On 11 July 1923 the Aberdeen press and journal carried the following advert:
“Business announcement
William Garvie, for over thirty years Manager of the Millwright Department for Robert G. Garvie, begs to announce that he has taken over the engineering business at 41 Willowdale Place, Aberdeen. He intends, along with James Innes and William Scott, to carry on the work as engineers, millwrights, and implement makers, under the name of Garvie, Innes, and Scott.
Estimates given for all sizes of threshing machines, crank shafts and mill parts.
Charges moderate.
41 Willowdale Place, 9th July, 1923.”
This announcement heralded the start of the new business of Garvie, Innes, and Scott. It was recorded in local trades directories in Aberdeen throughout the 1920s and until at least the outbreak of the Second World War, though by that time James Innes was away from the business. In 1929 the business described itself as engineers and millwrights. A decade later this was as engineers.
In 1931 it advertised its light-running threshing machines which were “substantially built and well finished”. It was an agent for all classes of oil engines, bruisers etc. It sent out illustrated catalogues for its complete threshing plants.
On 24 June 1922 The Scotsman published the following advert in its columns:
“Agricultural implements. For sale, as a going concern; that old established business of Thomas Hunter & Sons (Maybole), Limited, in liquidation, agricultural implement makers, Maybole; the buildings are modern, and were specially erected for the trade, but are suitable for other purposes. Offers for the whole concern, or for (1) the land, buildings, and machinery, and (2) the stock, will be entertained; good opportunity for acquiring at moderate price a made business with valuable connection extending over 60 years.
For further particulars apply to Reid & Campbell, accountants, 49 West George Street, Glasgow; or to Templeton & Granger, 157 West George Street, Glasgow.”
The name of Thomas Hunter & Sons, later from 1914, Thomas Hunter & Sons (Maybole) Ltd, was associated with the Implement works, Alloway Road, Maybole, Ayrshire. It was first recorded in the agricultural press of 8 May 1961. For a short period around 1878 the business was known as Thomas and Andrew Hunter. By 1895 Thomas was joined by his sons. From the 1870s the business was an agricultural implement maker, and a smith and later a mechanical engineer.
The business was well known from the 1880s for its turnip drills, ploughs, harrows, mowers, reapers, and turnip thinners. From 1909 they were described as drills and cultivating tools. It was especially noted for the “Hunter Hoe”.
The business attended the Highland Show from 1864 and was a regular attender throughout all the different show districts. It also won a number of awards at the show. These included in 1870 a medium silver medal for Armstrong’s harrows. In 1873 it was awarded a silver medal for 2 patent turnip thinners and in 1875, a minor silver medal for its collection.
It entered the Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland’s trials and competitions in later years. These included turnip thinners in 1883 and 1886, manure distributors in 1886b and 1894 and turnip lifters in 1895. It was one of only a small number of Scottish makers to gain success at the competitions of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. In 1870 it was highly commended for Dickson’s patent double drill turnip cleaner. In 1872 it was also awarded a prize of L5 for Dickson’s patent harrows for harrowing turnip drills.
Thomas had a number of patents. These included ones for the invention of ‘improvements in implements for lifting potatoes’, and ‘improvements in apparatus for topping and tailing turnips and root crops’
In 1924 the proprietors of the business was another Maybole agricultural implement and machine maker: Alexr Jack & Sons Ltd. It was associated with this business in its adverts, until at least 1934.
The name of Mathers of Inchmichael was well known in Perthshire in the early 1920s. In fact the name is associated with implement and machine making back until at least 1896. By 1903 when Mr Mathers was joined by his sons, he
operated out of the Implement Works, Errol. By 1909 it had businesses addresses at Errol and at Glasgow Road, Perth. Its trades were as an agricultural implement maker and as a smith and farrier. It was a well-known business, advertising in both the North British Agriculturist from 1899 onwards and in The Scottish Farmer from 1901. It exhibited at the Highland Show from 1896, principally in the shows in central and northern Scotland.
The business also acted as a dealer for a large number of well-known makers including in 1904 those of W. Deering & Co., Chicago, Harrison, McGregor & Co. Ltd, Leigh, Lancashire, Cockshutt Plough Co., Brantford, Kemp & Nicholson, Stirling, Oliver Plow Company, South Bend, Indiana, W. Reid & Leys, Aberdeen, and Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Ltd, Orwell Works, Ipswich.
By the early 1920s the firm was being noted for its innovations. In 1920 it entered for the new implement award at the Royal Highland Show a “self-propelled engine driven turnip cutter of the barrel type, which can be used for cutting turnips into finger pieces for sheep and slices for cattle.”. A self-propelled engine-driven turnip cutter was also entered for the following show. By 1923 Mathers’ patent self-propelled engine-driven turnip cutter. Invented by Archibald C. Mathers, sole partner (patent no 181108) was also entered.
Henry William Mathers, who described himself as an agricultural implement maker and agent, retired on 10 February 1922. The business was carried on by the remaining partner of the business, Archibald Charles Mathers.
Henry W. Mathers died in July 1923. His passing was marked by the Perthshire advertiser in its columns of 21 July 1923. This records some of the history of his business and its development:
Passing of a veteran
The death has occurred at Inchmichael, Errol, of Mr Henry Wm Mathers, who for more than half a century was associated with the agricultural industry, and was well known in the framing community in Perthshire, and particularly of the Carse. The deceased, who was 82 years of age, followed his grandfather and father in business at Errol as a blacksmith. As such he worked for the farmers and others in the Errol district. His opportunity to develop and widen his business came to him when many years ago he invented a hay collector. The machine became a recognised implement in the hay field, and is still widely in use. So successful was Mr Mathers’ first venture that he branched out in business as an agricultural implement maker and repairer under the name of Messrs H. W. Mathers & Sons. The loss of two sons, who were associated with him in the business, was a severe blow, but Mr Mathers persevered, and was assisted in the development of the concern of another son, Mr Archibald C. Mathers. Now the firm have extensive premises in Glasgow Road, Perth, and their implements are in general use. Mr Mathers retired from active participation in the business about four years ago. He was, however, able to move about until recently. His figure was familiar at the Highland and many local shows during a period of about twenty years, the last Highland he attended being that at Aberdeen four years ago. The deceased is survived by one son, who carries on the business, and four daughters.”
