An important business announcement from William Garvie, Aberdeen

On 11 July 1923 the Aberdeen press and journal carried the following advert:

“Business announcement

William Garvie, for over thirty years Manager of the Millwright Department for Robert G. Garvie, begs to announce that he has taken over the engineering business at 41 Willowdale Place, Aberdeen. He intends, along with James Innes and William Scott, to carry on the work as engineers, millwrights, and implement makers, under the name of Garvie, Innes, and Scott.

Estimates given for all sizes of threshing machines, crank shafts and mill parts.

Charges moderate.

41 Willowdale Place, 9th July, 1923.”

This announcement heralded the start of the new business of Garvie, Innes, and Scott. It was recorded in local trades directories in Aberdeen throughout the 1920s and until at least the outbreak of the Second World War, though by that time James Innes was away from the business. In 1929 the business described itself as engineers and millwrights. A decade later this was as engineers.

In 1931 it advertised its light-running threshing machines which were “substantially built and well finished”. It was an agent for all classes of oil engines, bruisers etc. It sent out illustrated catalogues for its complete threshing plants.
