Implements and machines for modern farming in Perthshire in 1922

Agricultural shows provided an important forum for the exhibition of the latest and newest agricultural implements and machines. Some of the regional shows in Scotland were especially important for demonstrating them. They included the Perth Show. The Dundee Courier included a lengthy account of some of the most important exhibits at that show in 1922. The account is worth quoting at length for its insights into what was new and important at that time:

Aids to modern farming (Dundee courier, 4 August 1922)

“Fine implement display at Perth Show

The Perthshire Agricultural Society holds its annual show on the South Inch, Perth, to-morrow. This county fixture attracts a great deal of interest outside the field of the Society’s local operations, and many visitors attending to-morrow will have come long distances.

An agricultural show is something more nowadays than a turnout of animals. The first industry has developed so rapidly within the past half-century that the manufacturers of all kinds of machinery and implements required by those engaged in husbandry seize the opportunity to display their wares where agriculturists forgather. The competition between firms have become so keen that the implement yard at the Perth and other shows is a great exhibition in itself. There is to be an exceptionally large display of all kinds of things used in agriculture on the Inch to-morrow.

Round the stands

Messrs Lindsay & Fenwick, at Stand 7, are sowing bee appliances and dairy utensils, but the objects of most interest amongst their varied exhibits are probably the famous Coleman Quick-Lite lamps and lanterns. The Quick-Lite, which Messrs Lindsay & Fenwick exhibited so successfully at the Dumfries “Highland” gives a brilliant, steady, white light. It is a convenient, safe, clean, and economical method of lighting, and can be obtained at reasonable prices, viz, from £3 19s to £4 10s 6d. Messrs Lindsay & Fenwick, whose premises are at 143 South Street, Perth, are also showing at their interesting stand lime wash sprayers, stack covers &c.

Mr William Fulton, iron and steel merchant, 15-17 Kinnoul Street, Perth, has an attractive exhibition of blacksmiths’ and engineers’ tools of all descriptions at Stand 18. Mr Fulton is showing agricultural implements, binder, mower and plough parts, fencing materials, chains, and general ironmongery. All the material exhibited is of superior quality, and manufactured by firms well known for the high standard of their workmanship. This stand forms a feature of the extensive implement yard of the show, and cannot fail to attract many visitors from the community of enterprising farmers of Perthshire and other counties will be present.

At Stand 6 will be found the firm of Valentine’s Motors, Ltd., King Edward Street, Perth. Here, in addition to a comprehensive display of motor accessories, there are to be seen Austin tractors Glasgow tractors, three-furrow Oliver plough, disc harrow, and Newland self-lift cultivator. In modern up-to-date farming the tractor is becoming almost indispensable, and the Austin and Glasgow are amongst the most popular machines of this kind in the market. Land cultivation is made comparatively easy with either tractor, together with the ploughing and other appliances which Valentine’s Motor’s Ltd, are able to supply.

Essential tools

Mr Harry Johnston’s (8 King Street, Dundee) display at Stand 6 is bound to appeal to visitors in general. As Mr Johnston points out, one cannot do without those tools which are essential for work on the farm, the bench, the car, or at home. He has a magnificent selection for one to choose from, and the implements offered for inspection are the kind that will last and give satisfaction to whoever may employ them. The prices are popular besides. Framers and allotment holders in need of tools may be specially recommended to give Mr Johnston a call.

George Sellar & Son, Ltd, agricultural implement makers and iron founders, Huntly, whose extensive works are at Alloa, occupy Stand 4. The firm, whose address at Perth is Glasgow Road, are exhibiting all up-to-date agricultural implements, and a cordial invitation is extended to all visitors to the implement section of the show. The Messrs Sellar, who are noted for the high-class ware they provide, have made a judicious selection of implements of many descriptions for exhibition.

Messrs Ferguson & Walker, saddlers and harness makers, 19 Princes Street, Perth, who have a branch at Stand 11. Messrs Ferguson & Walker do a big business in the Big County, and their reputation has been established by the excellence of the goods they supply and the efficiency of their work. They are offering for inspection trunks and portmanteaux and leather goods, all of very fine quality. The stand is a particularly interesting one for the general body of visitors who are certain to find their way to the implement exhibition.

At Stand 15 there is to be seen the popular Garrett finishing thrashing machine. This machine is to be found in all parts of the country. It is of the latest type, and can be fitted in any farm establishment. It is a wonderful piece of mechanism, and runs with perfect rhythm. The Garrett has established its name in agricultural Scotland by the excellent work it can perform. The firm enjoys Royal patronage.

Mr Alex Lindsay, ironmonger, 34 King Edward Street, Perth, has a most interesting display of farm and household ironmonger at Stand 16. There is a varied collection of articles admirably displayed and all of superior manufacture. The exhibits include cream separators, sculls, binder twine &c. There is a special display of petrol lamps and lanterns, Government surplus, halters, collars, and ropes, also the Willey tool which, it is claimed, does 28 different jobs and is indispensable to farmers.

Messrs H. W. Mathers & Son, agricultural engineers, Perth, have an exceedingly attractive stand, at which is assembled a fine collection of implements which every farmer visiting the show should make a point of inspecting. The collection includes a Garrett finishing thrashing machine; horizontal engine-driven turnip cutter (portable type); Massey-Harris binder; Nicholson horse rake; Amanco pumping set, and other specialities. The articles on exhibition are of the most up-to-date description, and the best that can be produced.

At Stand 5 Mr Peter Rae, joiner, Battleby, Redgorton, is exhibiting coup and harvest carts, cattle float, farm harrows, ladders &c. Mr Rae is very well known for the high-class nature of his manufactures, and farmers in all parts of Perthshire have been supplied with much of their equipment from his establishment. The very best of material is used in the manufacture of his goods, all of which bear the stamp of perfect workmanship. Mr Rae is a very highly-skilled and experienced joiner.

John Doe, Ltd, Perth, Errol, and Cupar, occupy Stand 9. This popular, old-established Carse firm are displaying a large variety of implements which are of outstanding merit. The Messrs Doe have a wide business connection throughout Central Scotland, and they have established their high reputation by always supplying farm accessories and necessities of the very best standard. The firm will appreciate a call from progressive farmers who are desirous of keeping their places equipped to perfection.”