In the late 1920s the business was known for its hay collectors and engine driven turnip cutters.
The Highland Show in 1927 was held in the Edinburgh Show District. This was an important district for the exhibition of implements and machines, and usually had one of the largest displays. The show in 1927 was no exception. It had a large number of new implements and machines entered for the new implement award. Let’s look at them – along with some history of the implement yard from an article in The Scotsman of 26 July 1927:
“The Highland Show
Extensive display of implement
Survey of stands at Edinburgh
The 96th show of the Highland and Agricultural Society, which has been eagerly looked forward to by the farming community of Scotland, opens in Saughton Park, Edinburgh, to-day under circumstances which betoken the prospect of a successful exhibition. The Society have succeeded in bringing together a wealth of exhibits unrivalled for variety and quality, and, from the visitors’ standpoint, the exhibition will prove more attractive than at previous Shows. The weather throughout yesterday was delightful, and the numerous pavilions and structures, many of which are tastefully adorned with foliage and flowers, presented a pleasing appearance in the brilliant sunshine. The work of preparing the various stands was well advanced yesterday, and before night everything had been got in readiness for the opening this morning. Exhibitors were busily engaged in stalling and penning their stock, and all these were forward last night.
Growth of the implement section
Although the Show was not open to the public yesterday, there was much animation in the implement yard. The number of stands is 336, as compared with 280 at Kelso last year; and the implement entries number 2,874, a considerable increase on previous Edinburgh meetings. A hundred years ago only fifty implements were exhibited, and the number did not reach four figures until 1869, when 1900 implements were exhibited. From 1884 onwards over 2,000 implements were on view, except on the last occasion when the Show was in the Meadows. Then there were only 1,605 implements, and the paucity of exhibits was due to the fact that it was the first post-war Show and manufacturers had not got back to their peaceful activities.
No fewer than 9,800 feet in frontage is occupied by the implement yard, and here are displayed all the latest exhibits of the leading manufacturers of agricultural implements on both sides of the Border. At Kelso last year the stands in feet of frontage amounted to 7,610 feet, and at Glasgow two years ago the frontage occupied 8,777 feet.
New implements
The competitive section
Twenty-one exhibitors have entered new implements for competition for the Society’s silver medal. The judges-Messrs G. Bertram Shields, Dolphingstone, Tranent (steward of the implement yard), Mr Phipps O. Turnbull, Smeaton, Dalkeith (assistant), and Mr George Will, Dumfries-who were assisted by the Society’s consulting engineer, Professor R. Stanfield, Edinburgh, began their work yesterday.
Local engineers are well to the front in this section. Messrs Ballach, Gorgie, Edinburgh, have entered a two-row disc drill scarifier, for which it is claimed that it affords adaptability with a large and sufficient adjustment to work drills in all soils from 18 in up to 30 in, and is specially suited for crops grown on narrow drills, such as sugar beet.
A Corstorphine plough
One of the novel features of a plough entered by the Morton Engineering Co., Ladylands, Corstorphine, is the share of sock made in three parts. The first part has an adjustable and reversible point. The second deals with the landward side of the share, which is adapted to fit on the head of the plough, the latter being provided with a shoulder, against which the former abuts. The landward part is provided with a tongue-piece which enters a recess in the head of the plough, and also with flanges which serve as guides to receive and support the point, The wing, which is detachable, is bolted to the head of the plough, so that a different wing can be easily removed. By this form of construction the life of the landward side, it is claimed, is substantially prolonged, with a corresponding reduction in the usual upkeep of the plough. It is fitted with an improved type of renewable coulter-blade, provided with a deflecting plate or self-clearing device for grass, weeds, and the like.
Pig crate
Pig breeders will be interested in the “Dak” pig crate, invented by Mr J, Murray Fisher, Dalmakerran, Tynron, Dumfriesshire, and entered for competition by Mr James H. Steele, Harrison Road, Edinburgh. The sides, front, and back are detachable, and the base may be used as a sledge for ordinary farm purposes. The front frame is provided with two vertical adjustable levers, by which it is possible to hold a pig during any operation, such as ringing, &c.
Root thinner
Storie (Ltd), agricultural engineers, Kelso, exhibit Russell’s root thinner, a Yorkshire patent. It is constructed on an entirely new principle, all the hoeing mechanism being built to the road or travelling wheel, thus dispensing with gearing, and so making the draft exceedingly light, and well within the power of one horse. The hoes are pivotally mounted to the hub of the road wheel, and are only operated at the bottom centre, thus following the inequalities of the ground with the road wheel.
Hygienic milk carrier
Mr James D. MacTaggart, Spring Bank, Oban, exhibits his hygenic milk carrier, made by the Dairy Supply Co., Edinburgh. It is an ingenious device, and is adapted for cart or car. The carrier hangs from iron standard supports with chain and spring attachments. The milk is steadily carried, thereby preventing the “splashing” and churning of milk while in transit over any rough or uneven road. The lid is the same diameter as the drum, and free access is available for cleansing purposes. An important feature is a crystal stamped measure which does away with the pouring of milk into the hand measure.
Windmill for generating electricity
McBain Brothers (ltd), Berwick on Tweed, exhibit their electric wind-engine, consisting of a windmill driving a small electric dynamo. The four vanes are mounted on a lattice-work tower, and modern experience in aerodynamics has gone to the perfecting of the vital part of the machine, which is, of course, the windmill itself, A McBain windmill has been in successful operation for generating electricity for lighting for several years in the Scilly Isles.
Crop drying plant
The crop drying plant for curing vegetable materials, including hay and corn crops, which has been invented by Dr Owen and Mr C. Tinker, of Kilmartin, Inverness-shire, will attract much attention. The plant consists of a portable air heater, fan, and slack-centre structure. Air is drawn past a series of heated tubes by means of a centrifugal fan, the air raised to the required temperature by radiation. Heat is supplied to the tubes by means of two low-pressure fuel oil burners. The air is passed through a tapered metal duct into the centre structure, which is so designed as to allow the heated air to permeate the stack equally in all directions.
Among the other new implements are the rick-lifter and rick-drawing tackle, shown by Mr Wm Kirkwoood, jun, Bogindolla, Forfar, and a portable reeling machine from the Banff Foundry and Engineering Co. (Ltd).”
