed from 6 to 7 quarters per hour.

Afterwards the company adjourned to the house, when they were hospitably entertained by Mrs Kellah, and a pleasant hour was spent in song and story.

New Premnay threshing mill (Aberdeen press and journal, 21 August 1923)

On the invitation of Mr James Sharp, farmer and proprietor, Burryhillock, Premnay, a number of friends and neighbours assembled on Saturday to witness the start of a new threshing plant. The mill has a 36 in high-speed drum, and is fitted with the latest improvements, and gives an output of eight quarters per hour of finely dressed grain. The motive power is a 10-horse-power Allan oil engine.

The company was afterwards entertained by Mrs Sharp, when a pleasant evening was spent.

Kincardine O’Neil threshing mill (Aberdeen press and journal, 2 November 1923)

Mr David Middleton, Upper Craigton, Kincardine O’Neil, has installed a new threshing mill with all the latest improvements. The mill is driven by a 5 ½ hp petrol engine, and the first thresh n Saturday proved most satisfactory.

(Forfar herald, 16 November 1923)

Extensive structural alteration have just been made at Heughead Farm, on the Guthrie estate. The farm is newly occupied by Mr Alexander Martin, who has installed a new threshing mill by Messrs J. & D. Craig, Idvies Mill, Letham, and is driven by an oil engine supplied by Messrs Shanks, Arbroath.

At the starting of the new machinery, a number of the neighbouring farmers and tradesmen were present by invitation and in one hour fourteen quarters of oats were threshed, both engine and mill giving the utmost satisfaction. A granddaughter of Mr Martin’s had the honour of passing through the first sheaf, and Mr and Mrs Martin hospitably entertained the company.

Rothiemay threshing mill (Aberdeen press and journal, 21 November 1923)

A new threshing mill has been installed at his farm steading by Mr Dawson, Turtory, Rothiemay. It is a three-feet full finishing mill, with chaff blower and straw carrier. Water power drives the mill through a wheel with galvanised steel buckets.

New threshing plant at Foveran (Aberdeen press and journal, 15 December 1923)

An event which excited interest in the district was the “trial run” on Thursday of a new threshing mill installed by Mr Willox, West Pitmillan, Foreran, Aberdeenshire. Supplied and erected by Messrs Barclay, Ross, and Hutchison, Aberdeen, the plant consists of a high-speed thresher with bagging elevator, and a 5/6 Ruston-Hornsby petrol-paraffin engine. The machinery performed its initial task with splendid speed and efficiency. The company was hospitably entertained by Mr and Mrs Willox.

Rothienorman threshing machine (Aberdeen press and journal, 18 January 1923)

A new threshing mill and engine has been installed on the farm of Hill of Wells, Rothienorman, by the tenant, Mr Alexander Keillah. The mill was made by Messrs Barclay, Ross, and Hutchison, Aberdeen, and has been fitted with high-speed drum and all modern dressing accessories and improvements. The driving power is supplied by a 6 ½ hp petrol engine from the same firm.

A few friends and neighbours were invited to see the set, and after giving the plant a fair trial satisfaction was expressed with the work. It threshed from 6 to 7 quarters per hour.

Afterwards the company adjourned to the house, when they were hospitably entertained by Mrs Kellah, and a pleasant hour was spent in song and story.

New Premnay threshing mill (Aberdeen press and journal, 21 August 1923)

On the invitation of Mr James Sharp, farmer and proprietor, Burryhillock, Premnay, a number of friends and neighbours assembled on Saturday to witness the start of a new threshing plant. The mill has a 36 in high-speed drum, and is fitted with the latest improvements, and gives an output of eight quarters per hour of finely dressed grain. The motive power is a 10-horse-power Allan oil engine.

The company was afterwards entertained by Mrs Sharp, when a pleasant evening was spent.

Kincardine O’Neil threshing mill (Aberdeen press and journal, 2 November 1923)

Mr David Middleton, Upper Craigton, Kincardine O’Neil, has installed a new threshing mill with all the latest improvements. The mill is driven by a 5 ½ hp petrol engine, and the first thresh n Saturday proved most satisfactory.

(Forfar herald, 16 November 1923)

Extensive structural alteration have just been made at Heughead Farm, on the Guthrie estate. The farm is newly occupied by Mr Alexander Martin, who has installed a new threshing mill by Messrs J. & D. Craig, Idvies Mill, Letham, and is driven by an oil engine supplied by Messrs Shanks, Arbroath.

At the starting of the new machinery, a number of the neighbouring farmers and tradesmen were present by invitation and in one hour fourteen quarters of oats were threshed, both engine and mill giving the utmost satisfaction. A granddaughter of Mr Martin’s had the honour of passing through the first sheaf, and Mr and Mrs Martin hospitably entertained the company.

Rothiemay threshing mill (Aberdeen press and journal, 21 November 1923)

A new threshing mill has been installed at his farm steading by Mr Dawson, Turtory, Rothiemay. It is a three-feet full finishing mill, with chaff blower and straw carrier. Water power drives the mill through a wheel with galvanised steel buckets.

New threshing plant at Foveran (Aberdeen press and journal, 15 December 1923)

An event which excited interest in the district was the “trial run” on Thursday of a new threshing mill installed by Mr Willox, West Pitmillan, Foreran, Aberdeenshire. Supplied and erected by Messrs Barclay, Ross, and Hutchison, Aberdeen, the plant consists of a high-speed thresher with bagging elevator, and a 5/6 Ruston-Hornsby petrol-paraffin engine. The machinery performed its initial task with splendid speed and efficiency. The company was hospitably entertained by Mr and Mrs Willox.
