Buying a combine from Barclay, Ross & Hutchison in 1952

A number of dealers advertised the sale of combine harvesters in 1952. One of them was Barclay, Ross & Hutchison Ltd of Aberdeen and Forfar. The business was advertising during the harvest season and after it ended. On 7 August it advertised Massey-Harris 726 Combine Harvesters as well as a range of seasonal implements and machines. It considered that the combine was a cost effective machine for the farmer, enabling him or her to secure maximum yield. It also encouraged farmers to purchase them. On 4 December it placed an advert in the Dundee Courier noting their availability and encouraged farmers to consider one even out of season. The advert suggests that Massey Combines were in short supply.

“Anything for farm or dairy

We can supply

Seasonal equipment in stock includes

Lister 30-foot hay and straw elevators.

We have a few for immediate delivery.

Albion power and trailer binders, 5-foot and 6-foot cut.

Mil hydraulic much loaders for Ferguson tractors and Massey-Harris muh spreaders

The name is guarantee enough.

Massey-Harris, Bentall, and Fyna hammermills.

Save money by grinding your own feeding stuffs.

Boilers for pig feeding.

Nu-way grain dryers.

Installed for less than £400.

Massey-Harris 726 Combine Harvesters.

Order one now.

When grain prices are low, secure maximum yield at minimum cost-use a Combine.


Barclay, Ross & Hutchison, Market Street, Forfar.

Phone 548.”

“Early winter may not be the time for combine harvesters-BUT-will they be available when you do think about them!

We are informed by Massey-Harris that their range of famous Combines is already nearing the “booked-up” stage.

There are still a few available and you can choose from:-

No. 780-12ft self propelled combine-tanker

No. 726-8ft 6 in self propelled combine- tanker

No. 726-8ft 2 in self-propelled combine – bagger

No. 750-5ft 6 in training model combine-bagger

Why not order your “Massey” Combine now and gain financial benefit in two ways:-

1. By the generous out-of-season discounts and storage allowances, and

2. By investing your money in a really first-class Combine harvester.

Full particulars from Barclay, Ross & Hutchison Ltd., Market Street Forfar. Phone 548/9”