As noted in an earlier post the “New Implement” was an important aspect of the Highland Show. In 1937 there was a particularly strong entry for the award. Some of the entries were from well-known and long established businesses, such as Cruikshank & Co. (Ltd), Denny Iron Works, Denny, J. L. & J.Ballach, Gorgie Implement Works, Edinburgh, and Alexander Jack & Sons (Ltd), Maybole. Others were introduced by inventors who had a good idea that would help to support the mechanisation of Scottish agriculture.
The Scotsman published an extensive account of the entries in its pages of 22 June 1937. Here is what it said about the Scottish entries:
“The Highland Show at Alloa
New Implements
The competitive section
This year there are no fewer than 18 entries for the Society’s silver medal for new implements, as compared with 10 at Melrose last year and 13 at Alloa in 1929.
One or two of the entries are improvements on existing implements, and several are of labour-saving devices, which bring them into the category of new implements. The Society does not bind itself to try in the field every new implement, but an exhibitor who expresses a wish to do so can, with the sanction of the steward of implements and at his own expense, take his new implement out of the showyard during show week and put it to work, and, if within a reasonable distance, the judges will, if they deem it necessary, inspect it at work, and decide if it is worthy of a silver medal.
The judges of new implements are Mr J. P. Ross-Taylor. Mungoswalls, Duns, chairman of directors of the Society, who is also steward of the implement sections; Mr James Paton, Kirkness, Glencraig, Fife; and Mr John E.B. Cowper, Gogar House, Corstorphine, Edinburgh.
Mobile grass drier
One of the novelties in the show, a mobile grass drier invented by Messrs R. H. Rowell, Thomas Sanderson, and D. H. Sanderson, has been entered for competition by Mobile Driers (Ltd), Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Radiant heat is used in order to bring the moisture content of the grass to such a temperature that expansion takes place, thus liberating the moisture from the cellular tissue, which comes away in the form of vapor. It is then carried away by a convection current introduced from the bottom. As the convection current rises it meets the driest grass first, and, as it ascends, that which is less dry passing through the layer of grass on the various conveyor belts, and finally passing out fully saturated at the open top of the machine.
The principal advantage of this method of using radiant heat as a drying medium is exemplified by the fact that although the temperature of the saturated or partly saturated air drops very considerably (due to the latent heat of evaporation), the radiant panels still retain their full heat, being unaffected by the temperature of the surrounding air. The grass on each conveyor is subjected to radiant heat emission both from above and below the intensity of the radiant heat on the various conveyors being regulated; the wet grass is subjected to the greatest intensity, and this is diminished on the lower conveyors as the grass approaches a state of dryness. By this means a higher thermal efficiency is obtained than is possible where only a convection current is used.
Mobility of unit
The grass is taken up on an elevator and dropped on to the travelling conveyor belts to a thickness of approximately 4 ins, and the cascaded five times from one belt to the next below it before being automastically ejected in twelve minutes, this being the average time taken to dry grass which requires to have extracted moisture composing 80 per cent, of its total weight. The transmission, mounted upon a chassis, takes the drive direct from the source of power, which is usually a tractor or traction engine. Each unit is mounted on a pneumatic-tyred wheeled chasis and can be moved from farm to farm, or, if necessary, from field to field.
Bracken cutting scythe
A bracken and thistle cutting scythe has been entered by Cruikshank & Co. (Ltd), Denny Iron Works, Denny. This invention had been designed for use in accessible places, where it is impossible or dangerous to operate horse-driven or motor-driven cutters because of rough, wet, or steep land, or of trees and rabbit warrens. The scythe consists of two blades, each having a concave cutting edge resembling sickles placed back to back, which are fixed by means of a socket to a central Y handle, and weighs 5 ½ lbs. It is claimed that by means of the scythe large numbers of unskilled workers could be equipped at a moderate outlay for cutting large areas of bracken-infested land cheaply and expeditiously.
Spuds for mower wheels
Messrs J. L. & J.Ballach, Gorgie Implement Works, Edinburgh, exhibit “Sure-Grip” spuds for hay mower wheels. They have been designed for renewing worn hay mower wheels which have lost their gripping power. The centre rib on the spuds minimises slip on sidelands, and also ensures smooth transport on roads. The cost of supplying and fitting the spuds is about half the cost of new wheels. The spuds are easily fitted.
Hay-stacking elevator
Mr Robert Fraser, Threapmuir, Fossoway, Rumbling Bridge, has entered a haystacking elevator of his own invention. The chief feature of this elevator is that it can be easily controlled by one person. It can also be worked as long as desired without any risk of choking. The engine is enclosed, and is thus kept free from seeds &c. The elevator can be fitted with Dunlop wheels at small extra cost.
Glasgow firm’s devices
Three entries have been made by Messrs W. Henderson & Sons, Kelvindale Road, Glasgow. One is the “Collins” anti-slip wheel device, for fitment to pneumatic-tyred tractors and other vehicles. The fitment imparts a caterpillar or feathering action, whereby the loss of power is reduced to a minimum. The second is a harrow, the purpose of which is to provide a means of cultivation for various operations at present requiring a specialised machine or tool for each different operation. The third is an improvement in implements for fitment to “Collins” junior bracken cutter.
Ayrshire machines
A new three-row combined drill plough, artificial manure distributor, and dibbler or spacer is exhibited by Alexander Jack & Sons (Ltd), Maybole. This new machine represents an advance in the methods of cultivating potatoes and turnips, and is designed to increase the speed of planting without employing additional horse-power or manual labour. The same firm exhibits an improved three-row drill cultivator, with shafts for one horse. It is claimed that it can do the same work as three men and three horses with single-row cultivators or hoes.
Soil aerator
Mr John Hutton, Lemonth, Crail, Fife, shows a soil aerator, invented by exhibitor and made by D. Colville Carr, engineers, Crail. The main feature incorporated in the aerator is to be found in the movable tines. By a slight twist of the handles-which also serve for pulling the instrument-two tines come into operation in the space between each plant. As a plant is approached a twist of the handles in the reverse direction throws the two moveable tines out, and thus allows the plant to pass between.
All-crop harvester
Alexander Strang (Tractors) (Ltd), 4 Duddingston Gardens South, Edinburgh, exhibit the “Allis-Chalmers” all-crop harvester-a machine for cutting and threshing crops in one operation. It is claimed to be a machine new in threshing principles, in shape, and in design, and entirely new in results, a machine designed to suit all territories and all crops.
Animal feeding trough
An animal feeding trough, invented by Mr A. B. Allan, Auchinleck, Newton Stewart, and made by Mr John Rutherford & Sons, engineers, Earlston, Berwickshire, is exhibited by Messrs Gillies & Henderson, Bread Street, Edinburgh. This trough has an ingenious locking device. While the animals are feeding the trough is held in a locked position, but when the feeding stuffs have been consumed the trough is automatically turned upside down. This locking device ensures that the trough will be kept perfectly dry, and this prevents feeding stuffs from becoming damp.
Refrigeration plant
Messrs G. D. L. Swann & Son, Abercorn Street, Glasgow, have entered a pulsometer refrigeration plant, invented by a Reading firm. The plant is a methyl chloride refrigerating plant for cooling milk at approximately 45 gallons per hour under normal weather (summer) conditions from 90 degs F. to 40 deg F. It is in the design of the milk cooler itself that an advance is claimed. The design, viewed mechanically, is considered to be the best for withstanding internal pressure-i.e. a cylinder. No corrugated cooler could withstand so great a pressure.
Milking machine
Messrs Swann & Son also exhibit the Hinman-Simplex milking unit. The special improvements claimed, for recognition include the extreme simplicity of the design, which makes it possible to dismantle and re-assemble the whole unit, including the pulsator (patented) by hand only, no tools whatever being required.”
Earlier in the week we looked at what was new at the Aberdeen “Highland” of 1931. Today we are looking at another aspect of that show: the Motion Yard. This was an element of the show that showed implements and machines “in motion”, hence, they were in the “Motion Yard”. The Scotsman, in its pages of 23 June, carried an extensive feature of the Yard. It focused on one or two of the key Scottish businesses. So what were they exhibiting?
“Machinery in Motion
Large collection
There is no more attractive department in the entire display of implements than that devoted to machinery in motion. Here, at the stands of some seventy firms, all of whom are well known throughout the agricultural world, visitors will find much of general interest, whether or not they are associated with pursuits of the soil. The mere fact that the great assortment of machines can be seen in motion is undoubtedly an appealing factor in itself. To townspeople as well as to farmers, a machine shown in motion is always a much more human interest than an inert exhibit, and, after all, few men have lost that boyish interest in the turning of wheels. A tour of the motion yard is an education, revealing the wonderful ingenuity of the agricultural implement producers in evolving new methods in farming operations. Most of the up-to-date machines are already well known to farmers, but new devices and improvements are always being brought forth, and therein lies the value of an inspection.
Farmers’ emporium
Mr James H. Steele, Harrison Road, Edinburgh, presents at Stand no. 48 his customary varied collection of agricultural implements, appliances, and requisites. The assortment is of such a nature as to justify his motto, “Everything for the Farm”. Here indeed it is a case of “inquire within upon everything” for the farm, from a fencing staple or nail to a tractor, from a scythe blade to a binder and reaper. The articles on view are too numerous to detail, but special attention is directed to the display of tractors of the very latest type, each with power take-off. Alongside are several binders with direct tractor drive. In addition there are numerous engines, mowers, and binders of Ruston-Hornsby make, and a full range of Messrs Ransomes’ tractor and horse ploughs, horse rakes, potato diggers &c. The proximity of the hay harvest makes opportune the exhibition of a collection of modern machines, including new patent crane-pattern hay elevators, triangle rick-lifters, hay bogies, Bamletts’ “Rolls-Royce” mower, swath turners, hay collectors, &c. There can also be inspected here an improved potato sorting machine for power drive, manure distributors, turnip-cutting attachments for carts, cattle troughs, corn bins &c. The Wilder new patent “pitch-pole Minor” grass harrow is a new implement, being shown at the “Highland” for the first time. A combination of a flexible tine harrow with a square-link chain harrow attached, the unique and vital feature of the “Minor” is the patent offset tines, which are self-cleaning. Consequently, tufts and rubbish present no difficulty. At Stand no 120, a special display is made of all the latest dairy equipment. Of outstanding interest here is the complete dairy and wash-house plant, comprising steam boiler, steam sterilising chest, washing trough, bottle-washing turbine, and rinser. There are also an improved bottle filling and discing machine, cream separators, refrigerators, churns, butter-workers, milk bottles and boxes, milk filters, and all the latest Grade A milk appliances. Poultry enthusiasts are likewise well catered for, the stand containing a special range of the well-known Venn Carr automatic dry-wash hoppers together with various sizes of poultry houses, incubators, and all the accessories for the hen run.
Engines and implements
Two specimens of their noted oil engines are shown at Stand no. 44 by Alexander Shanks & Son (Ltd), Dens Iron Works, Arbroath. One is an engine of the cold starting crude oil type, and the other is a horizontal hot bulb engine, also for crude oil. They are to be seen in motion, complete with all accessories. A 36-inch cut water-cooled motor mower is also on view. The firm, are also to be found at Stand no, 324, where they are showing a number of their famous lawn mowers of the Eagle, Britisher, and hawk types, together with motor mowers in varying sizes.
A comprehensive assortment of implements and general requirements for the farm, dairy, garden and poultry establishments, is made by Mr A. M. Russell, 108-112West Bow, Grassmarket, Edinburgh. Cultivators, rototillers, tractors, and oil engines figure prominently on the stand, but there are also binders and mowers, potato diggers and turnip cutters, field and stable bins, troughs, extension ladders, whitewashing and spraying machines, Dairy and poultry appliances, garden tools and requisites. Samples of Mr Russell’s popular hand-made wire netting for sheep and the A. M. R. brand of pig netting are featured.
John Wallace & Sons (Ltd), 34 Paton Street, Glasgow, are to be found at stand no. 74, where they have their customary varied display of implements and machinery. A feature is made of their extensive range of barn machinery, including a chaff-cutter, corn-bruisers, oilcake breaker combined grinder and bruiser, &c. Examples are also shown of the firm’s famous potato-diggers, mowers and reapers, manure distributors, together with a section of Oliver ploughs, food coolers, oil engines, &c. Messrs Wallace have long been renowned for their implements, a reputation built entirely upon quality and reliability.
Gillies & Henderson, 59 Bread Street, Edinburgh, are at Stand no. 55 in the motion yard, where they have a most comprehensive display of machines likely to meet the requirements of every farmer. Here we have a Case tractor of the newest model, as well as binders, mowers, hay rakes, swath turners, and potato diggers. Among other features special mention can be made of the fact that there is the newest telescopic poultry house, a new grid which obviates the necessity for gates on main roads, and an exhibition of the weaving of hand-made sheep wire netting for which the firm are known throughout the country.
P. & R. Fleming & Co., Graham Square and Argyle Street, Glasgow, are located at Stand no 75, where they present an attractive display of agricultural implements and dairy utensils, &c. prominent on the stand is the Waugh patent sheep dipping outfit, comprising a circular catching pen, sheep dipper, and circular dipper. Other exhibits include potato and charlock sprayers, horse forks, engines, mowers, pumping sets, horse rakes, dairy sterilising plant, bins, troughs, poultry appliances, and a collection of wire fencing gates &c.
Sowers and cultivators
Sowing and cultivating machinery is to be seen in variety at Stand no, 80, occupied by J. & J. Ballach, Gorgie Implement Works, Edinburgh. Included in the assortment is the new patent universal expanding disc drill scarifier, adaptable for drills from 18 to 30 inches wide. This machine gained the H. & A. S. silver medal at the 1927 Show in Edinburgh. Manure distributors, combined seed and manure sowers, drill scarifiers, and other implements are to be found in profusion, as well as hay mowers, potato diggers, swath turners, engines, and a selection of galvanised ware.
A general survey
Apart from these particular stands and exhibits, there are many firms represented in the motion yard, all displaying their respective productions and wares. A never-failing feature of this section, irrespective of whether the Highland Show is held north or south, is the collection of heavy traction engines and road rollers on view, almost of not all of which are forward from firms in the English Midlands. These engines are now adaptable to almost every duty in and around the farm, and they are to be seen in motion or stationary at practically every stand in the section. Threshing machinery constitutes another feature in the general display. Many firms have such plant in motion in conjunction with oil engines, amongst those specialising in this department being George McCartney & Co., Cumnock; Barclay, Ross, & Hutchison (Ltd), Aberdeen; Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies (Ltd), Ipswich; Marshall, Sons & Co., (Ltd), Gainsborough; R. G. Garvie & Sons, Aberdeen; James Ferries & Co., Inverness; Garvie, Innes & Scott, Aberdeen; Allan Brothers, Aberdeen.”
The Highland Show was an important forum for the exhibition of the latest Scottish agricultural implements and machines. The Aberdeen show of 1931 was noted for the size of its implement yard but also for some of the important innovations that were on display. As the Aberdeen press and journal noted: “Engineering skill in the interests of the agricultural industry is strongly reflected”.
So what was on display at the Aberdeen highland of 1931? In sort, a wide range of the most up to date and innovative farm machinery made by the leading Scottish makers (as well as others from further afield). These included names well associated with the north-east and north of Scotland. The following account from the Aberdeen press and journal of 23 June 1931 sets out what one of its reporters thought of the show and what they found interesting:
“Implements for the farm – at the Highland Show
Manure distributor from Aberdeen
Many labour-saving devices
In the section set aside for implements and machinery there are 2,991 entries. This number creates a record for the Highland Show. The nearest approach to this total was at the Edinburgh show in 1927, when the collection was 2,874. At Aberdeen on the following year the number was 2,377.
The steward of this department is Mr J. P. Ross Taylor, Mungoswells, assisted by Mr charley tinker of Kilmartin, Inverness. There are over twenty new implements. The society is offering £1,000 of a prize doe the best new implement or machine. This offer remains open until the end of next year. The entries for this prize are to be submitted to practical trials not later than March of 1933, and must be submitted from the actual manufacturers or inventors.
Engineering skill in the interests of the agricultural industry is strongly reflected. At every turn one sees improved and labour-saving devices for the feeding of live stock, and new ideas in implements and machinery that reduce costs of outdoor and indoor farm work. Subjected to a long period of depression, farmers are keen on finding out how expenses can be reduced without efficiency being reduced in any way.
Northern stands
North country firms make a bold display, and are certain to attract attention from the thousands of visitors who wish to keep themselves abreast of the times. The stands include those of Aberdeen Journals, Ltd (“Aberdeen Press and Journal”); Aberdeen Town and County Association for Teaching the Blind at Their Homes.; W. Alexander, Ruthen, Watten, Caithness; Allan Brothers, Ashgrove Engineering Works, Aberdeen; Barclay, Ross, and Hutchison, Ltd, Aberdeen; Anglo-American Oil Coy ltd; J. P. Brown, Dipple, Fochabers.
Miss Davidson, Gushetneuck Pottery, Bieldside; James Ferries and Co., motor engineers, Inverness; Garvie, Innes, and Scott, Willowdale Place, Aberdeen; R. G. Garvie and Sons, Canal Road, Aberdeen; Macaulay Institute for Soil Research, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen; Kenneth MacKenzie, engineer, Evanton, Ross-shire; Marshall and Philp, Aberdeen; John Milne and Sons, Montrose; North of Scotland College of Agriculture, Aberdeen.
Rowett Research Institute, Aberdeen; Scottish Home Industries Association, Nairn; George Sellar and Son, Ltd, Huntly; Sutherland Home Industries, Golspie.
Mr Kenneth MacKenzie, engineer, Evanton, who has a high reputation for the making of quality farm implements and machinery, has several of his own inventions at his no. 5 stand. They include a portable combined cleaner and cutter with engine; a practical and very desirable combination for sheep feeding; a turnip cutter with engine; sack holders and feeding barrows. Mr Mackenzie is the type of engineer that farmers and others should keep in touch with, because every now and again he is inventing something that plays an important part in the economic side of agriculture.
Foaling alarm
Farmers will be interested in stand 234, on which there is exhibited the “Brown-Souter” foaling alarm. Mr Brown, Dipple, Fochabers, is a director of the Society, and his co-inventor is Mr J. Stephen, Greyfriars Iron Works, Elgin.
This invention, particulars of which appeared in the “Press and Journal” some time ago, gives warning when a mare is about to foal.
It comprises a mechanical electrical device so designed that it is not possible for foaling to take place without a warning bell being rung. The bell may be fixed at any distance from the loose box or stable. The price is approximately £5.
From Caithness
Mr W. Alexander, Ruthen, Watten, Caithness, has an automatic trapnesting apparatus for recording the number of eggs laid by hens; the layer of an under-standard weight egg is also retained until released. When the eggs are collected, the egg belonging to any individual hen may be traced. This apparatus, with a turnip thinning machine, was made by Mr George Doull, Bellevue, Castletown, Caithness.
North country people, on approaching the Anglo-American Oil Company’s stand 331, are gripped by the striking and attractive display of the famous and popular Pratt’s High Test Petrol, and various kinds of oil and spirit. There are specimens of bulk storage installations, Valor heater and cookers, drums, cans, and Flit, the household insecticide.
J. L. and J. Ballach, Gorgie Implement Works, Edinburgh, have an improved revolving divider, for use with binders. The object of this divider is to make the operation of a binder cleaner and quicker.
Barclay, Ross and Hutchison, Ltd., Aberdeen, have, among other implements, the “SAI” manure distributor. Invented and made by the exhibitors, the machine is not an entirely new implement, but it is claimed that new principles are embodied in the design. The machine is also suited to sow all classes of fertilisers in any desired quantity from ½ cwt to 20 cwt per acre. The distributor is simple in construction, strong, and well-fitted.
The special feature is the mechanism adopted, whereby the machine is capable of sowing a very small quantity per acre with even distribution.
Other features are:-the size of the rollers and the way the shutting bar and scraper is applied, assure an accurate and even distribution. The adjustment with the single lever enables fertilisers to be sown at a minimum rate per acre. The speed of the distributing roller, and revolving stirrer arms inside the box, help materially in a regular and even distribution. The draught is extremely light. Gearing is simple and accurate. The standard size sowing width of the machine is 8 feet wide and 9 feet to centre of wheels. The distributor is easily cleaned by undoing a centre bush and removing the stirrer rod.”
An important section of the Royal Highland Show, yesterday, and today, is the new implements entered for the “New Implement” award. Entries reflect what was new, innovative as well as solutions to try to remedy contemporary problems in Scottish agriculture. There was a diverse range of implements and machines entered for this award in 1935. Some were to address long-standing issues, others to deal with current problems. Some reflected the interests of their inventors, having a great idea that would make an important change to Scottish agriculture.
The Scotsman provided a detailed account of the entries for the “New Implement” award in its pages of 18 June 1935. This is what it wrote:
“Farm implements and machinery described
New implements
The competitive section
Each year the Society offers a silver medal for new implements, and on this occasion 17 exhibitors have entered implements and other labour-saving devices in this competitive section. The entries are to be found among the exhibits of the manufacturers’ stands, and while some of them are “old friends”, many show improvements in detail of existing implements which bring them into the category of “new implements”. Small and simple as some of the inventions may appear, they are of considerable importance. One of the novelties of last year was a bracken cutter, for which a medal was awarded to an Ayrshire firm. This year another bracken cutter has been entered, but before the judges can appraise its value it will have to be seen at work.
The judges of new implements, Messrs J. P. Ross-Taylor, Mungoswells, Duns; James Paton, Kirkness, Glencraig; and John E. B. Cowper, Gogar House, Edinburgh, began their inspection yesterday, accompanied by Professor R. Stanfield, A.R.S.M.; M.Inst.C.E. F.R.S.E., consulting engineer, and Mr John B. todd, B.Sc., PhD., M.I.Mech.E., Edinburgh, assistant consulting engineer.
“Scottish bracken cutter”
In these days when the spread of bracken has been causing serious damage to sheep flocks by giving cover for maggot flies, and when methods for its eradication are being urged upon the Government, attention will be directed to the “Scottish” cutter which has been invented by Mr Thomas Scott, Thorn Farm, Bonnybridge. The cutter consists of a special scythe, to which is attached a chemical sprayer-a docker’s improved lamp-carrying a chemical preparation-the principal ingredients being paraffin oil and naphthalene, with benzolene, cresol, or other tar oils. The chemical mixture is allowed to drip on the blade of the scythe, and by slight movements of the hand is spread along the blade. By cutting a very short stubble the chemical mixture is permitted to reach and kill the fronds. It is also maintained that the inclusion of tar oils in the mixture will tend to eliminate flies.
Glasgow firm’s pasteuriser
The question of the pasteurising of milk has been acutely raised in many quarters, and there are some who advocate that all milk which is not produced from Grade A (.) or certified herds should be compulsorily pasteurised. With this contingency in view, Messrs G. D. L. Swann & Son, Abercorn Street, Glasgow, have designed the “Calorilac” Pasteuriser, which is entered as a “new implement”. The “Calorilac”, which can be made in various sizes from 20 gallons upwards, consists of inner and outer containers. The inner one is made of special stainless steel, all corners rounded to give a special smooth and hygienic surface. The joints in this container are welded, ground, and polished. The outlet tube is welded to the inner tank, and passes through the outer jacket and a gland. The two containers are lapped together. The required temperature is obtained by heating water with steam between the containers. There is, it is stated, no danger of pressure between the walls of the containers. The agitation is simple and clean, and no grease from bearings can drop into the milk. The agitator can be operated by hand, motor or steam. The “Calorilac” has been designed with a minimum height, so that it may be conveniently placed above the cooler even in low-roofed tooms, and this save pumping after the milk is heated. The covers are made of stainless steel. A recording thermometer is also fitted.
Small threshing mill
Mr James Crichton, millwright and engineer, Turriff, has on view a one-belt thresher, G. M. type, which has an approximate capacity of 32-40 bushels per hour. The thresher is fitted with a medium speed drum of 27 in. diameter, having cast-steel centres and six beaters, and is fitted with specially designed short-pegged beater plates, which do not bruise the straw. As only one small belt is required to operate the machine, a large number of wearing parts are eliminated, and much less power is required. Owing to its balance, the thresher needs practically no fixing down.
Binder divider attachment
Mr John Henderson, Meadownay, Maybole, exhibits a Binder Divider Attachment, made by Messrs Archibald Hunter & Sons, Maybole. The attachment consists of a sharpened steel blade about 3 feet 6 inches long, mounted on the top if the extension divider of a binder. When not in use the blade folds sown on the inside of the divider by means of a spring arrangement on the rear pin, a handle for the purpose being fitted to the blade. The attachment is intended to deal with laid cereal crops. However, badly a crop is laid, the attachment will cut through it, thus reducing the draught on horses or tractor, and easing the strain on the binder, with a consequent saving of time and labour. Where normally three horses would be required, and have a heavy task in dealing with a laid crop, two horse, with the aid of this attachment, are sufficient to deal with the work. In addition, delay and danger from choking are entirely obviated. The divider attachment – whatever the state of the crop – leaves a clean-cut face, and thus considerable labour is saved.
Messrs William Henderson & Sons, engineers, Mauchline, have entered the “Collins” Power-Driven Rotary Scarifier, invented by Mr Charles M. Collins, and made by the exhibitors. This scarifier is power-driven by a vertical rotor, and specially designed time-holding bars are carried. The bars are mounted so as to give a vertical movement. To compensate for undulations on the surface of the land, the mounting is also such as to take up the influence of torque. The tines are of coil spring type, and the tine-holders are designed to accommodate a plurality of tines. In operation the implement is propelled along the land surface, either by attachment to a power-driven bracken cutter or to an agricultural tractor.
Laid crop attachment
Alexander Jack & Sons (Ltd), agricultural implement makers, Maybole, have entered a laid crop attachment for mowers, reapers, and binders invented by Mr Charles T. McFadzean, kirklands Cottage, Maybole. The invention consists of an attachment to a divider, or shredder, for dealing with tangled or laid crops. The attachment is in the form of a longitudinal reverse knife, detachably secured to the divider in an inclined position rising upwards towards the rear. The knife has two parallel, straight, or slightly curved longitudinal, cutting edges, terminating in bevelled or inclined ends, forming four inclined cutting edges, two at each end of the knife. By reversing the knife, any one of the four inclined cutting edges can be brought to the front uppermost position for use in conjunction with one of the two straight cutting edges, thus dividing or separating and severing tangled or laid crops.
The same firm exhibit a new combined (convertible) general purpose coup cart and hay ricklifter, also invented by Mr Charles T. McFadzean. This new machine is the latest advance in the application of Dunlop pneumatic wheel equipment to the needs of the agriculturist.
Cattle drinking bowl
Mr William Kirkwood, Queenswell Lane Works, Forfar, exhibits a valve for cattle drinking bowl, which has been designed to give a minimum of trouble. The flow of water through the valve is practically shut off before the rubber washer meets the valve seat, and thus the usual bounce on the valve, caused by the reaction of the water flow being suddenly shut of, is obviated. Further, as the valve is able to work under semi-high pressure, it prevents the bowl overflowing when cattle play with the bowl tongue. This is die to the fact that the tongue must travel an appreciative distance before the full flow of water commences.
Wire-winding machine
Mr Thomas Nimmo, Braehead, Fauldhouse, West Lothian, exhibits a barbed and plain wire-winding machine invented and made by the exhibitor. It consists of a spindle, fitted with a cranked driving handle, together with fittings suitable to take a standard type of barbed wire reel.
The purpose of this machine is to simplify the handling of reels of barbed wire, and is especially useful when rewinding wire from temporary fences.
New type of ricklifter
Messrs A. & W. Pollock, engineers, Mauchline, show a ricklifter and low loading float combination. This is. Anew type of ricklifter, fitted with “Dunlop” special pneumatic wheels and roller-bearing axle. It is so designed that it can be instantly converted into a general purpose low loading float or cart, and thus it can be used throughout the whole year.
Pneumatic harness
McCubbing Pneumatic Harness Co., Linwood, Dalbeattie, exhibit pneumatic harness. Invented by Mr Robert McCubbing, and made by the exhibitors. It is claimed that with this harness the horse enjoys greater ease and comfort, as the shock-absorbing qualities embodied in the pneumatic principle are given full application. As the cushions are capable of being inflated or deflated a degree of adjustment with regard to the fitting or weight of load, &., is now obtainable.”
The Dundee Courier provided a short account of some of the stands at the Highland Show of 1923. It is interesting to see what it focused on and included and what it did not. In this case, it referred to a small number of major companies as well as more local ones to the Dundee area. It also focused on labour saving devices, an important theme during the difficult years after the end of the First World War. This is what it thought was important at the Show:
“Round the Stands at the “Highland”
Labour-saving devices
Messrs A. Balloch & Sons, agricultural engineers, Leith (59), has an attractive turnout of agricultural machinery, including some patented exhibits. The firm is showing the new patent combined turnip and manure sower, which is a wonderful labour-saving device. They have also at the stand their famous scarifier and their disc turnip sower, along with a new, improved steam boiler plant for piggeries, dairies, and sheep dipping.
Messrs Wardrop & McGibbon, Glasgow, who are the agents for the Fernden Fencing Company (96), are exhibiting Fernden chestnut fencing and Vaughan’s roofing felts. There are other exhibits, including ok pale fencing, gates, hurdles, garden furniture &c. the specimens on exhibition are of the very best material, and the firm’s agents will very courteously receive all callers.
Insurance business is exceptionally well catered for at the Highland, and at Stand no. 142 the Warden insurance Co. Ltd., 218 Union Street, Aberdeen, have a courteous staff to attend to all classes of insurance transactions.
The fine reputation of Messrs H. W. Mathers & Sons, Perth, as implement makers is fully maintained at Stand No. 83, where the firm are making a feature of their patent self-propelled turnip-cutter.
Mr Charles Brand, Dundee, has at Stand 25, motion yard, a wide range of building equipment suitable for all manner of purposes on the farm. There are portable huts and garages of all sizes, steel buildings, engineers’ and joiners’ tools, corrugated iron, baths, sinks, boilers, wash tubs, timber of every description, doors, windows, wire netting &c. those having in view improvements on buildings or about the farm will find Mr Brand’s exhibits of the greatest interest.
Messrs David Ross & Sons, Appliance Works, Forres, in their display direct special attention to the Weecol house and shelter. Some shelter must be found for fowls in cold, rainy, windy weather, and the Weecol fills a gap that has been experienced by poultry-keepers. The floor is raised two feet from the ground, and the back wall and ends form an ideal shelter, where the birds can scratch or preen themselves. The house is made in various sizes. Another of the exhibits is the Chapelton house, now mounted on stout sledge runners. The Chapelton can be moved frequently, and obtains economy in feed by its easy movement to fresh ground.”
Demonstrations of implements and machines have played an important role in helping to diffuse mechanisation. They allow farmers and agriculturists the opportunity to see the latest implements and machines at work. They let them see the latest developments and what is available and how it works. Seeing them at work helps to provide insights into how they could be used and how well they would work on a farm.
In January 1937 the largest display of mechanised cultivation was held in Aberdeen. It was described in the Scottish press as being a very significant demonstration. The Aberdeen press and journal published an extensive and insightful account of it on 28 January 1937. It is worth quoting at length for its insights into the significance of the event and what it says about the progress of mechanisation in 1937. It also lists what tractors and implements were on display.
“Tractors and implements in Aberdeen display
Scotland’s biggest demonstration of mechanised cultivation
Farmers from points as far apart as Caithness in the north and Kirkcudbright in the south travelled to Aberdeen yesterday to see the greatest display of mechanical cultivators that has ever been staged in Scotland.
As a demonstration of the point which has been reached in mechanised cultivation the display was one of the most outstanding that has been seen in Great Britain.
Eighteen tractors, working in several fields, totalling fifty acres, gave demonstrations on all sizes of ploughs, from the two-furrow in unit with a small tractor, to the four-furrow pulled by the powerful “crawler’ type tractor.
Despite the fact that the forenoon was marred by snowstorms that at times were blinding, there was a gratifying attendance of farmers from all parts-ready to see and learn of the advances made by the agricultural engineers.
Great variety
The demonstration was help on Hope Far, which is attached to the Duthie Experimental Stock Farm at the Rowett Institute, and the following committee made excellent arrangements-Mr John Mackie, Coullie, chairman of the Governors of the North of Scotland College of Agriculture; Mr T. Hutchison, of Messrs Barclay, ross and Hutchison; Mr A. Crichton, Duthie Farm; Mr T. Fraser, Duthie farm; Mr A. R. Wannop, director of county work for the College; and Mr John Mackie, The Bent, Laurencekirk.
The splendid display of tractors and the great variety of implements provided plenty of interest to the visitors. At one end of the scale was the little Ferguson tractor with the plough in one unit, the latter being operated hydraulically from the tractor, and at the other was the powerful “crawler” tractors represented by the Allis-Chalmers, Fowler and International.
The machines, in their various types, also demonstrated the different wheel types, rom the plain and straked rubber tyre by Dunlop to the crawler bands.
Where speed counts
Such a display is of interest to farmers generally, but in the North-east it is of particular appeal. Where the weather is so variable, the cultivation of the ground and sowing by mechanical means gives the advantage of being able to work at great speed while the weather is suitable, and the same applies to harvesting.
There are also the losses which have been incurred among horses, and the amount of ground that has to be put in crop for the purpose of providing food for the horse.
While enterprising farmers have taken advantage of the many mechanical appliances which engineers have placed at their disposal, the tractor and the implements which it can manage so well could enter much more into the farm economics of the area. Not only in the speeding up of the work of cultivation, but in assisting in the improvement of the organisation can the tractor do a great deal.
Yesterday’s display started off with ploughing by several makes of tractors and ploughs. There was also a display of cultivating for root crop on a field that had already been ploughed and then, in the afternoon, when a large area had been ploughed in, machines were put on to show cultivating by grubbers, toolbar frames, rotary cultivators, and disc harrows, while several displays were given of ridging for root crop.
Tractors and ploughs
The following tractors and ploughs gave demonstrations-Allis-Chalmers, with Sellar Cub plough; Case Model C, with Ransome no. 4 Midtrac; Ferguson with Ferguson; Fordson, with Cockshutt no. 10; international W 30, with international 8s; Lanz Bulldog, with Ransome two-furrow Midtrac; Marshall, with Ransome no, 10; Massey-Harris four-wheel drive, with Ransome no. 3 Motrac; and Massey-Harris no. 23 ; Massey-Harris Challenger and Oliver, with Oliver 8a. Tractor-type tractors-Allis-Chalmers Model M, with International (four-furrow); fowler, with cockshut no. 6; international Trac-tractor, with International.
The cultivators demonstrated were:-Stanhay, Small’s toolbar; Ransome’s Toolbar; Oliver; Sellar grubber; Rotary by Rotary Cultivators Ltd; Fishleigh rotary harrow; Ferguson; Wilders’ Pitch Pole harrow.
Makers of implements and tractors whose names are internationally famous combined in making the great display, and the committee made a splendid job of the arrangements despite the handicap of the weather and the fact that the demonstration had been postponed for one day.
The following were the exhibitors:-G. Sellar and sons Ltd, implement makers, Huntly; John Wallace and Sons, Ltd, agricultural implement makers, Glasgow; R. A. Lister and Co. ltd, Dursley, Gloucestershire; Alex Strang (Tractors) Ltd, Duddingston Gds S, Edinburgh; Marshall Sons and Co., Ltd, Britannia Iron Works, Gainsborough (per George E. McCaw, 112 Bath Street, Glasgow, C2); harry Ferguson Ltd, tractor manufacturer, Huddersfield; Stanhay Ltd, Ashford, Kent; Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd, Orwell Works, Ipswitch (per Barclay, Ross and Hutchison, Ltd, Aberdeen); Barclay, Ross and Hutchison, Ltd, The Green, Aberdeen; Peter Small, engineers, Forfar; Associated Manufacturers Co. (London), Ltd (per Barclay, Ross and Hutchison); Massey-Harris Ltd, Manchester; Rotary Cultivators, Ltd., Westminster, London; Fishleigh Rotary Cultivator Co., Ltd (per A. M. Russell, 108 West Bow, Grassmarket, Edinburgh); J. R. Forrester, 5 Weir Street, Paisley; Lanz tractor Co., Ltd., London; J. Allan and Sons, agricultural engineers, Murthly; Harper Motor Co., Holburn Street, Aberdeen; A. Jack and Sons Ltd, Implement Works, Maybole; Jas. Simpson and Sons, Ltd, Prince Street, Peterhead; J. Mackie, Bent, Laurencekirk; Reid and Leys, Hadden Street, Aberdeen; Mackie and Tough, Udny.
Prospective customers will have the opportunity to-day of seeing any particular type of tractor pulling any particular type of plough or other implement.”